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599GTO Aug 24, 2011 7:30 PM


Originally Posted by skyhigh07 (Post 5389423)
Well if ten pre-war buildings are demolished per year, in about 100 years it starts to add up.

Who cares, you'll be long dead in 100 years.

Loqy Lion Aug 24, 2011 7:53 PM


Originally Posted by skyhigh07 (Post 5389423)
Well if ten pre-war buildings are demolished per year, in about 100 years it starts to add up.

40 Wall
Fed Hall
Statue of Liberty
American Radiator
500 Fifth
MLIC Tower

Et al

They're not going anywhere. That's "old" New York.

RobertWalpole Aug 27, 2011 4:18 PM

For those who don't know NY well, this photo by John Flint shows the proximity of the two 300m + towers that Extell is building on 57th St.
JohnFlint on SSC

NYC2ATX Aug 28, 2011 3:47 AM

57th Street be ballin' :P

sbarn Aug 31, 2011 4:20 PM

Fingers crossed they plan to build something tall and iconic here, along the lines of the MoMa tower.

RobertWalpole Sep 15, 2011 10:51 PM

Extell filed the following with the DOB on 15 Sept. 2011 in connection with demolition:

RobertWalpole Sep 20, 2011 2:25 AM

Filed on 15 Sep. 2011:

RobertWalpole Sep 27, 2011 1:18 AM

The following was filed with the DOB on 26 Sep. 2011. I can't wait for renderings for this project.

manchester united Oct 17, 2011 9:43 AM

Are there news about this building ?

RobertWalpole Oct 17, 2011 10:54 AM

No they're still proceeding with demolition.

manchester united Oct 17, 2011 9:20 PM

Is it true that also this tower will be a supertall ?

RobertWalpole Oct 17, 2011 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by manchester united (Post 5447447)
Is it true that also this tower will be a supertall ?

It should be. It has a lot more air rights than One57, which Extell also is developing a few sites to the east.

babybackribs2314 Oct 18, 2011 4:54 AM

I heard a rumor from an inside source-obviously no guarantee-that the tower will be ~90 floors. We shall see...

If it's true, that should yield a roof height around 1,250', although that doesn't account for any potential architectural elements on top.

RobertWalpole Oct 19, 2011 1:31 AM

More demo permits were filed with the DOB on 18 Oct. 2011:

reencharles Oct 19, 2011 2:33 AM

Wow, 1250 feets? I find it very unlikely for this area. I believe it will be somewhere between 1083 feets.

It would be great to have a building on top of 1050 feets facing the central park. And surely this building would yield many sales because of this incredible view (The example of his "brother" One57 of the same company. The Extell is amazing!

RobertWalpole Oct 19, 2011 2:37 AM


Originally Posted by reencharles (Post 5448934)
Wow, 1250 feets? I find it very unlikely for this area....

If it's "as of right," they can build as high as they please.

reencharles Oct 19, 2011 3:25 AM

This is the question. How high they want. :shrug:

But it would be fantastic to have a building with about 350 meters in this area. Especially with the loss of height of the Tower Verre for Midtown.

RobertWalpole Oct 21, 2011 1:31 AM

Demolition work was proceeding when I walked by on 20 Oct. 2011.

RobertWalpole Oct 24, 2011 3:41 PM

Barnett's success with One57 bodes well for the rumoured 90-story, 1250 foot tall 225 W57th!

babybackribs2314 Nov 7, 2011 8:05 PM

Demolition is now well underway--the two buildings in black netting on 57th are now the same height. Passed by last night but didn't get any pictures as it was too dark.

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