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-Filipe- Sep 16, 2013 1:21 AM


Originally Posted by NYC GUY (Post 6268425)
I still think it will be 1550 or close to that and seriously I know height isn't everything but this would be like tower verre when it got a 200 feet haircut.

Most likely this will be shorter so taht 220 cps can be taller

sparkling Sep 16, 2013 4:32 AM


Originally Posted by -Filipe- (Post 6268456)
Most likely this will be shorter so taht 220 cps can be taller

I don't see a reason for Extell to agree to any such deal since 220 cps will be on 59th street right in front of its tower. The higher the Vornado tower rises, the more apartments in the Nordstrom tower will have no view of the park.

Perklol Sep 16, 2013 7:02 AM

200-350 ft height cuts seems to be the norm nowadays.

NYguy Sep 16, 2013 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by -Filipe- (Post 6268422)
Who cares if its 1253 feet, better then a 600 ft tower, or a 300 ft tower, or an empty plot?

Believe me, a lot of people would love to have a 1,250 ft tower being planned for their city. These people around here have gotten somewhat spoiled. We don't have enough supertalls under construction already...


Originally Posted by NYC GUY (Post 6268425)
I know height isn't everything but this would be like tower verre when it got a 200 feet haircut.

Except that it won't be, because the Tower Verre actually got a "haricut". This would be a completely different version of whatever tower Barnett planned at a greater height. And you have no idea which is the superior version.


Originally Posted by Eveningsong (Post 6268616)
200-350 ft height cuts seems to be the norm nowadays.

Yeah, I mean just look at the tower planned down the street, 107 W. 57th.

Sky88 Sep 16, 2013 4:23 PM

Prior to the current configuration, the One57 tower went through many revisions including a 1,300+ feet plan from 2007. I think that the Nordstrom tower will look like this model.:yes:


j-biz Sep 16, 2013 5:02 PM

JamesDL at SSC strikes again!


Good news all!

Apparently the project has been sent back to the drawing boards! Meaning, the project is in redesign, once again.
The design has been dismissed by both involved parties, Extell and Nordstrom, as it didn't meet the required standards.

As for the new height, that remains to be seen.

I think Dan, my source, is getting delayed and / or outdated info. It seems very unlikely that the redesign has just happened now but more like at least a couple of weeks prior to his knowing.

I'll talk to him again this week, so I can determine what's approximately the current state of 225 West 57th Street. Slowly but surely, this tower is giving me a headache ...

Have a nice day all,


babybackribs2314 Sep 16, 2013 5:07 PM

Wait & see, wait & see, yet everyone is hell-bent on taking the word of some random person on the internet over DOB permits, and there's a frantic frenzy every time he posts his admittedly inaccurate information. Love baseless speculation generating pages of useless posts!

ILNY Sep 16, 2013 6:31 PM

Demo has completed, excavation will start around next month and will be followed by an official statement from Extell. DOB is 1550ft. That's all we know for now, the rest is speculation.

mistermetAJ Sep 16, 2013 6:47 PM


Originally Posted by babybackribs2314 (Post 6268932)
Wait & see, wait & see, yet everyone is hell-bent on taking the word of some random person on the internet over DOB permits, and there's a frantic frenzy every time he posts his admittedly inaccurate information. Love baseless speculation generating pages of useless posts!

I'd like to believe that guy was accurate about the proposal and that Barnett, after seeing the 107 57th st proposal, got competitive and decided to go back to the drawing board for a larger tower. However, he most-likely just had bad information. Hopefully 1550 ft is still in play.

Towersteve Sep 16, 2013 7:12 PM


Originally Posted by ILNY (Post 6269041)
Demo has completed, excavation will start around next month and will be followed by an official statement from Extell. DOB is 1550ft. That's all we know for now, the rest is speculation.

Agreed. I still am incredulous people have the DOB filings and are going by a brand new poster who changes his story and has unnamed sources.

King DenCity Sep 16, 2013 7:16 PM


Originally Posted by mistermetAJ (Post 6269064)
I'd like to believe that guy was accurate about the proposal and that Barnett, after seeing the 107 57th st proposal, got competitive and decided to go back to the drawing board for a larger tower. However, he most-likely just had bad information. Hopefully 1550 ft is still in play.

^I agree with both speculations. I hope the design is bold and classy!

Perklol Sep 16, 2013 7:47 PM

Is this a joke??

Erk I don't even know anymore :shrug:

JayPro Sep 16, 2013 8:14 PM

Without my getting too much into the fray here, allow me to do the devil's advocate thing here for a moment.
What we have here is a situation virtually unparalleled in the history of NYC skyscraper construction.Along with One57, there are two--or, if you count the possibility of 220 CPS--*three* towers of 1000' or more set to rise on the same street.
Right off the bat there clearly exists the proposition that the architects and developers involved in each project are going to jockey for position to see who has the most iconic structure ready to go public.
I honestly expected that when 107 pumped out their first renders that 225W's people were standing at the ready to pull whatever release plans they had. The thing here IMO worth discussing is what precisely Extell and Nordstrom meant by "standards?".
Height? Width...or lack thereof? That's what I mean when after looking at 107's debut, the decision to a return to the drawing board was most likely agreed upon.
Mind you, this is FWIW and a hypothetical consideration.

antinimby Sep 16, 2013 10:47 PM

I would think the standards for Extell and Nordstrom would be different. For instance, Nordstrom wouldn't be too concerned about the height as they'll be occupying the lower floors whereas the height would mean a lot to Extell as that can determine condo/penthouse prices.

Let's hope they go higher than 1550 this time while keeping the nice design and crown. Please no flat roofs.

supertallchaser Sep 16, 2013 11:58 PM

i agree extell should construct a crown in art deco orientation . it would really contribute to the skyline. :)

JayPro Sep 17, 2013 12:01 AM

NFW are they going pedestrian with this baby. As I said, I think the release of 107W threw them--and everyone else here I'd think--for a loop and from that the message was rightly gleaned that architectural gamesmanship was, and is, in full effect...boyeeeeeeee. ;)
Word up.....*way* up.

reencharles Sep 17, 2013 4:04 AM

Hahahaha. This is a joke?! A few days ago he said that the project was ready and it was unlikely that they make changes (though said not impossible). Now back to drawing board? I do not waste my time with this guy. Now I expect an official confirmation.

Fardeb Sep 17, 2013 8:25 AM

I have very little doubt that he was telling the truth as he heard it, but the first thing he did was flat out admit that his info was second hand from a friend. It's always a red flag for potential inaccuracies when you know something is second hand information.

Anyways who knows? I am just going back into wait and see mode like I was before that guy popped over there, and hoping that this thing is still 1,550.

LordYu Sep 18, 2013 4:44 PM

Reduction non-sense
This reduction makes no sense.
If you are reducing the tower in the back and increasing the tower in front of it with views on central park, you are loosing out on prime views. This should translate in lower price/apartment.
If they are increasing the tower in front of it, they should be increasing this one too.:hell:

NYguy Sep 18, 2013 8:11 PM


Originally Posted by JayPro (Post 6269163)
Without my getting too much into the fray here, allow me to do the devil's advocate thing here for a moment.
What we have here is a situation virtually unparalleled in the history of NYC skyscraper construction.Along with One57, there are two--or, if you count the possibility of 220 CPS--*three* towers of 1000' or more set to rise on the same street.

It's possibly the greatest skyscraper moment in the city's history - a city that has a glorious skyscraper history. I suggest people (on this board) take the time to "smell the roses" as they rise up around the city. Fluctuations in height may or may not happen, that still remains to be seen. But what we have here will be a quality, skyline defining tower.

Four of America's Tallest Towers Will Rise Within Blocks of Each Other
Rendering of the skyline by sbarn via New York Yimby

September 18, 2013


While most of the supertall building boom spotlight has been placed China and the UAE over the past few months, there's an even more staggering development happening much, much closer to home. At least four 1,000-foot-plus skyscrapers are set to rise along (or adjacent to) West 57th Street over the next few years, each of the tall enough to change the city's skyline forever.

There’s a residential boom happening in Midtown Manhattan right now, mainly thanks to wealthy investors who believe that condos in Midtown Manhattan are about as stable an investment as one can make right now. The Wall Street Journal declares it “a new era for skyscrapers,” while The Observer’s Matt Chaban wonders “just how many skinny luxury towers can we jam onto 57th Street?”

But what’s most remarkable about this boom? Its geography. At least six major building projects are being proposed along one street—West 57th—over the next few years. Three of those (along with one on West 56th Street) will compete for the title of the city's tallest building, based on habitable height (rather than spire height, for which One World Trade takes the cake), and one will be the tallest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere. Along this short strip of city, a construction race is being kindled by investors eager to nab a slice of the most valuable real estate in America—and it's driving some fairly insane pieces of architecture, too.

Poor Tower Verre, always left out of the discussion.

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