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Jerseyviews Sep 5, 2016 9:39 PM

Count me as one of those who thinks the spire comes back later ... with 432 and Steinway close, I have a feeling that a nice lit spire would cap this beautifully. Hard for a developer to pass up an icon status since NY has always been defined by its peaks.

Off topic, but 220 is shooting up!

artspook Sep 6, 2016 7:20 AM

behold the bugaboo ! . .
no appropriately proud American Apex here . .
this greedy knave ain't handing NYC any proud icon . .
He's discreetly castrated his talented architects . .
delivering the city, a most annoyingly inconsequential,
vertical turd-bar . . gross end up . .

Obviously coddling Asian cash, . .
is his primary sweet little cup-o-tea . .
But, should Mr. Barnett happen to somehow . .
wake up & smell the coffee . . renounce his mad villainy, . .
resume his former, heroic, civic-minded developer-self . .
by boldly re-crowning Gotham's new mythical colossus . . (re-SPIRE-ing CPT) . .
I'd offer fervent apology for my hogwash, with gratitude . . . .

but under NO circumstances, . .
must his new spire get goofy, & politely centered . .
It must be lavishly befitting . . sovereignly asymmetrical . .
vehemently clutching into the crown's corner indent . .
and be of elegant restraint and proportion . . in other words . .
precisely as it was previously designed and rendered . .

chris08876 Sep 10, 2016 8:47 PM

If you look closely, Mona Lisa is smiling. Just a PSA, but Mona Lisa is pro development.
Credit: Tectonic

travelman90 Sep 14, 2016 12:52 AM

when is this building going to be complete. its going to be a great addition to the skyline. also, does construction on this building take place on Saturdays?

Derchin Sep 14, 2016 1:32 AM


Originally Posted by travelman90 (Post 7560435)
when is this building going to be complete.

Wiki says around 2019

faridnyc Sep 14, 2016 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 7556984)
If you look closely, Mona Lisa is smiling. Just a PSA, but Mona Lisa is pro development.
Credit: Tectonic

At This time can us see the cpt on the skyline??

chris08876 Sep 14, 2016 5:24 PM


Originally Posted by faridnyc (Post 7560727)
At This time can us see the cpt on the skyline??

Depends on the angle, but barely. Not a noticeable impact, even though its about 330-350'' or so. Although you can see the crane. I'd say 7 more months, and it will start to be apparent or obvious. Once it reaches that 500' mark, that will be nice. Kinda how 220 CPS started to really be noticeable. Its still going to come as a surprise when this continues to go past the 1200' mark. To the common folk, the ones who don't keep track of buildings, it will be a wow moment. Kinda how 432 Park started surprised people. Nobody was expecting a 1,400' toothpick, but... it happened. Just think of how freakishly tall 432 Park looks, and know that this will be 150' taller. Likewise Steinway, slightly taller, but thinner!!!

colemonkee Sep 14, 2016 7:02 PM

Is that the full footprint of the tower? Looks a lot thinner than I thought.

chris08876 Sep 15, 2016 9:27 PM


Originally Posted by colemonkee (Post 7561323)
Is that the full footprint of the tower? Looks a lot thinner than I thought.

Still quite large in a way.

A shot from October 2015. Get an idea of the foot print.
Credit: TheXRH

artspook Sep 16, 2016 9:08 AM

Chris says: . .
"If you look closely, Mona Lisa is smiling.
Just a PSA, but Mona Lisa is pro development."

You all know, I worship NYC skyscrapers . .
and far be it from me, to put a damper on your sweet observation, Chris . .
I appreciate the wit . . but then, . . our lovely Mona was on Lee's wall . .
and development has killed her . . . Tearing things down can sometimes
exact a very high "quality-of-life" price . . It should be worth it . .

Lee's was the only decent art store in that neighborhood . .
Lee's, NY Central supply, Pearl Paint, . .
the great NYC art stores are all but gone . .
Compared to some of these great professional art places . .
chain-stores like Blick, feel like craft-outlets for amateurs . .

If you're on an art-supply internet site . . you can't open a jar of paint . .
smear a fingertip of pigment around on a piece of paper . .
to see its opaqueness, its matte-ness, luster, or true color when it dries . .
Most of 57th St. "Billionaire's Row" ain't gonna feel so cozy . .
Stores won't have affordable items for your average bloke . .
affluent shops can project a cool, aloof distain
onto average "just looking" customers . .

The vibe of Big Money in a neighborhood, can sometimes elevate the spirit . .
sometimes it can feel empty, dead, & cold . .
I just hope this highest of glass peaks . . at least,
makes us regular folk, feel proud . .

NYguy Sep 16, 2016 1:12 PM


Originally Posted by colemonkee (Post 7561323)
Is that the full footprint of the tower? Looks a lot thinner than I thought.

The tower has a large, awkward footprint. The highrise part of it has a difficult to define shape due to the cantilever, which we don't see yet. Stay tuned, it will shift again.

faridnyc Sep 17, 2016 8:56 PM
In This sit central Park Tower is showed with the spire is That realy ??

Zapatan Sep 17, 2016 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by faridnyc (Post 7565430)
In This sit central Park Tower is showed with the spire is That realy ??

It could just be outdated...

faridnyc Sep 18, 2016 8:36 AM


Originally Posted by Zapatan (Post 7565537)
It could just be outdated...

I prefer cpt with a spire cause it shows it domination in midtown of Manhattan

HiRiser Sep 20, 2016 7:29 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 7556984)
If you look closely, Mona Lisa is smiling. Just a PSA, but Mona Lisa is pro development.
Credit: Tectonic

Are there renderings of the podium levels?. Those wavy slab edges mean a wavy facade, presumed curtainwall. Could be interesting.

NYguy Sep 21, 2016 2:07 AM


Originally Posted by HiRiser (Post 7567950)
Are there renderings of the podium levels?. Those wavy slab edges mean a wavy facade, presumed curtainwall. Could be interesting.

You've never seen a rendering of the Nordstrom I presume. It will have a similar look on both 57th and 58th.

photoLith Sep 21, 2016 2:44 AM

Whats up with that enormous cornice on that historic building on the right of that rendering? That cant be original to the building.

JSsocal Sep 21, 2016 4:55 AM

It is original and the building is landmarked. It isn't perpendicular like that IRL though, just a crude render

ILNY Sep 21, 2016 4:55 AM

I still can't make up the shape of this tower.

excel Sep 21, 2016 5:18 AM

Great update. Thanks.

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