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tovangar2 Dec 20, 2012 10:29 PM

Jack Dempsey in Laughlin Park

Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5945942)
Jack Dempsey - out and about.
Undated photo of JD

These are taken on the west side of the Laughlin Park house. With remodeling and the new garages all but unrecognizable now. Nice car.

GaylordWilshire Dec 20, 2012 11:57 PM

When Jack and Estelle split, there was an auction... (btw, neither the Rolls-Royce or the Chrysler Imperial listed is the one in the pictures we've seen below; it looks to me like he's posing with a ca. 1929 DuPont). It seems that Dempsey later moved to New York with next wife Hannah, but kept the house until 1948, renting it for a time to Diana Barrymore...

In the '50s, Union Pacific executive Lawrence Courtney was living at 5254, dying in the house in 1956.

tovangar2 Dec 21, 2012 1:22 AM

Diana Barrymore rents Dempsey's House

Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5946129)
...renting it for a time to Diana Barrymore...

Diana with her dad, 1921:

Thx for posting the clippings GW

BifRayRock Dec 21, 2012 2:29 AM

The postcard depiction of the Gables Beach Club (810 Palisades Beach Rd ) may be more wishful thinking than an accurate rendition of the complex. The Towers would have made the Gables a landmark that would have appeared in other area photos. Most sources suggest the building was erected in the early '20s and destroyed shortly thereafter. However, another source provides a different story:

The Gables was constructed in 1927 as an addition to the Gables Beach Club. It was intended to be 23-stories high, but construction was halted with the onset of the Great Depression with just 3-stories complete. The building was demolished in the 1960s, with one wall left as a buffer for the bluffs.

jhny12 Dec 21, 2012 4:19 AM

I remember underground tunnels being covered here before, but I don't recall seeing these photos, some old, some new.
Link found on the city-data forum

FredH Dec 21, 2012 5:44 AM

Originally Posted by tovangar2

Circa 1932 - "Coolest spot in the Valley" - Fox Theater, located at 114 W. Third Street in Pomona, Dempsey making personal appearance.

Fox Theater - Still looking pretty cool
Google Street View

"Respect in the Cage" - They are still doing fights!

Mojeda101 Dec 21, 2012 7:02 AM

I live 5 minutes from that theater! I can tell you, they have definitely brought that theater back to life. Local high schools play their concerts and choir there along with other actual concerts with minor bands. Nightclubs are right down the street so it's alive at night. That picture is a little dated. I'll see if I can get a good picture tomorrow =]

DouglasUrantia Dec 21, 2012 12:45 PM

Kitchen Instructions or Approval?

Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 5946043)
These are taken on the west side of the Laughlin Park house. With remodeling and the new garages all but unrecognizable now. Nice car.

Evidently Jack liked his food prepared in an exacting manner. This fascinating old picture from eBay is definitely from another era.

GaylordWilshire Dec 21, 2012 3:05 PM
Lolita's Classics/LAT

It appears that another legendary acting name was connected to 5254 Los Feliz Boulevard. According to Lolita's Classics,

"In 1935 Basil and Ouida moved to Hollywood. For the first three years they lived at the address 5254 Los Feliz Blvd., a time
that Basil later recalled as 'the happiest three years of my life'.... The house was small but extremely comfortable. It had a
large and lovely garden and a kidney-shaped swimming pool. Over the four-car garage there was a spacious studio. This studio
was occupied by dear Jack Miltern, who had come to live with us."

More drama during Rathbone's tenure in the Dempsey house...

BifRayRock Dec 21, 2012 5:48 PM

Can't vouch for accuracy, but fans of the Manassas Mauler's Angelino connections may find this of interest:


1928 - 15 acre Wallace Neff-designed residence of silent film actor Fred Thomson and wife Frances Marion. Thomson was best of friends with Dempsey rival and nemesis, long count - Gene Tunney. Don't believe Gene Tunney's connections with LA were as strong as Jack Dempsey's. Mr. Tunney's son served as a California US Senator and he was a classmate of another future senator, Ted Kennedy. Of course, Ted Kennedy's father, Joseph P. had numerous LA-connections.

To get the ball rolling here's a quote from the notes accompanying the ornate ceiling (bottom):

"The exotic, neo-classical ceiling of the Hollywood Pantages Theater never fell in on Alexander Pantages, but it might as well have. The theater impresario broke ground on the grand theater months before the 1929 market crash. Then, as the stock market melted down, Pantages was arrested. Seventeen-year-old chorus girl Eunice Pringle claimed she was raped by Pantages in the broom closet of his downtown L.A. theater. Pantages was convicted and sentenced to fifty years in prison. The conviction was overturned on appeal, but the scandal and the legal costs ruined Pantages. On the Hollywood theater's opening day, June 4, 1930, the Pantages empire was already spiraling into oblivion. By year's end, Pantages was forced to sell his theater chain - at pennies on the dollar - to Joseph Kennedy's RKO Pictures."

GaylordWilshire Dec 21, 2012 6:29 PM


I looked for coverage of the Hotel Barbara/Barbizon here, but found only a reference or two to it, no pics. Here are a few. It's at 1927 West 6th St.

tovangar2 Dec 21, 2012 6:58 PM

The Enchanted Hill - Angelo Drive, Beverly Hills

Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5946930)

The story of The Enchanted Hill is a heartbreaker.
It's gardens were by Paul J. Howard ("Flowerland")

Lost Hollywood – The Enchanted Hill of Fred Thomson and Frances Marion

norman kennedy

And thank you again GW for the pix and clips. Everything's been passed on.

Basil Rathbone managed to take down the license plate number of the car that killed Miltern. The next day the LA police charged stockbroker Logan Metcalf, ex-husband of silent screen actress Madge Bellamy (she demanded a divorce after 4 days of marriage, still pining for Howard Hughes who had jilted her for Constance Bennett), with negligent homicide and hit and run driving. In 1943 Bellamy shot her lover, millionaire A. Stanford Murphy, after he jilted her to marry another woman. He lived. She got 5 days plus probation. Dunno what happened to Metcalf.

John Miltern in On With the Dance, 1920

ChiPsy Dec 21, 2012 7:01 PM


Originally Posted by jhny12 (Post 5946388)
I remember underground tunnels being covered here before, but I don't recall seeing these photos, some old, some new.
Link found on the city-data forum

Superb link!

Earl Boebert Dec 21, 2012 7:50 PM

Caption: "Rita Aarons, wife of photographer Slim Aarons, on a lilo in a swimming pool decorated for Christmas, Hollywood, 1954."

Geolocation whizzes ought to be able to locate the pool based on the Hollywood sign :-)

Thought this was a cool Holiday picture; Best Wishes of the Season to all.



tovangar2 Dec 21, 2012 9:17 PM

Slim Aarons

Originally Posted by Earl Boebert (Post 5947126)

Caption: "Rita Aarons, wife of photographer Slim Aarons, on a lilo in a swimming pool decorated for Christmas, Hollywood, 1954."

Ah, Slim Aarons, he was a corker (and apparently a resident of the Baldwin Hills):
slim aarons

Clark Gable, Van Heflin, Gary Cooper and Jimmy Stewart at Romanoff's, New Year's Eve, 1957

GaylordWilshire Dec 21, 2012 9:32 PM

Will the glamorous historical detail of 5254 Los Feliz Blvd/2047 Laughlin Park Drive ever cease? While stumbling around for information on the property earlier, I ran across a connection to native Hollywoodite Harley J. Earl, perhaps the most famous automotive designer of all time. Conflicting information in Los Angeles Times articles and in other sources at first had me discounting an actual connection to the Dempsey/Rathbone/Barrymore house. At least three different Los Feliz blvd addresses were in the mix: 5240 and 5242, as well as 5254. Earl's father-in-law, Hugh M. Carpenter, was living at 5242 when his grandson died in 1927 and when he died himself in 1947. It was that address that threw me off initial indications of an Earl connection to 5254... (is anyone still awake?). But then I discovered a reference of always-on-it Steve Vaught of Paradise Leased to an Earl provenance of 5254... indeed it turns out that Harley Earl built it (with the help of architect Frank Rasche) in 1923. Two years later (or four, depending on the source), apparently around the time Earl moved to Detroit to work at GM, the house was sold to Dempsey. Mrs. Earl and son Billy had stayed in L.A. and, it seems, moved to 5242 with her parents. It was on a return visit to L.A. to see his family (and to show off his trendsetting new LaSalle, seen below on that trip) that tragedy struck. Angeles Times May 20, 1927

ethereal_reality Dec 21, 2012 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by alanlutz (Post 5938836)
A year ago, my knowledge of L.A. history and architecture was very limited. I love taking my 6th graders on the Metrolink from Orange (city in the county of same name), to LAUS for annual walking tours of downtown L.A. We walk from Union Station, Olvera Street, through the civic center, up Temple to Grand, throught the Music Center, Wells Fargo, Westin Bonaventure, Central Library, and catch Red Line at 7th St. back to LAUS and Metrolink home. (whew, whirlwind description of my tour.) But I seldom get to go back and visit other areas or know what I'm looking at until I started following this forum. How did I find you? After my last trip with the class in Feb 2012, one of the viewers of my photo show commented that his dad used to work at the Hall of Records. I did a Google search and wound up viewing a photo of the old Hall of Records on your forum. My good fortune began then! Thanks to all of YOU, over most of the last year I have been studying and learning so much about the history of L.A. via this forum and have gone back as many times as I could to go outside my box, take pictures, look for some still standing buildings, and post some of my photos here. The first time I'm posting some pictures here was back in April. (post #7286).
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm still reading all the pages and haven't caught up to the present yet but what a ride! I save many photos to my hard drive so I can look at them off line. I love the "then and now" photos that some many of you do! I have a lot more to say but I have to stop for now. Merry Christmas and Joy to the World to all of you. I come here every day and enjoy the community almost as much as my FB friends. Thanks ER for founding this and keeping it going!
Alan in Orange.

Hi Alan,

I had planned to thank you in a personal message for this extremely kind post, but I had to leave town unexpectedly
and it slipped my mind. :( It wasn't a slight, especially since your post touched me very much.

Happy Holidays-Bruce

BifRayRock Dec 22, 2012 1:57 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5946996)

I looked for coverage of the Hotel Barbara/Barbizon here, but found only a reference or two to it, no pics. Here are a few. It's at 1927 West 6th St.

Notes accompanying one or more photos suggest Jack Dempsey had more than a passing interest in the Hotel Barbara. He purchased it twice!


Jack Dempsey once again becomes a big hotel and restaurant man having this week taken back his Barbara hotel. He will personally supervise the grill, and is learning his onions from Eugene Stark, pioneer international culinary authority, and restauranteur. Photo dated: May 12, 1932.lapl

Source notes do not provide dates or locations, but above photos strongly suggest these Dempsey images are also from "his" Hotel Barbara in the early '30s.

BifRayRock Dec 22, 2012 2:04 AM

Albany NY Dec 22, 2012 4:38 AM

A Moment For Basil
Lolita's Classics/LAT

Wow. Thanks, GaylordWilshire for finding this article. Basil Rathbone is my all-time favorite actor. I found out a few years ago that he and his wife are interred at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York, about a one hour drive from me. I went to the cemetery one extremely foggy day (just like in a Sherlock Holmes movie). His final resting place is a beautifully serene and dignified place. Nothing "noir" about this, but it is a peaceful period at the end of a sentence.

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