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PHX31 Apr 16, 2010 12:57 AM

So does the city rec center at 14th St and Indian School. We played there a couple weeks ago, but now they have zero open gym due to kid team practices.

Vicelord John Apr 16, 2010 1:01 AM

well... if you guys aren't very good and need another player, I'm down tuesday evening. Then if Glenn is free he can join too.

My only stipulation is it has to be indoors.

Edit, just remembered the basketball game is 7:30PM

HooverDam Apr 16, 2010 4:21 AM

Holy shit, so the lord may have just smiled upon me. Not only are the Suns playing in Portland where I have friends I can stay for free with, but this is going on:

I was previously unaware of it, but damn does it look awesome. Im currently trying to find my way on to at least one stage there for a few minutes, so wish me luck.

Im now insanely jealous of PDX and wish we had something like that here. By next year when "Stand Up Live!" is open at CityScape I think Downtown Phx could easily host something like this. Between "Stand Up Live!", Majerles, Cooperstown, Coach & Willies, the Orpheum, the Dodge, the Herberger (though do they have food/booze there?), the Turf, and some of the First Fridays area venues on Grand and/or Roosevelt it could be a pretty rockin' event.

Perhaps Ill come back from PDX with the inspiration and know how to get such a ball rolling.

Don B. Apr 20, 2010 3:45 PM

Why can't we cover our freeways and surface streets with shade structures and solar panels to lessen the urban heat island effect?


PHX31 Apr 20, 2010 3:53 PM

/\ $$$$

Vicelord John Apr 20, 2010 3:55 PM


Originally Posted by Don B. (Post 4803645)
Why can't we cover our freeways and surface streets with shade structures and solar panels to lessen the urban heat island effect?


Beacuse you dont make enough money.

mgmAZCO Apr 26, 2010 8:46 PM

Arizona is making headlines, in a bad way, lately. I won't go off on a tangent on the immigration bill (because I could). Will be interesting to see how the the passage of this bill will affect an already troubled economy. Wonder if there will be boycotts, if MLB will threaten to pull the 2011 All-Star Game, etc. There could be a thread on this topic alone, so I'm trying to keep it in the frame of Phoenix Development...this doesn't seem to be a positive step for attracting industry, and growing your economy, IMHO.

glynnjamin Apr 26, 2010 8:57 PM

There does seem to be a lot of the same might argue that we are on the cusp of developing a new Racist Tourist segment. Klan rallies , Republican National Conventions, etc.

Vicelord John Apr 26, 2010 9:05 PM

we are going t olose a lot of tourism money from this. I can guarantee that much.

Vicelord John Apr 26, 2010 9:06 PM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 4813343)
There does seem to be a lot of the same might argue that we are on the cusp of developing a new Racist Tourist segment. Klan rallies , Republican National Conventions, etc.

c'mon man, take this crap elsewhere. I'm a registered democrat and don't agree with republican views either, but do you really want to go down the road that comment is going to lead to?

glynnjamin Apr 26, 2010 9:24 PM

^Sorry John. I was unaware of the massive bi-partisan support for this bill. I must have imagined John McCain speaking to Congress today lauding how this bill was NECESSARY. Seeing as he is a senior Senator in the GOP and their most recent presidential candidate, I guess I missed the part where Republicans are going to be turned off by our state. One might argue that Arizona is a PRIME EMBODIMENT of Tea Party ideals. We require no permit or registration to carry a gun or carry concealed, there is no waiting period on guns manufactured in Arizona, and we now use local police powers to enforce immigration. If there was ever an anti-federal government (post Civil War), it would be Arizona. If you don't think that will attract the attention of Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and the rest of their followers then you must know something I don't. Arizona has become almost the perfect conservative state.

mwadswor Apr 26, 2010 9:27 PM


Originally Posted by mgmAZCO (Post 4813323)
Arizona is making headlines, in a bad way, lately. I won't go off on a tangent on the immigration bill (because I could). Will be interesting to see how the the passage of this bill will affect an already troubled economy. Wonder if there will be boycotts, if MLB will threaten to pull the 2011 All-Star Game, etc. There could be a thread on this topic alone, so I'm trying to keep it in the frame of Phoenix Development...this doesn't seem to be a positive step for attracting industry, and growing your economy, IMHO.

There is.

HooverDam Apr 26, 2010 9:50 PM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 4813399)
If there was ever an anti-federal government (post Civil War), it would be Arizona.

Yep, the state that exists in its current scale due entirely to the Federal government sure hates it, come on, don't be silly. If you're anti gun/whatever issue, whatever fine, but this isn't the place to discuss that, the SkyBar is.

mgmAZCO Apr 26, 2010 10:02 PM

Thanks for the link mwadswor...although it will probably make my blood boil even more if I start reading it :-)

mwadswor Apr 26, 2010 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by mgmAZCO (Post 4813461)
Thanks for the link mwadswor...although it will probably make my blood boil even more if I start reading it :-)

No doubt. It gets better if you skip to the end, but there's a whole section in about the first third that might make you stroke if you have a pre-existing medical condition. You have been warned :notacrook:

Don B. Apr 26, 2010 10:26 PM

So what place gets your vote for favorite coffeehouse in central Phoenix?

I'm partial to Grinders, the place on 10th Street and Glendale (name escapes me at the moment), Lux and Coffeehouse on 7th Ave north of ISR. But, my fav is probably Lux. The way they serve it up cafe mochas...yummy.

In other news, I just sold my signature photo of downtown Phoenix's skyline at sunset for $3,000 to Skyy Vodka. Let's just say the actual cost of the transaction was $500, plus $2,500 for a "stupid fee." :D



SunDevil Apr 27, 2010 1:46 AM


Originally Posted by Don B. (Post 4813519)
So what place gets your vote for favorite coffeehouse in central Phoenix?

I'm partial to Grinders, the place on 10th Street and Glendale (name escapes me at the moment), Lux and Coffeehouse on 7th Ave north of ISR. But, my fav is probably Lux. The way they serve it up cafe mochas...yummy.

In other news, I just sold my signature photo of downtown Phoenix's skyline at sunset for $3,000 to Skyy Vodka. Let's just say the actual cost of the transaction was $500, plus $2,500 for a "stupid fee." :D



'Grats, but, does that mean you can't use it anymore?

Vicelord John Apr 27, 2010 2:26 AM

I don't know that i've seen that picture.

Evil Empire Apr 27, 2010 7:41 AM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4813898)
I don't know that i've seen that picture.

X2. Don, post it up...unless you can't anymore :haha:

Leo the Dog Apr 27, 2010 3:06 PM

From CNN's Cafferty file segment on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer:


Will federal govt. ever enforce our immigration laws?
Posted: 05:00 PM ET
FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:

So Arizona passes a tough law against illegal immigration and suddenly they get Washington's attention.

One poll finds 70 percent of Arizona voters support the new law... hey, maybe we better do something too. So like the lemmings they are when they smell a chance to score political points... and some of them need a lot of help with the midterms approaching - there is talk now of rushing immigration reform through Congress.

President Obama called the Arizona law "misguided." What is misguided, Mr. President, is the federal government's refusal to enforce the laws already on the books. Read the Arizona law... parts of it are word-for-word the same as the federal laws - which continue to be ignored.

Now we'll hear all sorts of blathering from our Washington gerbils about the need for a new federal law. There will be press conferences, interviews, committee hearings, draft legislation, polling... all the usual carnival acts that accompany any hot-button issue in Washington, DC.

Instead of simply closing the borders and enforcing the existing law so that they could turn their attention to something like the national debt and the fact that the country is bankrupt, we will get this freak show.

Washington's position on illegal immigration is dishonest from the top down. No enforcement. No border security. Just pandering to the Hispanic voters and the corporations that hire the illegals.

But when one of our states that is being ravaged by the presence of 460,000 illegal aliens inside its borders does something about it, the president says that's "misguided."

What a shame.

Here’s my question to you: Will the federal government ever enforce our immigration laws?

Interested to know which ones made it on air?

Peter writes:
Jack, I agree with your opinion. The federal government shows total disregard for existing immigration laws. When a state, saddled with the costs of illegal immigration, tries to do something, then it is labeled "misguided." So now the federal government would like to change the laws to fit the crime and labels it "reform." No wonder people have so little faith in our government.

Allison writes:
I couldn't agree more! Thank you for speaking up for the 70% of Arizonans who support this law. My parents live in Arizona and have had their car stolen out of their driveway by illegal immigrants, and their house has been broken into 3 times in the last two years by illegal immigrants. When we are more afraid of offending someone by asking for their ID or legitimate papers, we sanction crime and fail to protect the average American.

Steve in Hawaii writes:
Jack, Only after dirty bomb detonation #3 or #4.

Ron in Phoenix writes:
As a resident of Arizona, I know we have already decided that the federal government was never going to enforce the federal law, so we took it upon ourselves to make our own law.

Chuck writes:
No. There's pretty much no way to enforce them without profiling, and everyone's too scared to do it, for fear of losing votes. Maybe letting states deal with it on their own is a good idea. Let's see how it works in Arizona. Seems like a good place to test it.

T. writes:
Obama's talk about Arizona's law being "misguided" is just a smoke screen for the amnesty he and other liberals want to give illegal aliens. They'll call it something else, of course, and claim that illegals will have to "go to the back of the line" and learn English, and a host other lies. In the end, it'll be the 1986 debacle all over again.

Bob in Houston writes:
Nothing will be done to seriously halt illegal immigration while Obama is president. Congratulations to the governor of Arizona. I only hope that Texas will be next.

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