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HurricaneHugo Dec 16, 2007 2:35 AM

Also...what's this planned route 241?

Derek Dec 16, 2007 8:49 AM

What seals?

Isn't 241 in Orange County?

OCtoSD Dec 16, 2007 7:58 PM

The seals are the one's at La Jolla Cove, saw a video about them on CNN and the 241 Toll Road is in OC but they want to build an extension through the nature preserve at Camp Pendelton. Which Is ridiculous, since it is a state park, and the price is going to be so high the only people that will use it will be the wealthy suburbanites who bought homes at the edge of sprawl in OC.

SDCAL Dec 16, 2007 9:37 PM


Originally Posted by OCtoSD (Post 3230600)
The seals are the one's at La Jolla Cove, saw a video about them on CNN and the 241 Toll Road is in OC but they want to build an extension through the nature preserve at Camp Pendelton. Which Is ridiculous, since it is a state park, and the price is going to be so high the only people that will use it will be the wealthy suburbanites who bought homes at the edge of sprawl in OC.

Absolutely hideous :( San Diego is never going to be a world-class city at this rate. The urban planners seem to forget or just ignore:

(1) Our natural environment sets us apart; destroy the whole thing and we just look like every other city

(2) More highways are NOT the answer; we need a comprehensive mass transit plan AND to have it implimetned. Otherwise, we will just turn into another LA - - sprawling, boring, suburbia

part of our problem is that SANDAG is incompitant. They came out with a "2030" plan for San Diego's future transportation needs when 1 million more people will be added to the county. Their plan focused almost exclusively on more freeways and toll-roads, very little on mass transit :yuck:

SDCAL Dec 16, 2007 9:45 PM


Originally Posted by sandiegodweller (Post 3218615)
I heard from very reliable sources that the lender who owns the NOTE on the land for Cosmo Square took bids last week. If they sell the NOTE, the new note holders will proceed with foreclosure.

The amount owed on the 1st Trust Deed is approx. $17.5 million. There are other Trust Deeds behind the 1st TD who will be wiped out.

Damn, this project is really all over the place - it's on, it's delayed, it's on hold, it's in foreclosure, it's out of foreclosure, it may be hotel, and now this.

Well, please update if you get more information, I'm curious as to what goes on with Cosmo since I live near the site

It's interesting that the CCDC website had "late 2007" for a start date for both Cosmo and Library Tower. Now, Library tower has no dates and Cosmo square says: "The project is scheduled to start in fall 2008, with an early 2011 completion targeted"

Where does CCDC get these dates from ???

Oh well, maybe the projects will get off the ground in the next few years. Since the board is dead, I'll post the renderings again to give the page some color :)

SDCAL Dec 16, 2007 9:51 PM

by the way, not sure if anyone saw this. I really wish Mayor Sanders was willing to consider a bond measure. It would be ashame to lose the $ 20 milion grant from the state :( :( :(

Building main library will require more donors
Backers pledged to raise $85 million
By Jeanette Steele

December 11, 2007

DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO – Supporters of building a $185 million central library in downtown San Diego say they have more than $15 million in new donations for the public-private partnership and believe its construction is closer than ever to reality.
In all, private sources have contributed more than $18 million, but that is short of the $50 million in donations that the San Diego Public Library Foundation had hoped to announce by year's end so construction could start on the project.

The city is facing its own timeline: It could lose a $20 million state grant if significant progress on the new library is not made by next December.

Although some people remain optimistic that the nine-story iconic library will be built, others wish more progress had been made and wonder whether the project will or should go forward as envisioned.

Major libraries opened since 2004
“It is disappointing that donors haven't stepped up to it, because they all say they want it and they are giving it lip service,” said John Cunningham, chairman of the Centre City Advisory Committee, which is made up of elected downtown stakeholders.

One question, said Scott Alevy, vice president of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, is whether library backers can get the $85 million they have pledged to raise given the number of other groups vying for donations.

“There are so many very worthy things that I think, frankly, in most people's eyes, are going to come before that,” Alevy said.

Central library facts
Plans call for a nine-story, 366,000-square-foot building with 250 underground parking spaces and a 350-seat public auditorium.

Public funding: A $20 million state Proposition 14 grant and $80 million from the Centre City Development Corp., San Diego's downtown redevelopment arm.

The San Diego Public Library Foundation is raising $85 million in private donations.

Wayne Raffesberger, a former downtown redevelopment agency board member, said perhaps it's time to reshape the budget based on the money in hand.

“It seems like early next year you really have to sit down and say: 'Where are we? What are the prospectives for any more (donations)?' ” Raffesberger said. And if the donations aren't rock-solid, then the foundation needs to determine how much it has and get started, he said.

But Judith Harris, Library Foundation chairwoman, is bullish about the project.

“I believe it's going to happen. I wish it had happened earlier, probably more than anybody else,” Harris said. “It's the hardest job I've ever done.”

The Centre City Development Corp., the city's downtown redevelopment agency, has set aside $80 million for the project. The state is contributing $20 million. The Library Foundation has pledged to raise $85 million, $35 million of which would be raised during the three years the library is under construction.

This may be the most expensive public library project by a major U.S. city in recent years. It is unique in leaning so heavily on private philanthropy.

Main library projects in Minneapolis and Seattle, for example, were funded in large part by voter-approved bond measures. Seattle also had a few high-profile, big-dollar donors: Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen each gave $20 million to the library system fundraising campaign.

AdvertisementThe downtown San Diego library project's latest benefactors aren't yet known, as the Library Foundation hasn't divulged its full donor list.
It will only say it has seven new gifts ranging from $500,000 to $15 million. That comes in addition to the 2005 gifts of $1 million from the Hervey Family Foundation and $2 million from David Copley, chairman and CEO of The Copley Press Inc. and publisher of The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The Library Foundation was started in 2001 to raise money for then-Mayor Dick Murphy's campaign to overhaul the city's public library system. Since then, the group has raised $50.5 million, part of which has helped fund new branches in Logan Heights and Serra Mesa.

In making pitches for downtown library donations, the foundation offers 35 “naming opportunities” ranging from $20 million for overall naming rights to $250,000 for a window alcove.

The biggest stumbling block, said foundation Vice Chairman Mel Katz, is concern among potential donors that the library might not happen.

Downtown residents still voice optimism and want to allow fundraisers as much time as they need.

Bill Sauls, an East Village resident and downtown lawyer, said the city and its downtown are growing up and, like other major cities, need a major main library.

“Are we a little backwoods town that can't seem to manage that? Well, I don't think so, but it's going to take time,” Sauls said.

Mayor Jerry Sanders has long opposed paying for the library from the city's general fund, which pays for parks, streets and other basic civic needs.

A mayoral spokesman said Sanders also would oppose going to voters with a bond measure for the library – though that is what Minneapolis, Seattle and other cities did to fund the lion's share of their projects.

In Minneapolis, voters approved a $110 million library bond, and the Friends of Minneapolis Public Library raised an additional $16.5 million in donations over five years – $1.5 million more than needed.

But Anita Duckor, director of the Minneapolis library group, called it a “very painful process” because her city had never raised private money for libraries before.

“The very first thing you have to do is describe to the community the value and the benefits of the library itself,” Duckor said, “because people have outdated versions of the library. They haven't been in the library lately.”

In Seattle, the library foundation raised $82 million, of which $14 million went to build a new central library. A spokeswoman attributed the giving to a passion for books in the rainy Northwest.

“People very much like to read here,” said Caroline Young Ullmann of the Seattle Public Library

OCtoSD Dec 17, 2007 6:14 AM

All the new buildings are affordable housing and hotels
Has anyone noticed all the new affordable housing projects on the CCDC spread. Almost all are in the East Village. Some of them have images up and nearly all are either under construction or slated to start within a few months. As everyone knows there also tons of new hotels that are suppost to be coming in. If anyone has a nifty map that shows where the new affordable projects are going in or pictures of them that would be great. If I knew how to use that photo bucket link thing you guys use I would at least get the CCDC pics up, but I don't and am taking law finals so don't exactly have the time to figure out how to do it now.

bmfarley Dec 17, 2007 6:24 AM


Originally Posted by OCtoSD (Post 3231486)
Has anyone noticed all the new affordable housing projects on the CCDC spread. Almost all are in the East Village. Some of them have images up and nearly all are either under construction or slated to start within a few months. As everyone knows there also tons of new hotels that are suppost to be coming in. If anyone has a nifty map that shows where the new affordable projects are going in or pictures of them that would be great. If I knew how to use that photo bucket link thing you guys use I would at least get the CCDC pics up, but I don't and am taking law finals so don't exactly have the time to figure out how to do it now.

All those hotels will have employees needing housing. The closer the better.

Here's you map page:

mello Dec 17, 2007 7:03 PM

We'll my brethren I am going to be leaving SD and finally relocating. After many different ideas and options that have come up over the years I have a great opportunity in NY. I will be living in the North Bronx and hopefully moving to a cool area of Brooklyn (BK Heights/Parkslope) within a year or so.

I will still be around in this thread and will definitely be reping the Chargers and Padres out there. (They will probably be rooting hard for the Chargers if they face the Patriots in the playoffs). Just wanted to let ya'll know.

It will be interesting actually living in a city that has money for civic projects/improvements etc. (and actually has a vision/identity). But I wish the best for my native city and will still follow things like the downtown library and new football Stadium closely. :cheers:

SD_Phil Dec 18, 2007 1:46 AM


hope you enjoy actually having weather. if you do then NY is definitely a good move. a tiny part of me is jealous. the other part, well, loves the beach.

Here's a mini-update of the Costa Verde highrise. It's all but done with the last of the exterior work being done.

All pictures by me (taken about an hour ago)

On Regents looking North:

mello Dec 18, 2007 2:57 AM

Thanks Phil I appreciate it. Yeah the weather will be interesting for sure being born and raised here in SD. But hey if SoCal doesn't start getting some rain........

People in SD better start praying for some "weather" :(

spoonman Dec 18, 2007 3:38 AM


Originally Posted by OCtoSD (Post 3230600)
The seals are the one's at La Jolla Cove, saw a video about them on CNN and the 241 Toll Road is in OC but they want to build an extension through the nature preserve at Camp Pendelton. Which Is ridiculous, since it is a state park, and the price is going to be so high the only people that will use it will be the wealthy suburbanites who bought homes at the edge of sprawl in OC.

I wish the 241 existed already. I'm currently living in OC and would use it everytime I go to San Diego (a lot) if it were possible. San Clemente is already a clusterf*$# and will only get worse. I don't want to encourage more sprawl either, but this toll road wouldn't really pave the way for future development so much as it would help improve the current infrastructure. Almost everything east of the toll road is undevelopable.

HurricaneHugo Dec 18, 2007 3:52 AM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 3232088)
We'll my brethren I am going to be leaving SD and finally relocating. After many different ideas and options that have come up over the years I have a great opportunity in NY. I will be living in the North Bronx and hopefully moving to a cool area of Brooklyn (BK Heights/Parkslope) within a year or so.

I will still be around in this thread and will definitely be reping the Chargers and Padres out there. (They will probably be rooting hard for the Chargers if they face the Patriots in the playoffs). Just wanted to let ya'll know.

It will be interesting actually living in a city that has money for civic projects/improvements etc. (and actually has a vision/identity). But I wish the best for my native city and will still follow things like the downtown library and new football Stadium closely. :cheers:


mello Dec 18, 2007 5:00 AM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 3233143)

:lmao: Damn man that gave me such a good laugh. You and I have been on this forum for a long ass time since early 2001 probably. Lots of memories bro, from hngcmd or whatever the hell you were to Hurrican Hugo LOL...

I think you and I are the longest lasting SD forumers! Don't worry I man I will still be on here. I ain't no quitter! :apple: :righton:

Derek Dec 18, 2007 6:36 AM

Good luck in my home borough! :tup:

SD_Phil Dec 19, 2007 1:34 AM

Here's a quick update on the La Jolla Commons project. The midrise office is half clad in glass. The parking structure behind it is also mostly done. There's a fairly deep hole next to the midrise where (I assume) the highrise will go. No foundation work though, just a hole.

Also, it was a great day today and I went walking on the beach at Torrey Pines. Take a look:

SDCAL Dec 19, 2007 5:52 AM

We're getting a direct flight to London, but it doesn't sound like the most glamorous airline.

Hopefully Lufthansa will be next


Zoom Airlines announces nonstop flights to London


By Penni Crabtree

4:23 p.m. December 18, 2007

Four years after Lindbergh Field lost its only overseas service, no-frills flyer Zoom Airlines announced Tuesday that it will begin nonstop flights next summer from San Diego to London.
Airport officials wooed the Canadian-based economy-fare airline with a mix of financial incentives, beating out San Francisco and Seattle for the service.

Among other things, the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority offered $200,000 in marketing incentives to promote the new overseas flights here and in London, and $100,000 in temporary landing fee and terminal space rent waivers.
Zoom, which already offers daily flights between New York and London, said it will launch its new twice-weekly San Diego-London route June 20. The airline also has routes from Canada and Bermuda to Europe and is introducing new routes between London and Fort Lauderdale and Denver next year.

Flights will depart from San Diego on Mondays and Fridays at 4:35 p.m. and arrive at Gatwick Airport in London at 11:05 a.m. the following day. They will depart from London on Mondays and Fridays at 11:30 a.m. and arrive in San Diego at 2:50 p.m., the airline said.

“We expect the flights will be popular on both sides of the Atlantic,” said Thella Bowens, president and chief executive officer of the Airport Authority. “The London flight will give San Diego's tourism industry access to thousands of British travelers, who tend to stay longer and spend more.”

A Zoom round-trip ticket from San Diego to London in late June will cost either $498 or $898, depending on whether passengers book economy or “premium” economy seats, which offer perks such as additional leg room and meal and drink benefits

Derek Dec 19, 2007 6:08 AM

At least it's something, but what kind of aircraft will they use? They have a fleet consisting of only two Boeing 767s right now.

And yes, I hope Lufthansa is next, and I also heard a rumor about Philippine Airlines running a SAN-YVR-MNL route.

From Wikipedia:

In the future, PAL has expressed interest in increasing its frequencies to Canada and China and introducing flights to India, Europe, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, New Zealand, Seattle, San Diego and New York City.

bmfarley Dec 19, 2007 7:28 AM


Originally Posted by Derek loves SD (Post 3235403)
At least it's something, but what kind of aircraft will they use? They have a fleet consisting of only two Boeing 767s right now.

Tonights news said 767's.

HurricaneHugo Dec 19, 2007 8:48 AM

i'd rather have a SAN-Paris route but whatever!

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