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BlaineN May 28, 2019 2:05 AM

Rivers District Redevelopment Thread
Thread to discuss the BMO expansion and Rivers District redevelopment

Corndogger May 28, 2019 2:12 AM


Originally Posted by BlaineN (Post 8586325)
Thread to discuss the BMO expansion and Rivers District redevelopment

Thanks for setting this up.

suburbia May 28, 2019 1:26 PM

Rivers District Master Plan intro video
Video Link

Rivers District Master Plan:

Images from the above document

Plazas, Parks & Sidewalks

Commercial corridors & land use

FAR -> density & height

Proposed LRT station framework


Development phases (0-10yrs, 10-20yrs, 20-30yrs, 50yrs)

BMO Event Centre expansion tidbits circa 2017:

Originally Posted by Suburbia (Post 7934366)
Stampede / BMO Centre upgrades:

- As mentioned before, the soon to be revealed upgrades (with more upgrades coming) for the Big4 create a new large event space, but also increase exhibition bandwidth
- Next would be addition of Hall F, adding more exhibition bandwidth
- With Big4 upgraded and Hall F added, demo can start on the corral and Hall A
- Hall A and the Corral will be replaced by 130,000sf adding to Halls B and C, creating a primary hall that is 230,000sf contiguous, with DEF being a second large hall at 150,000sf.
- Above the new portion will be two more levels, including a 50,000sf banquet hall, and then multiple additional convention centre style rooms / spaces
- On site and connected/integrated would be a new hotel - RFP has gone out for a 600 room facility, which would be the largest hotel in the city
- The project would also allow for then 17th Avenue to be extended through the grounds and additional road / pedestrian infrastructure
- The complex, once complete, would be the second largest convention centre in Canada

The above represents just a portion of the project, and for the east half of the core, it represents continued investment and massive "true" revitalization, building on the 4th street underpass, library and national music centre. The addition of an arena to this equation would be absolutely spectacular and a win-win, as the arena would be able to leverage all of the expansion and revitalization that just an arena can never bring to an area. It would also create a pathway to massive international events, should there be a decision to go that way.

Pretty exciting stuff!

BMO Event Centre design team announcement / timeline
Stantec, Populous and S2 Architecture chosen to plan and design doubling of convention centre's size

"When the expansion is completed in 2024, BMO Centre will have more than doubled its current rentable space, with nearly one million square feet of total floor space — making it the second-largest facility of its kind in the country," said Dana Peers, president of the Calgary Stampede.

Work got underway in the spring to construct an additional space, known as Hall F, to help reduce the disruption of the planned expansion.
Stantec-Populous-S2 Team selected as Primary Consultants for the BMO Centre Expansion

Stantec will act as the Calgary-based prime consultant and Architect of
Record (AOR), Populous will be the architectural design lead, and S2
Architecture will lead the construction administration team.

Populous is a global architecture and design firm that designs the
places where people love to be together, like Yankee Stadium, the London
Olympics, and the Super Bowl. Over the last 36 years, the firm has
designed more than 3,000 projects worth $40 billion across the world’s
top cities, including working with more than 50 convention center
clients over the last 20 years. Designs for places like ICC Sydney, Los
Angeles Convention Center, Anaheim Convention Center and George R Brown
Convention Center create emotional connections between people and the
civic, sports and entertainment places and events they love best.
Populous designed convention and exhibition centres

suburbia May 28, 2019 1:37 PM

Discussion related to Stampede LRT station / 17th at MacLeod north revamp:


Originally Posted by ggopher (Post 8579545)
The City is presenting the plan for the 17 Avenue Stampede Crossing (17SX) at the Transportation Committee meeting on Wednesday.


Report to the Transportation and Transit Committee:
1.17 Avenue - Stampede Crossing - TT2019-0506.pdf

The most significant change to the area will be the at-grade crossing which will improve connectivity for all modes of transportation, providing greater accessibility for Calgarians with limited mobility, increased platform capacity and the re-imagining and reconstruction of Victoria Park / Stampede Station. However, the 17SX will introduce new conflict points among pedestrians, vehicles and CTrains; these risks cannot be eliminated, but mitigations will be sought through a Road Safety Audit, appropriate design, safety measures and treatments. During construction, there will be impacts to CTrain service and customer access through station closures, as well as a need for temporary lane closures on northbound Macleod Trail north and south of 17 Ave SE. The crossing will introduce a noticeable impact to vehicle queues and delays on northbound Macleod Trail and eastbound 17 Avenue SE.

Project design will begin with the selection of a prime-design consultant in May 2019 and project completion is expected for Q3 2023.
I think this project will make a huge difference to development along the eastern portion of 17th Avenue and the Stampede grounds. But by changing this crossing to being at grade with no overpasses. They are clearly acknowledging that this will have an impact on traffic, c-train speed, and pedestrian safety.

Another huge plus is this project is being managed by CMLC, they have been doing a great job developing this area.


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8585632)

Originally Posted by ImmortalHawk (Post 8583868)
Even though I really like the open concept of the Victoria Park station, it worries me that the pedestrian traffic after a game or event in the Saddledome will cause problems for the traffic on Macleod. It will cause major congestions in the whole area. Not to mention the accidents that could be caused when the station is at-grade. Tbh I like the Victoria Park station, just maybe renovate the station to make it more open, and demolish that ugly pedestrian bridge. Maybe build a new, expanded one? Cuz the spiral stairs and ramp coming down from the bridge are a real sketchy place...

I don't disagree with you, however, there are several mitigating factors also.
1. Currently large numbers of cars east-bound on 17th avenue must turn left, however, now I suspect a majority of them will end up continuing east through the newly revitalized area, and then turn north on Olympic Way, which will have many more services and a major hotel added.
2. Some cars going north on MacLeod may now turn right for all of new destinations mentioned above, all the way up to East Village.
3. A vast majority of the pressure on MacLeod Trail northbound is during hours that there will not be pedestrians crossing over the the Stampede Grounds. In the afternoon, the pressure is on MacLeod Trail southbound, not northbound.
4. The pedestrian pathway across MacLeod is on the north of the car intersection, so all volumes from 1 & 2 above will not be effected.
5. The pedestrian pathway across MacLeod is ultra-wide, so movements can happen quickly.
6. A vast majority of the pedestrian traffic, save for specific scenarios like a rare Flames playoff run, will actually be moving between the Stampede grounds and the station itself. Given the tracks are on the east of the road, these larger volumes will not be crossing MacLeod at all. Further, it looks like the pedestrian areas both sides of the train station run for a good distance north, so many crossings may happen to the north of the BMO from the train
7. Even for those post playoff game scenarios, odds are much higher that the red wave (of whatever you want to call it) will shift in large part Olympic Way and the eastern portion of the "new" 17th avenue, only extending till MacLeod - more of a Jurassic Park scenario like in Toronto. This is something that can be "planned" and I suspect will be.
8. The high volume of pedestrians we've previously seen for the Stampede going all the way across has gone down substantially, as the large parking lots between MacLeod north and south have been eliminated.

So all in all, I think what we are currently envisioning is car and pedestrian movements akin to the broader area as we currently see it, however what we really need to be thinking about is car and pedestrian movements how they will be after the full broader revitalization. Those congregation points and destinations will all change.

From my view, I think the Rivers master plan I shared including some of the graphics confirm what I was saying above. The red mile will in future be Stampede Trail.

suburbia May 28, 2019 1:48 PM

Economic assessment of the Rivers District revitilization

The RDMPis a proposed mixed-use development project located in the east Victoria Park region of downtown Calgary. The plan outlines the development of 4,000,000 sq. ft. of mixed-use development space, with the intention of attracting over 8,000 new residents to the area. CMLC envisions this space as a vibrant, high-density, mixed-use community that attracts tourists from across the globe, and establishes Calgary as a premier destination for arts, culture, and entertainment. The Rivers District Revitalization includes three mega-projects with these being: the expansion and renovation of Arts Commons;theexpansion of the BMO Centre; and the construction of a new Event Centre. Note that the projects are listed alphabetically and the order does not indicate prioritization or importance.

suburbia Jun 3, 2019 7:17 PM

This is from several days ago:

suburbia Jun 18, 2019 3:27 PM

Calgary Stampede "Youth Campus"
REF - Kaison via Lawson Projects

YYCguys Jun 18, 2019 3:54 PM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8608650)

Is this under construction at the moment? How far along is it to achieving the concept plan in its entirety?

suburbia Jun 18, 2019 7:29 PM


Originally Posted by YYCguys (Post 8608680)
Is this under construction at the moment?

I don't believe this is under construction yet. Only BMO currently, though I'm curious how long till the station re-work begins.


Originally Posted by YYCguys (Post 8608680)
How far along is it to achieving the concept plan in its entirety?

The full concept plan is 50 years, so it hasn't been achieved in entirety yet. The third post on this thread includes the four development phases: 0-10yrs, 10-20yrs, 20-30yrs & 50yrs. The first phase includes BMO expansion, hotels, youth campus and new arena. Obviously things need to fall into place for all of that to proceed as envisioned.

YYCguys Jun 19, 2019 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8609003)
I don't believe this is under construction yet. Only BMO currently, though I'm curious how long till the station re-work begins.
The full concept plan is 50 years, so it hasn't been achieved in entirety yet. The third post on this thread includes the four development phases: 0-10yrs, 10-20yrs, 20-30yrs & 50yrs. The first phase includes BMO expansion, hotels, youth campus and new arena. Obviously things need to fall into place for all of that to proceed as envisioned.

Sorry I meant just the Youth Campus concept plan and construction timeline.

suburbia Jun 19, 2019 3:26 PM


Originally Posted by YYCguys (Post 8609274)
Sorry I meant just the Youth Campus concept plan and construction timeline.

I don't have more information about that specific component and few others are contributing to this important thread unfortunately. While I'd think it is not 100% set in stone yet, the fact that it is in envisioned for phase one of the Rivers developments, I'd hope to think it is quite a ways along.

Would love if we had a contributor here from CMLC!

suburbia Jun 19, 2019 4:00 PM

Youth Campus latest from the Calgary Stampede's corporate site:
  • BMO Amphitheatre
  • Doherty Hall
  • TransAlta Performing Arts Studios
  • Calgary Arts Academy
  • Calgary Opera Community Arts Centre

View via Google Maps:

This image shows a completed BMO Amphitheatre and Doherty Hall:

From the Calgary Opera site:

The new 45,000 sq.-ft. multi-functional hub will include a flexible 400-seat performance/rehearsal hall, additional rehearsal, classroom and studio spaces, set-building, props and costume production shops and administrative areas for Calgary Opera and its arts partner groups.
  • Date for building project completion: Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
  • Project Architects: Gibbs Gage Architects of Calgary and Diamond Schmidtt Architects
  • Project Management: WSP Projects

Designed by Calgary-based Gibbs Gage Architects in collaboration with Diamond Schmitt Architects, at 45,000 square feet, the multi-functional hub will include a 400-seat performance/rehearsal hall, additional rehearsal, classroom and studio spaces, set-building, props and costume production shops and administrative areas for Calgary Opera and its arts partner groups, the release reads.

The two-storey lobby will feature a glazed facade, providing a view of the Rundle Ruins, said Stephen Mahler of Gibbs Gage Architects in an interview with the Journal of Commerce.

suburbia Jun 19, 2019 4:03 PM

Glad to see they've opened up some of the foyer spaces at the Grand Stand

suburbia Jun 19, 2019 4:07 PM

Updates from the 2018 Calgary Stampede Foundation report to the community


Doherty Hall grand opening was on October 17, 2018. The hall is a stunning heritage re-creation of the Westbourne Baptist Church, and now lives as a modern and professional performance space to be used by artists of all ages. The 120-person hall fills a niche gap in the Calgary arts sector due to its intimate setting and state-of-the-art audio/visual systems.

SAM Centre update:
Open year round, the SAM Centre will take western storytelling to a new place exploring our past, present and future, bringing to life the stories of everyday heroes and local champions - our neighbours, friends, founders and leaders, first peoples, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers and sisters.When complete, the SAM Centre will become the centrepiece of the campus and of Calgary. With it we will bring together dynamic programs for community building, multi-purpose learning opportunities including stampede school and other youth programs, and access to our extensive stampede heritage archives collection all in one facility

BURNCO Courtyard and Enbridge Plaza – Construction begins Spring 2019

Suburgatory Jun 19, 2019 8:23 PM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8609867)
I don't have more information about that specific component and few others are contributing to this important thread unfortunately. While I'd think it is not 100% set in stone yet, the fact that it is in envisioned for phase one of the Rivers developments, I'd hope to think it is quite a ways along.

Would love if we had a contributor here from CMLC!

Haha :uhh: Gee, I wonder why there isn't...

Suburgatory Jun 20, 2019 4:12 PM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8609867)
Would love if we had a contributor here from CMLC!


Originally Posted by Bad Grizzly (Post 8610427)
Please post your evidence that it’s animals.


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8610883)
Please post your proof that humans are not animals.


suburbia Jun 25, 2019 4:12 PM

HUGE deal for Calgary, and no doubt a major portion of this will be happening at the Stampede Grounds (in the final stretches of redevelopment)

I haven't seen any dates in the articles. Curious if it possible some of the main elements currently being put forth regarding Stampede LRT station and the BMO expansion might be ready? Of course this can work without those anyway, but curious if a late 2023 event might expedite some things.

suburbia Jul 13, 2019 3:42 PM

Construction full-steam-ahead on Hall F through Stampede Week
Screen Capture from Global coverage here:


“We are moving as fast as we can and there was no way we could take this week off,” Jim Laurendeau, Vice President of Park Development for the Calgary Stampede, said. “We have to keep moving.”

“What we are doing here is adding about 100 thousand square feet of space,” He said. ” We call it ‘Hall F’ of the BMO Centre, which will be more of that consumer show space we are all familiar with.”

suburbia Aug 11, 2019 1:21 AM

An important aspect of the new arena design will be how it integrates into other elements of the rivers district, and quite importantly, the BMO Event Centre. Looking forward to seeing more as the design work for both the BMO Event Centre and the new arena gets going and is revealed. I'm curious if there will be a +15 type connection, allowing these pieces to work together. Having a connected hotel is going to be a big positive for the arena, and I would suspect visiting teams would make good use of it (along with partying types). The concept of shifting the red mile to right against the arena running vertical is a great one.

On a related note, latest Hall F construction images at Skyrise Cities:

suburbia Aug 23, 2019 7:51 PM

This aerial from CMLC really highlights the impact already had on East Village, the massive opportunities within the Stampede areas of the Rivers District, the gaps in the Core and Beltline, as well as the prime real estate the bus barn represents (which the Flames billionaires have theirs hooks into).
REF: CMLC main landing page

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