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Derek May 30, 2007 4:33 AM

I love new projects! :)

Good find! :tup:

Derek May 30, 2007 4:54 AM

Wait, isn't that the Cosmo Square site? 7th and Market?

ShekelPop May 30, 2007 6:05 AM

regarding SDDT's excellent find on the 7th and Market site, I found this on the East Village Association's website from a meeting in January:

7th and Market Project Review: John Collum from CCDC presented the 7th and Market project to the Board. CCDC has selected two finalists for the project: The Related Companies and Robert Green Company. The Robert Green plan includes a building 500 feet high, 300 housing units with 60 affordable housing units, 650 parking spaces, a 225 room hotel and a grocery market. Similarly, the Related Companies’ project includes a 460 foot high building, 380 housing units (20% affordable), 650 parking spaces, a 250 room hotel, and a gourmet food market. One significant difference is that the former would be mostly for-sale condominiums and the latter would be mostly rentals.

Related's project sounds good to me! Is there anything they're not building?!


Originally Posted by SDDTProspector (Post 2866075)
:) Can't wait to see this one..... Sounds really BIG

CCDC and the San Diego Redevelopment Agency have selected Related Cos., a private real estate development firm, San Diego-based CityLink Investment Corp. and Carrier Johnson as a joint venture team to negotiate the proposed development of a major mixed-use project at Seventh Avenue and Market Street. The $300 million project -- contained on a single block -- will have 42 stories of market rate and affordable housing, hotel, retail, street-front commercial and cultural space and a police storefront. The developers will build a 650-vehicle public parking garage that will be owned and operated by CCDC and the Redevelopment Agency.

“Seventh and Market offers local residents a new model for a multi-level, active city center, and it adds a distinctive skyline,” says Frank Wolden, design principal for Carrier Johnson. “This 'sky palace' features roof decks and garden terraces that cascade down the building, allowing people to walk outdoors on all levels of the tower. The concept of a vertical city energized by 'skylife' also is captured by a series of levels visually identified by stairs, balconies and terraces, all reflected in the striking use of glass, which gives the tower a luminous quality at all times of day.”

Affordable housing units will be dispersed throughout the tower. Three levels of private underground parking will serve residents and tenants. Above, six levels of public parking will be enveloped and masked by the residences.

“The integrated public and private project components will create a model mixed-use, mixed-income development enabling CCDC and the Agency to create a vertically integrated landmark high-rise and a new cultural venue that will create a living legacy to and celebrate Downtown's African-American history,” says William Jones, president and CEO of CityLink.

Crackertastik May 30, 2007 6:06 AM

no one block north. those two towers next to each other will look amazing!

i hope they both get built.

Crackertastik May 30, 2007 6:37 AM

SUPER ROUGH potential look of the cosmo and 7th & Market next to each other from petco. It would a block west of the mark, a block north of cosmo according to ccdc map. :) lots of height there.

sandiego_urban May 30, 2007 6:39 AM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 2860051)
I have no problem paying, if its worth it. This place isn't worth it.

Did you make up to the rooftop bar? From the ground, it looks like it takes up the entire roof. So the much hyped, 4-Story Envy nightclub is a bust? I guess instead of asking too many questions, I'll just have to make it over there to check it out. I'm sure this place will be left in the dust, once the Hard Rock opens later this year. ;)


Originally Posted by bmfarley
I like dive bars a little more. NuNu's at 6th & Brooks in Uptown is decently cool. So are some of the wine bars.... like Wine Steals or the one at the bottom of Mission Hills on Washington.

I prefer dives, also. Are you referring to Bar Dynamite in Mission Hills? Two other cool dive bars in EV are the Jewel Box and Honey Bee Hive.


Originally Posted by SDCAL
So, when a project's height is listed on CCDC's website, do they mean the the height above sea-level or the actual height of the building ??

They list the actual height of the building. Have you noticed that there hasn't been any 500' foot proposals since OAP? I think they changed it to 500' msl a few years ago, so now we get proposals at 475', 440', 410' and 470', respectively. It's obviously due to downtown's topography and the 500' msl maximum.

You are right on about the skyline looking like a big plateau with all of the new proposals reaching the mmaximum height allowed.


Originally Posted by Derek loves SD
Monaco is 350 feet. You can check this in past board meeting agendas. 500 feet must mean above sea level.

I recall reading earlier that this project was being redesigned. Here's a snippet that bmfarley posted a few pages earlier -

Ghods Builders filed papers as recently as Thursday to build the Monaco Condominiums located on Broadway between 8th & 9th. The application indicates construction would occur between April 1st 2008 and completed in late 2009. The height is 435 feet with an initial elevation of 65 feet. The mean height above sea level would be 500.

Yet another tower reaching the 500' msl max.:rolleyes:


Originally Posted by bushman61988
Here was the response I got yesterday from the Port of San Diego:

"Thank you for your comments. The architects are making design revisions to the towers to give each hotel its own identity, although still using similar materials. The base of the building is being designed as the plans for the retail space are finalized with tenants, including adding outdoor seating and balconies."

Cool! I sent them a message suggesting virtually the same thing. Glad to see that they really are listening to what the public has to say.

sandiego_urban May 30, 2007 6:51 AM


Originally Posted by Crackertastik (Post 2866590)
SUPER ROUGH potential look of the cosmo and 7th & Market next to each other from petco. It would a block west of the mark, a block north of cosmo according to ccdc map. :) lots of height there.

Nice job! Both Cosmo and the new 7th Ave proposal will be taller than the neighboring Mark, and will have different heights to boot, which is just what we need in the area. :tup:


Originally Posted by shekelpop
7th and Market Project Review: John Collum from CCDC presented the 7th and Market project to the Board. CCDC has selected two finalists for the project: The Related Companies and Robert Green Company. The Robert Green plan includes a building 500 feet high, 300 housing units with 60 affordable housing units, 650 parking spaces, a 225 room hotel and a grocery market. Similarly, the Related Companies’ project includes a 460 foot high building, 380 housing units (20% affordable), 650 parking spaces, a 250 room hotel, and a gourmet food market. One significant difference is that the former would be mostly for-sale condominiums and the latter would be mostly rentals.

Related's project sounds good to me! Is there anything they're not building?!

Both proposals seem to incorporate alot of different uses. Either one will be a vibrant addition to the area. Now bring on the renderings!!

bmfarley May 30, 2007 7:26 AM


Originally Posted by Crackertastik (Post 2866590)
SUPER ROUGH potential look of the cosmo and 7th & Market next to each other from petco. It would a block west of the mark, a block north of cosmo according to ccdc map. :) lots of height there.

No no no...that rendering can't be right. It appears to be that the buildings are next to each other. They are, but from this pictures' vantage point... the proposed building would be 'behind' Cosmo.... slightly to the right of where it is in the picture.... with the leftern most part shown behind Cosmo. Heck, half the building illustrated in the pic could be behind cosmo!

I believe each would be taller too... by about 20-25%. The Mark is 380 feet. Cosmo is 478 feet. And the proposal is probably 500 feet.

sandiego_urban May 30, 2007 7:32 AM


According the CCDC's President's Report under Permit Applications,
the Columbia Tower proposal will be 470'. So much for a new "tallest" for downtown....


Check out the 5 minute video regarding the North Embarcadero Proposal that was released today

It's good to see the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan finally coming to life. From yesterday's U-T -

Agencies Gear Up for Waterfront Makeover

First phase could begin in fall 2008

By Jeanette Steele

May 28, 2007

San Diego's downtown waterfront is a tattered front porch badly in need of remodeling, in the eyes of City Councilman Kevin Faulconer.

Faulconer sits on a revamped joint powers authority in charge of a waterfront overhaul expected to begin next year.

The authority, which hasn't met since 2005, starts up again tomorrow with members representing the Port of San Diego and the downtown redevelopment agency.

Already on the table: a 2005 plan to redesign the waterfront by narrowing Harbor Drive to make a wider pedestrian promenade and adding lawns, gardens, chairs and a new bayfront restaurant.

Completing the overhaul, called the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan, will cost at least $228 million.

The Centre City Development Corp., which oversees downtown redevelopment, and the port paid $1.8 million to draw up the blueprint. It sat dormant for the past two years while the city coped with a pension crisis, a mayor's resignation and the corruption trials of two city councilmen.

Now the agencies expect to start moving dirt in fall 2008.

“The idea is to jump-start this process so we can actually get some of these public benefits done on our waterfront and start planting some trees and digging up some asphalt,” said Faulconer, whose council district includes downtown.

The first phase includes narrowing Harbor Drive by 70 feet and building a 100-foot-wide pedestrian promenade between Broadway and B Street.

The bill for that portion: $20 million. Half will be supplied by the CCDC, and the port expects to cover the other half.

One authority member, CCDC Chairman Fred Maas, said he will focus on making the entire project happen.

“The next question is, what is the second project level and second (round) of funding that we can expect, because we are prepared to commit $110 million at CCDC,” Maas said.

“The plan in its totality is phenomenal. I think we just need to make sure we don't do it in piecemeal fashion and do one phase and then we wait 10 years later to do a second phase.”

This effort is at the center of a whirlwind of activity bearing down on San Diego's waterfront.

The port has chosen a developer to build two hotels on the former Lane Field, a vacant 6-acre site at Broadway and Harbor Drive.

On the south side of Broadway, Manchester Financial plans to overhaul four blocks owned by the Navy. Manchester wants to build hotels and offices in addition to a new Navy office tower.

The Irvine Co. recently unveiled drawings of a proposed 34-story luxury office building at Broadway and Pacific Highway.

With all that happening at once, critics have said there is no single agency overseeing the look and feel of the entire waterfront. Faulconer said he hopes the joint powers group can do that.

“With everything that's going to be going on around the waterfront, I thought it was important to have this forum where everybody's at the same table talking together,” he said.

The other member of the three-person committee is port Chairwoman Sylvia Rios, who didn't respond to a request for comment.

edluva May 30, 2007 7:42 AM

now that's vancouverization

HurricaneHugo May 30, 2007 7:54 AM


Originally Posted by SDDTProspector (Post 2866075)
:) Can't wait to see this one..... Sounds really BIG

CCDC and the San Diego Redevelopment Agency have selected Related Cos., a private real estate development firm, San Diego-based CityLink Investment Corp. and Carrier Johnson as a joint venture team to negotiate the proposed development of a major mixed-use project at Seventh Avenue and Market Street. The $300 million project -- contained on a single block -- will have 42 stories of market rate and affordable housing, hotel, retail, street-front commercial and cultural space and a police storefront. The developers will build a 650-vehicle public parking garage that will be owned and operated by CCDC and the Redevelopment Agency.

“Seventh and Market offers local residents a new model for a multi-level, active city center, and it adds a distinctive skyline,” says Frank Wolden, design principal for Carrier Johnson. “This 'sky palace' features roof decks and garden terraces that cascade down the building, allowing people to walk outdoors on all levels of the tower. The concept of a vertical city energized by 'skylife' also is captured by a series of levels visually identified by stairs, balconies and terraces, all reflected in the striking use of glass, which gives the tower a luminous quality at all times of day.”

Affordable housing units will be dispersed throughout the tower. Three levels of private underground parking will serve residents and tenants. Above, six levels of public parking will be enveloped and masked by the residences.

“The integrated public and private project components will create a model mixed-use, mixed-income development enabling CCDC and the Agency to create a vertically integrated landmark high-rise and a new cultural venue that will create a living legacy to and celebrate Downtown's African-American history,” says William Jones, president and CEO of CityLink.

RENDERS NOW!:cheers:

sandiego_urban May 30, 2007 8:07 AM

^^We're trying.....just as long as the architecture isn't the same ;)

A few shots I took this past weekend -

From the hardly seen eastern entry into downtown -

Trolley going thru Smart Corner

Aria from street level

Optical illusion of a Electra towering over OAP

On approach to landing in front of the rapidly densifying skyline

ucsbgaucho May 30, 2007 4:18 PM

Nice shots. Where were you for the last image with the airplane? That'd be a great spot for a night photo with the freeway car headlight streaks. Might have to try that!

sandiego_urban May 30, 2007 11:11 PM

^^Thanks! I was on Sassafras St. in South Mission Hills, near the pedestrian bridge. Some nice views from there.

One more of the entire Smart Corner tower

Derek May 30, 2007 11:52 PM

Nice photos!

I can't wait to see the renderings for that new project. It will definitely be a superb addition.

keg92101 May 31, 2007 1:35 AM


Originally Posted by Derek loves SD (Post 2868285)
Nice photos!

I can't wait to see the renderings for that new project. It will definitely be a superb addition.

Here you go...

Derek May 31, 2007 2:19 AM

Interesting, thanks for posting! :)

Where did you find it?

bushman61988 May 31, 2007 3:04 AM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 2868515)

I wish there was a bigger rendering, but is this a pinnacle I see? Finally, some architects putting some effort into the roof?

eburress May 31, 2007 3:15 AM


Originally Posted by bushman61988 (Post 2868751)
I wish there was a bigger rendering, but is this a pinnacle I see? Finally, some architects putting some effort into the roof?

Is it me, or does it look like the artist didn't finish the top of portion of the building in the rendering (the blue stuff)? Compared to the bottom portion of the building, the top looks fuzzy and is without the detail of the bottom of the rendering -- or maybe I'm just not seeing it right.

Derek May 31, 2007 3:37 AM

^I thought so too. It doesn't look quite finished yet.

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