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tyleraf Apr 25, 2014 1:09 AM

Wow! The CAC park looks great. I can't wait to get down there once it is open.

psychotron Apr 25, 2014 1:12 AM

CAC looks fantastic! It's going to be such a great and long overdue addition.

On the flip side though...

Looks like raising the height limit in Clairemont isn't happening. Unbelievable. I love SD, but sometimes this city is maddening. Never has there been so much potential wasted. We're talking 60 feet, not the Burj Khalifa. This city cannot be held hostage to 100 people. Something like this tells me the city isn't 100% behind the mid-coast extension, because transit-oriented development should go hand-in-hand with trolley infrastructure. I'm so disappointed and surprised Bill Fulton would cave on this "issue".

spoonman Apr 25, 2014 1:14 AM

The city is backing down from the increased height limit due to NIMBY backlash. I know this is getting a little tired, but if you care about density near transit stations, please send an email to Bill Fulton ASAP or forever hold your peace. Even if this particular issue is dead, it s important to make your opinion known for future matters. We don't want this to be the precedent.

Department Director
Bill Fulton, (619)236-6057

Supporters of NIMBY's


spoonman Apr 25, 2014 5:03 AM

Some updates on the NBC/Manchester Pacific Gateway and the UT site development from Hughes-Marino...

"Good news for large tenants wanting some fresh downtown Class A office space options. We are in discussions with the Manchester Pacific Gateway for two of our larger clients to anchor the project’s first building, which will be directly across from the USS Midway Museum! Manchester’s first building along Harbor Drive will be approximately 225,000 square feet and will have pristine, unobstructed bay views forever. When the development is complete, it will be the crème de la crème of office projects in all of San Diego County.

Once fully built out, the 16 acre Manchester Pacific Gateway will comprise 3 class A office buildings, (totaling more than 850,000 square feet), 3 luxury hotels (with nearly 1,600 rooms), 271,000 sq/ft of retail space and 2 levels of underground parking. Public uses will include a museum and cultural space, plus about 4.5 acres of landscaped open areas including a waterfront park, cafes, public art and entertainment venues. We’re excited to see the transformation that this development will bring to San Diego’s downtown waterfront."

mello Apr 25, 2014 5:23 AM

225,000 Sq. feet isn't that much how tall will that be maybe 25 floors?

I was just thinking its too bad the new Sempra building couldn't add 8 to 12 floors on top of it with high ceilings and hip interiors for tech companies looking for that kind of feel. They obviously won't settle for cubicle land in conventional buildings and want that hip industrial feel. So why not add a couple floors on top of a building going up the demand seems to be pretty high right now.

What do you guys think about the IDEA district's initial building will it start rising soon?

tyleraf Apr 25, 2014 6:36 AM

When I emailed the guys behind the IDEA District they said that they are targeting a February 2015 groundbreaking. I believe the first building for Pacific Gateway will be the second one from the right in the foreground of the picture.

tyleraf Apr 25, 2014 6:39 AM

Ballpark Village has received final approvals and will break ground late this year.
Also, here is an article from today regarding IDEA 1's first lease.

spoonman Apr 25, 2014 2:34 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 6552939)
225,000 Sq. feet isn't that much how tall will that be maybe 25 floors?

That's just one building. There will be about 800,000 sq ft of office.

Prahaboheme Apr 25, 2014 7:52 PM


Originally Posted by tyleraf (Post 6552986)
Ballpark Village has received final approvals and will break ground late this year.
Also, here is an article from today regarding IDEA 1's first lease.

Of all the proposed projects out there, I'm excited most for these two -- Ballpark Village and IDEA. It seems like the East Village is SD's best shot at developing another true urban neighborhood. The more development that occurs now, the less likely that a Chargers stadium will come in and squander up valuable land in the EV.

SDCAL Apr 25, 2014 8:54 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 6552939)
225,000 Sq. feet isn't that much how tall will that be maybe 25 floors?

I was just thinking its too bad the new Sempra building couldn't add 8 to 12 floors on top of it with high ceilings and hip interiors for tech companies looking for that kind of feel. They obviously won't settle for cubicle land in conventional buildings and want that hip industrial feel. So why not add a couple floors on top of a building going up the demand seems to be pretty high right now.

What do you guys think about the IDEA district's initial building will it start rising soon?

That is actually a really great idea. Adding some loft-style office floors with high ceilings would be great. I guess it's too late for Sempra but maybe they will consider this in other buildings. We need to do something soon, it seems like SD is stagnating as other cities attract younger professionals.

SDCAL Apr 25, 2014 8:59 PM


Originally Posted by Prahaboheme (Post 6553704)
Of all the proposed projects out there, I'm excited most for these two -- Ballpark Village and IDEA. It seems like the East Village is SD's best shot at developing another true urban neighborhood. The more development that occurs now, the less likely that a Chargers stadium will come in and squander up valuable land in the EV.

After reading some of those articles Spoonman posted, I am convinced the MOST important project right now is IDEA1.

I really think we need to get a tech/young professional geared industry to take root so downtown can diversify and not just remain a place where people come to eat/drink/watch sports. I also think that location is perfect. You have a large community college, it's right on the trolley line, it's urban, New School of Architecture is there. I really think this IDEA District has the potential to transform San Diego.

SDCAL Apr 25, 2014 9:02 PM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 6552920)
Some updates on the NBC/Manchester Pacific Gateway and the UT site development from Hughes-Marino...

"Good news for large tenants wanting some fresh downtown Class A office space options. We are in discussions with the Manchester Pacific Gateway for two of our larger clients to anchor the project’s first building, which will be directly across from the USS Midway Museum! Manchester’s first building along Harbor Drive will be approximately 225,000 square feet and will have pristine, unobstructed bay views forever. When the development is complete, it will be the crème de la crème of office projects in all of San Diego County.

Once fully built out, the 16 acre Manchester Pacific Gateway will comprise 3 class A office buildings, (totaling more than 850,000 square feet), 3 luxury hotels (with nearly 1,600 rooms), 271,000 sq/ft of retail space and 2 levels of underground parking. Public uses will include a museum and cultural space, plus about 4.5 acres of landscaped open areas including a waterfront park, cafes, public art and entertainment venues. We’re excited to see the transformation that this development will bring to San Diego’s downtown waterfront."

I am totally confused about this project. I thought it was dead or near dead due to environmental lawsuits, but I'm guessing if they have interested tenants that they have resolved most if not all of their issues??

I've never been a fan of it, I think that area could be WAY better designed, but I will like it a little more if they are able to get a top luxury brand hotel in there - Mandarin Oriental or even a JW Marriott or the like :yes:

tyleraf Apr 25, 2014 9:32 PM

SDCAL: It is in ongoing litigation. They are hoping still to break ground early next year.

tyleraf Apr 25, 2014 9:39 PM

Irwin Jacobs and Rob Quigley are holding a forum and they are discussing some of our major future projects that need to get done.

"Vision," a recounting of the 35 years it took to build the $185 million library;
"Process," covering public-private partnerships and the role of public buildings in the community; and,
"Future," a rundown 12 projects still waiting to be built, from a new regional airport and a new Chargers stadium to a link between San Diego and Mission bays, and what Jacobs and Quigley think should top the list.

Bertrice Apr 25, 2014 9:42 PM

From Dave Roberts facebook

mello Apr 25, 2014 10:36 PM

It looks like most of IDEA1's space is for residential, 225k square feet but only 60k for office and all of this in only 5 floors? I know they will have really high ceilings but still.... Is the structure going to take up an entire block? I guess that is why its only 5 floors.

Concerning the Pacific Gateway I prefer taller and thinner buildings the one in the rendering is so squat, I know that office towers are usually bulkier and can't look like condo towers but I agree Hughes Marino need to redesign and add some height.

NOTE: Hopefully when people see how cool the CAC park is they will stop whining about having the entire Navy Broadway Complex being "turned in to a park" I think between CAC park and hopefully turning one of the Piers in to a sweet park like we have seen in renderings along with Rizocco by seaport village that will be enough open space to satisfy people.

tyleraf Apr 26, 2014 3:10 AM

Yea, I totally agree on that point the CAC along with the NEVP and a possible Navy Pier park there should be plenty of open space along the waterfront to allow Pacific Gateway to be built as planned, but with the NIMBYS in this city I find it hard to believe that they will back down that easily. In my opinion Manchester should redesign the project with two blocks of park instead of one to just shut them up so he can build it.

tyleraf Apr 27, 2014 12:12 AM

I just noticed but it seems the Miller Hull partnership, the company that is moving into IDEA1, will also be designing it. I don't know if it's a full redesign or if they are just designing the interior.

mello Apr 27, 2014 3:28 AM

Took an extensive walk around downtown today and it is obvious the right move for all of that empty space at bottom of TR Produce building and the other various spaces within a block or two of there (next to park at park) need to be filled with tech companies/start ups!! Those spots have been empty for 8 years and it is time something is done.

How about a three year trial period until IDEA 1 is finished. We need young professionals with money working downtown it is already over saturated with bars and restaurants. Bringing in more young money will help add demand for food/bev establishments.

Spoke to Fire Fighter at station next to Sempra and he said he heard that when the cranes are finished there that 7th and Market is ready to roll and the cranes will be going over there. Not sure he knows what he is talking about.

-- Why are the trees at Park at Park so small for being 10 years old now????

-- What is up with the old ass office building next to the Civic Center area I think Centre City Building is painted on the side? Why can't that be used for hip office space for techies?

-- Also noticed an old office building on C Street that is totally abandoned and that could be rehabbed for tech businesses.

SDCAL Apr 27, 2014 5:29 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 6555205)
Took an extensive walk around downtown today and it is obvious the right move for all of that empty space at bottom of TR Produce building and the other various spaces within a block or two of there (next to park at park) need to be filled with tech companies/start ups!! Those spots have been empty for 8 years and it is time something is done.

How about a three year trial period until IDEA 1 is finished. We need young professionals with money working downtown it is already over saturated with bars and restaurants. Bringing in more young money will help add demand for food/bev establishments.

Spoke to Fire Fighter at station next to Sempra and he said he heard that when the cranes are finished there that 7th and Market is ready to roll and the cranes will be going over there. Not sure he knows what he is talking about.

-- Why are the trees at Park at Park so small for being 10 years old now????

-- What is up with the old ass office building next to the Civic Center area I think Centre City Building is painted on the side? Why can't that be used for hip office space for techies?

-- Also noticed an old office building on C Street that is totally abandoned and that could be rehabbed for tech businesses.

Is there even a design in place for 7th and Market? I know the previous one was killed years ago with the recession/ scandal with that Nancy Graham person I believe the name was, but I've never seen any new proposal. Maybe there is one out there ?

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