So... we'd all be better off paying more attention to Talton? A deranged former ambulance driver with zero business experience with a special knack for snarky writing, a clear grudge against Christianity, and the ability to quickly and unjustifiably pull the race card? That bozo?
The guy is a bitter blowhard, a one-trick-pony (Phoenix bashing). He needs to remove the enormous chip from his shoulder and quit being a failure at life. The sooner he and others stop relying on government to solve their problems and instead figure it out for themselves, the better off we'll all be. Just because Talton couldn't hack it here, doesn't mean we all can't. |
How the Tea Party compares to illegal immigration, I have no idea. There are legal channels to obtain citizenship and all of the benefits (including representation) that come with it in this nation. We are not a land of lawlessness and chaos, which I would presume is one of the many reasons our country proves so attractive to outsiders. When someone wishes to move to another country, do you expect the person to adapt to the country or the country to adapt to the person? As much as Democrats would like to court illegals, shower them with entitlements, and hand them citizenship to instantly provide them 12 million more voters, I don't believe this sort of manipulation to be healthy for our future. |
I've had many friends desperately try to become US citizens and they've had to return to their home countries because getting citizenship here is so difficult. Quote:
I drove by the Sikh Temple in Coronado the other day, I saw about 10 guys in Turbans playing Cricket. Should I have shouted "put on ball caps and play baseball like an American you brownies!"? They were having fun and I got to watch a few minutes of cricket, it was pretty cool if you ask me. Most immigrants by the 2nd and 3rd generation become pretty homogenized with the rest of society and anyone who knew anything about history would already be aware of that. Quote:
Our National immigration policy ought to be: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." If you can't get on board with that, I'm not sure how you can call yourself an American. Lets streamline the immigration process and let in more of everyone, not just Hispanics. More Indians, South Americans, Europeans, whoever. If they're willing to travel hundreds or thousands of miles, often times leave their families, just for a thin shot at improving their lives, they sound like the sort of people I want in my country. We've got plenty of room and plenty of opportunity for everyone, we ought to re open the golden door. |
I do not normally get involved when people start "bashing" each other on the forums, but I have to chime in here. Just because you do not agree or like one's comments, does not mean you have to start attacking them and calling them out personally. That is low blows.
It is one thing to disagree, but come on, let's play nice.:D |
We live in a complicated world, much different than the one when an idealistic inscription was placed on the Statue of Liberty. I agree that the process to become a citizen is absurdly lengthy, can be burdensome, and certainly needs to be improved. Until that happens, current laws should be respected. Pulling the racism/xenophobia card is ridiculously unfair and inaccurate. You are aware that many illegals have blue eyes and blonde hair, correct? I don't give a rat's behind if they are green with purple polk-a-dots. I've been blessed to travel around the world quite a bit and I've seen the way others live first-hand. I'm the first to admit that it's only by the grace of God that I was so fortunate to be born in the United States and yes, if I was born into a 3rd world country, I too would be looking for a better quality of life elsewhere. Life is not always fair, unfortunately. Becoming an American is a privilege, not a right. Yes, I expect newcomers to learn American history, learn our language, and respect our culture and I see nothing outlandish about that expectation. THIS DOES NOT MEAN ABANDONING THEIR OWN CULTURE. Calling our illegal immigration laws immoral is interesting to say the least. Obviously, not everyone in our society sees morality the same way. Some goofball on these boards the other day said he didn't feel obligated to continue to pay his mortgage because "we don't live in that moral world any more." I now know that some think morals can suddenly change based on circumstance. Pathetic. Never called you a Democrat. Merely pointed out why the Dems take the stance they take. If you think it's not political, I don't know what to tell you. |
"Because both our current immigration laws and the laws the British crown placed on the Colonist at the time were immoral and deserve to be over thrown or ignored and subverted in any way possible."
Those that believe it justifiable to blow up abortion clinics would give a healthy round of applause to the quote above. |
I hope you didnt think I was calling you a racist or xenophobe, but I think you can agree that a huge percentage of the anti immigration/"Minute Men" crowd definitely fit that bill.
The world is a complicated place, but to me immigration isn't a terribly complicated issue. I've driven all across this country, from San Diego to Sandusky, we've got lots of room for lots and lots more immigrants. Just drive around in Phoenix and look at all of our empty lots, I wish we had more immigrants in our city, creating interesting ehtnic neighborhoods, opening tasty unique restaurants, working their butts off at jobs Im too lazy to do. If you or I were living in squalor in Mexico, we'd probably break US law and sneak in too. I don't think that makes the immigrants bad people, its the law thats the issue, not the people. We need to figure out a way to 1. allow more people in, and 2. set up a guest worker program for those who just want to work and return home. But it seems silly to me to say "Well our current laws are broken and silly, lets spend a lot more money, time, resources and effort trying to enforce them." |
Hoover, do you really think it is about race, or do you think it is about class?
We don't want a bunch of poor people in our country that we have to support, nor do we want a bunch of criminals. That's not to say all illegals are true criminals (aside from the fact that it is illegal), but if you have to lump together the good with the bad to keep out the bad, it's an unfortunate necessity. Every country has immigration laws, and most of them are aimed to limit the number of immigrants to those that are better off. All other things equal, I'd pick a more wealthy immigrant to give citizenship to over a poorer immigrant. Just as you probably enjoy and favor your brother that can pick up the check at dinner when it's his turn or split a case of beer with you, over your brother that's always asking you for money or is the mooch of the family. I don't get why people always have to pull the race or xenophobe card... to me that's hypocracy. You don't support racial profiling, yet you "profile" anyone that may be in support of the immigration laws as a racist? Here's another "idealistic inscription" (or saying): United We Stand, Divided We Fall. This partisan bullshit in the country right now is so bad, those on the Left and those on the Right are causing everything to crumble. |
I can understand the concern about immigrants being a leach on Social Services, an issue that didn't exist as much in the Golden era of Immigration as US Social Services were far more limited. I don't have the answer for that, but the first idea that comes to mind if perhaps some sort of system in which once you get your citizenship you sign an agreement waiving your access to Welfare and the like for 5 years or something. Quote:
Plus Im a pasty white red headed guy, Im not too worried about a Mexican stealing my identity :P EDIT: VVV I haven't seen any numbers that bear that out. In fact most prominent Hispanics, Hispanic groups, and Hispanic community leaders are calling for boycotts of AZ and canceling events here. If you want to deny a racist undertone to anti immigration fervor, go for it. You're not helping your cause, you're making yourself look silly. Since the days of "No Irish need apply" and before xenophobia has always in part been a racial issue. |
You are aware that there are a lot of hispanics which support this, do you not? Are they racist too?
70% of Arizonans support. 51% of the US favor, while only 39% disapprove. |
But I'm glad you backed up your argument with points and didn't just say something was ridiculous out of hand...oh wait, you didn't do that at all. |
It shouldn't surprise me one bit that 70% of Arizonans are in favor of the new law. McCain won the state by the same margin. People here elect an endlessly worse series of buffoons to the Statehouse every time. We are 50th in virtually every measure of social progress and most of Arizona is fine with that.
So spare me those stupid statistics of popular opinion. I know what it counts for here and what it's ultimately worth. Nothing. "What's right is not always popular, what's popular is not always right." |
Here's a quote from a major league baseball player I saw on "It's a bad thing," said Baltimore shortstop Cesar Izturis, born in Venezuela. "Now they're going to go after everybody, not just the people behind the wall. Now they're going to come out on the street. What if you're walking on the street with your family and kids? They're going to go after you." This guys is a complete moron and has the mind set that I've seen expressed over and over from the opposition. He thinks, although there is no way in hell that this will happen, that "they are going to go after you" if you're simply walking down the street with your kids. And what the hell does he mean by "going after everybody, not just the people behind the wall"??? I'm assuming he means the border fence/wall, in which case we obviously don't go after people behind the wall. As if our entire police force is going to suddenly drop everything they normally do and suddenly become like the Nazi SS and go after the illegals (Jews). Remember that game "telephone" where you get into a circle with a bunch of friends and the person at the beginning says something into their neighbor's ear, then that person says what they heard into their neighbor's ear and it goes around the circle until it gets to the end and the end person ususally says something completely ludicrious, no where near what it started out as? That's like what's going on through the opposition. No one is doing their own research, they're just listening to what their neighbor is saying about it and by now most people are just thinking and saying nonsense. It went from "this law is basically the federal law already in place" to "If a police officer even sees a Latino walking down the street they're going to run after them, beat them with their billy club and throw them in jail. I'm against this law and hope it goes away simply because I want all those morons out there to just shut the hell up. |
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