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ScreamingViking Jun 19, 2018 8:06 PM

AEON Bayfront Studios
Interesting idea. If this site isn't acceptable, there are hectares of vacant industrial/commercial lands in the north end that could be a viable home to studios.

Film studios eye Hamilton’s failed stadium lands for movie makeover
The city says more than two would-be buyers are interested in building film studios on the Barton-Tiffany lands.

by Matthew Van Dongen
The Hamilton Spectator -- June 19, 2018

Mystery would-be buyers want to turn Hamilton's failed stadium lands into a film studio.

City council infamously bought and demolished 19 homes and businesses along Barton Street West near the CN shunting yard in 2010 — forcing residents to relocate for a planned football stadium that ended up being built elsewhere.

The city intends to sell the land at some point — environmental testing is underway now — and the 16-acre block is currently zoned for a mix of residential along Barton and commercial closer to the rail yard.

But city economic development head Glen Norton said Monday "very strong interest" from Toronto's land-starved film industry has spurred him to ask area residents if they are interested in a made-for-TV ending to the Barton-Tiffany saga.

"What they're saying is they want to do all of (the block) as film studios," said Norton, who was slated to attend a Central Neighbourhood Association meeting Monday night to gauge neighbourhood interest in the idea.

"My question to them is are you interested in us having those talks? Because if not, we don't want to waste time talking about this (with potential buyers) if it is not feasible."

Ward 2 Coun. Jason Farr called the idea interesting and "very early stages," but worth running by residents for feedback.

He emphasized the current secondary plan, including hundreds of new homes on Barton and commercial businesses closer to the rail yard, is the product of community consultation and a painful Ontario Municipal Board challenge.

"A lot of folks over very many years consulted on that plan," he said. "How does a film studio on all of that land fit? … That's obviously going to be a question."


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SteelTown Jun 20, 2018 12:23 AM

I wonder if Guillermo del Toro is involved.

king10 Jun 21, 2018 3:28 PM



bigguy1231 Jun 22, 2018 1:39 AM


Originally Posted by SteelTown (Post 8226606)
I wonder if Guillermo del Toro is involved.

He mentioned in one of his interviews while working here that he loved the city and would like to open a studio here. So you never know.

CaptainKirk Jun 22, 2018 3:10 AM

From the linked article,


Norton would not reveal which or how many companies have approached the city. But he confirmed "serious" inquiries have come from more than two film industry representatives and "the bulk of the interest" is coming from the Toronto-area.

Guillermo del Toro is not necessarily among the would-be bidders, if you are wondering.

The famed Hollywood director has praised Hamilton online and even exchanged Twitter chatter with Mayor Fred Eisenberger, who invited Del Toro last year to visit and talk about setting up shop locally.

Norton appeared to downplay the potential Monday by noting the director has never specifically said he wanted to own a Hamilton studio.

"His tweets said — and we've clarified this with him — if someone was to build a film studio in Hamilton, I'd love to go film there."

SteelTown Sep 20, 2018 4:54 AM

Film studio eyed for Hamilton’s Barton-Tiffany lands

The City of Hamilton's planning committee approved a recommendation for staff to "assess the alignment" of using the Barton-Tiffany lands for a film production studio.

The report that came before Tuesday's meeting suggested undertaking a review of the West Harbour Secondary Plan as well as the Barton-Tiffany Urban Design Study to see if creative industries — including a studio — line up with the vision for the lands.

Staff will be directed to undertake a community consultation on the review and present the outcome to planning committee in the first quarter of 2019, according to the report.

Ward 5 Coun. Chad Collins questioned why a film studio wouldn't follow the typical process of a developer if they were interested in the lands.

"I think the most basic answer of why we would take it on is we can maximize the value of those lands," said city economic development head Glen Norton.

"Given the way the industry is moving, I don't think they would be interested in buying the property on the chance they could have it rezoned," he later added.

City council bought and demolished 19 homes and businesses along Barton Street West near the CN shunting yard in 2010, forcing residents to relocate for a planned football stadium that ended up being built elsewhere.

The city intends to sell the land, which is currently zoned for a mix of residential on Barton and commercial closer to the rail yard, at some point.

woreg75 Jun 18, 2019 3:16 PM

This is positive news!
Aeon Studio Group would like to develop Barton and Tiffany with a studio!

SantaClo Jun 18, 2019 3:47 PM

SteelTown Jun 18, 2019 4:10 PM

An announcement is set for today.

Hamilton and #HamOnt’s film industry is ready for its close up!

Today, Aeon Studio Group announced their plan to build an international film and studio hub right here on the Barton-Tiffany lands!

This will bring hundreds of high-paying jobs into #HamOnt’s film industry.

SteelTown Jun 18, 2019 4:14 PM

Film and television production studio planned for the city of Hamilton

by The Canadian Press
Posted Jun 18, 2019 11:20 am EDT

HAMILTON — A production studio is planned for Hamilton, Ont., that could turn the city into an international hub for film, television and digital media production.

Aeon Studio Group, a film and television studios developer, announced Tuesday that the Hamilton Studio District will include modern sound stages, production offices and facilities.

The studio, expected to be built in central Hamilton, will allow for post-production, animation, visual effects, game development, music and more.

ASG said it plans to build about 46,500 square metres of stage space in Hamilton, with 14,000 square metres expected to be built and operational in a year.

The studio says the facility will also be a centre for local talent and will enrich the creative industry community.

The space will also include two residential towers and an open public area.

“Hamilton is the perfect place for a production hub in the west-end Greater Toronto and Hamilton area because of its proximity to diverse filming locations, thriving arts and culture workforce, limited traffic congestion, supply of industrial buildings ripe for conversion into lower cost studio space, and because productions that film there qualify for additional provincial tax credits,” ASG partner Mike Bruce said at a news conference Tuesday.

Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger said the studio will create jobs and transform the city.

“It will see the rejuvenation of a brown field located in the heart of our city, and see this area transformed into a beautiful, campus-like environment, fully accessible to the community and conveniently located next to the West Harbour GO station and near our future LRT,” he said.

Hamilton’s economic development director Glen Norton said the studio is in line with the city’s priorities of investing in jobs and the creative industries.

“We look forward to finalizing this purchase agreement and start the development process as soon as possible,” he said.

NortheastWind Jun 18, 2019 5:21 PM

I was worried the area was going to be a sea of commercial buildings and warehouse type structures, but:

"the space will also include two residential towers and an open public area".

LikeHamilton Jun 18, 2019 5:28 PM

From CBC


Residential and retail space is also planned for the development, with two residential towers and "public open space that is pedestrian oriented," ASG said in its announcement.

Robbie David, one of the co-founders of ASG, said the plan is to have a "purpose-built" studio in place by next summer. It could be five to 20 years before the project is at "full completion," he said.

David said he "didn't want to talk about costs," but estimated the project will cost hundreds of millions of dollars by the time it's finished.

durandy Jun 18, 2019 7:52 PM

Is that the North end? Because if so I'm sure Turkstra will oppose it.

Dr Awesomesauce Jun 19, 2019 12:02 AM

All things come to those who wait...

Thank God for Ritalin or I never would have made it this far!

anactualalien Jun 19, 2019 10:26 AM

Let's get some concept renders soon Aeon. :cheers:

Chronamut Jun 19, 2019 7:06 PM


Originally Posted by woreg75 (Post 8608629)
Aeon Studio Group would like to develop Barton and Tiffany with a studio!

Well I am glad to see hamilton finally taking a direction into something it wants to be known for - hamilton - canada's hollywood lol

TSteph9 Jun 19, 2019 7:18 PM


Originally Posted by Chronamut (Post 8610241)
Well I am glad to see hamilton finally taking a direction into something it wants to be known for - hamilton - canada's hollywood lol

lol it's definitely ambitious. Though I do have to say, I'm always surprised by how often I recognize Hamilton locations in movies and tv.

King&James Jun 19, 2019 11:49 PM

I'm going to file this one in a field of dreams, no real details, no financing, .... What existing 150,000 warehouse is available.

ScreamingViking Jun 20, 2019 3:30 AM


Originally Posted by King&James (Post 8610594)
What existing 150,000 warehouse is available.

Stelco has been humming and hawing about selling off surplus property. Some of their buildings are massive... not sure which ones they'd be though.

Isn't this complex between Wellington and Victoria empty?

Is there anything along the QEW in Stoney Creek that might be a candidate?

Another possibility could be The Spec's building, since they're about to stop the presses. Pretty big space there, including offices. Perhaps they'll offer it up for sale sooner rather than later?

king10 Jun 20, 2019 5:20 PM


Originally Posted by King&James (Post 8610594)
I'm going to file this one in a field of dreams, no real details, no financing, .... What existing 150,000 warehouse is available.

Is it not 150,000 sq foot new build at the Barton Tiffany Site?

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