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Marina_Guy Aug 23, 2008 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by laguna (Post 3752999)
The publicity Manchester receives is actually good for his image, contrary to what you think, because the majority of the public is actually for keeping the definitiion of marriage the way it has always been. Average people could care less what a group of lawyers support. The UT is giving Manchester a good image. Maybe the dailykos and huffington post is where you guys belong since this thread is really just a couple of lonely people scratching each others nuts.

I don't think you have your facts right....


Field Poll: Prop 8, California Initiative To Ban Gay Marriage, Trails
Joe Mathews -
July 18, 2008 - 8:15am

No (which is the pro-gay marriage side of Prop 8) had 51 percent and yes had 42 percent in the poll, the results of which are here. While that may seem close, it's very good news for those who support same sex marriage. In ballot measure campaigns, most undecided people break no, and it's much more common for the "no" side to make gains as a campaign progresses. One rule of thumb is that an initiative without at least 60 percent support in the early stages is by definition an initiative in trouble.

SDCAL Aug 23, 2008 6:25 PM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 3752590)
Why would any high-profile donor think twice with what Manchester has gone through? Regardless of whether or not you agree with Papa Doug, politically, at least he has the guts to put his money where his mouth is, and stick with it even after he gets all of the bad press.

having "guts" assumes Manchester knew it would get this much attention when he donated, which I seriously doubt he did. I think he probably expected to quietly donate and was not expecting protests at his hotel

I guess we will see in November where the public stands on the matter, personally I see no problem whatsoever from gays marrying. As long as they are not doing something illegal, they have every right to the same rights as everyone else.

SDCAL Aug 23, 2008 6:31 PM

Gerding looks good ;)

Mariobrotha Aug 23, 2008 9:22 PM

It looks like Vantage Pointe has started up construction again. Now, is it just me, or does Vantage Pointe look just a twinge taller than Symphony Towers? Might just be my angle. I'll have to spy on it from the Cabrillo Bridge in the park, as it gives the best-- er, um-- vantage point.

Derek Aug 23, 2008 9:23 PM

It's just the angle. It does look tall though.

PadreHomer Aug 24, 2008 2:19 AM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 3749149)
I doubt very much the streetcars will be ready by then, but yes, that was the intent. Their rehabilitation, at least 2 cars, but no more than 3, is being done by a volunteer group of craftmen and such. If and when they do run... it'll be during off-peak times and weekends... and only in the clockwise direction. If there are only 2 cars... they'll be about 15-30 minutes apart... and no better.

How can they run clockwise? Is it supposed to be on the current trolley tracks?

Derek Aug 24, 2008 2:21 AM


Originally Posted by PadreHomer (Post 3754923)
How can they run clockwise? Is it supposed to be on the current trolley tracks?


bmfarley Aug 24, 2008 7:55 AM


Originally Posted by PadreHomer (Post 3754923)
How can they run clockwise? Is it supposed to be on the current trolley tracks?

Look at a map that includes the existing downtown light-rail network. You will see that trains can run clock-wise w/o any track changes.... Bayside to C Street to Park/12th to Bayside etc.

Of course, counterclockwise appears doable... until you see that that involves trains crossing tracks in front of other trains... creating conflicts... ... and most importantly, crossovers are not in the places that they need to be in!

Clockwise is the only easy direction such a service could operate... essentially fitting into where there is the physical capability and train spacing.

And, off peak times is the only times that could accomodate the added service.

HurricaneHugo Aug 25, 2008 8:29 AM

Carlsbad Desalination Plant Gets OK


tdavis Aug 25, 2008 6:02 PM

San Diego Trolley
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum but was curious if there were any members who were in the loop regarding the San Diego trolley. I came across this image regarding future lines being discussed in the 90's for the trolley expansion. The only thing I can find on the net is on the wikipedia but it doesn't say much. The map has a copyright of 2008 so was curious. Anyone know if these are still in play?

bmfarley Aug 25, 2008 6:09 PM


Originally Posted by tdavis (Post 3757447)
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum but was curious if there were any members who were in the loop regarding the San Diego trolley. I came across this image regarding future lines being discussed in the 90's for the trolley expansion. The only thing I can find on the net is on the wikipedia but it doesn't say much. The map has a copyright of 2008 so was curious. Anyone know if these are still in play?

That is pure fiction. Must be some guys wishful thinking.

staplesla Aug 25, 2008 6:19 PM


Originally Posted by tdavis (Post 3757447)
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum but was curious if there were any members who were in the loop regarding the San Diego trolley. I came across this image regarding future lines being discussed in the 90's for the trolley expansion. The only thing I can find on the net is on the wikipedia but it doesn't say much. The map has a copyright of 2008 so was curious. Anyone know if these are still in play?

This actually isn't pure fiction, but it's based off of rail expansion discussed long ago, not anything current. There are currently no real plans for expansion, though the Mid-Coast extension to the UTC area is the one most probable. Others were discussed but have since lost support. I'm assuming you are referring to this Wiki article?

It mentions all the lines discussed under "Other New Service Ideas."

HurricaneHugo Aug 26, 2008 6:05 AM

That looks amazing...but...

The only one with a chance of happening would be the mid-coast extension.

malsponger Aug 27, 2008 3:26 AM

Civic Center
Courthouse (OK federal)
Airport Relocation
Trolley Extension

I'd love to see this all happen but this city is seeming mighty ambitious for how thin it's wallets are.

bmfarley Aug 27, 2008 7:21 AM


Originally Posted by malsponger (Post 3760948)
Civic Center
Courthouse (OK federal)
Airport Relocation
Trolley Extension

I'd love to see this all happen but this city is seeming mighty ambitious for how thin it's wallets are.

Yes, I'd agree.

The Courthouses (county/state and Federal), Trolley Mid-Coast extension, and Airport are different governmental organizations. But, I'd add the Library to the list... and rehabilitating C Street and Balboa Park. Fortunately it looks like the Geerding Civic Center Plan is cheaper than doing the required retrofitting for fire safety and continuing to lease off-site office space over a 50-year time horizon... which is the aproximate current Civic Center age.

In my opinion, the local ambition is inversely related to the deferred governmental action in providing amenties for its citizens.

There are a couple other things I'd like to see on that list too.... such as a new football stadium or something like the Arc de Triumph in Balboa Park (smaller version? different symbolism?).

sandiegodweller Aug 28, 2008 5:20 PM

The circus music gets louder....
Looks like Hines knew what they were doing by bowing out.

Now CCDC probe finds problem with Civic Center project

By Jeanette Steele

August 28, 2008

DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO – An expanded conflict-of-interest investigation by downtown San Diego's redevelopment authority has found a problem with the proposed Civic Center project.

Centre City Development Corp. officials announced yesterday that the consultant with a $700,000 contract to lead the agency's financial analysis has a tie to Gerding Edlen, the Oregon developer that is the last remaining contender to rebuild San Diego's City Hall.
An executive at the consultant firm, Jones Lang LaSalle, recently took a job at CB Richard Ellis, which helped Gerding put its proposal together.

In response, CCDC officials said they will hire another outside firm to check the consultant's analysis. Jones Lang LaSalle will cover the cost, CCDC chairman Fred Maas said at a news conference at the besieged agency's offices.

CCDC has been under intense scrutiny over the past month after revelations that former President Nancy Graham had an undisclosed business relationship with The Related Co., which was chosen by the agency for a $409 million public-private project.

Despite Graham's claims she had no recent ties to Related, court documents have shown she received $3.5 million from the developer, a portion coming as late as June 2007, for her work on a Florida condo project.

The downtown agency said yesterday it has widened a previously announced conflict-of-interest probe to include all projects going back three years. Graham joined the quasi-governmental agency in December 2005.

“This process will not be pretty,” Maas said.

Jim Lough, the lawyer hired for the probe, said he will interview witnesses, do legal research and review e-mails for his investigation. Lough said he will also try to interview Graham, who resigned last month, citing the ill health of her mother in Tennessee.

Maas said the extra work on the Civic Center could delay the project, which was scheduled to go to the City Council for approval in October. If the delay stretches into December, the project will face a new City Council. One future councilman -- Carl DeMaio of District 5 -- has said he opposes the redevelopment plan.

The agency also said it will ask all current and previous project applicants to state whether they have, or ever had, financial relationships with Graham or any existing CCDC official.

Jeanette Steele: (619) 293-1030;

bmfarley Aug 28, 2008 6:24 PM

An online Tribune article yesterday indicated that it was a CCDC employee that was hired away... and not to Gerding, but to a sub-consultant or co-applicant. And, I don't believe it was the fellow doing CCDC internal review of the financials.

Could it have been inaccurate reporting... as if that ever happens?

Either way, I don't see anything too critical or fatal.


Of course, whenever you get 3 accountants or financial analysts into a room you get 4 or more opinions or different versions of data comming out So, although Jones Lang LaSalle will cover the cost of re-examining their soon-to-be ex-employees work, they will likely come up with different results. Thus, enter more consternation into the process and the house comes down like a house of cards.

Fusey Aug 28, 2008 8:12 PM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 3764526)
Of course, whenever you get 3 accountants or financial analysts into a room you get 4 or more opinions or different versions of data comming out

Nothing wrong with that. :)

Unless you need a solid answer...

Edit: Nevermind about the accident; saw the UT article.

SD_Phil Aug 28, 2008 8:20 PM

It was on CNN and on local news. 9 injured from what I heard.

bmfarley Aug 28, 2008 8:41 PM


Originally Posted by SD_Phil (Post 3764815)
It was on CNN and on local news. 9 injured from what I heard.

The Trib site now says 14, with 2 critically injred. Also, none are workers as all were passerby-ers. Two victims are children.

With that said, I know the area very well. That corner attracts, like a strong magnet, clients to Father Joe's accessing their services.

What's going on at that corner at that time is loitering... people not having anything to do but hang-out. Very very often, so many peeps are crowding the sidewalk that those in wheelchairs roll in the traffic lanes on Imperial instead. Other pedestrians do the same. It sometimes feels like an atmosphere of Russian rhoulette driving down the street... will someone walk out in my may... or get out of the way. I am suprised that there are not more ped-car accidents as there are now.

I am a skeptic on this one.... that the majority of those involved were loitering, not passing by, and possibly caused the accident themselves by messing around with the scaffolding equipment. I observed during earlier construction at this site that those frequenting the area seemed disgruntled by the disruption to THEIR environment. As if they owned the public space immediately adjacent to it. Trash was frequently tossed over the construction fence and passerby-ers often ignored areas cordoned off for construction... exposing them, and workers, to dangerous conditions.

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