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Derek Oct 22, 2009 7:05 AM


keg92101 Oct 22, 2009 9:30 PM


Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 4513731)
I officially registered to be a candidate to represent the East Village on the CCAC as a resident tenant. Please vote for me (Kyle Peterson) on October 26 or 27 at Java Jones.

Growth-Livability-Community....East Village

What is your platform?

kpexpress Oct 25, 2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 4518661)
What is your platform?

LOL Never thought I had to establish an official "platform", but I can share with you my thoughts about the East Village, my qualifications, and my feelings about some of the pressing issues that most likely will be brought up during the term of service.

I support a more densely populated, community-oriented East Village, rich with diversity, culture and flourishing on mutual respect for all it’s neighbors, businesses, and environment.
Residents have the right to voice their concerns and demand action. Our lives, all independently different, share many common utilitarian and aesthetic needs. I am committed to represent all East Village Tenants and voice your concerns, interests, and demands; working together, to make a lasting difference in the East Village.

Organizer/Co-President of the NSAD Urban Bike Club
NSAD Student Council Representative - Campus Clubs Sub-Committee
Professional Bachelors of Architecture Degree Student at NSAD (Third Year)
Urban Issues and Development Education Focus Track
Served Two Years Non-Profit, Volunteer Service Work in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Mass-Transit Advocate

Location of the Temporary Homeless Shelter: the shelter has been located downtown for the last ten years, although the homeless problem is a city-wide issue. This year, the council wants to locate the shelter across the street of my school. I want the council to find a different location outside of downtown!

Off leash Dog Park: I have two dogs, and know what it takes to make a safe, enjoyable off leash dog park. Ample shade, water, variety of terrain, textures and smells. I would love to see the city focus on the future site of the Main Library for an interim off leash dog park. It's already fenced in, close to the most densely populated part of the EV, and not along Market Street where there are a lot of loud buses.

Main Library: I have serious concerns about the amount of homeless the new main library will bring. Our current main library is crawling with them. I'm not sure that many of the East Village residents will use a main library, although I DO support building it, I cannot help but think of the words of Jane Jacobs where she talks about putting city parks ONLY where there is an immediate need otherwise they will be underused and inefficient.

Ballpark Village: I would be in support of a large school development, but I would make sure that proper sight lines to the East Village clock tower at the 12th and Imperial transit stop would be respected. The clock tower should be visible from the base of the Harbor Drive pedestrian bridge & the intersection of Tenth and Park Blvd. I also would hate to see another Hilton Bay Front Hotel like series of buildings. It would need to be iconic, pedestrian friendly and open to the public to cross through the area.

Restaurants: NO MORE SPORTS BARS, East Village lacks quick affordable and desirable restaurants. If you're looking for something quick, cheap, and good, without having to tip a waiter/waitress.... your choices are limited.

Dwindling Middle Class Housing: It seems that the only focus in the private and public development sector is luxury condos/rentals, or low income. If you're an average (struggling in SD) middle class you most likely won't want to live amongst near homeless people, or half-way house style housing. Where's a desirable and affordable option for the middle class.

Student Population Increasing: with NSAD growing at record rates, and the TJSL under construction East Village is evolving into a very student oriented neighborhood (along with City College). We need to ensure the trolley system is kept clean, safe and reliable to encourage students to travel via trolley and bus, and allow businesses to open up to support the increase of students.

East Village Events: I would love to see more street fairs in the East Village to bring new people in and support our neighborhood businesses. Gaslamp sure makes a killing off Marti Gras, halloween events, and concerts, etc. The East Village needs more than just Street Scene to lure people in to spend money.

Green Spaces: East Village needs more green spaces to make our streets more human and livable.

Anyway, there's a lot to talk about, but more importantly I am committed to the East Village and the Urban way of life. I support a more humanly scaled, flourishing East Village where people want to be (and not just near the ball park).

Vote for me Monday October 26 @ 5PM at the Lyceum Theater in Horton Plaza, or Tuesday October 27 from Noon to 6:30PM at Java Jones.

Must bring two item(s): picture I.D. (doesn't have to be a CA driver's license), AND a copy of your lease/rental contract OR a utility bill showing your name and address.

Show up and vote! And even if you're not a tenant and can't vote for me (as only East Village TENANTS can vote for me) come vote for the seat that represents you (i.e. business owners, and home owners).

Long Live the East Village. LOL

bmfarley Oct 25, 2009 4:27 PM

Good luck to you. I didn't see anything speaking to transportation.

I feel one of the biggest issues on the horizon for San Diego is where to locate the high-speed rail terminal station; downtown at Santa Fe Depot or Lindbergh Field.

Downtown is the superior location for the region, and would also be overwhelming positive for downtown business interests. The question should be how it should it be designed - elevated or below ground. At-grade crossings, like today, are not possible with high-speed trains. I believe below ground offers greater opportunities, plus you don't impact view corridors to the Bay for Broadway and every E-W street north of Broadway. A below ground option may also have the opportunity to relocate the existing freight to a below-grade alignment too, and which would ELIMINATE all the horn blasts . Many years ago CCDC looked into the feasibility of putting freight in a trench; however, was not pursued because of cost (?). With HSR and more funding coming for rail with the new White House, the feasibility of something like that becomes more viable. But, we're talking hundreds of millions.

staplesla Oct 26, 2009 2:41 AM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 4522837)
Good luck to you. I didn't see anything speaking to transportation.

I feel one of the biggest issues on the horizon for San Diego is where to locate the high-speed rail terminal station; downtown at Santa Fe Depot or Lindbergh Field.

Downtown is the superior location for the region, and would also be overwhelming positive for downtown business interests. The question should be how it should it be designed - elevated or below ground. At-grade crossings, like today, are not possible with high-speed trains. I believe below ground offers greater opportunities, plus you don't impact view corridors to the Bay for Broadway and every E-W street north of Broadway. A below ground option may also have the opportunity to relocate the existing freight to a below-grade alignment too, and which would ELIMINATE all the horn blasts . Many years ago CCDC looked into the feasibility of putting freight in a trench; however, was not pursued because of cost (?). With HSR and more funding coming for rail with the new White House, the feasibility of something like that becomes more viable. But, we're talking hundreds of millions.

FYI - the channeling of the lines (trench) is already in the works. My wife is the project manager of the LA-SD HSR line.

kpexpress Oct 26, 2009 4:58 AM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 4523601)
FYI - the channeling of the lines (trench) is already in the works. My wife is the project manager of the LA-SD HSR line.

Transit is one of my favorite topics to talk about, and I'm always supportive of expanding service throughout the city. I voted for the HSR prop in November and I've been a fan of HSR ever since riding the Shanghai MagLev train. I have always thought that burying Harbor Drive and the Freight Train Lines. I think that the HSR station should be at Santa Fe Depot downtown, and come into the city underground from Old Town if not further north.

As for issues concerning the East Village mores specific, I would love to see those older street trolleys get on the tracks sooner rather than later.

dl3000 Oct 26, 2009 5:30 AM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 4523601)
FYI - the channeling of the lines (trench) is already in the works. My wife is the project manager of the LA-SD HSR line.

Is HNTB in charge of that segment?

SDfan Oct 26, 2009 9:40 PM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 4523601)
FYI - the channeling of the lines (trench) is already in the works. My wife is the project manager of the LA-SD HSR line.

That's cool, any specifics so far? Is the project likely or just a sketch?

Fusey Oct 26, 2009 10:22 PM

^ It sounds it's still being analyzed right now. My company is in charge of the Fresno to Los Angeles segment and there are still a number of similar issues to figure out.

staplesla Oct 26, 2009 10:23 PM

She works for HNTB Corporation. Quentin Kopp, who is the chairman of CA HSR, used to work for HNTB. HNTB has been involved with many of the rail projects in the state, specifically with BART.

And I'd like to answer the second question but my wife has asked that I not divulge anything until everything is released for public review. I will state though that much of the comments I see posted on here are incorrect, one being that the SD-LA leg will be the last to be built. The reason for the change from Proposition 1 to Proposition 1A in 2008 was so that money could be allocated to any line, not just the SF to LA line. Nothing has been determined yet.

dl3000 Oct 26, 2009 11:18 PM

Aw man doing that for HNTB sounds like a lot of fun, I would love to do that. Something tells me that the demand and directness of alignment favors the SF-LA route first. I know its nobody but the NIMBY's fault for why there isn't a more direct alignment from LA to SD via LOSSAN (I bet they could have trenched it to avoid obstructing views but whatever) and instead goes through the growing (or was growing I don't know how it is now) Inland Empire, but that fact can make the train less favorable than driving on the 5.

bmfarley Oct 27, 2009 4:33 AM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 4525247)
She works for HNTB Corporation. Quentin Kopp, who is the chairman of CA HSR, used to work for HNTB. HNTB has been involved with many of the rail projects in the state, specifically with BART.

Kopp is no longer Chair of CHSRA, Anahiem Mayor Curt Pringle is.

What is different with HSR was altered by AB3034; no segment is prioritized for implementation. That said, the CHSRA has not come forward and laid out a plan for project phasing, construction or implementation.... other than what is illustrated by their applications for ARRA funding, which is largely predicated by project readiness.

It's the largest project in the history of the State; shouldn't CHSRA have an implementation plan?

We do know that LA Union Station to Anahiem is furthest along in planning, environmental and design work. It's also represents the largest portion of ARRA funding applciations from the State; I believe. The SF peninsula is probably right behind that... and little to zero is mentioned about LA to San Diego. Although past commetns from staplsla indicate tunnel or trench; which is welcome and of great interest.

Justin O'Neill Oct 27, 2009 6:37 PM

San Diego's Airport Needs on Gizmodo


San Diego is in desperate need of an new airport, but no one wants it near their land. The so-obvious-that-you'll-slap-your-forehead solution? Don't build it on land, the ocean's right there. There's even a plan, but it's more than an airport.

The basic concept has been done in other places, but the idea for San Diego's solution comes from a guy named Adam Englund, and it's definitely not just a floating airport. It's an entire $20 billion business plan. He's dreamed up an airport on an "oil rig -style floating platform" with four stories of space, a total of 200 million square feet of it, which could be used for hotels, restaurants, even universities. An entire floating city.

It sounds insane, but apparently in initial reviews, Englund's plan lacks any "fatal flaws." I'd consider the absence of $20 billion a fatal flaw, but the man's a bigger optimist than I.

OneMetropolis Oct 27, 2009 6:54 PM

you've got to be kidding me.

dl3000 Oct 27, 2009 7:40 PM

That's been around for awhile. Don't see it in our lifetimes though. Chances of Miramar becoming the next ATL or O'hare let alone a simple 2 runway airport seems more likely. Plus, I don't see why the thing can't JUST be an airport. Why all the additional stuff? Sure put on a marine research station but why the rest? An airport would make good revenue.

Fusey Oct 27, 2009 9:38 PM

I think we'll have a better form of transportation than airplanes before this city has a replacement for Lindbergh. :haha:

bmfarley Oct 28, 2009 2:27 AM

Once HSR is up and running to San Diego, 1/3rd to 1/2 of Lindbergh's flights will possibly vanish. Those are the in-state commuter flights... mostly oeprated by Southwest, American Eagle, and so forth. At that point, capacity will not be Lindbergh's problem... length of runway would be.

eburress Oct 28, 2009 7:16 PM


Originally Posted by Fusey (Post 4527179)
I think we'll have a better form of transportation than airplanes before this city has a replacement for Lindbergh. :haha:

That's the truth. We will be teleporting long before we're flying out of a new airport here in SD.

dl3000 Oct 29, 2009 4:58 AM

well it'll probably be planes that can hover or at least vertical take off so runways are obsolete. anything to lose the height limit please.

S.DviaPhilly Oct 29, 2009 7:18 PM

Anyone know what they are doing on tenth between the bowling alley and the cowboy star? They gutted the place and seem to be rebuilding it from the studs up

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