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Obadno Nov 14, 2019 3:29 PM


Originally Posted by craigs (Post 8747664)

Obadno, I will ask you again: why did you assert "Domestic out-migration is not a good sign for Californians future"?

Please explain how would we be better off, and be better able to solve growth-related problems like spiraling housing costs, if we kept adding more people faster and faster, while nobody moves out?

It didn't turn out great for Illinois, Louisiana West Virginia, Michigan, Upstate NY etc.

But hey maybe California will buck that track record because "reasons" ? I hope im wrong.

iheartthed Nov 14, 2019 3:29 PM


Originally Posted by bossabreezes (Post 8748156)
The Tenderloin is literally all of this still, and more. Imagine this, needles everywhere, people OD'ing in cars, and feces. I'm pretty sure it's at it's lowest point ever. Just saying. Definitely saw a dead guy on Market towards Embarcardero with a needle jammed in his arm this May.

Not just on the streets either. I had to use the restroom in the Westfield Mall and found someone slumped over, face down towards the urinal, arm tied off and all. Had to get the security guard. It's really, really rough around there nowadays.

There is absolutely no way that San Francisco is anywhere near its lowest point. This is a ridiculous thing to assert.

Obadno Nov 14, 2019 3:32 PM


Originally Posted by lio45 (Post 8747853)
This forum has always had an antinimby streak that totally predates Trump, no?

I love California, you certainly can't accuse me of being "anti" anything. But the homeless crisis is not fabricated. Surely we're on the same page...?

Nah man California was perfect until Jan 20 2017 and the greater Daemon Trump came down to smite the righteous for god hath forsaken them!!

Oh lord who will save us from this slightly different federal policy for 4-8 years! How will anyone Survive ?? :slob::slob::slob:

Obadno Nov 14, 2019 3:34 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 8748370)
There is absolutely no way that San Francisco is anywhere near its lowest point. This is a ridiculous thing to assert.

Yeah Id probably say 1907 tops it

LA21st Nov 14, 2019 3:42 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8748377)
Nah man California was perfect until Jan 20 2017 and the greater Daemon Trump came down to smite the righteous for god hath forsaken them!!

Oh lord who will save us from this slightly different federal policy for 4-8 years! How will anyone Survive ?? :slob::slob::slob:

Given Calfiornia's economy is doing extremely well, I'd say we're suriving just fine.

Crawford Nov 14, 2019 3:48 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8748369)
It didn't turn out great for Illinois, Louisiana West Virginia, Michigan, Upstate NY etc.

But hey maybe California will buck that track record because "reasons" ? I hope im wrong.

Those areas don't get tons of immigrants and domestic in-migration.

The issues affecting Michigan, Ohio, Upstate NY, etc. have absolutely nothing to do with the issues affecting CA. If CA didn't have negative domestic out-migration, the traffic, pollution, inequality and home prices would be even worse than now.

iheartthed Nov 14, 2019 3:50 PM

This entire conversation is ridiculous. The numbers are pretty clear that San Francisco, by most measures, is enjoying one of the best moments in its entire history. Incomes are extremely high, crime is extremely low by historical standards, and land values are through the roof. San Francisco is one of the best economically performing cities in the entire fucking world. It has about the best problems any city could ever hope to have. Anyone denying that are just pushing a political agenda.

LA21st Nov 14, 2019 3:53 PM


Obadno Nov 14, 2019 4:17 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8748397)
Those areas don't get tons of immigrants and domestic in-migration.

The issues affecting Michigan, Ohio, Upstate NY, etc. have absolutely nothing to do with the issues affecting CA. If CA didn't have negative domestic out-migration, the traffic, pollution, inequality and home prices would be even worse than now.

But Neither does most of California outside of LA or San Francisco

I actually can see a very similar situation happening to California as NYC-Upstate NY

Obadno Nov 14, 2019 4:18 PM


Originally Posted by LA21st (Post 8748394)
Given Calfiornia's economy is doing extremely well, I'd say we're suriving just fine.

Hey I actually agree with this comment, I was making fun of Craig for blaming things that are not the fault of presidential politics on a president.

Crawford Nov 14, 2019 4:28 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8748432)
But Neither does most of California outside of LA or San Francisco

Most of CA is LA and SF.

Those places are CA. 27 million in those two CSAs.

Obadno Nov 14, 2019 5:12 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8748447)
Most of CA is LA and SF.

Those places are CA. 27 million in those two CSAs.

Yeah screw 1/3 of people !!

Your statement says more than I ever could

bossabreezes Nov 14, 2019 6:11 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 8748370)
There is absolutely no way that San Francisco is anywhere near its lowest point. This is a ridiculous thing to assert.

I was referring specifically to the Tenderloin.

LA21st Nov 14, 2019 6:15 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8748523)
Yeah screw 1/3 of people !!

Your statement says more than I ever could

It's actually more than that. San Diego is another 3 millon, and Sacramento is another 2.5 or so.

How is this any different than any other state, including Texas? How well off are the likes of Amarillo and Wichita Falls?

Obadno Nov 14, 2019 6:16 PM


Originally Posted by LA21st (Post 8748593)
It's actually more than that. San Diego is another 3 millon, and Sacramento is another 2.5 or so.

How is this any different than any other state, including Texas? How well off are the likes of Amarillo and Wichita Falls?

Sacramento and San Diego are getting a big percentage of that international first city placement? :shrug: probably not

LA21st Nov 14, 2019 6:31 PM

I'm pretty sure Sacramento and SD get a fair share of immigration.
I doubt San Diego is hurting with domestic arrivals, but I could be wrong.

craigs Nov 14, 2019 7:24 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8748433)
Hey I actually agree with this comment, I was making fun of Craig for blaming things that are not the fault of presidential politics on a president.

Prove it.

Quote me directly, or admit you're pulling this out of your ass.

jtown,man Nov 14, 2019 9:05 PM


Originally Posted by IrishIllini (Post 8747520)
Welfare programs aren’t rife with abuse. Qualifying for programs entails completing paperwork and interviews with multiple bureaucracies. The identified cases of abuse, fraud, or waste are minimal.

You might need to be introduced to the disability system and more specifically the disability fraud from veterans. Zero hyperbole when I say the whole system is corrupt and needs to be reorganized NOW.

jtown,man Nov 14, 2019 9:07 PM


Originally Posted by LA21st (Post 8747761)
I'm sure in their minds, these older people will move to Texas and Florida, and spark a massive boom in those economies. What kind of boom? Who the hell knows. Senior Citizen Housing?:shrug:

Seniors are the wealthiest group of Americans. Not a bad group to attract.

badrunner Nov 14, 2019 9:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sun Belt (Post 8748348)
Crawford's anecdotal experience from 1979, [remember he was the one that said "40 years ago" then moved the goal posts to "a couple decades ago" -- was he even alive back then?] is painting a false picture of the homeless epidemic we are currently in.

It's an easy dismissal of facts, without providing any factual data at all.

It goes back at least that far. Homelessness is not a new phenomenon in California. It's gonna be there regardless of how the economy's doing or what party is in power.

"At the end of the 19th century, a number of residential hotels opened in the area as it became home to a transient population of seasonal laborers.[15] By the 1930s, Skid Row was home to as many as 10,000 homeless people, alcoholics, and others on the margins of society.[14] It supported saloons, residential hotels, and social services, which drew people from the populations they served to congregate in the area."

for reference:

"As of the 2019 census, the population of the district was 4,757.[3] Skid Row contains one of the largest stable populations (about 2,783) of homeless people in the United States[4] and has been known for its condensed homeless population since the 1930s",_Los_Angeles

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