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HighZed Jan 4, 2008 12:31 AM

NEW YORK | Chrysler Building | 1,046' Pinnacle / 925' Roof | 77 FLOORS | 1930
I'm student and i need informations about Chrysler Building in NY. Expecially I'm interested to the Spire. What's its structure? What is under it? If you have informations, picture or just a good link you could help me.
I have looked for it on the web but about the spire i have found few informations!
Thank you

Dr. Taco Jan 4, 2008 1:31 AM

lol, this is terrible

Capsule F Jan 4, 2008 3:10 AM

If I knew I would help you, just wikipedia it and go from there.

MayDay Jan 4, 2008 3:23 AM


Originally Posted by jstush04 (Post 3258724)
lol, this is terrible

What's terrible is being a provincial twit and thinking that everyone in the world speaks English as their first language. :hug:

HighZed, the following information comes from's entry about the Chrysler Building.

"The Chrysler Building is also well renowned and recognised for its terraced crown. Composed of seven radiating terraced arches, Van Alen's design of the crown is a cruciform groin vault constructed into seven concentric members with transitioning set-backs, mounted up one behind each other. The stainless steel cladding was ribbed and riveted in a radiating pattern and had many triangular vaulted windows, transitioning into smaller segments of the seven narrow set-backs of the facade of the terraced crown. The entire crown is clad with silvery "Enduro KA-2" metal, an austenitic stainless steel developed in Germany by Krupp and marketed under the trade name "Nirosta" (A German play-on-words for "nie rost", meaning "never rust").

So the basic answer is - the spire and crown of the Chrysler Building is composed of a special steel alloy called Nirosta. Hopefully this helps you :)

NYguy Jan 4, 2008 4:29 AM


A little more here...

Dr. Taco Jan 4, 2008 5:43 AM


Originally Posted by MayDay (Post 3258944)
What's terrible is being a provincial twit and thinking that everyone in the world speaks English as their first language.

well, obviously english isn't first, but what about google? Its the same way anyone on here would get their information.

highzed, it just seems like you went through more work than you needed. next time you want to find information, figure out what you want, and start typing keywords into google. try typing "chrysler building spire structure", and you'll get more information than you could ever need

HighZed Jan 4, 2008 11:55 AM

many thanks...

English is not a problem, of course I have checked on google with key words in english (how have I found this site? ), I have looking for books about chrysler in international library, and Italian library too. All what i found is incompleted. Always the same informations.

I need something about spire, about the structure, forces, systems of building, and some picture of the suite inside. I found just one in white\black not very large. Is it possible nobody catched a photo of that since 1940???
I was in new york two times and chrysler was open only in the lobby for the tourist.
I remember a similar serching about Empire and I found a lot of informations, original documents too.
So here I am, hopeing some student had material...

M.K. Jan 4, 2008 12:52 PM

What is your first language? Wikipedia is full of information, even the Nirosta of German Krupp patent developed with stainless steel not corosion in most ornaments like eagles and the automobile radiator form based roof spire atop it, in several languages. But I continue to be sure the best condensed information you will find here Take a ride at Emporis, Structurae links botom page, you will see some references' books which could help you. Google link has plenty images, but unfortunatly most outside, not all details inside. Some descriptions how onyx, egypt, marble inside decorations implementation are, to immagine how beautiful this skyscraper is, has there. Examples of Car hood ornaments you best find here Eagles are used, as they fly high & North-American bird symbol, in consonance with high building reaching sky, WTB. They could be told to be based in Dodge ornaments mainly, De Soto, Plymonth or even Chrysler cars of thirties, all sub-divisions of Chrysler automobile company. Too many cars used to have flying human-woman figures, birds, horses and pointers, all symbolism of high speed, movement, power and flying or cruising high. Cars of thirties are still today, the most wonderful ones. This was the best decade for automobiles in terms of design, decoration, elegance of lines & volumes and details, never took over again until now. It is why most cars of several concours d'elegance in California for example or Peedle Beach is 90% with examples of 30' or 40' ones.
The stainless steel eagles in several back steps at bldg corners are hood ornaments of automobiles based in the 30' years when cars had a lot of nickel-chrome ornaments and details on hood, side panels and so on. The Spire is the Shinning Vertical Radiator ornament of such automobiles. At Wikipedia you have the Chemical Nirosta composition. This is one of the bldg most used such steel ornament in world. Bldg was the WTB for only 1 year in 1930, after taking Tour Eiffel tallest record certificate and following replaced by ESB, Empires States bldg in same NYC for 40 years. The dispute between Chrysler bldg and ESB was great, who would keep the title of WTB. Both bldgs are similar in architectonical Art-Deco appearance of 30' years.
Good luck for your presentation then. :tup:

Edit: You should know, I am mainly a vehicle, automobile & ships designer interested in all stuff of object design, painting, drawings, sketchs and even architecture illustration of all kind, industrial designer. So I see structures from the design, elegance of volumes and lines, layout and details point of view side, not much technical things, still beeing also an engineer of study. I can help only in the design appearance point of view, your finite element civil technical studies, probably you are doing a civil structure analysis in some engineering thema is very difficult to be known, even the fact with today paranoic against terrorismus worldwide, not all architectural and stress calculations offices would give you so easy info for your computer model, even only for student reasons, to not fall in wrong hands. I studied also fininte elements in mechanical engineering, but applied concepts to an automobile ergonomic door, using Fortran 77 and Catia v3. Today I know nothing about it to help u.

HighZed Jan 5, 2008 12:19 AM

Many thanks for links and your words. That informations are great and that period is wonderfull, but informations you found for me I have known by books, and site on internet. Now I'm looking for precises note about spire, like his internal structures, type of linking for different pieces, system of building, and thing like that. I have to made a mathematical model about the structure with forces, diagonal, axial... Simulations at finte elements. And at the end I'm looking for a precise knowing of the spaces inside the spire (floors, rooms, stairs...). All this information it seems rare about chrysler in the books and in the internet. Do you know pictures of the suite inside spire for example? Just this will be usefull for me. My first language is italian, but english is not a problem,like Italians young people I understand it good in reading... yeah not so good in writing and I'm sorry for this :cheers:

Kelvin Jan 5, 2008 3:03 PM

Hi HighZed,

While the cladding may be a stainless steel, the answers you are looking for are perhaps more elusive. The spire structure is, based on the construction photos shown in David Stravit's book "the Chrysler Bldg", seen to be a simple regular truss not dissimilar from a radio transmission tower.

The tower is composed of four legs tapering towards the top with regular chevron bracing as far up the spire as can be seen in the photo. All steel sections are almost certainly A36 material and it is seen to be riveted construction (therefore I would assume pin connections). It can not be seen clearly, but all framing elements appear to be angle sections with flat plate gussets.

There is another photo titled "looking up into the spire from the 77th floor" in which horizontal X-bracing between the four individual legs is seen but it is difficult to see at what interval they are placed. Also, all the sections seen are covered with a globular (fire-retarding) material, making it impossible to ascertain their dimension or true section type.

The remainder of the building is again a riveted steel frame (WF beams and columns) w/ masonry block wall to assist in lateral stability. The bulk of the exterior cladding is of course clay brick.

HighZed Jan 5, 2008 11:29 PM

Hello, many thanks to you too for your description.This was usefull for me. Step by step i'm founding some information. I have to notice (I don't know if it is only a my feeling) about chrisler is hard to seek informations. Anyway I found a web page very interesting and i'm tryng to contact author. I report it for anyone will needs something like me :
It remains as problem the picture very rare of interiors of spire. Some like a cutaway. or a plan.

aaron38 Jan 6, 2008 1:34 AM

I found this on the "old buildings under construction thread". It's the top of the Chrysler Building without skin.


Originally Posted by mdiederi (Post 2525473)

HighZed Jan 7, 2008 10:10 AM

Thank you, it is very interestng pictures. :tup:

Tex17 Jan 7, 2008 4:49 PM

If you've seen the movie Q (from 1982 I think), you'll know that a giant winged creature from hell, known as Quetzacoatl, breifly inhabited the space under the spire, feasting on citizens of New York.

texcolo Jan 7, 2008 6:53 PM

I think what he's trying to ask, is if the space under the spire is one big open space, like an atrium, or if its six or seven floors...(?)

I'm curious myself.

HighZed Jan 7, 2008 11:35 PM

Thank you TEXCOLO, just like you said. After a research I have found some informations about engineering questions, but nothing about interior! observatory, suite of Mr. Chrysler... is incredible, an important piece of American history, an icon of new york, nobody catched a photo of interior of the spire?! (really just one of the aobservatory very old in wich it can see just a saturn shaped lamp). I will be a provincial but americans are very strange...:cheers:
Anyway there is something now very strange... Is this true???

America 117 May 12, 2008 5:53 PM

this building is amayzing
i have the puzz 3D of this:D

Double L May 23, 2008 8:07 PM

NEW YORK | Chrysler Building | 1,046' Pinnacle / 925' Roof | 77 FLOORS | 1930
The Chrysler Building is an Art Deco skyscraper in New York City, located on the east side of Manhattan at the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Standing at 319 metres (1,047 ft), it was briefly the world's tallest building before it was surpassed by the Empire State Building in 1931. However, the Chrysler Building remains the world's tallest brick building. After the destruction of the World Trade Center, it was again the second-tallest building in New York City until December 2007, when the spire was raised on the 365.8-metre (1,200 ft) Bank of America building, pushing the Chrysler Building into third position. In addition, the New York Times Building, which opened in 2007, is exactly tied with the Chrysler Building in height.

The Chrysler Building is a classic example of Art Deco architecture and considered by many contemporary architects to be one of the finest buildings in New York City (see below). In 2007, it was ranked ninth on the List of America's Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects.

Double L May 23, 2008 8:08 PM

I thought I would go back and do this one right.

CapitalCity May 23, 2008 11:47 PM

definately one of my favorite buildings!

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