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Vertical_Gotham Jun 16, 2015 4:38 AM


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7064040)
I don't know what the hell you are talking about. You've got the wrong man. Be careful with slanderous accusations. Reported.

I am interested in history and I thought I'd let some newbies know a little about it. Nobody, even the fellow you THINK you are talking to, deserves to be talked to like that, especially not a member of 15 years who has been following NY projects and enjoying the cities growth and improvement. You must be a very bitter person.

Sure thing. You got banned on SSC as Aqua Blue, then City of Platinum emerges continuing your shtick whom got banned again. I know you know who that "fellow" is. Lol.

Your are interested in history?? Great but anyone can read between the lines in your post.

aquablue Jun 16, 2015 4:42 AM


Originally Posted by timpdx (Post 7064044)
Then dont act like a 16 year old with a keyboard and vodka IV drip, then.

And i'll check on the NYC thread whenever I so my NY family blood gets it in me to click on whatever tower I fancy at any particular moment.

Meanwhile I am enjoying my visit to the skyscraper capital of the South, Houston. Not the street, of course...but a quite decent city that gets a bad rap on SSP.

oh, ad extremely happy to see this sucker in the u/c section, the wait was killing me

Report anyone who uses name-calling like the person you quoted. It's the least you can do to prevent internet bullying from continuing. This is abusive and bullying behavior. Why should we condone such immature insolent behavior like this user did? That cuss word is a high insult and I hope that the leaders of the forum see to it that this ceases.


Originally Posted by Vertical_Gotham (Post 7064049)
Sure thing. You got banned on SSC as Aqua Blue, then City of Platinum emerges continuing your shtick whom got banned again. I know you know who that "fellow" is. Lol.

Your are interested in history?? Great but anyone can read between the lines in your post.

You can believe what you want, but this is a false accusation. You have no idea what you are talking about. I am not this platinum dude, get that through your head.

As for my post. I told you dude, NYGuy brought up Gotham and I thought I'd comment on it. Yes, it was new information to me and I thought it was definitely curious because I had always thought the label Gotham was associated with grandiose Gothic architecture and the batman reference. I wanted to bring it up for discussion because I am interested in the origin of words and irony is amusing to me. So, keep your paranoid insulting accusations away from me, you've got the wrong man. You are obviously a person who comes across to me as a very uptight person given you cannot even tolerate a bit of a joke about your city that originates in the early 20th century.

Also, since you couldn't appreciate the hilarious ironic origin of the nickname, but rather attacked the messenger boy, it shows something is quite wrong there. Anyhow, you won't be getting pleasure out of bullying anyone anymore. Your posts are reported for false accusation and insolence and you will soon be placed on ignore if you continue this feeble pathetic behavior. Go find your target person and leave me the heck alone.

NYguy Jun 16, 2015 5:32 AM

Ok. :order:

You guys can continue your "discussion" in private.


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7062881)
Haha, so Gotham is named after the village of Gotham in England. By the way, this place is a tiny village, quite ironic. Anyway...

In the literary work, the "wise tales of Gotham" the village is supposed to be ironically insane which is the reason Irving used it to say that nyc was a crazy place full of foolish people. I am amused most nyers are probably not aware that the nickname is a mocking insult referring to them and their forebears as loons. Lol.

Posted for reference just before your post.


By repeatedly using “Gotham” in a publication created to lampoon New York culture, Irving was poking a little fun at the city and its residents by comparing it to a village where people pretended to be crazy. New Yorkers embraced the moniker, either not aware that Irving was mocking them, or out of pride for being considered craftily crazy.


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7062881)
So bottom line, the nickname of Gotham is a funny ironic label that belies the outright self-confidence and brash city pride that NY has always been known for around the world. Basically, according to Irving, you're all mad, provincial, goat herding simpletons ;)

New Yorkers embraced it, and the city of spires became synonymous with "Gotham", which is where it still stands today. So it's highly appropriate that these supertall, slender skyscrapers are now throwing the city's skyline back to a time when that came to be. And 111 W. 57th is the most "Gotham" of them all - at least to this point.

aquablue Jun 16, 2015 5:44 AM


Originally Posted by NYguy (Post 7064094)
Posted for reference just before your post.

[quoteaquablue;7062881]So bottom line, the nickname of Gotham is a funny ironic label that belies the outright self-confidence and brash city pride that NY has always been known for around the world. Basically, according to Irving, you're all mad, provincial, goat herding simpletons ;)

New Yorkers embraced it, and the city of spires became synonymous with "Gotham", which is where it still stands today. So it's highly appropriate that these supertall, slender skyscrapers are now throwing the city's skyline back to a time when that came to be. And 111 W. 57th is the most "Gotham" of them all - at least to this point.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but did they know the meaning of the word Gotham originates from "goat herding place"? Haha. Also, the article is vague about whether or not they were ignorant of his mocking intentions. Perhaps if they were aware they wouldn't have embraced it so quickly. It's all very funny though and a unique piece of history to know.

pico44 Jun 16, 2015 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7064104)
New Yorkers embraced it, and the city of spires became synonymous with "Gotham", which is where it still stands today.

That's enough CoP. Cool it with the nickname talk.

sbarn Jun 16, 2015 1:19 PM


Originally Posted by pico44 (Post 7064185)
That's enough CoP. Cool it with the nickname talk.


Hypothalamus Jun 16, 2015 6:27 PM


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7063989)
I doubt he could care less about what they think. Gary will do his own thing, he's Gary, the King of NY real estate.

Haha, Stern is unintentionally aware of the millennial workforce and their values -- he's a part of that generation. There's a generational gap between the two developers. Stern already knows how to play his cards right for the next decade, akin to how Barnett played his cards correctly during the past decade. It's all about adapting, as Stern explained.

599GTO Jun 16, 2015 7:22 PM

This will reach Chrysler Building iconic status.

NYguy Jun 17, 2015 2:02 AM


Originally Posted by 599GTO (Post 7064705)
This will reach Chrysler Building iconic status.

I agree it will reach iconic status. It will have more competition than Chrysler did though, even though Chrysler went toe-to-toe with the greatest (Empire State).

Posted in the Nordstrom thread...

mistermetAJ Jun 17, 2015 5:17 AM


Originally Posted by NYguy (Post 7065153)
I agree it will reach iconic status. It will have more competition than Chrysler did though, even though Chrysler went toe-to-toe with the greatest (Empire State).

Posted in the Nordstrom thread...

The Chrysler Building is tall as well as elegant and beautiful. In that rendering, only Steinway meets all three criteria to even be compared to it. Nordstrom and 432 Park are no Empire State Building. Its a shame they are what we are getting. Such uninspiring designs.

aquablue Jun 17, 2015 6:08 AM


Originally Posted by Hypothalamus (Post 7064654)
Haha, Stern is unintentionally aware of the millennial workforce and their values -- he's a part of that generation. There's a generational gap between the two developers. Stern already knows how to play his cards right for the next decade, akin to how Barnett played his cards correctly during the past decade. It's all about adapting, as Stern explained.

I think Gary won't be changing much, but to each their own. He's going to do his own thing despite him being X, and he other man Y. I don't think leopards change their spots, especially successful leopards. He may change a few things, but nothing radical. Gary will be successful in the future despite Sern's big talk, he's a far more talented developer and knows what it takes to win Let's see how successful he is compared to what Gary has done before writing off Gary as out of touch.

And on the topic of the Chrysler and this reaching a similar status, I highly doubt it. For example, The Chrysler is just far far more beautiful than this and far more iconic. The Chrysler is far more ornamented too in the crown, and it is a well known fact that ornamentation wins people's hearts. Symmetry is always favored too, unless in the future asymmetrical towers are in vogue. However, history has shown that symmetry is preferred and the Chrysler has that in droves. This will be a tower that people will ooh and aah over but the Chrysler will always be a cut above in my opinion! When tourists talk about NY, I really don't see them ever being enamored by this tower. It doesn't have it, it isn't going to ever reach the same iconic status as the original art-deco towers. It will be looked on as a nice modern building.

As another poster above rightly pointed out recently, the fatal flaw in the tower is the proportions. Although I'm fine with it, most people seem to hate the skinny towers that look like chimneys from afar and fragile little blades of grass that appear they could fall at any moment. They are out of balance and do not agree with the classical philosophies of proportion that most people relate to. The fatal flaw will mean this tower will never ever reach the heights of renown that the Chrysler, ESB, and WTC has I believe.

SkyscrapersOfNewYork Jun 17, 2015 7:42 AM


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7065388)
Ramses was the last gasp of the Egyptian Empire. 150 years after Ramses II died, the Egyptian empire fell due to internal problems and invading armies. I thought you would like NY to maintain it's dominance, not fizzle out and maintain it's so called "world capital" status. Poor analogy to use, buddy :cheers: If I were you, I'd pick Early Rome, or perhaps, the American Empire. We all know that this exists.

Ya know i usually wonder why people think it stupid to call NY the world capital. Along with Tokyo,Shanghai,London and Paris it is a center of the world. Its one of the few econonmic and geopolitical centers that if it vanished the entire world would stop turning and fall into calamity for a time and to be honest if you were to choose one city that best demonstartes a mass multitude of condensed world culture and heritage i cant think of anywhere better then NY.
Just my two cents.

aquablue Jun 17, 2015 7:46 AM


Originally Posted by JR Ewing (Post 7060322)
:haha: This is the Capital of the World, and it's the Age of Ramses.

Ramses was the last gasp of the Egyptian Empire. 150 years after Ramses II died, the Egyptian empire fell due to internal problems and invading armies. I thought you would like NY to maintain it's dominance, not fizzle out and maintain it's so called "world capital" status. Poor analogy to use, buddy :cheers: If I were you, I'd pick Early Rome, or perhaps, the American Empire. We all know that this exists due to the US militaristic influence and economic power.

As for me, I'd equate the current rise of NY as a very short term blip and I'm concerned due to world events how the economy will continue to sustain such massive building projects. So, I'd equate this period of NY's history to the roaring 20's. Hopefully it doesn't fade out too quickly like they did.

aquablue Jun 17, 2015 7:48 AM


Originally Posted by SkyscrapersOfNewYork (Post 7065389)
Ya know i usually wonder why people think it stupid to call NY the world capital. Along with Tokyo,Shanghai,London and Paris it is a center of the world. Its one of the few econonmic and geopolitical centers that if it vanished the entire world would stop turning and fall into calamity for a time and to be honest if you were to choose one city that best demonstartes a mass multitude of condensed world culture and heritage i cant think of anywhere better then NY.
Just my two cents.

There is no world capital. It is a figment of the imagination of a few very militant pro-NYers, and rather delusional people, who would like it to be. Why would someone need to spam a forum with photos of Ramses and repeat slogans over and over again if they were truly secure about their city being the true world capital. It is obvious they are not, it propaganda and PR tactics 101. And why are they all so defensive to any criticism at all? It doesn't take a Carl Jung to figure it out dude.

London has a better chance at being considered the world capital than NY if you must go down that road. Anyway, I digress. The concept is silly and is being used by NY'ers as an elitist card. They are being disrespectful to other cities with this constant false propaganda and city boosting, but people continue to condone it and buy into that shtick. That's why some NY'es that allow their city to go to their heads have a reputation for being Gotham goat herders, people who pretend to be mad :)

SkyscrapersOfNewYork Jun 17, 2015 7:54 AM


Originally Posted by aquablue (Post 7065392)
There is no world capital. It is a figment of the imagination of a few very pro-NY, and rather delusional people, who would like it to be. Why would someone need to spam a forum with photos of Ramses and repeat slogans over and over again if they were truly secure about their city. It is obvious they are not, it propaganda and PR tactics 101.

Well would you disagree that the five cities ive just cited are this ages capitals of the world? Ofcouse the tilte shifts depending on the period and state of affairs but i dont think we can say that those cities are not indeed more imporant then the rest atlease from cerain standpoints if not most.

aquablue Jun 17, 2015 8:05 AM


Originally Posted by SkyscrapersOfNewYork (Post 7065393)
Well would you disagree that the five cities ive just cited are this ages capitals of the world? Ofcouse the tilte shifts depending on the period and state of affairs but i dont think we can say that those cities are not indeed more imporant then the rest atlease from cerain standpoints if not most.

I have no interest in city-boosting elitism. It's ugly behavior and some of the worst elements of the human condition originate in over attachment to materiel concepts. Of course there are cities that are more important but there are no official world capitals or capital. The urban experts have never defined it, it is a figment of The imagination of those wishing to feel special. But do we need people shoving it down our throats all the time and wearing it like a badge of honor? No! That is worse than nationalism and not very mature. You can be proud of your city without acting like possessive kids.

I could live in NY tomorrow if I wanted. I chose not to. There is no jealousy here to clear that up.

NY is not a perfect city, criticism of your projects should not be met with cries and accusations of jealously, hatred, etc of their beloved city. We are not jealous of you. We couldn't give a shit. We like looking at towers and we have our opinions. If you can't tolerate that without spewing your clique venom everywhere, well tough luck, we're not giving up standing up for objective and respectful and mature conversation and the right to express our opinions on our passion, development, architecture, city planning, etc.


Thanks guys, thanks for the laughs. Enjoy living the delusions you live with your obvious attachment to your "world capital". Continue promulgating chamber of commerce worthy slogans and muttering insults under the guise of enthusiastic city pride. We can see through the act. As I live my philosophy of non-attachment and don't need to jump to defense of my city or feel threatened if someone says something bad. I once was like you, but have moved on from that now, thanks to knowing that the road of attachment leads to dark places.


photoLith Jun 17, 2015 3:41 PM

AquaBlue this is a discussion about this skyscraper but yes, along with a few other cities, New York City would for sure be considered the capitol of the world. Its a melting pot of every world culture, more so than even London or Paris, and definitely more so than Shanghai or Hong Kong. Seems like you have some anger issues also there buddy.

Anyways, I'm wondering, what is the highest floor of this building that will be a condo? It looks like the floors towards the top get way too small to be inhabitable by millionaires or billionaires.

WIGGLEWORTH Jun 17, 2015 4:33 PM

Hey lads,
Good to be here.

The rendering is gorgeous and I think this will be a beautiful addition to the skyline.

Although at the higher levels won't there be a large portion of the tower that is too thin to provide space for apartments?
I believe I read somewhere that the apartment space went up to 1,200 feet or so and the rest is mechanical floors and the crown itself, correct me if I am wrong

gttx Jun 17, 2015 6:15 PM

For God's sake, please stop arguing about whatever the hell you are arguing about.

I keep seeing new posts on this thread and thinking, "great, maybe some new information about the building" - only to be disappointed by more pointless drivel.


TechTalkGuy Jun 17, 2015 6:27 PM

What's the status of this building?

Is it "On-Hold"?

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