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NYguy Jul 10, 2012 11:54 PM

NEW YORK | 80 South Street | 1,436 FT | 113 FLOORS

Towering Gardens of South Street Planned for Seaport

July 10, 2012
by Dave Hogarty


Something's afoot at 80 South Street, defunct home of Santiago Calatrava's Tower o' Penthouses, which died a long drawn-out death. Plans are in the works to build a 300,000-square-foot, 780-foot-tall tower on the site that could be a mix of hotel, residential, and community space. Cord Meyer Development is the owner of the property and currently working out the specifics of air rights it has purchased over the years, and whether one half (150K square feet) of residential building will be allowed. Morali Architects has been posting renderings on its Facebook page along with notes on a planned mixed-use tower for the address.

Early thoughts on what's in store with the new designs: a high-tech garage on the first three levels to equal the height of the elevated FDR drive; above that a small museum highlighting the history of FiDi and the Seaport; and a restaurant and spa befitting a 200-room boutique hotel. Other eco-conscious elements of the building include cascading gardens throughout the segmented facade, a heat pump to be installed when caissons are sunk as part of the foundation, and a building skin made of photovoltaic glass.

Architect Anthony Morali recently went to Mexico to investigate the use of open hanging gardens in architecture. And although the present renderings may not fully reflect it, Morali intends to design a segmented, green-walled building, with a facade that will open every 15 stories or so in a cascading effect. Morali's tower would be a vertical counterpart to the horizontal green roof hotel and condos being developed across the East River by Toll Bros. and Starwood at Brooklyn Bridge Park.

Nothing concrete can get started at 80 South Street until approvals from the City Planning Commission and the Dept. of Buildings are gained, something that Anthony Colletti of Cord Meyer believes could take as long as a year, and certainly not before the end of 2012.

aquablue Jul 11, 2012 12:11 AM

Interesting but looks rather out of place.

Dac150 Jul 11, 2012 12:14 AM

Interesting concept - but not sure if it has legs to move forward . . . at least until the necessary approvals are gained.

lakegz Jul 11, 2012 1:06 AM

a new proposal that already looks very dated. I'll pass

Roadcruiser1 Jul 11, 2012 1:25 AM

I don't really like it. I like Calatrava's work better.

-Filipe- Jul 11, 2012 1:30 AM

yea building seems ugly to me..hopefully they chagne the glad to see another proposal come up tho :)

Eidolon Jul 11, 2012 2:24 AM

I like this one more than the previous proposal and I'll like it even more when some good renderings are released.

sbarn Jul 11, 2012 3:18 AM

I feel like I may be in the minority by actually kinda liking the proposal. It reminds me a bit of a edited version of Paul Rudolph's proposal for housing over the ill-fated Lower Manhattan expressway:
Image Source

Hudson11 Jul 11, 2012 3:21 AM

hoping for something a little more conform for the skyline. Not exactly a box, but something less... well monstrous. I liked the 'floating boxes with a huge spire' proposal better. solely personal opinion

scalziand Jul 11, 2012 3:30 AM

I like that it at least references to old Calatrava design, but I need to see a more polished design/rendering to judge it properly.

jd3189 Jul 11, 2012 3:42 AM

Why didn't they just kept Calatrava's design? Well, at least Lower Manhattan is getting another 700 footer. I hope this could even reach 1,000 feet. Would be a great recond considering that the WTC was the only building in both versions to accomplish this near the Financial District.

reencharles Jul 11, 2012 3:50 AM

Look, I expect anything to this place, just do not want one simple building. This seems "different", but a little out of place ... Anyway, I think this is hard to see built.

NYguy Jul 11, 2012 5:27 AM

It's not bad from the river side. Needs more work on the sides though.

sterlippo1 Jul 11, 2012 10:33 AM

grotesque building in the wrong spot other than that it's fine:yuck: it belongs up near Union Sq IMO not on the waterfront

NYguy Jul 11, 2012 1:20 PM

It's an early rendering of the concept, and the walls probably won't look as blank...

It reminds me of Waterside Plaza...

uaarkson Jul 11, 2012 1:48 PM

It's funny how badly Lower Manhattan's skyline was ruined in the 70s. Look at all the suburban office park towers behind this thing.

The redesign is a bit of a shame considering the spectacular old Calatrava proposal, but it should still be fresh enough to reinvigorate this little corner of the cityscape. The gardens are a unique addition as well.

uaarkson Jul 11, 2012 1:52 PM

Poor 70 Pine. My favorite skyscraper of all time, empty and slowly sinking into the rising urban tide.

hunser Jul 11, 2012 6:35 PM

What the ... ? Please God, don't let this abomination go up. :yuck:

NewYorkDominates Jul 11, 2012 7:47 PM


blacktrojan3921 Jul 12, 2012 3:33 AM


Originally Posted by sbarn (Post 5761916)
I feel like I may be in the minority by actually kinda liking the proposal. It reminds me a bit of a edited version of Paul Rudolph's proposal for housing over the ill-fated Lower Manhattan expressway:
Image Source

Thank god this didn't go up, I would have pitied the poor construction crew who had to build this architectual nightmare XD

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