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sandiegodweller May 1, 2007 2:14 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 2806325)
^^ Where is Campbell Landing? I think that Marriott tower is an old, possibly dead proposal.

Campbell Landing is the Hilton that is under construction right now next to the Convention Center.

spoonman May 1, 2007 3:26 AM

The Marriott tower 3 proposal has been around forever. I remember asking members on this board about that project about a year ago, and the verdict was that it was long dead.

I believe the Campbell project is actually the new Convention Center Hilton going in, as it is being built on the former site of the "Campbell Shipyards".

I think the Health and Human Services project looks great. It will bring more business activity to a leisure area.:tup:

SDCAL May 1, 2007 4:37 AM

"Despite my handle I am a 28 year San Diego resident. Personally I will be disappointed if Lindbergh is replaced elsewhere and I have created a petition to keep it right where it is: Please sign it if you agree."

I don't agree and, having just flown to Chicago this weekend I can tell you why.

The terminal was like a sardine can without anywhere to sit on a typical business day. The gift shop had a line out into the terminal with people trying to buy water. The line was so long that passengers coming off the escalator into the terminal were having to say excuse me as they moved themselves and their luggage through the line.

When we got onto the runway, we had to sit and wait for 30 minutes to take off and the pilot told us outright it was becuase there is only one runway and they had to wait for several planes to land

Based on conversations on the plane, a large number of passengers were people flying from San Diego to Europe, but had to go through Chicago (United's Hub) because there is no direct from SD.

As someone who has to fly alot I find it an insult you'd even put this stupid petition out here. Just because our airport is "cute and close to the city" does not mean it's practical. It's a pain in the **** a$$, pardon my French. Sorry to sound rude, but it gets worse each month and I'm sick and tired of people who fly like once a year on small hops to Phoenix or Las Vegas rooting for Lindbergh to stay because it's so "quaint" or "convinient there on the water by downtown". Ask any aiprot or airline, the real money is generated from business travel and business travellers HATE flying from SAN and it is hurting our county economically because the airport is not pratical for the frequent or long-haul traveller.

So, obviously, no I won't sign this nonsense!

SDCAL May 1, 2007 4:39 AM

Building Area: 1.2 Million SF; 40 stories

40 stories, Is that higher than 500 Ft?
(Edit most building at 40 stories are between 575 to 610 ft )[/QUOTE]

I like the height but have to say not liking the design

It looks like a Casino-hotel in some B-list gambling resort like Laughlin, Nevada or atlantic City :slob:

thank goodness someone had the good taste to cancel it!

SDCAL May 1, 2007 4:46 AM


Originally Posted by SDPhil (Post 2805957)
Does anyone have any information on the Federal Courthouse? The last info I had seen indicated that the only 2 contractors who bid on the project said the amount allocated was too low, so they were withdrawing their bids.

I hope not - - they have a model on the map with the cardboard models at ccdc and it really stands out as a nice addition, hope it moves forward

spoonman May 1, 2007 4:47 AM

^That's exactly what I was thinking...Atlantic City all the way. The sight of it conjuers up cheesy Italian names in my head...

SDCAL May 1, 2007 4:50 AM

By the way, I got "skyscraper envy" flying into Chicago over downtown the other day. They have some relly nice buildings, and not just the iconic Sears and j hancock blds, but some cool looking ones i never saw before They are building a Mandarin-Oriental Condotel that is going to be fantastic. I like that alot of their buildings aren't so cluttered with balconies, they look so much cleaner and sleaker. I guess since our climate is different and most of our highrises are residential as opposed to office/commercial, we have to deal with the balcony-ladened towers :-(

spoonman May 1, 2007 4:50 AM

It's a federal courthouse will just may take a little longer

spoonman May 1, 2007 4:53 AM

Poor Miami. They must be sick of balconies by now

SDCAL May 1, 2007 4:55 AM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 2806754)
^That's exactly what I was thinking...Atlantic City all the way. The sight of it conjuers up cheesy Italian names in my head...

Hahaha that is so right - I can just picture old ladies walking around the lobby with their cans of coins for the slots and the signs for a $2.99 prime rib and seafood buffet :-)

spoonman May 1, 2007 4:59 AM


spoonman May 1, 2007 5:04 AM

SDCAL..I didn't realize you just joined this month. Welcome:tup:

SDCAL May 1, 2007 5:07 AM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 2806792)
SDCAL..I didn't realize you just joined this month. Welcome:tup:

Thanks!! It's a great site

Derek May 1, 2007 6:24 AM


Originally Posted by SDDTProspector (Post 2805829)
Found some links to some up coming / proposed projects that i have not heard of yet.... Maybe you have....

County of San Diego
Health and Human Services Administration
Headquarters and Parking Garage
40,000 SF + 768 cars
Little Italy, San Diego, CA

I like this!

dl3000 May 1, 2007 7:23 AM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 2803645)
"Yes" on a new airport and "yes" on Lindberg staying right where it is seems to conflict with each other. Are you supportive of a new airport alltogether... augmenting Lindberg? Is that what you mean?

Lindbergh gone, put a dutch flats memorial to lindbergh and whatnot, and then build the shit out of that thing and have a nice big airport elsewhere with a direct feed into the HSR system. That is my ideal.

sandiegodweller May 1, 2007 2:59 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 2806733)
Building Area: 1.2 Million SF; 40 stories

40 stories, Is that higher than 500 Ft?
(Edit most building at 40 stories are between 575 to 610 ft )

I like the height but have to say not liking the design

It looks like a Casino-hotel in some B-list gambling resort like Laughlin, Nevada or atlantic City :slob:

thank goodness someone had the good taste to cancel it![/QUOTE]

It wasn't cancelled. It is under construction right now (with a different developer and architect).

ShekelPop May 1, 2007 6:56 PM

Some clarification on my original thought about the Campbell site and the Port's dispute with Manchester and why the design in the recently posted photo never materialized. This article from a february issue of CityBeat has some detail on why that original plan fell out:
from San Diego CityBeat discussing friction between John Moores and Manchester...

On the Waterfront 02-14-07
by Carl Luna
"In 1999, the two men became embroiled in a convoluted tussle over the Campbell shipyard property. Located right next to the convention center, it was the natural site for Manchester to next expand into. But Moores’ JMI Realty had already entered into a preliminary agreement with the Port District to build a hotel on the property. Then the Port District deselected JMI and switched award of the project to the Manchester Financial Group. A JMI spokesman at the time said that JMI’s only interest in the property was to get a hotel built on the site to generate transit occupancy tax revenues needed to offset financial obligations generated by Petco Park. But the series of legal and environmental hassles that followed ultimately resulted in the Port of San Diego paying Manchester a hefty $5 million (including a $3 million profit) to buy out his interests in the development deal. Meanwhile the hotel project remained derailed and the TOT dollars desired by JMI never materialized... "

full text available:

OCtoSD May 1, 2007 8:44 PM

So is the Cambell Shipyard property the Hilton? And who controls that property right now?

ShekelPop May 1, 2007 9:18 PM

After some googling, the leaseholder on the Campbell Yards, Hilton site, is One Park Boulevard, and according to an older tribune article, the company is "a partnership of Hilton Hotels and ING Clarion Partners". So it seems neither Manchester OR Moores ended up involved with the final project.

HurricaneHugo May 1, 2007 11:03 PM

I remember a project called One Park Boulevard, was to be 500ft.

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