^ I was going to organize a team for that, but I had a conflict with another event on my schedule.
But, the Brides of March is coming up fast! http://www.azcacophony.org/brides/ :) --don |
I had my lunch at the Civic Space park today, those trees with the white blossoms that are blooming are quite lovely and I'm sure will look even nicer when they're mature. Does anyone know what type of tree that is?
EDIT: VV Cool thanks, luckily I was a bit stuffed up today so I didnt catch a stinky odor. |
Flowering or Ornamental Pear. i have one. they're great, tho the blossom scent is not that great.
Phoenix Developement
The things that I see as having had a severe deterimental affect on Phoenix develpoment during those years are as follows: 1. The city allowing high rises to be built down midtown Central Ave. In particular the Del Webb Complex that sits between Osborn and Indian School, on the west side of Central. Worthy of note the picture, Vice Lord, shows of the building that from the backside looks like an old IBM COMPUTER CARD, was originally suppose to be a three building complex with a much higher high rise in the middle of two building the size of that existing building. 2. The voters rejection in the 70'sof a "Bart" Type Transit System that could have been built to bring people downtown rapidly from all points of the metro area. 3. The stall and delaying of freeway construction which would have, yes, maybe increased sprawl, but at the same time made it easier to get to the heart of the city. Most people back then, including writers for the AZRepublic saw freeways as all having to be like the original ugly Black Canyon Freeway, with ugly cement walls and no landscaping, vs a beuutiful landscaped freeway like most of the ones we have now. They feared Phoenix becoming an L.A. yet had no alternative solutions for sprawl and traffic, their myopic solution, was don't build freeways. Tucson is repeating that same mistake. 4.Lack of City incentives for hospitals, businesses, and shopping to be built in the cities core. 5. In most recent time, not having the Cardinals and Coyotes build their facilities in downtown Phoenix, which with the Light Rail and Convention Center would have give the city some incredible momemtum to accelerate the buildiing of a city with a much larger core. 6. The city of Phoenix needs a more proactive mayor, (yes he has done some good things), to convice people who are building projects to build them downtown, examples of this are the Apollo Groups Headquarters of the I-17 in South Phoenix. Why not get them to bring those buildings downtown? Another example is the new Instrument Museum out on Tatum and 101. Why not pitch the guy who built that to create some synergy, by building downtown, or at least near the Phoenix Art Museum and Heard Museum. My frustration on these types of things eventually played a factor in my moving to San Diego, but I have always come back to Phoenix often as I have family here plus I was in the electrical sign business and did signs in the Phoenix area, mostly in malls but also some high rises. I have sold my half of my business and spend more time now in Phoenix as I bought a condo near the Light Rail. I have always been a big ASU and Suns fan which is another reason I live with in walking of LRT. In closing it's my opinion that as we come out of this recession Phoenix needs to attract business etc, downtown and also find ways to get infill projects built, mix use, townhomes, and condos, some of those very high end,near it's core to really become a vibrant city over time. |
Does anyone have any insight on the housing prices in Metro Phoenix in terms of which direction they are likely going to be heading? I plan on moving down there within 3-5 years and am curious to know if I will be able to take advantage of the current low prices that are available on the market in the near future. Thanks!
I agree with the rest of what you were saying though :D |
^^^ Definitely agree with everything in that post.
And your post in the transit thread...you're on fire today :D :tup: |
I still think building the Cardinals stadium out in Glendale was a mistake. We would have been better off razing some blighted areas south of downtown and building it next to a revitalized lake in the Salt River.
Oh well... --don |
THey should have built it on that piece of open land by 40th st and mcdowell
Unfortunately, politics got involved between Tempe, Phoenix and Sky Harbor and then 9/11 happened and we all know what happened after that. |
But now we're way off topic, perhaps Sean can lift this whole thread of conversation into the coffee talk thread. EDIT: Ask and you shall receive, thanks! |
I don't live in Phoenix but outside of Texas Arizona and Phoenix is my favorite place to visit I used to go out there every year with my parents (probably been going out there since the early 90's) but I haven't been out there in a few years cause the resorts got expensive but my dad's telephone company does business in Arizona my parents may move out there in a year or two to Carefree or Tucson so I may end up out there. I'm shure it's changed alot since the last time I was out there (i'm 28).
Cardinals stadium
the football stadium didn't necessarily need to go downtown across from Heritage Square where it was proposed. It should have gone either at the original Tempe site or at the fair grounds. With those two spots at the furthest, any site closer to downtown west of 19th ave or south of E. Van Buren would have been even better. Any kind of synergy between downtown and the Super Bowl, Fiesta Bowl, or big soccer would have just been great.
speaking of the fair grounds I've decided it should move to south of the new south mountain freeway on the Indian Reservation. |
when was it supposed to go across from heritage square? My house has been here since 1986 and they sure as hell werent gonna tear that down. Neither the convention center site, mercado, or garage mahal are large enough parcels.
There were two sites:
Fourth to Seventh Street, Fillmore to Garfield Had they did that, there would be no First Friday. The other was Fourth to Seventh Avenue, Jefferson to Jackson. |
FF would've survived, it just wouldn't be in that area. |
stadium question
I hadn't remembered that W. Jackson St. proposal. I still think at one point the Rep. reported a 7st site on Van Buren but either way it didn't need to impact Roosevelt. Considering they decided to build the new court tower at a different location it's a real shame the Cardinals didn't end up there. Can you imagine having UOP at one end of Jackson and Chase field at the other?
I didn't realize Plaza de Maricopa was going to be more than just the tower. What other buildings were going to be included in the project? |
I still dont think football stadiums really belong downtown. Tooooooooo big.
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