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Boatguy619 Dec 27, 2019 6:07 PM

I've seen it first hand with close family members. The only way my cousin cleaned up and got off the streets was from prison, unfortunately prison turned him into a gang member. Homeless shelters like fathers Joe's villages only help you if you're clean. Most people on the streets are not clean and have no desire to become clean. The solution to the problem isnt going to be pretty. Several city's have done exactly what I have suggested. It's time we do the same before we lose our tourism money and jobs.

SDCAL Dec 27, 2019 6:35 PM


Originally Posted by Boatguy619 (Post 8785487)
I've seen it first hand with close family members. The only way my cousin cleaned up and got off the streets was from prison, unfortunately prison turned him into a gang member. Homeless shelters like fathers Joe's villages only help you if you're clean. Most people on the streets are not clean and have no desire to become clean. The solution to the problem isnt going to be pretty. Several city's have done exactly what I have suggested. It's time we do the same before we lose our tourism money and jobs.

What cities have done what you propose? I’d be interested in learning more. I agree the problem is out of hand in San Diego, however my experience is that if people don’t want to get clean they won’t, no matter how many services you offer or even if you force it. Also, it’s expensive. We have thousands of people who sleep on the street. Rounding them up and sending them to jail or treatment facilities costs $$ that would likely require higher taxes that I’m not sure the public would be willing to pay for. As someone who lives downtown I want a solution that works but that also treats people with respect and compassion. Maybe that’s unrealistic, but I am interested in seeing what cities who don’t have as large of a problem do. Part of this might be our weather - I think we attract more homeless people because it’s not as cold here.

Boatguy619 Dec 27, 2019 8:28 PM

San Clemente just did it off Ave Pico, right next to the Rainbow sandal factory. Modesto outdoor emergency shelter, and Sacremento is doing the same. They set up hundreds of tents, security, restrooms, food, water, and fenced in. Tenants aren't allowed to come and go. Only allowed to leave if they are going to work or find jobs. They aren't allowed in if they aren't sober. Which to me is the problem. Like you said, if they don't want to get clean, they won't go to shelters. The reason they don't want to is quit is because they're addicted, no other reason. No one wants to be addicted to Heroin. I do think forcing people to quit cold turkey by cutting them off works. Prison cleans people up, but it also gives them a bad record and introduces them to gangs and violent criminals. Once out its impossible to find jobs and they fall back into drug addiction. That's why camps would work, no violent criminals, no arrest records and a place for people to get over addiction safely with programs to help them once they're sober. Won't be cheap, but much cheaper than any large scale shelters like F.J.V. that aren't working. And definitely cheaper than the ammount of tourism dollars we're about to lose if this problem gets worse.

spoonman Dec 30, 2019 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Boatguy619 (Post 8784992)
I was in SF for thankgiving. Drove all around the city, walked around the embarcadero and warf. Didn't see any homeless the two days I was there. Heard the Castro district is where they all are, I did not visit that part of the city. However anywhere in SD you go there are panhandlers on the corners, I almost hit homless daily that run in front of traffic along rosecrans. I've had homeless spit on my car for no reason. I've seen them s**** in the streets along our embarcadero, try and fight lamp posts. I work as a diver and have to stay out of the bay when it rains due to piss and s*** in our streets. Its unacceptable. SD HAS become the worst in the state/ nation.

You can have sympathy for these people but it's time to take politically incorrect action. Sleeping in the streets is illegal, make arrests, drug test in custody. If they're not from here, bus them back to whatever city bussed them here. If they're clean, vets, trying to find work, they deserve top priority for shelters and jobs to get them back on their feet. If they're on heroin, meth, ect, send them to a camp in Borrego, Campo, somewhere else cheap. Only allowed to leave when they've become a functioning, clean, member of the camp. It shouldnt be a place people want to end up but it should be a place people get drug addiction help and learn a valuable work ethic. #boatguy2020

Agree with this 100%. Time for tough love. Institutionalization or jail is the answer depending on the specific issue. Folks can transition from there to rehabilitation programs but this sleeping in the streets needs to end.

HurricaneHugo Jan 7, 2020 7:00 AM

What's the big hole on Genesse and La Jolla Village drive?

There's one new building there and I'm guessing the next one is the twin?

staplesla Jan 7, 2020 5:59 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 8792517)
What's the big hole on Genesse and La Jolla Village drive?

There's one new building there and I'm guessing the next one is the twin?

It’s the second of the fourth planned tower for that corner property.

HurricaneHugo Jan 9, 2020 6:08 AM

What's going on with the purple line tax hike proposal?

SANDAG stepping in and building their own high speed on the purple line route?

Will O' Wisp Jan 9, 2020 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 8794568)
What's going on with the purple line tax hike proposal?

SANDAG stepping in and building their own high speed on the purple line route?

No, this is why (check the yellow boxes):

The Purple Line uses almost 1/3 of MTS's proposed transit tax. So it's a question of if it would be better to have the Purple Line, or double our investment in bus frequency and new local routes, add 8 additional BRT routes, and add transit lanes to the SR-56.

brg654 Jan 12, 2020 5:04 PM

We need to figure out how to build transit lines more quickly and for less money in this country. Barcelona builds new lines more quickly and at lower cost. I won't compare us to China - the labor and legal situations are different.

It will be difficult to sell the public on a tax increase for a train line that opens in 2046. Anybody 60+ will plan on never seeing it open in their lifetimes, and anybody 40+ will plan on never using it to commute. I'd vote for a transit tax increase that's in the best interest of our city of the future and the environment over my own personal interest, but I don't see a 2/3 majority for that.

And, as an aside, is a transit line to the airport really the best use of money? As much as I love trains (my grandfather designed them for Bombardier), I question how much they'll be used in the age of Uber. The trolley won't take me to my house, so why take a trolley then an Uber if I can just take an Uber? Tourists stay close enough that it's not an issue, business travelers aren't very price sensitive anyway, and the people who would really benefit (those living in east and north county) would vote against a tax increase because they're more likely to be Republican and they think freeway expansion should be prioritized over transit. In other cities with good train connections to airports (NYC/JFK, London/LHR, Tokyo/NRT), the airport is a significant distance from the city and taxi costs can be a deterrent.

mello Jan 13, 2020 8:11 PM

So here we are 2020 time for some fresh predictions on the slew of towers that have been approved for ages and have yet to break ground. The big boys:

Cisterra Ritz 7th/Market --
Courthouse on Broadway Demo --
1st and Beech --
Alexan Little Italy --
California Theatre Demo C Street --

All of these have been talked about and approved for quite some time.

Little Italy Parking Structure tower on Kettner -- This one kind of came out of nowhere and was recently approved 5 to 6 months ago I believe.

Also I recall two Cortez hill towers around 19 to 22 floors that were approved 4 to 5 years ago and never came to fruition. Anyone remember those? You would think that would be a great area tucked away from the action with great views but nothing ever came of it. Across from the Symphony Towers Marriott they cleared a lot and its fenced off does anyone know about that. 7th and A?

There has to be someone on this forum with some inside info hearing rumors from sources. Please fill us in :cheers:

staplesla Jan 14, 2020 5:43 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 8798206)
So here we are 2020 time for some fresh predictions on the slew of towers that have been approved for ages and have yet to break ground. The big boys:

Cisterra Ritz 7th/Market --
Courthouse on Broadway Demo --
1st and Beech --
Alexan Little Italy --
California Theatre Demo C Street --

All of these have been talked about and approved for quite some time.

Little Italy Parking Structure tower on Kettner -- This one kind of came out of nowhere and was recently approved 5 to 6 months ago I believe.

Also I recall two Cortez hill towers around 19 to 22 floors that were approved 4 to 5 years ago and never came to fruition. Anyone remember those? You would think that would be a great area tucked away from the action with great views but nothing ever came of it. Across from the Symphony Towers Marriott they cleared a lot and its fenced off does anyone know about that. 7th and A?

There has to be someone on this forum with some inside info hearing rumors from sources. Please fill us in :cheers:

The developer who purchased the old courthouse location on Broadway plans to break ground in April on their 37-story tower called Courthouse Commons. I have no knowledge as to what’s happening with the other spots.

Northparkwizard Jan 15, 2020 2:01 AM


HurricaneHugo Jan 16, 2020 11:50 AM

NAVWAR Redelopment hitting project milestones:

Still a lot of work to do but it looks good so far which is rare these days

CrookedRecords Jan 17, 2020 12:52 AM

Mello, See below...


Originally Posted by mello (Post 8798206)
So here we are 2020 time for some fresh predictions on the slew of towers that have been approved for ages and have yet to break ground. The big boys:

Cisterra Ritz 7th/Market -- (Haven't heard a peep about this in quite a while. I've got a set of drawings and was working with one of the original general contractors who were bidding on it but they did not end up getting the contract.)
Courthouse on Broadway Demo -- (This has been going forward for quite some time. The majority of the work is on the interior so it probably doesn't look like much has been done. They are going to begin demolishing the building itself from the roof down in the middle of February.)
1st and Beech --
Alexan Little Italy --
California Theatre Demo C Street --

All of these have been talked about and approved for quite some time.

Little Italy Parking Structure tower on Kettner -- (If this is Cedar and Kettner then it is currently being worked on. I believe that the contract has been awarded to the general but the subs haven't been worked out yet. They don't even have decent drawings yet.)

Also I recall two Cortez hill towers around 19 to 22 floors that were approved 4 to 5 years ago and never came to fruition. Anyone remember those? You would think that would be a great area tucked away from the action with great views but nothing ever came of it. Across from the Symphony Towers Marriott they cleared a lot and its fenced off does anyone know about that. 7th and A?

There has to be someone on this forum with some inside info hearing rumors from sources. Please fill us in :cheers:

HurricaneHugo Jan 17, 2020 7:05 AM

Horton Plaza Redevelopment back on track after lawsuit settled:

Streamliner Jan 20, 2020 6:14 PM

The U-T has a pretty good rundown of regional projects big and small set to open this year:

San Diego’s newest apartments opening in 2020


There are roughly 3,500 new apartments opening in San Diego County in 2020, with many outside of downtown.

Target dates for when complexes will open are often in flux because of weather, labor issues and other external factors. Information on new developments was compiled by The San Diego Union-Tribune with additional information coming from developers and real estate tracker CoStar. The majority of projects have not announced final rent prices.
There still are not enough units going up, but there are some nice infill projects in there.

mello Jan 20, 2020 8:41 PM

Are you really paying the 16$ monthly for Tribune Access?
It was 8 last year and I paid now that they doubled it I have passed so far, you really think its worth it? Glad to see infill picking up downtown construction activity seems to be dead though. The Pinnacle project has not moved really hope it gets back on track soon.

PadreHomer Jan 20, 2020 9:06 PM

Pinnacle on 10th & E has been picking up steam, I drive by there every day. They're moving past the ground floor.

Streamliner Jan 20, 2020 9:18 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 8805752)
It was 8 last year and I paid now that they doubled it I have passed so far, you really think its worth it? Glad to see infill picking up downtown construction activity seems to be dead though. The Pinnacle project has not moved really hope it gets back on track soon.

I use Chrome as my default browser, and Firefox as my secondary browser. I set my Firefox settings so it clears history/cache/cookies, etc. every time I close out. Then, whenever I ever see a U-T headline I like, I copy/paste the URL into Firefox and it doesn't limit me. It's a good workaround.

Will O' Wisp Jan 20, 2020 9:20 PM

Developer of ‘poor door’ apartment building in East Village threatens legal action over denial


Originally Posted by mello (Post 8805752)
It was 8 last year and I paid now that they doubled it I have passed so far, you really think its worth it? Glad to see infill picking up downtown construction activity seems to be dead though. The Pinnacle project has not moved really hope it gets back on track soon.

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