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Dr Awesomesauce Nov 18, 2013 12:47 AM

Re Clappison

I wonder if the Cut was quite new at the time of that postcard. You can also see Old Guelph Road (probably just Guelph Road at that time) winding its way up the escarpment.

CaptainKirk Nov 18, 2013 8:28 PM


Proceeding along York Boulevard north of the High Level Bridge, a sign at an intersection reads Old Guelph Road.

Before the construction shown in these three photographs, it was the Guelph Road, the main route from Hamilton northwards towards Guelph.

n 1924, a new road with less curves, and wider, was built up the Niagara Escarpment, by blasting and removing enough stone to make way for the direct roadway to be locally known as the Clappison Cut.




Ahatmose Nov 19, 2013 12:12 AM

Just a neat old picture: But the snow ... BRRRRRRR

movingtohamilton Nov 19, 2013 2:08 AM

Wonder if people back then were grumbling "damn those trolleys and their own right-of-way!" :)

ScreamingViking Nov 19, 2013 4:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ahatmose (Post 6342423)
Well then you will love this one., I have never seen this image or anything like it before. I make this trip every week now when I pick my daughter up at Guelph and bring her home. Sure looks a bit different now.

Postcard Clappison Cut Hamilton Ontario Canada ca. 1925


With the steep embankments, narrow road width, and flimsy barriers that were probably just cables strung between those posts, this must have been a hairy drive (especially in bad weather). Heck, it was hairy up until the last rebuild, and still is at times.

Nice find though. The construction pics posted today are great too.

ScreamingViking Nov 19, 2013 4:53 AM


Originally Posted by movingtohamilton (Post 6344155)
Wonder if people back then were grumbling "damn those trolleys and their own right-of-way!" :)

The "war on horses" must have been horrible. ;)

Dr Awesomesauce Nov 19, 2013 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ahatmose (Post 6344024)

Great find. Corner of King and James looking west. From left to right: Bank of Hamilton; Hamilton Herald (don't know how they ever printed papers in that building - perhaps they didn't); and the Traders Bank.

Wicked photos. Cheers for posting.

Ahatmose Nov 20, 2013 2:40 PM

A Possible Treasure Trove
Hi all ...

In my now obsessive quest to find old images of Hamilton, specifically a clearer image of The Lyric Theater in Hamilton I happened onto this site. I am sure they are all copyrighted so I will just post the link to the page. I have not even started to look through these yet but please enjoy along with me.

Not sure if this page has already been posted or not.

On the page at the top left just type in Hamilton in the search bar.


Ahatmose Nov 20, 2013 4:50 PM

Ferguson and Foster
Hi all just wondering what this building used to be ...

coalminecanary Nov 20, 2013 5:00 PM

A water pumping station servicing most of lower central/west hamilton. They just built a new one behind it.

Ahatmose Nov 20, 2013 6:06 PM


Originally Posted by coalminecanary (Post 6346322)
A water pumping station servicing most of lower central/west hamilton. They just built a new one behind it.

Thanks I grew up around Gage Park so really had never seen it before.



Ahatmose Nov 21, 2013 8:23 PM

Just a couple of pictures




Ahatmose Nov 22, 2013 4:12 AM

Ghosts From The Past
Haunting images of backstage and above it all at the now demolished Lyric Theater on Mary Street.

If you want to see many, many more please go to this great website.


Ahatmose Nov 22, 2013 4:28 PM

A "Muvee" I made
Hi I quickly put this together this morning. I will do a better job when I have more time. Pictures of a dying and then dead grand old theater.

Born 1913
Died 2010
Grand old theater in Hamilton Ontario built in 1913. The song playing in the background is by Henry Burr called "Last Night was The End of The World" and was in the top 10 during this year. The images are from a website online and no copyright infringement is intended. I would just like to publicly thank stalker and the others for taking these pictures for us so that The Lyric can live forever in our memories. The song repeats 3 times ... like a bell tolling.

Video Link

Paul29 Nov 22, 2013 5:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ahatmose (Post 6340053)

I worked at Kresges right before it closed and this is the first picture I've seen (assuming I'm correct in the location of course) that I see more than 2 stories.

Of course looking at the picture again, Kresge's didn't open until 1930. Was there a building there before the store that was demolished and Kresge built new?

Dr Awesomesauce Nov 23, 2013 2:17 AM

Not sure I understand the question. Are you asking whether that 3-story building in the above picture was a Kresge's? I think it may have been or at least a 5 and dime store of some sort.

stuckinexeter Nov 23, 2013 8:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul29 (Post 6349410)
I worked at Kresges right before it closed and this is the first picture I've seen (assuming I'm correct in the location of course) that I see more than 2 stories.

Of course looking at the picture again, Kresge's didn't open until 1930. Was there a building there before the store that was demolished and Kresge built new?

I believe the building you are referring to burned down and was replaced by the two story art deco Kresge's....i will check on it.

Paul29 Nov 23, 2013 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Dr Awesomesauce (Post 6350089)
Not sure I understand the question. Are you asking whether that 3-story building in the above picture was a Kresge's? I think it may have been or at least a 5 and dime store of some sort.

Kresge's was where the white 4 story building is shown between the bowling sign and the Right House building.
I've never seen a picture that predates Kresge's so I was a bit confused. :)


Originally Posted by stuckinexeter (Post 6350271)
I believe the building you are referring to burned down and was replaced by the two story art deco Kresge's....i will check on it.

Cool, thank you. :tup:

stuckinexeter Nov 23, 2013 5:50 PM


Originally Posted by Paul29 (Post 6350285)
Kresge's was where the white 4 story building is shown between the bowling sign and the Right House building.
I've never seen a picture that predates Kresge's so I was a bit confused. :)

Cool, thank you. :tup:

hi there... i checked and couldn't get the info but check out this link
from Paul Wilson of CBC Hamilton

Paul29 Nov 23, 2013 6:51 PM


Originally Posted by stuckinexeter (Post 6350485)
hi there... i checked and couldn't get the info but check out this link
from Paul Wilson of CBC Hamilton

I've seen that one before. Thanks for checking though.

I was officially the last Kresge employee to leave the building in '94. I though we got all the old signs. :haha:
Apparently not according to the picture in the article you posted.

I remember finding signs that read hamburgers 15 cents, milkshakes 25 cents.

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