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Fusey Jul 18, 2009 3:33 PM

^ Let's hope so. That part of the city really needs a project like this.

BrandonJXN Jul 18, 2009 9:19 PM

Build that now.

staplesla Jul 19, 2009 12:07 AM

The Gerding project won't be built until it comes up for a public vote. Many people think we don't need to build a new city hall building in this current fiscal climate (though I disagree). Therefore, the city council is stating that because public funds will be used it will be put up for a public vote.

sopas ej Jul 19, 2009 12:46 AM

Maybe it's time to start collecting signatures in support of the new City Hall? If I lived in San Diego I would be totally for it.

tdavis Jul 19, 2009 2:01 AM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 4364913)
Maybe it's time to start collecting signatures in support of the new City Hall? If I lived in San Diego I would be totally for it.

It won't matter. The other side is stating they already have enough signatures for a public referendum. So it will have to go to the voters.

Derek Jul 19, 2009 7:09 AM

It won't happen for 50 years at least.

Urban Sky Jul 20, 2009 4:10 PM


Derek Jul 23, 2009 6:52 AM


spoonman Jul 24, 2009 3:17 AM

Comic-Con is going on...has anyoned ever attended?

eburress Jul 24, 2009 4:09 AM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 4372873)
Comic-Con is going on...has anyoned ever attended?

Yes, for the last 6 years. I spaced this year and didn't get tickets in time, so the streak might be over, but it is a lot of fun.

tdavis Jul 24, 2009 4:27 AM

I went last year. I've never been into comics, Star Wars, and all that stuff. But it was cool to see everything.

Derek Jul 24, 2009 6:17 AM

I've never been, but holy shit was it busy downtown today.

staplesla Jul 24, 2009 6:03 PM

Rights Group Upset Over Broadway Terminal
A $21 million cruise ship terminal being built on downtown San Diego's Broadway Pier will change the look of the waterfront but is spurring debate about whether the project leaves any meaningful public space.

Citizen activists are raising the concerns, as is the state's powerful Coastal Commission.

The 52,500-square-foot building project has been controversial nearly since it was announced.

An organized group of civic activists objected, saying the building, now set to be 42 feet tall, will ruin the one-of-a-kind convergence of Broadway and San Diego Bay at a time when the city and the San Diego Unified Port District are poised to spend $228 million on a waterfront makeover.

The new terminal was to be a temporary structure, needed while the port renovated its primary B Street facility to serve cruise ships. But fire standards and tightened security rules dictated a permanent building.

The port district and the city scuffled over the mundane initial design — basically a large industrial shed — so the port district ended up spending about $8 million more than expected. That delayed the B Street pier work, said Rita Vandergaw, port marketing director.

Now that the terminal is under way, questions have arisen about use of the rest of the 1,000-foot pier. A little more than half of the concrete surface will be public open space when cruise ships are not in port, which is the majority of days.

San Diego's downtown redevelopment agency has set aside $1 million to turn the terminal's “forecourt,” the pier's first 400 feet, into something special.

Vandergaw envisions festivals and public markets, in addition to maybe potted plants — though buses and trucks will need to drive through the area on cruise days, so nothing big or permanent will work.

A spokesman for San Diego's Centre City Development Corp. said the agency wants to bring the “cool” to the pier.

“Part of our challenge will be to come up with a design that makes the average Joe feel like, on a non-cruise-ship day, that ‘Hey, the gates are open. It's OK for me to walk there,’ ” said Gary Bosse, CCDC's assistant vice president for public works. “And not only is it OK, but, ‘There's something cool out there I want to see.’ ”

Activists say what has occurred is not cool.

“The whole thing is based on servicing cruise ships and bringing supplies onto and off the pier with massive diesel trucks,” said Don Wood, a citizen watchdog on waterfront projects. “Anything that's available on that pier for the public is an afterthought.”

Older plans showed an oval park at the foot of Broadway that is now just a memory. But the California Coastal Commission hasn't forgotten it.

In a July 2 letter to the port district, the commission said the oval park was going to measure more than 79,000 square feet, and that the public space planned on the pier entrance and surrounding promenade along Harbor Drive doesn't match up.

“There is no question that the revised park/plaza configuration is not the same,” the letter said.

Officials involved in planning the pier and building say they've tried their best to make both attractive.

“It will be more of a visual presence than what we have now,” Vandergaw said. “But it's going to be a nice addition to the waterfront in terms of colors, public art and public space.”

The colors will be blues and greens, she said, and much of the building will be glass. The port envisions it being rented out for civic events and weddings. The building will also have environmental features, with solar arrays providing 14 percent of the terminal's energy.

The public art will be see-through panels splashed with lights to create the effect of dancing water on the facade.

Phil Bona, CCDC's former vice president for architecture, said he understands why longtime activists might feel let down after years of planning the waterfront upgrade.

“I'd probably be disappointed because I got sold a bill of goods that was full of romantic notions I thought were going to happen. But things change,” said Bona, who now operates his own architecture firm.

“I'm just happy that something's going to be get built. Because one thing I've learned about San Diego: There's a lot of talk and a lot of planning and only after a lot of angst do things get built.”

Derek Jul 24, 2009 7:36 PM

Maybe if we actually got the other waterfront projects moving, they wouldn't be complaining about space so much.

Marina_Guy Jul 25, 2009 2:43 PM


Originally Posted by staplesla (Post 4373707)
A $21 million cruise ship terminal being built on downtown San Diego's Broadway Pier will change the look of the waterfront but is spurring debate about whether the project leaves any meaningful public space.

San Diego's downtown redevelopment agency has set aside $1 million to turn the terminal's “forecourt,” the pier's first 400 feet, into something special.

Vandergaw envisions festivals and public markets, in addition to maybe potted plants — though buses and trucks will need to drive through the area on cruise days, so nothing big or permanent will work.

This is just disgusting. This 'town' will never learn how to embrace a waterfront. I hope Carnival Cruises and their passengers enjoy their fancy shed.

SD_Phil Jul 25, 2009 3:19 PM


A spokesman for San Diego's Centre City Development Corp. said the agency wants to bring the “cool” to the pier.

“Part of our challenge will be to come up with a design that makes the average Joe feel like, on a non-cruise-ship day, that ‘Hey, the gates are open. It's OK for me to walk there,’ ” said Gary Bosse, CCDC's assistant vice president for public works. “And not only is it OK, but, ‘There's something cool out there I want to see.’ ”

Activists say what has occurred is not cool.
This is just downright insulting...and $1 million doesn't buy anything special on the waterfront even with real estate being what it is. What a crock.

leftopolis Jul 26, 2009 7:28 AM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 4363846)

According to the Union-Tribune, a $432 million project is making its way to San Diego City Council for consideration as the new San Diego City Hall. Although still in early stages, developer Gerding Edlen indicates that the design is beyond LEED Platinum, and according to some, it could be one of the greenest buildings on the West Coast if built. The 23-story building, with a design that kind of resembles a large sail, has...

Thought it was a 34-story building.

staplesla Jul 26, 2009 6:54 PM


Originally Posted by leftopolis (Post 4375570)
Thought it was a 34-story building.

Unless it has been changed, Gerding's website says 34 stories.

BrandonJXN Jul 26, 2009 11:34 PM

Umm..someone needs to do a photo update. You Diegans never do picture updates.

Fusey Jul 29, 2009 7:13 PM

I walked by Strata today and noticed they were hauling the crane away. Gotta wonder how many people are going to move into that building next year, though.

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