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Metro-One May 7, 2020 12:26 AM

This is a major cheap out.

Even the most recent community engagement resources available say this:


1.2. Chase Creek Road to Chase West
This project involves four-laning a 3.4 km of Highway 1 starting at the Chase Creek Road, continuing to the west end of the Village of Chase. The project includes new frontage roads and a single grade separated interchange near the existing Shuswap Chase Creek Road Intersection. Detailed design is nearly complete and tender is anticipated this summer with construction completion in 2020.
This also proves my point that cheaping out on interchanges does not equal more highway expansion. The length of the project remains the same / the second phase hasn’t been accelerated.

Dengler Avenue May 7, 2020 12:29 AM

Anyway what we did with B.C.-97 through Kelowna and with TCH skimming by Field, B.C., we will do again with Chase.

Where are our SSP-ers from Interior B.C.? This sudden change in design can be seen as an utmost form of betrayal. The only contact information is here:

Maike Schimpf
Project Manager
Telephone: 250 828-4976

Tell them to bring back the interchange. No NDP-style cheap out like that SFPR.

Metro-One May 7, 2020 12:40 AM

To be fair the SFPR was a cheap out by the Liberals.... but to be double fair the NDPs plan at the time as opposition was to full out cancel and not build the SFPR or any other replacement road project in its absence.

But let’s not let that distract us from this current project at hand

Dengler Avenue May 7, 2020 3:18 AM

By the way, I found Maike Schimpf's email address on
It is
While we are at it, maybe it's also a good idea to call/email Jennifer Fraser at 250 828-4298 (or since she's in charge of the TCH program.
It's time to flood their emails and phone lines. :hell:

I'm glad that an initial search on LinkedIn which led me to B.C. MTI's website turned up stuff.

Metro-One May 7, 2020 3:19 AM

Maybe also contact local newspapers in the area?

Dengler Avenue May 7, 2020 3:21 AM


Originally Posted by Metro-One (Post 8914794)
Maybe also contact local newspapers in the area?

Sure thing, though I feel that they're probably fuming too. How about a petition directed at Horgan, Fraser & Schimpf?

Also, since I have no roots in Interior B.C., lol will the two listen to me?

Metro-One May 7, 2020 3:34 AM

Does that matter? Is this not the “Trans Canada!”

Dengler Avenue May 7, 2020 3:43 AM

Alright I just wrote an email to both of them. It may go to their spam folder but at least I've tried.

Dear Maike Schimpf & Jennifer Fraser:

While I was happy to learn that the twinning of Trans-Canada Highway near Chase, B.C., would commence, I was also appalled to learn that the original design, which included 1 interchange and which was the final design shown in community consultations, has been scrapped and replaced with 2 T-protected intersections instead, and that B.C. MTI did not notify anyone of this until now. This is not right, and I ask that the original design be upheld.

(Insert name)

Corndogger May 7, 2020 3:52 AM


Originally Posted by Dengler Avenue (Post 8914816)
Alright I just wrote an email to both of them. It may go to their spam folder but at least I've tried.


I would have added more points and cc'd opposition members, media outlets, the mayor, the area's representative in the government and even the feds.

Dengler Avenue May 7, 2020 3:54 AM


Originally Posted by Corndogger (Post 8914825)
I would have added more points and cc'd opposition members, media outlets, the mayor, the area's representative in the government and even the feds.

Sure. Do it then. For me, I kept it short because I preferred concision.

Metro-One May 7, 2020 3:55 AM

It’s not even just the fact that the project is moving ahead with protected Ts, it’s also the fact that this literally came out of no where at the last moment possible. A complete betrayal to all the materials shown up to now.

Sent my email too.

Dengler Avenue May 7, 2020 4:00 AM

You know what? We do need to inform the local newspapers about this too. Hopefully enough agree with us to care to send the emails in. Just, lol, how? Also it's 12 am for me so I should sleep soon. I was supposed to sleep 2 hours ago.

Mazrim May 7, 2020 8:36 PM

What is the $200 million allocated for the Chase section even being used on now?

There's plenty of projects that see changes before going out for Tender, but this is pretty significant and seems like a bait and switch.

Corndogger May 7, 2020 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mazrim (Post 8915478)
What is the $200 million allocated for the Chase section even being used on now?

There's plenty of projects that see changes before going out for Tender, but this is pretty significant and seems like a bait and switch.

What do you think this new plan would cost? My guess is that even with the pedestrian overpass it wouldn't be much more than $30 million.

Dengler Avenue May 8, 2020 12:16 AM #2034
Guys help me out please. :D Thanks in advance.

VANRIDERFAN May 8, 2020 4:46 PM


Originally Posted by Dengler Avenue (Post 8914816)
Alright I just wrote an email to both of them. It may go to their spam folder but at least I've tried.


I used your template and got the template reply

Good morning Donald

Sorry for the delay in responding to you.

I’m also very happy to have the project live on BCbid for the industry to bid. I personally believe this project will result in much safer travel through this section.

The revision to two protected T’s is a response from overwhelming public feedback to have safe intersections which provide full East/West movement from the community.

I’d be happy to have a call with you next week to discuss the changes and answer any further questions you may have. If this is acceptable to you, please let me know if there are times suitable to you and the best number to reach you at.

Best regards,

Dengler Avenue May 8, 2020 4:48 PM


Originally Posted by VANRIDERFAN (Post 8916191)
I used your template and got the template reply

Good morning Donald

Sorry for the delay in responding to you.

I’m also very happy to have the project live on BCbid for the industry to bid. I personally believe this project will result in much safer travel through this section.

The revision to two protected T’s is a response from overwhelming public feedback to have safe intersections which provide full East/West movement from the community.

I’d be happy to have a call with you next week to discuss the changes and answer any further questions you may have. If this is acceptable to you, please let me know if there are times suitable to you and the best number to reach you at.

Best regards,

The first part’s new!

Ps: Donald Van Riderfan? xD

Mazrim May 8, 2020 4:52 PM


Originally Posted by Corndogger (Post 8915641)
What do you think this new plan would cost? My guess is that even with the pedestrian overpass it wouldn't be much more than $30 million.

Yeah, the $20-30 million level sounds about right for 3 km of twinning and a couple at-grade intersections. What's the rest of the Chase project entail to add up to $200 million?


Originally Posted by VANRIDERFAN (Post 8916191)
I used your template and got the template reply

Good morning Donald

Sorry for the delay in responding to you.

I’m also very happy to have the project live on BCbid for the industry to bid. I personally believe this project will result in much safer travel through this section.

The revision to two protected T’s is a response from overwhelming public feedback to have safe intersections which provide full East/West movement from the community.

I’d be happy to have a call with you next week to discuss the changes and answer any further questions you may have. If this is acceptable to you, please let me know if there are times suitable to you and the best number to reach you at.

Best regards,

Lots of non-answers and having to read between the lines. I have to imagine if they're answering like this, they're trying to avoid being on the record for the reasons for changing it so significantly. If the public consultation report is still up, I'd be curious to see what it says about "interchange" vs "intersection".

Corndogger May 9, 2020 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mazrim (Post 8916200)
Yeah, the $20-30 million level sounds about right for 3 km of twinning and a couple at-grade intersections. What's the rest of the Chase project entail to add up to $200 million?

I have no idea what the rest of the project entails but I doubt we'll see it built under the current government.


Lots of non-answers and having to read between the lines. I have to imagine if they're answering like this, they're trying to avoid being on the record for the reasons for changing it so significantly. If the public consultation report is still up, I'd be curious to see what it says about "interchange" vs "intersection".
I hope they didn't take advantage of the fact that most people have no idea that there's a difference between the two words. Even the media often will call an interchange an intersection.

Dengler Avenue May 13, 2020 12:05 AM

I just checked my email and realized that the people from B.C. MTI actually tried to schedule a meeting with me. I am going to reply. Who else got an invitation? How do I prepare for this lolol?

Edit: The scheduled meeting time is 5:30 - 6 pm. Do I assume PST?

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