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Dengler Avenue Jun 3, 2019 1:23 PM

“(really hope for that short stretch on the eastern end of Kamloops to be upgraded to freeway standard sometime in the somewhat near future).”

I agree.

Overall, nice find! The pictures look good.

nname Jun 10, 2019 9:08 PM


Originally Posted by Metro-One (Post 8592282) by Ian, on Flickr

The major interchange portion is starting construction this year I believe.

Sadly it seems that east of this Interchange the design standard lowers to at grade traffic light intersections.

From this point east around Salmon Arm really should involve an all new road alignment.

IMO the eventual Salmon Arms Bypass should branch out west of 30th by continuing that curve, and run along where 15th Ave suppose to be (at where the "30" is in that image)... then turn and go around the development south of 20th, and connect to Highway 97B just north of the airport. So all the intersections on the eastern half of the upgrade woundn't really matter in the long run...

VantageHD Jun 10, 2019 10:23 PM

Never seen those, thanks for posting. It blows my mind the Valleyview corridor on the East end of Kamloops is not getting upgrades before this. So many more vehicles use that, than the Chase/Salmon Arm corridor.

flipper316 Jun 22, 2019 4:33 AM

Metro-One Jul 4, 2019 2:03 PM

So it looks like they are going to upgrade the Balmoral intersection between Salmon Arm and Sorrento.

Currently deciding between a protected T or an interchange.

I took the survey and supported the interchange option.

I recommend others on here do the same (they are leaning towards the protected T).

Also looks like they will be adding median barriers along that entire 4 lane stretch.

OzzyCalgary Jul 4, 2019 3:18 PM

Federal gov’t announces $159 million in improvements for Trans-Canada Highway in B.C.

Ford Road to Tappen Valley Road

Expand and upgrade 4.3 km of the Trans-Canada Highway from two to four lanes, consolidate highway access points through a new frontage road system and replace the Tappen overhead bridge.

Jumping Creek to Jack MacDonald snowshed:

Expansion of 2.6 km of the Trans-Canada Highway, approximately 40 km east of Revelstoke, from two lanes to four lanes, complete with a median barrier for added safety, as well as retaining walls and new culverts.

Selkirk Mountain

Upgrade of a 2.5 km stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway, including an expansion from two lanes to four, safety improvements such as median barriers and wildlife exclusion fencing and closure of two access roads.

Dengler Avenue Jul 4, 2019 5:47 PM


Originally Posted by Metro-One (Post 8623559)
So it looks like they are going to upgrade the Balmoral intersection between Salmon Arm and Sorrento.

Currently deciding between a protected T or an interchange.

I took the survey and supported the interchange option.

I recommend others on here do the same (they are leaning towards the protected T).

Also looks like they will be adding median barriers along that entire 4 lane stretch.

Thanks for the link. I just filled out the survey.

Originally Posted by OzzyCalgary (Post 8623623)
Federal gov’t announces $159 million in improvements for Trans-Canada Highway in B.C.

Ford Road to Tappen Valley Road

Expand and upgrade 4.3 km of the Trans-Canada Highway from two to four lanes, consolidate highway access points through a new frontage road system and replace the Tappen overhead bridge.

Jumping Creek to Jack MacDonald snowshed:

Expansion of 2.6 km of the Trans-Canada Highway, approximately 40 km east of Revelstoke, from two lanes to four lanes, complete with a median barrier for added safety, as well as retaining walls and new culverts.

Selkirk Mountain

Upgrade of a 2.5 km stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway, including an expansion from two lanes to four, safety improvements such as median barriers and wildlife exclusion fencing and closure of two access roads.

The feds’ finally intervening although at this point, this is just vote-buying. I kinda wish they addressed the segment through the national parks, though, because only they got to upgrade the highway there. Also I wonder if this would make the provincial government look bad. (Nonetheless, milomilo’s point that it’s only fair if the feds chip in for BC’s section still stands.)

240glt Jul 4, 2019 7:21 PM

They just keep plodding along in an ad hoc manner on that stretch east of Revvy. Wish they could just rip the Band-Aid off and get it all done once and for all

Dengler Avenue Jul 4, 2019 7:48 PM

I’m still waiting for cheap technology to blast rocks...

Corndogger Jul 4, 2019 9:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dengler Avenue (Post 8623786)
Thanks for the link. I just filled out the survey.

The feds’ finally intervening although at this point, this is just vote-buying. I kinda wish they addressed the segment through the national parks, though, because only they got to upgrade the highway there. Also I wonder if this would make the provincial government look bad. (Nonetheless, milomilo’s point that it’s only fair if the feds chip in for BC’s section still stands.)

It's definitely vote buying but given the amount it's pretty clear that they don't expect to get many votes in the region. $159 million is a complete joke. They should be announcing a comprehensive plan to fix all of the problems on the #1 in B.C. with the stipulation that the provincial government also provides some funding.

Dengler Avenue Jul 4, 2019 10:36 PM

I actually think $159M is alright. Remember the feds are already chipping in $215M for KHC Phase 4.

osirisboy Jul 5, 2019 1:40 AM

Those are ridiculous lengths of highway that those projects involve. Wouldn't it be cheaper per km if they just did the whole thing at once?

Metro-One Jul 5, 2019 1:59 AM

Yeah, tired of the 2km here 2 km there (only silver lining is they often seem to involve bridge replacements).

Even when we do get a somewhat longer section (10km around Chase) it is still split up into 3 phases...

Seriously, these sections should be minimum 10km in length (single phase) and more realistically 20 to 30 km in length.

Corndogger Jul 5, 2019 2:11 AM


Originally Posted by Metro-One (Post 8624167)
Yeah, tired of the 2km here 2 km there (only silver lining is they often seem to involve bridge replacements).

Even when we do get a somewhat longer section (10km around Chase) it is still split up into 3 phases...

Seriously, these sections should be minimum 10km in length (single phase) and more realistically 20 to 30 km in length.

Once AB got serious about Highway 63 to Fort Mac they started awarding contracts for long segments. No reason why B.C. and the feds couldn't do the same.

Dengler Avenue Jul 5, 2019 2:14 AM

Remember the good-o-saying: Coming from Vancouver, Interior B.C.'s beyond Hope. :rolleyes:

Metro-One Jul 5, 2019 2:28 AM

Yep, you must be in Spuzzum, because you are beyond hope! ;)

Also they may as well just do a separate sub program that upgrades the entire stretch between Salmon Arm and Kamloops as a freeway (save for a few protected Ts). With the current batch of projects they will be halfway there anyways.

240glt Jul 5, 2019 3:08 AM


Originally Posted by Corndogger (Post 8624173)
Once AB got serious about Highway 63 to Fort Mac they started awarding contracts for long segments. No reason why B.C. and the feds couldn't do the same.

I agree with you, but building up on muskeg is a lot different than blasting out mountain sides. The topography of B.C. makes it so much more challenging and much more expensive to build highways in.

flipper316 Jul 5, 2019 6:59 AM


Originally Posted by 240glt (Post 8624190)
I agree with you, but building up on muskeg is a lot different than blasting out mountain sides. The topography of B.C. makes it so much more challenging and much more expensive to build highways in.

Blah blah. How many times we gotta hear that excuse. Doesn't stop the rest of the world with similar geography to build freeways that make BC's look like goat's trails.

Dengler Avenue Jul 5, 2019 1:17 PM


Originally Posted by flipper316 (Post 8624276)
Blah blah. How many times we gotta hear that excuse. Doesn't stop the rest of the world with similar geography to build freeways that make BC's look like goat's trails.

I wonder how countries around the Alps built their freeway then. High tax rates?

240glt Jul 5, 2019 2:17 PM

^ Everyone wants world class infrastructure but no one wants to pay for it.

BC's just too sparsely populated along most of the route to really justify and Autobahn quality freeway right through it. And if they did decide to do it people would have a meltdown over how much it costs.

There's a reason why the roads in Edmonton and Alberta look like bombed out 3rd world wastelands. No one wants to pay for anything so the infrastructure is garbage.

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