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MayorQuinbee Jan 26, 2018 10:12 PM

OAKLAND | Projects: Under Construction, Approved, and Proposed
Oakland has not seen high-rise development in over 8 years till this past year. With the housing shortage and the expense of office space in San Francisco, it seems that there is finally a boom for development in the East Bay's largest city, and with enough momentum to encourage investment in it. Oakland is now with 5 towers that have either broken ground or are currently under construction, and with plenty more in the pipeline. With that being said, Oakland respectfully deserves its own thread. So here we go, discuss, contribute, and enjoy!

A rendering encompassing current projects in downtown Oakland that are under construction, approved, and proposed. Credit via BlueSteel

1700 Webster
Under Construction Credit via SocketSite Credit via Gerdling Edlen

1900 Broadway
Approved Credit via SocketSite

1100 Broadway
Under Construction Credit via SocketSite

1721 Webster
Under Construction Credit via SocketSite

1100 Clay
Approved Credit via Socketsite

2 Kaiser Plaza

1314 Franklin
Under Construction Credit via SocketSite

1750 Webster
Under Construction Credit via SF YIMBY @ Credit via SocketSite

1640 Broadway
Under Construction Credit via SocketSite

2044 Franklin
Credit via SocketSite

2270 Broadway
Proposed Credit via Handel Architects

601 12th St
Under Construction Credit via 601CityCenter

1261 Harrison
Proposed Credit via SocketSite

1431 Jefferson
Proposed Credit via SocketSite

1433 Webster
Proposed Credit via SocketSite

Lakehouse Commons, between East 11th St, East 12th St, and 2nd Ave
Approved Credit via Asset Advisment Group

1510 Webster St
Proposed Credit Roland Li via Twitter

250 14th St
Approved. Appealed, & Downscaled Credit via SocketSite

277 27th St
Approved Credit via SocketSite

2015-2016 Telegraph
Proposed Credit via Creo Architecture

1911 Telegraph
Abandoned Credit via Oliver McMillan Architecture

2100 Telegraph, Eastline Project
Proposed Credit via SocketSite

Uptown Station
Under Construction Credit via TheRegistrySF Credit via BlueSteel

MacArthur Bart Transit Village
Approved, some parcels already under construction East Bay Express
https://hoodwork-production.s3.amazo...hwayrender.JPG Credit via Hoodline Credit via Pintrest Credit via East Bay Express Credit via Bridge Housing Credit via Bridge Housing
https://imageserver-bisnow1.netdna-s...xterior_3.jpeg Credit via Bisnow

W Grand Ave & Telegraph
Credit via TheRegistrySF

2305 Webster
Credit via TheRegistrySF

5110 51st st
Credits via RAD Urban

The Station on 12th
Proposed Credit via TheRegistySF

Brooklyn Basin
Some Parcels under construction, others in the approval process
https://kapost-files-prod.s3.amazona...rom_Marina.jpg Credit via Socketsite

1750 Broadway

MayorQuinbee Jan 26, 2018 10:13 PM

Will update with some photos of current construction soon!

(Also, can a moderator edit the thread title to all caps "Oakland" as seems to be the standard with most other city threads? Forgot to, and cannot seem to edit myself. Thanks in advance)

dboakland Jan 27, 2018 12:31 AM

Thanks for the new thread. It's about time and great first post.

1977 Jan 27, 2018 12:57 AM

Awesome! Thanks for putting this together...definitely needed.

KidWayne Jan 27, 2018 1:21 AM

Finally, an Oakland thread! I'll try to help with construction pics when I can.

MayorQuinbee Jan 27, 2018 1:24 AM
From last week. 1700 Webster crane gets a bump up. 250 Alice in the foreground. 1640 Broadway crane peaking in the distance

ATLonthebrain Jan 27, 2018 3:49 AM

Fantastic to see an OAKLAND specific thread, because it is absolutely time to feature all of the things happening here.

Also, The Station on 12th is under construction. The full block garage is almost fully demolished. Drove by on Tue and it was 1/3 down then, with a full crew going at it.

There are also several residential projects underway in the Jack London Square Area and a few more that’ll start by summer. Most are midrise, 6-8 stories, but collectively are a major boost to that sliver of the city between 880 and the estuary. One proposed project right along 880 on the JLS side is to be a 16-story residential tower.

Should do an Oakland Forum meet this spring/summer when many of these projects are coming out of the ground and celebrate Oakland’s RISE!!

Pedestrian Jan 27, 2018 4:19 AM

Nice job. And useful for those of us who get lost in Oakland.

gillynova Jan 27, 2018 5:29 PM

Greetings from the San Jose thread haha.

QUALITY post @MayorQuinbee. I'm excited to see further development in Oakland and can't for you and other to post updated pictures of what's going on there! I've honestly been wondering for a long time but never really saw anyone post stuff about Oakland... generally just San Jose and San Francisco.

Keep up the good work!

Bwin517 Jan 27, 2018 6:14 PM

THANK YOU for starting this thread!!!! Oakland and San Jose are major cities on their own, NOT suburbs of San Fran!!!

CastleScott Jan 27, 2018 8:14 PM

Awesome thread MayorQuinbee-thanks for the post!:tup: Looks like Oakland has hella cool and great looking projects going on and it looks like there will be a new tallest!! Gosh with all that you guys are light yrs ahead of us in Sacramento..

biggerhigherfaster Jan 27, 2018 8:47 PM

Although Oakland deserves its own thread, this thread should still be put under the San Francisco Bay Area forum category (as San Jose and The Bay Area area). It currently isn't

Let's hope all of these Oakland projects get built. The timeline appears to be in the next 3-5 years; there's likely to be a recession during that time

gillynova Jan 27, 2018 9:54 PM


Originally Posted by biggerhigherfaster (Post 8063531)
Although Oakland deserves its own thread, this thread should still be put under the San Francisco Bay Area forum category (as San Jose and The Bay Area area). It currently isn't

Let's hope all of these Oakland projects get built. The timeline appears to be in the next 3-5 years; there's likely to be a recession during that time

I was JUST about to mention this. Can a mod fix this and the title to capitalize "OAKLAND"?

MayorQuinbee Jan 28, 2018 3:08 AM

301 19th St/1750 Webster foundation work

1700 Webster

1721 Webster demolition complete, and site prep work underway

1640 Broadway

601 12th St the pit AKA Lake Sorenstien that has sat empty for a decade is finally starting to show some above ground activity

The Station on 12th

ATLonthebrain, you were most certainly right, demo work is apparently well under way here

dboakland Jan 28, 2018 8:54 AM

People use to say you could tell when the Bay Area real estate market was about decline as soon as lots of projects were announce in Oakland and San Jose. This time it looks like at least a fair amount of the projects are already going in the ground. I was around the Temescal District this morning and the neighborhood is really blowing up. At least a dozen projects under construction. Nice to see it. Now all we have to do is figure out how to house all the homeless all over the streets.

ATLonthebrain Jan 30, 2018 4:04 PM

5110 51st Street is also under construction. I passed by a few weeks ago and it’s a huge hole in the ground for the underground parking to be built.

Also, 1750 Broadway is going before the Design Review Commission tomorrow:

Oakland's tower wave is continuing with a new contender for the city's tallest building: Rubicon Point Partners' 423-foot proposal at 1750 Broadway.

The San Francisco-based developer wants to demolish the 30,000-square-foot former Community Bank of the Bay building and build a 37-story residential tower with 307 units. The project also includes 5,000 square feet of retail and a six-story parking garage with 210 spaces.

Rubicon provided renderings to the Business Times but declined to comment on the project.

“We focus on buying and investing in development assets in irreplaceable locations,” Ani Vartanian, managing partner at Rubicon, told the Business Times last March. “We’ve been looking to do something special in Oakland for quite some time.”

The project was first proposed in June and is being presented at the design review commission on Wednesday. The Planning Commission would vote on approval at a later date. Rubicon bought 1750 Broadway for $9.2 million in October 2016 from Tom Henderson's Callsocket in a court-ordered sale.

Tats an excerpt from the article. Renderings look pretty sweet!!


JWS Jan 31, 2018 7:40 PM

WOAH! Thanks for putting this together. I follow SF development really closely but not Oakland at all...heard it was booming but didn't realize how much so!

While I don't think we have a real Manhattan/Brooklyn thing going on because we're too much of our own entities, putting all this great modern housing near BART lines offers a lot of young people a real respite from either paying more for the same thing in SF, or an alternative to renting out an older place in SF with roommates. Oakland obviously has great transit, culture, and weather, and it seems like this will continue to add the density to support all the great things going on.

Frankly it's nice to see a city stepping up and adding jobs and housing instead of counting on SF to do it all, and doing it in a way that benefits Oakland tremendously as well, as virtually everybody else is fighting growth viciously and pointing the finger at SF.

I have a good view of Oakland's skyline from my place, can't wait to watch all of this go up!

EDITED: Might I make one suggestion? Info on the intended usage of each building (whether residential, commercial, hotel, or some combination) would be really helpful.

OaktownRes Feb 1, 2018 12:56 AM

I am thrilled to see that this thread has started up! I live in Oakland and closely follow the development activities over here as well. We are truly seeing years of planning come to fruition.

I will post the Under Construction and Approved developments on Broadway (Auto Row and Valdez) and in Jack London Square as well.

OaktownRes Feb 1, 2018 1:09 AM

Fourth Street East Apartments (Under Construction)

This large Jack London Square area apartment complex is the closest to being done in the neighborhood. I'll try to snap a picture and post soon. It is at 150 and 155 4th Street as it is spread across two blocks. It appears to be topped off on both buildings. The building adjacent to Highway 880 is not as far along as the one that is bounded by 3rd and 4th streets.

MayorQuinbee Feb 1, 2018 6:04 AM

Im glad to see that i am not alone, and to see so many Oaklanders and otherwise contributing enthusiasm and participation. As much as many of us have all followed the existing threads related to the Bay Area, it is wonderful to feel that there are others that will contribute to a specific thread that is long overdue.

to JWS's comment, i would have loved to put the specs together, and will try to eventually. In building the archive, and as many revisions to projects that are closer to reality, it has been a bit all over the place to track all that info. but as in a discussion with a friend, stating the office to residential space has been vague without having clear numbers, it clearly needs to happen. I will work on this, but would love contribution! West Oakland and East are also seeing a lot of mid rise residential development. Would be great if someone is more in touch with those neighborhoods to track that.

On that point, would like to see what happening North, and that of the Oakland/Berkeley/Emeryville border. So i encourage more posts and updates respectively. The Valdez corridor, and Jack London Sq are ones that i never really covered, and have the most activity in many senses without a crane as a punctuation point. Would love to have some photos of that as well.

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