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Vicelord John Oct 14, 2009 4:46 PM

What the fuck is up with all this zombie stuff lately? It's retarded. It all started in denver when some kid on the street asked me "are you ready for the impending zombie apocalypse?"


Leo the Dog Oct 14, 2009 6:32 PM

W - What coulda been.

Went back to Boston recently. The W is opening 10/09. Its located in a great location, the Theatre District. Located in the heart of Boston, near the Financial district, Boston Common, subway access to the green/orange lines, BRT silver line, consists of hotel rooms and private residences.

Just imagine if Phoenix built a W near USAC.

Vicelord John Oct 14, 2009 10:24 PM

Somewhat off topic rant.......

I feel sorry for the next person who asks me "what city" when I tell them I live downtown. I am ready to punch a motherfucker.

When someone says downtown, it means downtown, not Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, or any other city. it means DOWN FUCKING TOWN.

HooverDam Oct 14, 2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4504835)
What the fuck is up with all this zombie stuff lately? It's retarded. It all started in denver when some kid on the street asked me "are you ready for the impending zombie apocalypse?"


Its just a fad. First it was people obsessed with 'Pirates vs Ninjas" then Chuck Norris, then Zombies, now the Vampire fad is coming into vogue.

The question you should be asking is "whats next?" so you can capitalize on it!

For my money its got to be yetis/bigfoots/abominable snowmen. I dont know how to profit on it just yet, but theres money in abominable snowmen I tell ya.

Vicelord John Oct 14, 2009 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 4505389)
Its just a fad. First it was people obsessed with 'Pirates vs Ninjas" then Chuck Norris, then Zombies, now the Vampire fad is coming into vogue.

The question you should be asking is "whats next?" so you can capitalize on it!

For my money its got to be yetis/bigfoots/abominable snowmen. I dont know how to profit on it just yet, but theres money in abominable snowmen I tell ya.

Abominable snoman could be phase two?

mwadswor Oct 14, 2009 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 4505389)
I dont know how to profit on it just yet, but theres money in abominable snowmen I tell ya.


TAZ4ate0 Oct 15, 2009 12:37 PM

^ or how about t-shirts that read something like:

"Abominable snowmen need hugs too"


"Have you hugged your Yeti today?"


"Kiss my Bigfoot" :P


"Have you seen my Abominable Snowman?"


"Bite my Yeti"

NorthScottsdale Oct 15, 2009 5:21 PM

It's because that new Zombie movie came out a week or two ago.. Apparently it was pretty big for Zombie fans...

Vicelord John Oct 15, 2009 7:26 PM

I got a call from the city of Phoenix traffic director, that was a wasted 30 minutes.

He basically told me the way they were doing it is the best way.

PhxPavilion Oct 16, 2009 7:05 AM

What a surprise.

Leo the Dog Oct 16, 2009 5:40 PM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4506736)
I got a call from the city of Phoenix traffic director, that was a wasted 30 minutes.

He basically told me the way they were doing it is the best way.

Just do as your told, don't ask questions, they know what's best for you. Don't ever insult their intelligence...he's an expert.

What is wrong with these people??

HooverDam Oct 16, 2009 11:31 PM

So I was planning on heading Downtown tonight for the Third Friday event/opening of the AE England building and then over to the Trunk Space to watch the all marionette movie about Winnie Ruth Judd, Murderess. From what I can find online though it looks like currently theres no shuttles/circulators that go up Lower Grand, is that correct? I guess I had assumed there was one since it seems sensible, but maybe its only a First Fridays thing?

I was planning on taking the LRT from Tempe, but if I then have to walk the 1.3 miles between the Park and Trunk Space there and back, that seems like a pretty unappealing option.

EDIT: Welp there definitely wasn't any kind of shuttle up Grand, ah well, had to drive. The good news is the lights on "Her Secret is patience" were about 80% on, so it looked better than it has, but not quite as cool as it did initially.

HooverDam Oct 17, 2009 8:34 PM

So from this article about the Tempe Flour Mill redevelopment there was this quote:


Before new development to preserve the building could begin, Archaeological Consulting Services was hired by Tempe to evaluate the mill’s conditions from 2005 to 2007.

The investigation was funded by a $1.5 million grant from Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.....
I also remember hearing a while back about one of the Indian tribes donating money to help the Downtown Public market. I assume that both of these donations and others like it are part of some agreement related to Indian Gaming. Does anyone know what the exact rules are with this stuff? I assume the tribes have to give some percentage of their gaming profits to community/charity projects or something and I know they sort of vaguely mention it in pro gaming ads but Im kinda curious about the specifics.

Tito714 Oct 17, 2009 9:14 PM

I was reading about that in yesterday's State Press and how they plan to redevelop the mill by adding shops or something to bridge the gap from mill ave. to the waterfront. I'll look for the article.

Don B. Oct 19, 2009 3:13 PM

Wow...I'm still alive after all. The last few weeks has been a zoo of activity.

Let's see: I'm 42, single, and live in a condo in central Phoenix. I'm finally back to the city after 13 years in Scottsdale, and it is so nice having a 5 minute ride to everything. I finished law school in May but still can't find a legal job at all. I work part time for Hike In Phoenix, taking tourists out on guided hikes around the city, and several other odd jobs as well. I also own a photography business (website at I'm a member of the Imperial Court of Arizona, and we do various charity fund-raisers around the state. I follow a good exercise regimen and I'm down to 212 lbs. from 260 lbs. three years ago.

The last several weeks have been spent moving (twice; the listing agent listed and sold the wrong condo to my landlord; thus I had to move a second time) and simplifying my life. Last Friday, I was at Fetish Ball at the Venue of Scottsdale, taking and selling portrait photos. I was in Tucson for Gay Pride (drove in the parade and 4th Avenue is the bomb down there) and did Rainbows Festival here. I also drove to San Francisco for Folsom with two friends at the end of September. Before that, I was in Las Vegas for a few days. I like to wear outrageous costumes to fuck with the mind of the sheeple, as there is too much conformity in our society. Be your own person. Don't let others dictate to you how you should dress and live.

So there it is. That and 79 cents will get you a cup of coffee at Circle K.


Vicelord John Oct 19, 2009 4:40 PM

Whats up with the out of left field novels about don's life?

Upward Oct 19, 2009 4:52 PM

Perhaps you're confusing the coffee talk thread with the development thread?

Anyway, I won't bother with an update with my life, because anyone who might care (or even remember me) already knows through personal communication.

Vicelord John Oct 19, 2009 5:10 PM

Thats sort of what i was getting at...

Don B. Oct 19, 2009 8:24 PM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4512446)
Whats up with the out of left field novels about don's life?

Thanks for the warm welcome back. Last time I checked, this is the coffee talk thread. Of course, while I was gone (had no internet for almost a month), perhaps you were appointed the SW forum police or something. Regardless, I see you are still a dick.


Vicelord John Oct 19, 2009 9:16 PM

I am not being a dick, im just making the point that you arent a prominent public figure who everyone wants out of the blue updates on.

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