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Derek Jan 10, 2012 6:51 AM

I don't think he's opposed to the Solar Turbines facility, just the fact that they are trying to block development. I don't blame him.

Leo the Dog Jan 10, 2012 3:58 PM

I like the proposal, but if things were reversed, EX: there would be outrage and public push back if a well established neighborhood of the 1920's was being threatened by industrial or even a large commercial building proposal.

If the condos are built, it would eventually lead to much of these businesses closing, similar to residential neighborhoods crowding out military bases.

I think SD should be careful not to scare off industry that provides jobs to San Diegans.

Derek Jan 10, 2012 4:19 PM

I don't see how building a condo building on the site of an aging restaurant building would force businesses to close?

mello Jan 11, 2012 9:53 PM

Here is a great opinion piece on how with a bit of common sense residential use and Solar Turbines can coexist:

This is really not a big deal and I'm sure plenty of people have worked at the restaurants and car rental shops for years 8 hours a day and they are not suffering from any pollution coming from ST. The dancers at Pure Platinum don't seem to mind :cool:

kpexpress Jan 11, 2012 10:54 PM

The site is zoned residential, it's privately owned and they're operating within the confines of the law and municipal code; how can someone tell him he can't move forward with his development?

HurricaneHugo Jan 12, 2012 4:01 AM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 5546140)
Here is a great opinion piece on how with a bit of common sense residential use and Solar Turbines can coexist:

This is really not a big deal and I'm sure plenty of people have worked at the restaurants and car rental shops for years 8 hours a day and they are not suffering from any pollution coming from ST. The dancers at Pure Platinum don't seem to mind :cool:


I believe the City Council needs to investigate this "Pure Platinum" workplace and see if the "workers" are affected by the close proximity of Solar Turbines.

Multiple trips will be required.

Leo the Dog Jan 13, 2012 5:20 AM


Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 5546231)
The site is zoned residential, it's privately owned and they're operating within the confines of the law and municipal code; how can someone tell him he can't move forward with his development?

Doesn't this happen all the time, but in reverse of this situation? NIMBYism at it's finest (or worst).

I'd love to see brand new residential being built in Little Italy/DT. It's difficult enough to get any project built now-a-days. I agree that both could exist together. Last thing I'd want to have happen is for some 250-300 condos to replace 1,800 local jobs during tough economic times in San Diego.

HurricaneHugo Jan 13, 2012 6:20 AM

Hoteliers agree on funding for the Convention Center expansion.

kpexpress Jan 13, 2012 8:17 AM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 5546712)

I believe the City Council needs to investigate this "Pure Platinum" workplace and see if the "workers" are affected by the close proximity of Solar Turbines.

Multiple trips will be required.

As it's been explained to me City Council will not weigh in on this issue. Can anyone confirm?

SD_Phil Jan 16, 2012 2:12 AM

Drove by the building next door to the Inn at the Park (6th in between Spruce and Redwood). I'm still not sure what's being built there (this is the site that sat u/c but abandoned for years) but there has been significant construction. There is a slab built out for the second floor and what seems like the beginnings of third floor girders.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on there? Last I walked by it was fenced off but now it is significantly underway.

mello Jan 19, 2012 11:17 PM

Just got off the phone with Luke Daniels from GLJ Partners in Carlsbad : They are doing the China Camp development on PCH next to good ole Solar Turbines. He is a really cool guy and is passionate about urban growth in San Diego just like us.

He wants me to come out to CCDC for the big hearing on the project next Wednesday the 25th. Both Solar and GLJ are going to give their presentations and then people can speak for 2 minutes and have their say. I urge you guys to come out and give support for this development.

I think we can all agree that if it is blocked it will set a very dangerous precedent and ST will effectively be holding all of North LI hostage from future residential development.

kpexpress Jan 20, 2012 6:14 AM

From what I gathered from last night's CCAC meeting discussing the Fat City Lofts issue, the Solar Turbines Company is trying to block the development because they might not be able to get certain permits to pollute more because of the proximity of the development, but the irony of this issue is that with the existing conditions of the community where Solar does business prohibits them from obtaining these permits as is. I voted in favor of the development because Solar showed no evidence to support their stance besides heartfelt testimony. I hope Segals project gets built; it's a great building and an opportunity for the community to gain back a historically iconic piece of architecture and add more density to that portion of Little Italy.

To be clear, the council does not need to vote on this issue. It's basically up to one man: Kim Kilkenny. I think the ruling will come down next week at CCDC Board Meeting. The vote is apeallable to the planning commission, which is non-partisan.

One thing is apparent, the manipulation of politics is fierce with this issue. So Sad!

tyleraf Jan 21, 2012 3:54 AM

CCDC updated their maps again. With an interesting project in East Village. At 410 ft Stadium View will make a nice addition to the skyline. Head on over and check it out.

HurricaneHugo Jan 21, 2012 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by tyleraf (Post 5558270)
CCDC updated their maps again. With an interesting project in East Village. At 410 ft Stadium View will make a nice addition to the skyline. Head on over and check it out.

I came.

It's on G between 10th and 11th (behind Pep Boys).

Also I drove by 15th and Market and it's a giant hole right now so I'm guessing it's going to start going up soon

Lipani Jan 22, 2012 5:56 AM

^ It's about time that project started. How many years has that land been fenced off?

mongoXZ Jan 22, 2012 6:14 PM

Anyone see that editorial piece in the U-T this morning?
Think big — New vision needed for downtown waterfront
Thanks to pension and budget crises, government dysfunction and a political culture of suspicion and mistrust, San Diego sometimes seems to have lost its ability to think big. If our city is to reach its potential, this must change, starting — but only starting — with the need for a new stadium for the Chargers, an expansion of the Convention Center and, indeed, the broader downtown waterfront.

Check out the concept's footprint. Wow.

My only question is what happens to the operation at the port terminal along with the jobs it brings? Expand the National City port terminal?

Derek Jan 22, 2012 6:18 PM


Originally Posted by mongoXZ (Post 5559602)
Anyone see that editorial piece in the U-T this morning?

Check out the concept's footprint. Wow.

My only question is what happens to the operation at the port terminal along with the jobs it brings? Expand the National City port terminal?

Not going to happen anyways, I don't think anybody needs to worry about that terminal. :P

That does look amazing though...

mello Jan 22, 2012 8:23 PM

I think its a great idea and is feasible. I just read the entire editorial and it seems like they have a rough financing plan in place. With an upzoning of the Sports Arena and Qualcomm site San Diego really does have some amazing assets they can leverage to make this waterfront plan happen.

Derek Jan 22, 2012 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 5559776)
I think its a great idea and is feasible. I just read the entire editorial and it seems like they have a rough financing plan in place. With an upzoning of the Sports Arena and Qualcomm site San Diego really does have some amazing assets they can leverage to make this waterfront plan happen.

Yes, but you should know by now that nothing in San Diego ever gets done, and if something does get done it takes like 5 years! ;)

mello Jan 23, 2012 12:56 AM

^^ Well Derek I'm going to be optimistic and say that enough San Diegans are going to wake up and see that if we don't start thinking big and thinking like a big city that we will never recover and will always just be a tourist town with some biotech. Our generation is going to need drastic change if the quality of life for even 40% of the people who are young now are going to ever grow up and be independently "middle class". So I think it is finally time for this city to change its outlook and have some leaders step up get people to think differently.

All of these baby boomers and ignorant types who just want to keep us an overgrown San Luis Obispo are going to have to get out of the way.

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