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Vicelord John Apr 10, 2011 1:38 AM

double rainbow oh my god!!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!


btw, if you need some car shots, I'll be happy to tag along and take some. That's my forte and I've been published in some car and motorcycle mags and websites.

HX_Guy Apr 10, 2011 1:38 AM

Yea? That would be sweet. Gotta wait till I get some tint and wheel spacers then I'm down.

Vicelord John Apr 10, 2011 1:51 AM

from a shoot I recently did for Greasy Kulture Magazine

HooverDam Apr 15, 2011 1:07 AM

I don't know if this will interest anyone else, but I found the MP3's for Ferde Grofe's "Valley of the Sun Suite" online.

If you're not familiar with "The Valley of the Sun Suite" (you've almost assuredly heard Grofe's more famous "Grand Canyon Suite") here's a little about it:


Ferde Grofe, composer of such well known works as the GRAND CANYON SUITE, MISSISSIPPI SUITE and the HUDSON RIVER SUITE, produced VALLEY OF THE SUN SUITE at the request of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Honorable Howard Pyle, former Governor of Arizona, for the celebration of Reclamation's Golden Jubilee in 1952.

VALLEY OF THE SUN SUITE is the first and only musical story of the miracle of reclamation, and is basically the story of the SALT RIVER PROJECT, the nation's first multi-purpose reclamation project, which coupled the generation of electricity with a vast water storage system to provide a firm foundation for the burgeoning metropolis the Salt River Valley supports today.

More than a half century ago drought-ridden Salt Valley farmers banded together to organized the Project under the authorization of the National Reclamation Act which the late Theodore Roosevelt signed into law in 1902. Hydro electric power generated at Roosevelt Dam was sold to the Gila County copper mines and to power users in the Valley with the resultant revenue being used to assure the Valley of a constant water supply.

To the best of my knowledge, this is the 1952 premiere of the Valley of the Sun Suite, as conducted by Grofe and performed by the Arizona State College (Tempe) Symphonic Orchestra. The pieces opens in a beautifully moody manner with Valley of Ditches, employs themes from the composer's Rocketship X-M soundtrack in The Dam Builders, provides delightful dance music for the Masque of the Yellow Moon, and closes with the gorgeous Reclamation's Golden Jubilee (this blogger's favorite movement).
Description from this blog.

He also has an image of the album artwork:

The third movement is named Masque of the Yellow Moon, which is about a sadly bygone tradition in Phoenix that sounds like it was really something to see. You can read more about the Masque here. Thankfully there's talk that one Marshall Shore may be trying to revive the Masque in some capacity down the line.

HX_Guy Apr 15, 2011 9:19 PM

Uhh WTF Brewer?!


Apollo Group threatens move after veto
Phoenix Business Journal - by Mike Sunnucks
Date: Friday, April 15, 2011, 12:44pm MST

Apollo Group Inc., the parent company of the University of Phoenix, is discussing moving its headquarters out of Arizona after Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a tax bill that would have benefited the company.

Arizona could be without University of Phoenix’s headquarters after its parent group said it would consider moving following the veto of a tax bill that would have benefited the for-profit education company.
Apollo Group Inc. — the parent of the University of Phoenix —is upset with Gov. Jan Brewer’s veto of a tax break that would help it and other multi-state service providing companies. Apollo (NYSE: APOL) is threatening to yank workers and operations out its home state because of the veto.
Brewer nixed Senate Bill 1552 citing its impact on the state’s already tight finances. The tax bill allows companies with operations in Arizona and other states to choose their corporate income tax formulas. It would have offered some saving to companies, such as Apollo, that based in Arizona but offer services in other states.
The tax break would have been worth between $20 million and $50 million to companies to for-profit universities, technology service providers and other businesses, according to various estimates at the Arizona Legislature.
Apollo had a cadre of lobbyists pushing for the tax change this session and also enlisted support from some business groups. The tax change mirrors a tax break given to semiconductor and manufacturing firms, including Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC).
Apollo has 13,000 workers in the state and is headquartered in Phoenix. The company is one of the state’s most recognizable, including having the naming rights to the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale.
Apollo told Dow Jones Newswires it might look at moving jobs out of the state after the veto.
“We are very disappointed in Governor Brewer's decision to veto this important legislation that would restore tax fairness and make the state more attractive to business," said Apollo-UOP spokesman Chad Christian. "SB 1552, which was passed unanimously by both Houses of the legislature, would modernize the current tax code and incentivize economic development in the state, encouraging new investment in Arizona jobs and facilities by the growing service sector. The status quo amounts to a double taxation penalty on companies that retain jobs and facilities in Arizona, such as Apollo Group, and encourages the flight of jobs and capital investment from the state. This will no doubt remain an important factor to be weighed by service companies considering to invest or reinvest in Arizona.”
Brewer’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment Friday.
Brewer’s veto of the University of Phoenix tax changes comes after she and business backers pushed through a number of tax cuts and breaks this session including ones helping the semiconductor and solar sectors.

Read more: Apollo Group threatens move after veto | Phoenix Business Journal

PHX31 Apr 15, 2011 9:43 PM

Why the F should they be able to choose their corporate tax formulas to benefit themselves. Good for her not bending over and taking it from corporate america.

I don't know the details of the legislation or the tax code, obviously, but nothing from what was posted above makes me think Brewer did anything I wouldn't have done. Eff Apollo Group's lobby and statements threatening Arizona.

HX_Guy Apr 15, 2011 9:43 PM

Do other states do it?

PHX31 Apr 15, 2011 9:57 PM

No idea. But they've been here for years and grew here into a huge company making tons of money for years in Arizona. Now all of the sudden they want their tax formulas changed to benefit themselves (detrimental to arizona's tax collections), especially now that they're hurting big time.

Sounds almost like they want an indirect bailout from Arizona and if they don't get it they threaten to move.

Again, I obviously don't know much about what's going on sans what the article says, but I say good for Brewer.

PhxDowntowner Apr 16, 2011 12:13 AM

This is one of the problems with our economy relying so much on large companies (like U of Phoenix) that don't require much skilled labor - they can move much more easily than a company who's capital is in skilled employees.

Vicelord John Apr 16, 2011 12:26 AM

Im sure some state will give in. Ahh... Down economies.

glynnjamin Apr 18, 2011 4:32 PM

I love the phrase "tax fairness" as used by the scum at UofPhx. They are the biggest leeches of tax dollars in the game. Not only do they suck taxpayer dollars through government-funded student loans but they set up shop in suburban areas looking for communities vying for job gains that are willing to dish out tax breaks.

The UofPhx office they opened in Tacoma was strategically placed in the "revitalized" downtown property tax-free and has crazy payroll tax breaks for an employment base of 100+ after Russell Investments moved to Seattle. Now they want "tax fairness" so that they pay less than everyone else? I say call their bluff. At the end of the day, they are probably doomed to bankruptcy anyway. Make them pay their fair share. They built all of those highrises, make them pay the full tax. We may lose the jobs but you will continue to collect the taxes on the buildings that they own. The job loss would suck but it is inevitable. Besides, UofPhx offers job training & career placement to their laid off employees (or they did, at least, during their last purge).

Don B. Apr 18, 2011 8:36 PM

Apollo Group just spent like $72 million building their worldwide campus next to I-10 near the airport; I think it is highly unlikely they are going to flee Arizona for some other locale. Overall, our tax burden is one of the lowest in the country, and they have to consider more than just their corporate income tax.

In other news, I finally got proper chrome wheels for my car (18" Enkeis):

Old look:

New look (Saturday getting ready for the Gay Pride parade):



combusean Apr 19, 2011 6:26 AM

Holy cow Don. The rims on that turn the car completely around.

Did you happen to see the Stanton for Mayor booth?

Leo the Dog Apr 19, 2011 2:01 PM

Hey guys, now that the 2011 MLB season is well underway, is there any talk/buzz, big events planned for All-Star weekend (outside of the game of course)?

Don B. Apr 19, 2011 2:44 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5246830)
Holy cow Don. The rims on that turn the car completely around.

Did you happen to see the Stanton for Mayor booth?

Thanks. Yes, they really make the car, and the best part is the car is paid off and only has 79k miles on it, not bad for a 2005. I'll probably keep it another 5 to 7 years, if it lasts that long (it should, with proper maintenance, get me at least 150k miles, if not 200k).

Yes, not only did I see the booth, but I walked right past him taking photos with his entourage. :)

You could not have missed me, I was wearing my "gay pride" striped shorts and hat. :D


scottkag Apr 19, 2011 3:02 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5246830)
Did you happen to see the Stanton for Mayor booth?

I was riding in a parade car, and Stanton was right in front of me for the whole length of the route. I'm not exaggerating much when I say he introduced himself to absolutely everyone on the street. With all the running back and forth across the street he must have covered ten miles. I was very impressed.

Leo the Dog Apr 22, 2011 3:11 PM

Some Density
Saw this online, thought some of you guys might find this interesting even though it's not in AZ. Imagine if Phoenix could/would pull this off. 8,000 residential units on 400 acres just north of DT....:shrug:


SF planners approve Treasure Island development
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2011 AT 7:50 A.M.

SAN FRANCISCO — A proposed $1.5 billion neighborhood on Treasure Island was given the green light in a close vote by planners, but the plan still faces hurdles.

San Francisco's Planning Commission voted 4-3 on Thursday, split along commissioners appointed by the mayor and those appointed by the city's Board of Supervisors.

It will be next considered by the supervisors.

The plan includes 8,000 residential units and a 450-foot high-rise on the island located in San Francisco Bay between the city and Oakland.

Critics say the man-made island would not fare well in an earthquake and that the project would increase traffic on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

Supporters say developing these 400 acres in the middle of San Francisco Bay is a unique opportunity.

The Associated Press

HooverDam Apr 23, 2011 3:08 AM

Hey check out Vanishing Phoenix for an article I wrote about learning lessons for Phoenix from Boston on place making and identity and such.

Its nothing I haven't said more or less here a thousand times and you've all read, but I think it came out OK.

plinko Apr 26, 2011 7:14 PM

I was in the Valley over the weekend. A quick trip, but I'll share a few observations based on what I saw:

1. Chander City Hall (and the surrounding associated street improvements) has really transformed that section of Arizona Avenue. Especially at night. Vast improvement.

2. These signs are everywhere...

3. The ChuckBox on University still has the best cheap burgers in town.

4. Downtown Tempe was packed on Saturday.

5. Downtown Phoenix was completely DEAD on Saturday.

6. Riding a train in Phoenix is very amusing. Love the idea. I have decided though that despite the extra costs, the lack of grade separation is really going to hinder additional ridership. It's just too slow except during peak traffic times and going to a game downtown.

7. Cityscape was decidedly underwhelming. Maybe once the grocery store and hotel opens? More downtown residents? Chicken/egg. At least it's a decent start (though makes the same stupid mistake that Collier made by elevating the central space off the street).

8. Excited about a pedestrian bridge across the lake. It would be nice to put one at the east end as well and do some landscaping of some sort along the north bank. It looks downright desolate (the irony!).

9. When the hell is Tovrea Castle ever going to open?

10. Elevation Chandler is a disgrace.

11. The lighting scheme on the Childrens Hospital is a nice touch and much appreciated, but a little schizophrenic.

12. I had forgotten how fast people tend to drive on 6 lane wide-ass arterials.

13. Thankfully the freeway cameras are gone. What a pain in the ass those were. At least it doesn't take forever to get across town anymore.

14. I still see no redeeming qualities about anything west of I-17...

...and lastly...a remark from my wife (who is not from Phoenix)...'why is it that every time we are over here, it seems like all we are doing is driving?'

...just a quick, clean assessment...

snowthedirtbub Apr 28, 2011 2:31 AM


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