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Skydragon42 Oct 30, 2014 2:10 AM

Remus City, the greatest sketchup city!
I've finally begun the new version of my city!
Here is a link to the first page of the old thread
My skills have hugely improved since then!
Heres the north park area and the World Trade center reborn!
This is another view.
The tall tower at the north of the park!
Looking up at the World trade center!
Thats all, the layout of the city is going to be similar to the old version, but I don't remember just how I aligned the nine sections of downtown last time...
Comments and suggestions are welcome:)

Skydragon42 Nov 14, 2014 11:51 PM

I've done a lot on my city!
The acropolis from the park.
Some of my best buildings!
A street view! I've changed the textures of the mega complex buildings.
I'm now making green roofs:D
Thats all!
I guess this forum really is not popular anymore:(
I'm thinking of joining skyscrapercity but I don't like their site as much as this one:( But I here their forum is much more active, and maybe more people will comment on my city...

James Bond Agent 007 Nov 23, 2014 6:00 AM

Great job!

Where's the Romulans?

Skydragon42 Nov 29, 2014 7:24 PM

Thanks for liking my city:D
Maybe there should be Romulans here!

NYCLuver Dec 1, 2014 1:37 AM

Great job! I could never imagine living in that huge central tower, it would be crazy haha. :D

jonas_thomas Dec 2, 2014 5:36 PM

I like the form of the big building in the middle Skydragon.

Skydragon42 Dec 2, 2014 11:39 PM


Great job! I could never imagine living in that huge central tower, it would be crazy haha.
I know:D

I like the form of the big building in the middle Skydragon.
Thanks, it does have a very neat shape, it's probably my best building:D
I've done a lot of buildings in the city!
Here are some old style buildings.
In the middle is a nice art deco building, with a spire and shiny roof!
Here is a view from one of the sky parks on the Acropolis tower!
Thats everything, tell me what you think:)

Skydragon42 Dec 21, 2014 8:35 PM

The central business district is almost done!
Here are some new buildings.
A view showing some historic buildings of downtown!
A weird ally like the real one in my city!
Another one, when I walk past the real one, it just looks so weird!
A cool street view!
An urban canyon!
Looking up at my twin towers!
Thats all for now! I'm going to continue adding on to my city until my computer can't handle it any more or my vision for it is finished!

Vellu Jan 3, 2015 7:59 PM

This second version has moved along very nicely. The building mass looks quite diverse and should make for an interesting skyline. Would it be possible to see a skyline shot?

I really like those canyon views!

Skydragon42 Jan 5, 2015 5:10 PM

I've done a lot on the city!
Here is the skyline!
Here is the progress.
Cool buildings!
Now I'm making my own trees!
Here's the tropical park!
I great view!
I love my giant palm trees!
Thats all for now! Tell me what you all think!

Vellu Jan 17, 2015 7:45 PM

Thanks for the skyline shot. The Arcology is a true ruler of the city. I wonder how its residents compare to the rest of the city population: are they higher class people how look down on the people living in the regular buildings or vice versa.

The view from the park towards the buildings and the arcology is really great!

Skydragon42 Feb 23, 2015 6:03 PM

I've not been on here for too long!
And I took a brake from my city!
But now I'm back, with new pictures of the city!
Progress on this section.
Gothic perfection!
My own architectural style, Gothic futurism!
More of it!
A view from the river front.
Here is a huge blue building!
One of my favorite towers! You can see an old palace in the background!
Acropolis number two!
This mini Acropolis is based off of Mauville City from Pokemon Alpha sapphire!
Thats all for now!
The city was supposed to have a space port and space agency, but after the rockets failed several times in a row, they used all the funding to build Acropolises!
Please tell me what you think!

Vellu Mar 7, 2015 7:35 PM

That cathedral looks very good. It's an obvious landmark. The view from the river front is also very nice. Nicely layered cityscape with the old low-rises in the front and the modern skycrapers rising behind them. Good job!

Skydragon42 Mar 8, 2015 11:08 PM

Thank you very much:D
This section's buildings are done!
A cool futuristic building!
A cool old fashioned building!
A group of cool buildings!
A great building!
Here is the skyline!
And here is the next section!
I'n going to start this section, and then put some trees in the other section!
Thats all for now, please tell me what you think!

Vellu Mar 21, 2015 6:05 PM

Some quite interesting buildings in there. The "old fashioned building" pleases my eye the most.

The skyline has nice density.

Skydragon42 Apr 1, 2015 5:34 PM

Thanks very much!
I've finished the south section of downtown!
Here are the river parks.
I admit I got carried away with the trees...
Yep, I went over-bored!
A cool sky park!
The mini acropolis has trees now.
The big park is almost a jungle now!
This is what happens when it's too cold outside, and I'm making a tropical city...
Sadly I reached the limit of my computer, and could not have both shadows and trees in the model...
Thats it for now!
I'm going to remove the trees, as I just found out that if I copy them, it uses up more memory, but if I just use the components, it takes up less!
So I'll redo all of them, and have to models size cut down!

Vellu Apr 4, 2015 6:38 PM

I really like the diversity on that section. The riverside looks good too, but I think it could use more recreational space. And don't worry about the trees. It looks better and more realistic with a bigger number of them, although it's a good idea to use components with trees.

Skydragon42 Apr 6, 2015 10:29 PM


I really like the diversity on that section. The riverside looks good too, but I think it could use more recreational space. And don't worry about the trees. It looks better and more realistic with a bigger number of them, although it's a good idea to use components with trees.
Thanks! But I already deleted all the trees:(
I'm redoing them now!
The park will look different, as it turns out those giant palm trees slow up the model way more them the others!
So there's going to be less of those!

Skydragon42 May 2, 2015 8:37 PM

So, I'm going to do more on the city!
Just not now!
I'm planing a huge Gothic futurism tower!
There will be a forest preserve!
And my Times square will return, so will the Rockefeller center!
Thats all, tell me if you have any suggestions for the city!

Skydragon42 May 17, 2015 8:44 PM

I'm still doing my city!
But I need to find a publisher for my book now, so all I had time to do is this new skyline shot, showing the new buildings!
I can't believe the central part of the city is almost done!
I'm going to do a really ancient section of the city, with old roman styled buildings!
The city is going to be on an island, and there will be a beach-front section, with more skyscrapers!
So in all, there will be a midtown Manhattan section (thats what's there now) a downtown section, and the citys version of downtown Brooklyn and Jersey city!

Thats all for now, please tell me what you think!

Vellu May 30, 2015 6:34 PM

Your plans sound quite interesting; old roman styled buildings! Wow, this city really has a history!

That skyline looks great!

Skydragon42 May 30, 2015 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Vellu (Post 7044838)
Your plans sound quite interesting; old roman styled buildings! Wow, this city really has a history!

That skyline looks great!

Thanks very much:D

Here are a few pictures of the new buildings!

My two thousand foot tall gothic futurism tower!

My attempt at making a duplicate of the Empire state building!
I like how it turned out!

My Rockefeller center is back!
I know some have said it's too small, but this city has such huge buildings that I decided that it should be smaller then the real one.

Thats all for now, I'll be doing more on the city in June!
I'm planning an the city being on an island!
The river was straightened by the roman settlers!
Right across the river from the park is where the old roman city will be!
As the city is in the south Atlantic near Brazil, the civilization did not fall with the rest of the empire, so this city still has a roman emperor!
There will be a huge palace!
Once the central section is done, I'll do the old section!
Then I'll do the beachfront section!
Then I'll do the last high-rise sections, and then fill in the rest of the city.
It will be in a roughly 10 by 20 mile city, with the island several times bigger!

Codster121 May 31, 2015 8:14 PM

I like your city, it reminds me alot of my original Lakeport model.
You did a good job on texturing the city, and your attempt at building a duplicate of the empire state building is very nice, although it looks alot like my still unfinished Goldspire tower, :)

I also like your Rockefeller center building, I hope you don't mind if i use that as a template for Lakeport's 2nd tallest. :D

My favorite building is the futurism tower, even if it dwarfs my Goldspire building, which will be 35 floors high (484ft high)

WibblyWobbly May 31, 2015 11:05 PM

The gothic futurism tower looks fantastic! Great job skydragon!

Skydragon42 May 31, 2015 11:27 PM

[QUOTE][I also like your Rockefeller center building, I hope you don't mind if i use that as a template for Lakeport's 2nd tallest./QUOTE]

Sure you can!


The gothic futurism tower looks fantastic! Great job skydragon!
Thank you very much!

I've finished three more blocks!

Here is a very old building.

Former twin towers!

They where build in 1929, but in 1951 there was a fire in the attic that caused a partial collapse!
The company was not only somewhat corrupt, but also had fallen on hard times! So they could not afford to rebuild the top of the building.
Instead they just cleaned up debris and put up a haphazard roof to stop water from getting in!

The top floors are abandoned, and since it was determined that the rest of the building was safe, they just left it!

The city had no laws about this sort of thing when it happened, but if it ever happens again, it will be illegal not to rebuild!

Thats all for now!
The pictures will be smaller after this.
How do you like my disaster building?

Codster121 Jun 1, 2015 4:43 AM

I like that triangular one alot, Lakeport will have a skyscraper construction spree during the 1950s to 1980s, and another from the 1990s to 2020s. I still need to build downtown, and maybe a rail yard for Lakeport's Light Rail system.

I like the disaster building, :)

Skydragon42 Jun 9, 2015 9:27 PM

I've made a lot of progress on the city!

Here is my Times square!

A huge outdoors movie theater!

Here is one of my insane architecture buildings!

My red and green twin residential buildings!

Thats all for now, I'll see if I can finish this section of the city, and then start the old roman section!

Vellu Jun 13, 2015 6:40 PM

I like the alternate history thing your bringing into this. It's an interesting, kind of a scifi idea, that the Romans would have colonized South America.

Nice idea with the partially collapsed building. The city is full of unique buildings!

Skydragon42 Jul 16, 2015 9:40 PM

The central section is finally complete!
Here is a satellite view of the city!
Here is a nice view from the savanna preserve!
A great view from Acropolis Two!
Here is the third park and the savanna preserve!
Here is the World trade center:)

I've already started the old Roman section, but it has to be in it's own file!
I'll import it to Remus city when it's done!
All this is just the beginning of my city! Theirs going to to a ocean front section thats like Dubai, and as this is midtown there will be a downtown section across the river next to the old section! There will be a Bronx section too!

Skydragon42 Aug 15, 2015 10:04 PM

I've finished the old Roman styled section!
Here it is from above!
All the blocks with diagonal streets are where buildings where destroyed by the British in the Napoleonic wars!
So they where replaced with Paris style buildings, however the people didn't really like it, so for future expansion they used the city style of Barcelona!
Here is the Coliseum, and the densest part of the old city.
Here is the Pantheon! It has a very similar design to the one in Rome!
This is Saint Mathew's Basilica! The original was very different and was ransacked by the British in 1813! The city's Arch Bishop declared that since the British had destroyed a Catholic church, they where not Christian and could not go to heaven!
Here is an interesting view.
The Roman Forum!
The golden pyramid on top of the monolith!
A golden dome on top a column!
The castle and the Emperors Palace!
The Emperors Golden Pyramid, in his courtyard!
A view from a strangely built palace!
A roman bath.
Density rivaling Paris!
Thats all for now, please tell me what you think!
I'll post a few more photos of it another time.
And then I'll reveal the old city's location near the modern city!

Skydragon42 Sep 1, 2015 10:32 PM

Well, here are some views of the Roman city.
The city gate.
The castle wall.
A typical narrow street.
The docks, they seem to be glitching however...
City density and the circus maxemus.
The old prison, you don't want to be sent there! Inmates are often beaten out of recognition!
A view of the plaza.
The city center!
The castle!
Another view of the plaza.
The city was once attacked by an Amazon tribe, but the Roman catapults, crossbows and Greek fire butchered them!
They also had minor wars against the Mayans and the Aztecs, before America was discovered!

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