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CentralGrad258 Jul 9, 2009 2:29 AM

Helsinki and the Finnish countryside
This past June my girlfriend and I took a 2 week trip through Europe, visiting (in order) Kiev, Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam. It was a fantastic vacation that I'll remember for a long time. Hopefully these pictures will give you a little glimpse of the character of each city.

We arrived at Helsinki on the eve of Midsummer's Holiday, a huge occasion in Finland, apparently on par with Christmas. Everyone basically abandons the cities and goes to their cottage by the lake to chill, drink, hit the sauna, dip in the lake and then repeat. We only had one evening in Helsinki until we were meeting some friends to join the festivities. It's a good thing it stayed light out past midnight.

The Helsinki Railway station:

Modern residences next to a big mall right in the downtown (Kappi, I think)
Tons of trolleys in the downtown area:
Esplanade, heading towards the bay
This coffee shop used to be popular with Russian aristocrats, before Finland declared independence in 1917.
Friendly locals, I try not to generalize, but I find Fins to be an awesome people...generally speaking
Views of the harbor (around 10 pm)
Off to the countryside
Typical cottage
Welcome sight after a hot sauna
Sun finally comes out
Time for a barn dance
Money shot

llamaorama Jul 9, 2009 5:25 AM

Great trip, I wish I could do something like that someday

Though for me this thread is funny in an ironic sense. I just had the opposite experience summer camping at a lake. It was literally 105 degrees but worse the water in the lake was bathwater warm. I tried to sleep in my car but that was no fun. To drink some people were getting very sloowwly wasted on light beer WTF...What's worse is some guy in our group I don't know caused a scene with the campsite owner when he didn't pay at the office, and ran away drunk and hid the woods. Yeah...

ady26 Jul 9, 2009 10:57 AM

I love the finnish cities!

samne Jul 9, 2009 12:52 PM

looks great, the Fins live well.

Fusey Jul 9, 2009 2:55 PM

Finns rock (and are pretty good drinkers). Nice pics!

xzmattzx Jul 9, 2009 4:22 PM

Great pictures. What time did the sun set on the Solstice? Obviously after 10, based on that harbor picture.

Coldrsx Jul 9, 2009 7:11 PM


i cannot wait to tour scandinavia

UrbanSophist Jul 9, 2009 7:30 PM


Originally Posted by Coldrsx (Post 4349408)

i cannot wait to tour scandinavia

Actually, it's debatable whether Finland is a part of Scandinavia. The term more specifically refers to Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

ColDayMan Jul 9, 2009 7:53 PM

Great, thanks!

Roaming Jul 9, 2009 8:10 PM

You sure had a good trip! Loving Finland.

CentralGrad258 Jul 9, 2009 8:31 PM

Thanks for the positive responses. It was definitely a kick ass vacation and it's always better when you know people in the countries you visit. You get a much better taste for local life and get to feel like less of a tourist.

The sun set around 11 pm, but it was still light out past midnight. Thankfully I had one of those sleeping masks, because otherwise I probably would've started acting like the Al Pacino character in Insomnia.

Sulley Jul 10, 2009 1:20 AM

Awesome. Thanks for posting.

ukw Jul 10, 2009 8:59 PM

Nice pics. Although, given all the technological advancements coming from Finland (Linux, Nokia) I expected a bit of a more hi-tech landscape, compared to what looks like a typical small European country.

OhioGuy Jul 10, 2009 9:05 PM

Love it! Really hope to visit Helsinki someday.

Rizzo Jul 10, 2009 9:09 PM

Great thread! I actually like some of that modern architecture you posted.

Nightsky Jul 11, 2009 11:38 AM

Nice pics!

Why did you decide to visit these 4 cities?

jomaled Jul 13, 2009 2:56 PM

Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. I have a cousin who lives in Helsinki and she keeps bugging me to visit her one of these days. I am looking forward to spending a few days in Finland, then on to Stockholm.

Evergrey Jul 14, 2009 1:14 AM

I'm really enjoying your trip through Europe, CentralGrad... these Finnish countryside photos are very interesting!

SHiRO Jul 14, 2009 1:17 AM


Austinlee Jul 14, 2009 5:17 AM

Excellent stuff.

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