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Derek Jul 26, 2007 5:29 AM


Originally Posted by DowntownSDJoe (Post 2972587)
yeah i think its pretty dumb too,but we had an all star game at the Q in 1992 and the last all star game in st louis was 1966, so i guess its only fair to give them a turn

Looking at it like that it makes more sense.

spoonman Jul 26, 2007 7:16 PM


Originally Posted by sdperry (Post 2972871)
...So if this project gets built, that area won't be such a den for homeless and should help that part of the East Village feel safer...

I haven't seen as many homeless as I used to in the downtown/east village. If you go down to the east village near you'll still see camps, but to me it seems like it's less than it used to be. Did they move into golden hill or down by the bridge/shipyards? I can't imagine their situation has gotten better.

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 6:41 AM

Wow...this thread is dead

HurricaneHugo Jul 27, 2007 6:43 AM

anybody going to comic con?

mello Jul 27, 2007 6:47 AM

Well then Spoonman I guess I will through in my two cents on the NBC complex...

hmmm... I liked one forumers idea a while back about some kind of "elevated park" to provide water views from this area. Now this would be something intruiging and atleast "different" I know that different isn't always good though. I think the project does seem pretty bland I mean nothing knocks your socks off....

I'm trying to think of something that could be done on that site that is original. I mean Madrid already has the leaning buildings so you can't do that lol. We have a height limit so just building tall to create a signature is out of the question so it has to be something unique.

I really think an elevated public space with sweeping views could be the way to go. I just don't know how to pull it off.

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 6:51 AM

Maybe the space could have an ampitheater which would allow for bay views and live music. People could stumble over from gaslamp on a friday afternoon and watch the show:tup:

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 6:55 AM

PS: Has anyone had a chance to read my thread on the I-15 managed lanes???

mello Jul 27, 2007 7:53 AM

Yes I read it, good work spoon, looks like others from around the nation are commenting and paying close attention to how the project pans out.

I like the ampitheatre idea too. Haven't heard one proposed but that would be great, maybe like a modern really cool twist on an ampitheatre making it look kind futuristic

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 8:31 AM

The ampitheater idea was conceived off a bottle of 2-buck

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 8:33 AM

I'm looking forward to seeing Pei Cobb, NBC, and 7th & Market break ground. Let's hope it happens soon!

mello Jul 27, 2007 8:34 AM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 2975079)
The ampitheater idea was conceived off a bottle of 2-buck

Lol Spoonman classic.... just ah shit that one really made me laugh.

Maybe that is what Jerry Sanders and all of the great "Visionary San Diegans" need to get us an airport, Stadium/Arena, and something striking at NBC....

A good ole bottle uh 2 Buck Chuck :cheers: :jester:

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 8:51 AM


The city could always use a few more things. Don't worry though, it could always be worse, you could be in Lake Forest like me. OC is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. I think what the city needs is a Times Square sort of place. Something with flashing tv screens and the like. Something loud and intense. Maybe on 4th avenue or something.

Derek Jul 27, 2007 1:45 PM

In case any of you guys missed it.

Marina_Guy Jul 27, 2007 2:28 PM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 2970484)
I don't recall anyone posting this over here, so here's the NBC project's latest iteration.

It could be a little taller (add 10 stories to each building), but overall I think it's pretty sharp.

I am sorry buildings 1 and 2 (twin towers) are so uninspiring. This whole project is uninspiring and a postcard of what is wrong with San Diego. The site is blah. This project will be mired in court for a couple of years, so keep looking at the conceptional drawings and enjoy.

It is amazing how CCDC and the City are TRYING to let this project go forward without Coastal Commission review. (I am sorry but reviews done in 1992 don't count!) Many have said it before, but this is land that the City of San Diego passed along to the Navy to help serve the interests of the country, and now it is being turned into a playground for rich tourists, and the cheap Navy is getting a free building out of the deal! Give me a break. I think the Department of Defense budget is big enough to accomodate a headquarters building for the Navy. Why do I as a citizen of San Diego have to give up my public land so the Navy can get a FREE building.

One day San Diego will have inspiring leaders that will create public spaces that include CIVIC buildings and not hotels. We can only look back to early 20th century when a small town (San Diego) built Balboa Park without hotels! Thank you for letting me vent.

eburress Jul 27, 2007 3:30 PM

^^ Civic buildings cost money.

SDCAL Jul 27, 2007 3:59 PM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 2972811)
San Diego needs to learn from East Coast Parks / Squares. SD landscape architects DO NOT understand how to create spaces that encourage gathering. Too often, they design a space that looks great, and that's it...

We do have Balboa Park which is one of the best parks in the country in my opinion and it a true asset to the city, but other than that the smaller urban parks are pretty bad, discourage people from gathering and look like shit

I don't agree with the earlier post of getting away from "palm trees" and trying to reproduce East Coast parks, our climate is completely different.

Our weather zone gives us great variety in the use of plants and trees that many other areas of the country can't use. I think our new parks should focus on using meditteranean-climate firendly trees such as palms, but do so in a more natural way that encourages gathering and strolling but makes the parks look like they belong here.

Something seems odd about parks that try too look too East-Coastish out of their respective climate zones

Horton plaza broadway entrance is a perfect example of a fake-looking concrete nightmare with palms thrown in to somehow soften the mess, which obviously is very unappealing.

Parks that use warmer-weather plants like palms, bamboo, flowering shrubs like hybiscus, larger bird of paradise/bannana trees/other large-leafed plants, etc generally look better in a more informal Japanese-style landscape that mimics nature with water elements (natural as opposed to fountains), whereas temperate plants like evergreens, maples, cherry trees etc. tend to look better in the more structured and equally-balanced European-style landscapes (take Washhington DC)that are common of public squares back East that include lots of concrete and man-made touches such as fences, fountains, etc.

It seems like downtown projects in the East Village have stopped using palms, as all the new developments are using more temperate looking trees such as the maples engineered to grow here along with the brick buildings to try and make the developments seem more East Coast, but alot of them just don't seem to fit-in here. We can have urban greenery that uses local plants if done right

I think the bayfront area provides a perfect spot to create parkland that will be both appealing, useful and look nothing like the East Coast. Using palms and other sub-tropical plants to create a NATURAL looking and lush pathway for the area that calls for a narrow but long park would be good. I envision it being more of a "strolling' park that people walk through as opposed to a park where people actually stop and gather due to the lack of civic space. As far as use, once projects are built up in that area I think it would get tons of use.

SDCAL Jul 27, 2007 4:06 PM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 2972010)
I'd love to see squares like those below. The one if front of Horton Plaza is a good example. It would be great if we could get away from palm trees just for a minute too.

Gramercy Park

Madison Square Park

Those look nice where they are, but would look out of place here. Those types of trees would not even grow here and even if they could they take decades to mature to those sizes --

SDCAL Jul 27, 2007 4:15 PM

sorry tried to post a pic of a DT LA park but image not coming out :(

spoonman Jul 27, 2007 6:55 PM

Of course those trees could grow here, this isn't Phoenix. Do those trees need to freeze in order to live???

The point was that it would be nice to have a square that encouraged stopping, and strolling and provided shade as opposed to the desolate lawns we refer to as parks, which have non-indegenous palms that provide no shade in a city that could actually use it.

dl3000 Jul 27, 2007 9:39 PM

All leafy indigenous trees are like those that grow along the San Diego River pretty much, namely Cottonwoods and Sycamores, but all still need a lot of water.

NBC would be an awesome place for a nice city hall to complement the County Building if the city had the money and then sell the ugly Community Concourse thing. But thats just wishful thinking.

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