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Distill3d Sep 13, 2008 5:19 PM

Movie Shoot Locations
seeing as how we all know what a movie shoot looks like with its unassuming barrage of white trucks and trailers, and street closures in popular areas like Gastown. i'm starting a thread that i noticed isn't here for shoot locations around town for upcoming movies.

any papparazzi can figure that out, and i'm certain there's a few closet pap's on this forum, or just general would be celeb stalkers.

i'd like it if we could post what is shooting where, and who is in it, but thats not always possible. so, just include the locations for the current shoots, and we'll speculate from there.

currently, and for the past week, North Vancouver from about Lonsdale and Third Street has been San Francisco. as well the open air parking lot at Lonsdale Quay has been closed as its now a used car lot. not sure if anyone here has noticed that or not. anyone know who's in the movie, and what the title is? i've seen signs up Lonsdale (specifically at 8 Street) for Night At The Museum 2, but i'm not sure that takes place in San Francisco.

Rusty Gull Sep 13, 2008 10:12 PM

I asked one of the "grips" (is that what they're called?) yesterday about what they were shooting on Lonsdale, and he said Cats and Dogs 2. Can't say I heard of Cats and Dogs 1. But it was a huge production, with various stores on Lonsdale converted to San Francisco. Very cool.

Also, there's a huge set being built close to the Fast Ferries dock on Lower Levels... I wonder if that's part of the production?

SpongeG Sep 14, 2008 8:39 PM

cats and dogs 1 was actually pretty good i saw it the theatre with my nephews - enjoyed it

Video Link

SpongeG Sep 14, 2008 8:45 PM

there was some lighting and equipment set up outside the VAG - georgia street saturday night - i don't know if its left over or for something new this week

I know there were production vehicles last week at the VAG a common shooting location

the set for WATCHMEN is still standing on marine way in burnaby - the fencing is actually been cleared and you can get a much better view of the street set - amazing looking

Distill3d Sep 14, 2008 9:18 PM


VAG was being used as the set for Night At The Museum 2 with Ben Stiller and Hank Azaria, which is currently wrapping up post production.

MistyMountainHop Sep 15, 2008 1:21 AM


Originally Posted by SpongeG (Post 3799286)
the set for WATCHMEN is still standing on marine way in burnaby - the fencing is actually been cleared and you can get a much better view of the street set - amazing looking

I'm looking forward to that movie so much! If it can live up to the original comic it will be one of the greatest superhero movies ever. :tup:

raggedy13 Sep 21, 2009 8:28 AM

There was some sort of San Francisco cop movie/show being filmed by the new convention centre today. I took a few pics:

The funny thing is those concrete blocks were made of styrofoam (or at least the triangular ones to the far left - I saw a single guy sling one over his shoulder)...

mr.x Sep 21, 2009 5:06 PM

^ bahahahahaha @ the last pic.

If only the local media would stop reporting Twilight star sightings, those poor kids....

mrjauk Sep 21, 2009 7:20 PM

The Convention Centre could make back half of its initial cost from the money it's collecting from location shoots there. I think it will continue to be used heavily--both inside and out--as a location shoot.

SpongeG Sep 21, 2009 8:34 PM

neat - whats that set you can see from the skytrain just east of royal oak? in burnaby? like a street?

mr.x Sep 21, 2009 8:41 PM

^ yea, i've been wondering about that....and how could they film there with the SkyTrain track whizzing right above an open outdoor set?

Unregistered Sep 22, 2009 7:48 PM


Originally Posted by SpongeG (Post 4467141)
neat - whats that set you can see from the skytrain just east of royal oak? in burnaby? like a street?

Smallville. or at least it was awhile ago.

red-paladin Oct 4, 2009 5:21 AM

I work at the Shaw Tower, and there have been plenty of movie crews nearby in the last few days. There is a lot going on at the small club building adjacent to the Marine Building, and tonight, then new convention centre building was being shot. They had all kinds of lit signs inside to make it look like a German airport, and all the cars on Canada Place (the street) outside were all German. Our security guard told me it was A-Team being filmed.

mr.x Oct 4, 2009 7:14 AM

They had a big scene at Waterfront Station during last night's Fringe episode.

metroXpress Oct 4, 2009 11:56 PM

I missed it, thanks for this!! :haha:

Distill3d Oct 7, 2009 7:27 PM

^weird, like Paladin there said, that was some Konesig Bank or something like that Sunday afternoon.

Few pics from Sunday:

mr.x Oct 7, 2009 7:39 PM

yay, not only can we pretend to be American cities we can also double as a European one!!! :p

Distill3d Oct 7, 2009 8:00 PM


Originally Posted by mr.x (Post 4494384)
yay, not only can we pretend to be American cities we can also double as a European one!!! :p

Yes, but when will we just be Vancouver? The only big production movie I can think of that Vancouver played itself in is Ballistic Ecks vs. Sever, and that was nothing to brag about.

Vancity Oct 7, 2009 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Distill3d (Post 4494429)
Yes, but when will we just be Vancouver? The only big production movie I can think of that Vancouver played itself in is Ballistic Ecks vs. Sever, and that was nothing to brag about.

Yeah, I'm sick of Vancouver pretending to be other cities. I just want our city to be our city in these major productions.

delboy Oct 7, 2009 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 4494794)
Yeah, I'm sick of Vancouver pretending to be other cities. I just want our city to be our city in these major productions.

I can remember years ago when I first visited Vancouver, long before I knew that i would ever live here (seem to recall saying, wow what a place, I could definitely live here!) anyway i saw all these swat vans, helicopters, armored vehicles and armies of police officers everywhere, guns waving all over the place - i watched for ever before I eventually learned it was an episode of The X files with Sulky and Moaner.

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