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Dmajackson Oct 28, 2009 9:08 PM

I made a rough idea of how the stadium could fit into the Ashburn Golf Club lot.

Google Maps

Of course I will point out that the overpass for Willett Street could be diffucult to include because of School Ave.

Wishblade Oct 28, 2009 9:16 PM


Originally Posted by thurmas (Post 4528295)
boy this is sad just my view from winnipeg here but boy is halifax ever getting beat by moncton. Halifax is what more than double the size of moncton yet can't even keep their tiny cis stadium up to code. Halifax deserves cfl football and a new stadium yet your politicians don't seem to give a s*&# about it, how sad.

Actually more than 3x larger :no:

I believe that the folks on this forum can make a difference though. We just need to figure out how to approach it properly.

q12 Oct 28, 2009 9:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bedford_DJ (Post 4528827)
I made a rough idea of how the stadium could fit into the Ashburn Golf Club lot.

Google Maps

Of course I will point out that the overpass for Willett Street could be diffucult to include because of School Ave.

Nice job Bedford_DJ. I like the idea of the Mumford Road Extension and widening of the Bi-Hi into Bayers road

someone123 Oct 28, 2009 9:23 PM


Originally Posted by thurmas (Post 4528295)
boy this is sad just my view from winnipeg here but boy is halifax ever getting beat by moncton. Halifax is what more than double the size of moncton yet can't even keep their tiny cis stadium up to code. Halifax deserves cfl football and a new stadium yet your politicians don't seem to give a s*&# about it, how sad.

To be honest, if Halifax is going to lose out then arena rock and pork-barrel pro sports are pretty good areas to pick.

The stadium doesn't belong to the city, it belongs to St. Mary's University; eventually SMU will pay to fix it. Right now they, along with Dalhousie, where people barely care about sports at all (coincidentally, also the best university in the region), are busy building actual academic buildings.

I would like Halifax to have a little more direction but I'm not sure a stadium is the best thing to be championing right now, at least when the debate is still built around the idea of the government putting up millions and then begging the CFL to come. As for Moncton, they can try it, but it's a bit rich for a city of that size and even if it happens it will still be a stadium in Moncton.

q12 Oct 28, 2009 9:33 PM


Originally Posted by someone123 (Post 4528857)
To be honest, if Halifax is going to lose out then arena rock and pork-barrel pro sports are pretty good areas to pick.

The stadium doesn't belong to the city, it belongs to St. Mary's University; eventually SMU will pay to fix it. Right now they, along with Dalhousie, where people barely care about sports at all (coincidentally, also the best university in the region), are busy building actual academic buildings.

I would like Halifax to have a little more direction but I'm not sure a stadium is the best thing to be championing right now, at least when the debate is still built around the idea of the government putting up millions and then begging the CFL to come. As for Moncton, they can try it, but it's a bit rich for a city of that size and even if it happens it will still be a stadium in Moncton.

Its not so much losing out as it is what facilities a city of our size should have. We could use a new Metro Centre, but at least we have a decent Arena. The point of the Huskies Stadium derelict problem is not that they cannot fix it up is that if we built something better for the whole region(al municipality) to be able to use it would certainly make a better case to build the stadium.

Empire Oct 28, 2009 10:05 PM


cormiermax Oct 28, 2009 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by q12 (Post 4528822)
Cormiermax that would be extreamely helpful. We need to get some consensus among members of this forum on what size and locations we should narrow our focus to. Maybe we could get a Poll set-up with some options on location and size.

Alright il get going on designs, what kind of capacity are we looking for? 25-30k?

Dmajackson Oct 28, 2009 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by cormiermax (Post 4528940)
Alright il get going on designs, what kind of capacity are we looking for? 25-30k?

I'd say 20-25'000 is more realistic.

cormiermax Oct 28, 2009 10:43 PM

Ok now all i need to know is details we want, and a location.

Dmajackson Oct 28, 2009 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by cormiermax (Post 4529012)
Ok now all i need to know is details we want, and a location.

Well a few have been tossed around;

-Forum Lands
-Young Street between Kempt and Windsor (vacant DND lands)
-Shannon Park
-Ashburn Golf Club

q12 Oct 28, 2009 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Empire (Post 4528934)
Does anyone have a connection at The Coast or the Metro Daily? Perhaps they could be convinced to run a continuous ad about a stadium and give the link to the online petition.

Also what about News 95.7, they have a talk show in the morning on Fridays that does open topic.


Originally Posted by Bedford_DJ (Post 4529006)
I'd say 20-25'000 is more realistic.

I have to agree 25,000 sounds like a good number since costs will be a factor. Ability to upgrade easily later on would be good.

hfx_chris Oct 29, 2009 12:00 AM

Aim for 20-25k, expandable to 30. I think the stadium in Montreal that the Alouettes play out of is 20k, and I think they're expanding it to 25.

fenwick16 Oct 29, 2009 1:44 AM

A poll sounds like a good idea. If there is a certain budget for a stadium I would think that a partial roof (basic flat slanting roof) would be more important in the rainy maritime climate than expensive folding seats since it will likely only be used 50 times a year.

A couple questions that I would ask are:
1) will fans in Halifax accept bench style seating? (I think this would help keep the cost down.)
2) How important is a partial roof? Will fans become weary of watching events with little protection from the rain (what do SMU fans think about watching games in the rain at the SMU stadium)?

Urban_Genius Oct 29, 2009 3:30 AM

What is the possibility Halifax gets going on a stadium, especially now that Moncton has one and is looking to host a CFL team?

I'm just wondering maybe that's what would get the ball rolling. It would be a shame for Halifax to lose out to Moncton in terms of being the entertainment centre of the region.

Certainly the Halifax and the CFL are a good match. After Halifax had a CFL team.

Empire Oct 29, 2009 3:53 AM


reddog794 Oct 29, 2009 6:33 PM

Why not Shearwater? It is walking distance to a ferry terminal already there, as well as being near a terminus of the Circ.

It's on a hill facing DT Halifax, I imagine a semi-bowl, like North Harbour stadium, in NZ, dug into the hill. You'd get an even better view of the waterfront.

There are two key realities though; it is government lands, and the smell of the refinery.

hfx_chris Oct 29, 2009 10:14 PM

I don't think the players would appreciate playing in the middle of an active aerodrome with Sea Kings landing and taking off.

lawsond Oct 29, 2009 10:40 PM


I don't think Moncton is in the mix to host a CFL team. They are hosting one and possibly more CFL games over the next few years.
Agreed. I don't think Moncton could possibly sustain a CFL team.
Moncton can cash in big on one off "events" like concerts etc. where people can plan ahead for a one to three hour drive there from Hfx, Freddy or SJ.
But big league sports depends on "casual" attendees; local people who just take in a game on a Saturday after shopping or whatever.
And there are more people within 25k of any proposed Halifax stadium than there are in all of Southern New Brunswick.

hfx_chris Oct 29, 2009 10:54 PM

Absolutely right. I love seeing that chart that shows the number of people within certain driving times of Moncton. They only really surpass Halifax once you get to 3 hours - and even that number includes Halifax. Well that's neat and all, but unless you're talking about a one-off event like AC/DC or Bon Jovi, the number of people who are willing to regularly drive more than (I would hazard) 1.5 hours for a game drops off significantly. The only ones you're going to be attracting beyond that point are the die-hard fans, and the once-a-year crowd.
I would be willing to guess the majority of folks who turn up at the Metro Centre for a Moosehead game are NOT die-hard hockey fans, they're the casual fans - or the folks who go for the social experience. And the number of people within an hours drive of Halifax is one of the reasons I would guess that the Mooseheads have one of the highest attendance numbers in the QMJHL.
You need that large population number within an hour drive, those are your bread and butter attendees. And I just don't think Moncton has those numbers.

fenwick16 Oct 30, 2009 1:00 AM


Originally Posted by reddog794 (Post 4530573)
Why not Shearwater? It is walking distance to a ferry terminal already there, as well as being near a terminus of the Circ.

It's on a hill facing DT Halifax, I imagine a semi-bowl, like North Harbour stadium, in NZ, dug into the hill. You'd get an even better view of the waterfront.

There are two key realities though; it is government lands, and the smell of the refinery.

I looked at the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton (on the internet that is) and it appears as though the first level of seating is contained within an excavated bowl ( )

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