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newflyer Mar 16, 2007 11:03 AM

Business in Winnipeg
Since we have been realiegned I thought it would be great to add this thread. It a place where we can post and discuss the business in our city.

Here is an clip from the Chamber Wire :


Chamber Magazine Now Available

The latest edition of The Chamber Wire magazine is now available to all Chamber members. This special issue focuses on the workforce shortage that currently exists in Manitoba

newflyer Mar 17, 2007 6:30 AM

There are rumours that FP Trust (Free Press) is an active takeover target. This can be nothing but great news. Weither its Thompson or Canwest the level of content will be greatly enhanced if a takeover were to happen. :tup:

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 5:30 PM

From the chamber website..

Chamber Urges Finance Minister to be Competitive

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Dave Angus is calling on the Doer government to ensure Manitoba is more competitive when it comes to taxation in their upcoming budget. The Chamber made the following three recommendations to Manitoba Finance Minister Greg Selinger in its pre-budget submission:

1. The province should outline a long-term provincial tax strategy to provide the business community with confidence and certainty that tax reduction is a priority.

2. The province should set a target of having Manitoba’s tax levels in the top three most competitive when compared with other provinces.

3. The province should look at the provincial tax threshold levels on an annual basis to ensure we are competitive with other provinces.

Only The Lonely.. Apr 6, 2007 6:19 PM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2696570)
There are rumours that FP Trust (Free Press) is an active takeover target. This can be nothing but great news. Weither its Thompson or Canwest the level of content will be greatly enhanced if a takeover were to happen. :tup:


newflyer Apr 6, 2007 8:35 PM

It is very strange to think how far behind Winnipeg's printed media is compared to other cities across the nation. I mean there is a very good arguement that the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. I know its not very good, but the Free Press is much worse in my eyes.

I'd take the Regina Leader Post way before the Winnipeg Free Press. The quanity and quality of the content is not even close. Of course Regina is about a quater of the size... :koko:

Its looking like a take over target.. and Canwest has always been interested in owning the hometown paper. It would definatly improve the city's printed media coverage by at least 10 to 20 times.

Imagine having a real paper.. one which actually reports 365 days a year. With.. you know real sections .. on local news, national news, world news, business news (local and national/international and quotes), sports (local and national/international) .. instead of a weak condenced summary of each as it has now. It makes me wonder whether Peggers know how much they are missing.

bc2mb Apr 6, 2007 10:04 PM

trust me, canwest has been trying to buy the WFP for years... but the price is too high in their view.

still... things are getting really cozy between the two companies... there's global news video on the WFP website and CanWest MediaWorks also does their media buying now.

i'd say within the next 2 years there will be a deal.

bc2mb Apr 6, 2007 10:05 PM

also agree that even the Regina LP and Saskatoon SP are superior papers.

Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun are the best ones in my opinion.

LilZebra Apr 6, 2007 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2696570)
There are rumours that FP Trust (Free Press) is an active takeover target. This can be nothing but great news. Weither its Thompson or Canwest the level of content will be greatly enhanced if a takeover were to happen. :tup:


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2748323)
It is very strange to think how far behind Winnipeg's printed media is compared to other cities across the nation. I mean there is a very good arguement that the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. I know its not very good, but the Free Press is much worse in my eyes.

I'd take the Regina Leader Post way before the Winnipeg Free Press. The quanity and quality of the content is not even close. Of course Regina is about a quater of the size... :koko:

Its looking like a take over target.. and Canwest has always been interested in owning the hometown paper. It would definatly improve the city's printed media coverage by at least 10 to 20 times.

Imagine having a real paper.. one which actually reports 365 days a year. With.. you know real sections .. on local news, national news, world news, business news (local and national/international and quotes), sports (local and national/international) .. instead of a weak condenced summary of each as it has now. It makes me wonder whether Peggers know how much they are missing.

I don't know why you think that if Thompson Newspapers bought up the Free Press again, that doing so would magically transform the newspaper and double the number of content pages.

They owned it between 1980 (the day the Trib closed forever) and 2002 (during the True North arena sh1t -- they bought up the Eaton's building and eaton place that's why they were so rah-rah in favour of the Arena).

I would much rather prefer Canwest buy it up, since Canwest is more of a Canadian company than Thompson is.

But I do agree with you that they would make the paper a tad more contenty. I'd too would like to see a good Business section and an expanded Local News section. Leave the National and International stuff to the Globe and the Post.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by bc2mb (Post 2748578)
trust me, canwest has been trying to buy the WFP for years... but the price is too high in their view.

still... things are getting really cozy between the two companies... there's global news video on the WFP website and CanWest MediaWorks also does their media buying now.

i'd say within the next 2 years there will be a deal.

The FP has had a declining balance sheet for the last number of years and are open to offers.

The current ownership group has bled the equity of the company and now need to look for altenatives.

I'd agree than when the paper was for sale a couple years ago the price it went for wasn't prudent, but I believe today will reflect a much more realistic value. I also look for it to be taken over within the next year if not sooner.

trueviking Apr 6, 2007 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2748323)
I mean there is a very good arguement that the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city.

yeah, i dont think so....


Winnipeg Free Press
Monday to Friday 117,966
Saturday 162,314

Winnipeg Sun
Monday to Friday 40,031
Saturday 38,992

since the free press is the most successful newspaper in its market in the country, i would suggest that most winnipeggers dont agree with your assessment.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by jimj_wpg (Post 2748727)
I don't know why you think that if Thompson Newspapers bought up the Free Press again, that doing so would magically transform the newspaper and double the number of content pages.

They owned it between 1980 (the day the Trib closed forever) and 2002 (during the True North arena sh1t -- they bought up the Eaton's building and eaton place that's why they were so rah-rah in favour of the Arena).

I would much rather prefer Canwest buy it up, since Canwest is more of a Canadian company than Thompson is.

I am not taking favorites.. just that things will improve either way.

.. and I also agree the Free Press has been a mindless cheer leader, who refused to challenge the status quo. Which is the best arguement to why the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. It challenges the those in power.

With that said I think it was very justifiable to support the True North Project as it was proven to be a massive success. If it did't go through it would still be an empty department store. It also lead MEC and A&B to invest in the area.. as the plans were on the table when they made there investment.

Now that A&B has closed I am hoping another retailer will soon take over that location. It recieved a good amount of investment and is ready to go.. just needs some paint on the exterior and a new sign.

I am not sure why you'd suggest Thompson media isn't Canadian ... as Canadian as you can get in my books.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2748738)
yeah, i dont think so....


Winnipeg Free Press
Monday to Friday 117,966
Saturday 162,314

Winnipeg Sun
Monday to Friday 40,031
Saturday 38,992

since the free press is the most successful newspaper in its market in the country, i would suggest that most winnipeggers dont agree with your assessment.

I never said it was the most read, just the best paper if you value content. The Suns numbers don't agree with those by the way .. I guess they can be fudged... but the financials don't lie.

newflyer Apr 6, 2007 11:39 PM

Actually the Sun numbers may include online readership...

Lee_Haber8 Apr 6, 2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by bc2mb (Post 2748581)
also agree that even the Regina LP and Saskatoon SP are superior papers.

Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun are the best ones in my opinion.

Can't agree with you more - I love getting a hold of a Gazette when I can.

theruler462 Apr 7, 2007 1:46 AM

Seems to me the Freep lost some credibility a couple years back when they stopped publishing the stock quotes every day as opposed to only on Sundays. I just came back from Minneapolis and I found many similarites between both newspapers. The Star-Tribune has a much wider variety in terms of sections and content but the main section is still built the same. One article surrounded by advertising on all sides. You can't be serious though about the Sun being a better newspaper. Printing a couple AP or CP articles and calling it "world" or "business" doesn't cut it.

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 2:18 AM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2748746)
.. and I also agree the Free Press has been a mindless cheer leader, who refused to challenge the status quo. Which is the best arguement to why the Winnipeg Sun is the premier paper in the city. It challenges the those in power.

the sun is not even a newspaper....its a mindless rag that bows to the lowest common has a centrefold for goodness sake.

their editor actually responds with one line zingers to every letter to the editor if it isnt in agreement with his narrow minded outlook....its so bush league it isnt even funny.

regularily the front page is adorned by a full page photo of tom cruise or some random girl in a bikini....

....the herald/metro/lance etc. papers have more credibility

theruler462 Apr 7, 2007 2:28 AM


LilZebra Apr 7, 2007 2:29 AM

If the Free Press could become more like the Toronto Star in outlook and in its content:ad ratio, then it'd be a nicer paper.

I wrote about this subject in my blog last year:

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 2:39 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2749044)
the sun is not even a newspaper....its a mindless rag that bows to the lowest common has a centrefold for goodness sake.

their editor actually responds with one line zingers to every letter to the editor if it isnt in agreement with his narrow minded outlook....its so bush league it isnt even funny.

regularily the front page is adorned by a full page photo of tom cruise or some random girl in a bikini....

....the herald/metro/lance etc. papers have more credibility

I'm not saying I'm a fan of the Sun... but honestly what editorials get people talking more? The Free Press is made up of mindless views. The sun publishes articles from the chamber and the taxpayers federation.. something the Free Press would never do, less it isolates itself from its union masters. Historically it has always be a left of centre paper and it hasn't moved to far from those roots.

What paper has a better sports page? ... the Free Press used to win this one hands down .. what happened?

What paper has better local news content?? .. not the Free Press.

What paper published 365 days a year... not the Free Press.. and you call that a real paper??? Not in my books. Get back to me when they take the news serious enough to serve it up fresh. This alone makes it the worlds biggest joke of a paper. No integrety to the job at hand.

Neither paper has a business section .. which is fine for a "mindless rag" .. but the Free Press is suppose to be a real city paper. Its an imbarassment to the city.

The Free Press can't be considered anything but the cheapest daily in Canada. Its horrible .. mindless editorials.. and minimum content to save costs... its more of a flyer than a paper.

Trust me .. when I'm in Winnipeg I pick up the Sun for local news and sports and then a National Post for everything else.

Its just too bad that Winnipeg doesn't have a complete quality newspaper... hense when the Free Press is taken over by a larger publishing company it will be a very good day for Winnipegers... hopefully it will be renamed The Winnipeg Tribune, as it was the last quality paper to carry Winnipeg's name.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 2:46 AM


Originally Posted by theruler462 (Post 2749055)

The Free Press won't publish 2 of the next 3 days ... Its called no dedication to the profession. Can you imagine a TV station not broadcasting on holidays? :koko:

Then add this mis-step to the micro-mini Sunday and Minday version of this already limited content paper. No thanks. :rolleyes: .. it reminds me of the Calgary Metro .. without the content.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 2:48 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2749044)
the sun is not even a newspaper....its a mindless rag that bows to the lowest common has a centrefold for goodness sake.

their editor actually responds with one line zingers to every letter to the editor if it isnt in agreement with his narrow minded outlook....its so bush league it isnt even funny.

regularily the front page is adorned by a full page photo of tom cruise or some random girl in a bikini....

....the herald/metro/lance etc. papers have more credibility

I don't ever recall seeing a bikini clad woman on the cover .. perhaps your mistaking it with Sports Illistrated?

If Winnipeg got anything close to the Leader Post or Star Pheonix I'd be a happy camper... if we got anything close to the Herald or Gazette I would be thrilled.

The Toronto Star is Toronto's problem. Lets just say everytime I see one I seem to chuckle at how people could pay money for it.

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 3:00 AM

well...362 days of a real newspaper vs. 365 days of winnipeg's national enquirer....good point.

i for one appreciate that they dont publish on christmas and easter....some things should remain sacred.

the free press does have a business section.

we all know you dont like it because it doesnt spew right wing propoganda...the sun promotes pot hole politics....the last 4 pages of every edition are dozens of ads for 1-900 numbers and escort services....

the sun is for simple minds.....their articles and editorials are shallow and simplistic.

dont get me started on your national post which cant buy a market share to save its is single handedly destroying canwest as they try to ram right wing crap down the throats of a left wing it now because it wont be around for long.

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 3:08 AM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2749095)
I don't ever recall seeing a bikini clad woman on the cover .. perhaps your mistaking it with Sports Illistrated?

there was one just last week...i think the headline was about how cold it was and somehow a bikini clad woman made that point.

here's today's....sensationalist headline...second story "sexy too soon"...great journalism.

here's today's centre fold in case you are interested...very legitimate newspaper you got there...

here's a link to their swimsuit edition..

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 3:12 AM

and they stole my photograph for their little magazine...they gave me photo credit, but didnt ask for authorization or offer payment....amateurs....

spiritedenergy Apr 7, 2007 3:18 AM

Winnipeg Sun is plainly stupid... i think they try hard to to brainwash people with their stupid articles... and those sunshine girls look like cheap sluts, i'd not do them even under torture.
The Free Press is ok but not the best, still better then that joke called sun.

I think the Free Press does have a business section, a sport section, an entairteinment section... i was reading it some days ago and there were all these different sections, i think it was saturday or sunday edition.

OT: today i saw a tv channel, Shaw Channel 9, and it was very nice, thy showed a lot of things going on in Winterpeg.

Brokenhead Apr 7, 2007 3:27 AM

The Freepress as a section called "City & Business" I think. Anyway, it's section B. It's in both weekdays and weekends papers.

Only The Lonely.. Apr 7, 2007 3:46 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2748738)
yeah, i dont think so....


Winnipeg Free Press
Monday to Friday 117,966
Saturday 162,314

Winnipeg Sun
Monday to Friday 40,031
Saturday 38,992

since the free press is the most successful newspaper in its market in the country, i would suggest that most winnipeggers dont agree with your assessment.

I totally disagree..

Almost everyone I know, myself inclusive, would say that the Plum Coulee Times has harder hitting journalism than the Press Free.

This is indeed quite sad considering the Free Press was once one of the premier metropolitan dailies in the nation. In fact we were important enough that the Free Press and Tribune could make or break the careers of Hollywood Star's in Canada.

In fact, few of you would probably know this but back in the day (1961 to be exact) the Free Press almost destroyed Barbara Streisand's career. She hasn't been back to Winnipeg since. =)

The young teenage singer had a gig here in the city and was booed off the stage at the Town 'n Country club.

A Free Press reporter followed Streisand to her next gig in Chicago and at the press conference asked Barbara in a smug voice "Heyyy Barrrbaraa when you coming back to Winnipeg!?"

Apparently she broke down in tears and left the interview.

Of course that was back in the days when Winnipeg was an important city, with two big city papers (the Tribune, and the Free Press).

Today we just have the small times gazette, with bleeding hearts like Gord Sinclair publicly weeping about the belly button flint he through away.

Marc B. Apr 7, 2007 3:50 AM

I like your photo TV.

The only thing that really bothers me about the Free Press is the restricted on-line content for subscribers. Until a little while ago, it was all restricted, no? The Globe and Mail does it too and it's seriously irritating. Otherwise it's a fine paper with some solid journalism. The Free Press has reporters dedicated to working on local issues and civic politics. Not everyone likes Kives, I like him. I like Mike McIntyre too, he's gutsy. The sports section is superior, especially the Bomber coverage. There's no contest between the Free Press's editorial content and the Sun's. There's the array of weekend sections and specials.

The Star Phoenix doesn't run on Sundays, and most statutory holidays. I don't see its appeal. I lived in Saskatoon for three years and had a subscription that I allowed to run out because it was such a thin paper (though strangely heavy on back-door Crown corporation office politics, so if you're into that, well, there you go). I go back to Saskatoon often and pick it up. By any qualitative or quantitative measurement, it's not even close to the Free Press.

But, I like the Toronto Star too, so you can see where I'm coming from.

Brokenhead Apr 7, 2007 4:26 AM

Here in Beausejour we have two local papers - The Clipper (publishes Monday), and The Review (publishes on Friday). I think those two does the justice for a small town. It's only like 15-20 pages and free, but its okay.
The Clipper is better. The Review is written by two people I think, and one of them is a Newfie.

Opening of a new store or a restuarant could be front page news!! Beat that. Or a picture of scenery could be front page!~!

theruler462 Apr 7, 2007 6:12 AM

left wing? union masters? did you read the editorials in the thursday edition? 4 out of 4 bashing the NDP's budget.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 6:48 AM


Originally Posted by theruler462 (Post 2749415)
left wing? union masters? did you read the editorials in the thursday edition? 4 out of 4 bashing the NDP's budget.

no .. haven't read it much since I moved to Calgary.

Perhaps I have to take another look. I would love to see that it has improved.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 6:51 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2749143)
and they stole my photograph for their little magazine...they gave me photo credit, but didnt ask for authorization or offer payment....amateurs....

Thats yours?? .. wow I have looked at that Business Profiles section a few times and have always thought it was a very good shot of Portage. Infact I have it in myphotos.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 7:07 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2749119)
well...362 days of a real newspaper vs. 365 days of winnipeg's national enquirer....good point.

i for one appreciate that they dont publish on christmas and easter....some things should remain sacred.

the free press does have a business section.

we all know you dont like it because it doesnt spew right wing propoganda...the sun promotes pot hole politics....the last 4 pages of every edition are dozens of ads for 1-900 numbers and escort services....

the sun is for simple minds.....their articles and editorials are shallow and simplistic.

dont get me started on your national post which cant buy a market share to save its is single handedly destroying canwest as they try to ram right wing crap down the throats of a left wing it now because it wont be around for long.

Please enjoy your Toronto Star and your Free Press... I look down on them both... but then again I am a capitaist. :yes: I live the business world on a dialy basis .. and experience it first hand.

The Free Press does not have a business section.. its more like a business page or two. Please .. a section is not the last page and a half of section C which has the headline of Gardens or Classifieds or anything else.

I don't really consider reporting on the business news as right wing propaganda, but I am sure you are extremely threatened to read about Agricore United and the Sask Wheat Pool ... (not exactly Nazi material). Soooo scarey!! :omg:

Its so funny how threatened socialists are about the business world. :haha:

The National Post is actually an inexpensive paper to produce, as many of the reports are from the multitude of dailies from across the nation. This is the strong advantage CanWest Media has over its competitors. The reports are part of a media network. The Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary papers pretty well cover all the major news .. and they are suplimented with national news and other local news outside the major centres, which is then picked up by the local dailies as they see fit. I work in a large corporate office and the National Post is the most read. Perhpas it is directed to the business savey .. I agree its probibly not suited to the masses, but it does have the most informed business coverage in the nation. Probably expains the Bentley and Omega ads as opposed to discount stores.

Then again I was a subcriber when it was known as the Financial Post. You would have been scared out of your pants ... charts and graphs everywhere.... oh and the numbers .. very scarey propaganda. :jester:

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 7:10 AM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2749460)
Thats yours?? .. wow I have looked at that Business Profiles section a few times and have always thought it was a very good shot of Portage. Infact I have it in myphotos.

thanks...yeah, my idiot friend gave it to them without telling showed up at my door one morning and i was like...what the hell?

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 7:23 AM


Originally Posted by trueviking (Post 2749483)
thanks...yeah, my idiot friend gave it to them without telling showed up at my door one morning and i was like...what the hell?

I'm impressed!! You'd be very interested in how I played with it one slow day. Added a few things here and there.

trueviking Apr 7, 2007 7:30 AM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2749480)

The National Post is actually an inexpensive paper to produce, as many of the reports are from the multitude of dailies from across the nation.

Then again I was a subcriber when it was known as the Financial Post. You would have been scared out of your pants ... charts and graphs everywhere.... oh and the numbers .. very scarey propaganda. :jester:

here are some scarry numbers for you....since 2000 the national post has drained more than $300 000 000 out of continues to hemmorage between $10 and $15 million every year.....maybe they should read their own business section.

newflyer Apr 7, 2007 2:55 PM

This is more of how CanWest utilizes it capital cost allowance.

rgalston Apr 7, 2007 3:25 PM

Free Press editorial board, 2007: promotes privatizing Hydro because it rips itself off by selling so low
Sun editorial board, 2007: whines that the NDP government is going to raise Hydro rates a bit

There's a difference between "challenging the status quo" and "populist crap".

spiritedenergy Apr 7, 2007 7:16 PM


Originally Posted by rgalston (Post 2749818)
Free Press editorial board, 2007: promotes privatizing Hydro because it rips itself off by selling so low
Sun editorial board, 2007: whines that the NDP government is going to raise Hydro rates a bit

There's a difference between "challenging the status quo" and "populist crap".

he must like populist crap, that's how i'd call most of his posts...

sorry, i couldn't help:frog:

newflyer Apr 8, 2007 7:16 PM

When the True North Project was on the boards, I had conducted some project research. One project that always peaked my interest was how well Nationwide Arena in Columbus. They converted this area which was an old and completely ignored area of the city.

This area is now known as the Arena District ... which is now a vibrant area with offices, multiple condo developments, restaurants, bars, theaters. A real thriving area .. born out of nothing.

I have always been disappointed at the lack of visionaries who haven't taken advanage of Winnipegs new arena to the same extent. I also always thought the city of Winnipeg should have marketed the area (one block in all directions of the MTS Centre) as the arena district. This area needs alot of attention, as it died with the decline of Eatons over the past 25 years... as well as the decline of downtown as a whole.

Yes the MTS Centre has made a positive impact to the area. A few more restaurants .. a revitalized Power Building and some much needed foot traffic in the area during the evenings. My point is this area has the major focal point to be much more.

Please take some times and look at these links.


Only The Lonely.. Apr 9, 2007 3:17 AM


Originally Posted by newflyer (Post 2751912)
When the True North Project was on the boards, I had conducted some project research. One project that always peaked my interest was how well Nationwide Arena in Columbus. They converted this area which was an old and completely ignored area of the city.

This area is now known as the Arena District ... which is now a vibrant area with offices, multiple condo developments, restaurants, bars, theaters. A real thriving area .. born out of nothing.

I have always been disappointed at the lack of visionaries who haven't taken advanage of Winnipegs new arena to the same extent. I also always thought the city of Winnipeg should have marketed the area (one block in all directions of the MTS Centre) as the arena district. This area needs alot of attention, as it died with the decline of Eatons over the past 25 years... as well as the decline of downtown as a whole.

Yes the MTS Centre has made a positive impact to the area. A few more restaurants .. a revitalized Power Building and some much needed foot traffic in the area during the evenings. My point is this area has the major focal point to be much more.

Please take some times and look at these links.


From what i've heard, the Columbus arena and surrounding area is a success because of the NHL team they have there.

Jets aficionado's are always quick to point out that the potential of the area surrounding the MTS centre hasn't been realized because the crowds the Moose draw are too small.

I'd be interested to know if the Columbus arena is connected via skywalk to many other buildings.

In my experience, a lot of people park their car in the basement of Portage Place and use the skywalk to get to the game instead of walking outside.

Naturally, most of the businesses inside the skywalk are closed come evening so there hasn't been much of an impact there.

Furthermore, because so many people use the skywalk instead of the street the foot traffic on Portage isn't that noticeable either.

newflyer Apr 10, 2007 1:19 AM


Originally Posted by Only The Lonely.. (Post 2752772)
From what i've heard, the Columbus arena and surrounding area is a success because of the NHL team they have there.

Jets aficionado's are always quick to point out that the potential of the area surrounding the MTS centre hasn't been realized because the crowds the Moose draw are too small.

I'd be interested to know if the Columbus arena is connected via skywalk to many other buildings.

In my experience, a lot of people park their car in the basement of Portage Place and use the skywalk to get to the game instead of walking outside.

Naturally, most of the businesses inside the skywalk are closed come evening so there hasn't been much of an impact there.

Furthermore, because so many people use the skywalk instead of the street the foot traffic on Portage isn't that noticeable either.

Yeah I always wondered why the skywalk businesses wren't open during event nights.

For the record the Arena District is not connect by skywalks... and yes they do have more foot traffic year round, but part of the is a result of the area attracting condo development and some office development. Add in some entertainment and dining and you can go there even when there isn't a game and have a good time.

1ajs Apr 10, 2007 4:31 PM


Originally Posted by rgalston (Post 2749818)
Free Press editorial board, 2007: promotes privatizing Hydro because it rips itself off by selling so low
Sun editorial board, 2007: whines that the NDP government is going to raise Hydro rates a bit

There's a difference between "challenging the status quo" and "populist crap".

WTF sell hydro are they off their fucking rockers!

newflyer Apr 10, 2007 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by 1ajs (Post 2756410)
WTF sell hydro are they off their fucking rockers!

Why have one government head office, when you could have multiple power corporations in Winnipeg vieing to selling power. The ability of the free market to finance the expansion of power generation in the north is much stronger. Overall you'd see an explosion of investment and jobs, but since it would reduce the number of government workers the NDP would never allow it.

MB Hydro could remain as a utility company .. selling power locally and regulating the overall industry, but opening up Manitoba's energy industry to private investments would pay off huge dividends to the province. Its really obvious if you examine it objectively.

newflyer Apr 10, 2007 10:03 PM

Speaking of broadening the power industry in Manitoba.

Province Wooing Mitsubishi

The Province is still trying to negotiate a deal with Mitsubishi to build wind turbines in Manitoba.
As CJOB told you first in October, the company is looking to set up a plant in Manitoba that could create hundreds of jobs.

Premier Gary Doer says no deal has been reached to this point.

Doer indicated if the company asks for too much in the way of incentives they will have to refuse the turbine maker's offer.

CJOB's Jeff Keele reporting.

Donovanf Apr 11, 2007 12:24 PM

1,000 jobs in province if talks succeed

Wed Apr 11 2007

By Mia Rabson
A Japanese corporate giant is looking at setting up shop in Manitoba.

Mitsubishi, known primarily for making cars, is negotiating with the province to establish a wind blade and tower manufacturing plant in the province, with as many as 1,000 new jobs.

The discussions -- underway since the province put out a call for proposals for additional wind power last fall -- are struggling, however, because the company is asking for more corporate welfare than Premier Gary Doer is willing to provide.

"The incentives are too high for the taxpayers of Manitoba," said Doer during question period Tuesday.

Doer had little choice but to acknowledge the negotiations with Mitsubishi when asked about the issue by Conservative Leader Hugh McFadyen during question period.

McFadyen's party got wind of the discussions and he said he had been led to believe an announcement on the new plant was coming sometime in the next two weeks.
Click here to find out more!
By raising it in the legislature, McFadyen was likely hoping to prevent the government from making a splashy, "look at all the jobs we're bringing to Manitoba" announcement on the eve of a provincial election.

Following question period, Doer tried to downplay the negotiations, saying as exciting as the opportunity is, he has to ensure there is a cost-benefit to the taxpayer. He wouldn't divulge what the company had requested but said the discussions are continuing.

"I don't want to create any false optimism," said Doer. "There is no deal. Are there discussions still going on? Yes. But I would say it's got a lot of distance."

Mitsubishi did not respond to a request for an interview Tuesday.

McFadyen said he fears the company needs so many incentives from the government because there isn't a welcoming environment to business in this province.

Manitoba is falling far behind on job creation compared to other provinces, said McFadyen. There were 10,700 new jobs created in Manitoba between March 2006 and March 2007, the seventh best in Canada. Saskatchewan, said McFadyen, had double that growth.

And that's because Manitoba is "out of whack" with the rest of the West on taxes, making businesses wanting to invest here look for government handouts to ease the tax pain.

"We're saying the government should create an environment in Manitoba where private companies want to invest and create jobs here," said McFadyen. "I think if you have to go too far in terms of government incentives, that's an indication of a problem with your economic environment."

The Diva Apr 11, 2007 1:02 PM

I think Doer's perception of what is good for Manitobans (vis-a-vis incentives), and what most other people would say is acceptable for incentives are completely different.

Manitoba Chamber sticks to main theme
APR 11 2007 12:50 AM

The Manitoba Chamber of Commerce holds its 76th annual meeting this weekend in Winnipeg.
Chamber president Graham Starmer says they'll be sticking to their theme of making Manitoba a "HAVE" province..
Starmer also told the Winnipeg Business report on CJOB Tuesday night they plan to make an announcement Friday about the Museum of Human Rights. He says they'll be attempting to form a partnership with other Chambers and businesses around the province with the aim of raising funds towards the construction of the facility..

Starmer adds the keynote speakers at the Annual Conference are from Chicago, Toronto and Atlantic Canada..

CJOB's Robert Holland reporting

newflyer Apr 11, 2007 10:58 PM


The tide is turning .. :tup:

Donovanf Apr 14, 2007 1:10 PM

Entrepreneurs at heart, Manitobans reveal in poll
Many believe businesses make valuable contribution

Sat Apr 14 2007

By Martin Cash
MANITOBANS are more interested in starting their own business, taking risks in creating more prosperity and being more innovative than people in Ontario or the United States, according to the results of a new survey.

More than 1,100 people completed a website survey set up by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce in an effort to gauge Manitobans' views and attitudes about the future prosperity of the province.

Chamber officials were caught off guard by the number of people who completed the survey who said they want to start their own business, and the number who believe businesses make an important contribution to the prosperity of the province.

"There are an awful lot of people out there who want to start their own business and support entrepreneurialism in the province," said the chambers' president, Graham Starmer.

The survey is part of the chambers' campaign to generate ideas about how to energize the provincial economy and raise awareness about economic dynamics, called Making Manitoba a 'Have' Province.

"People are more willing to embrace innovation and risk-taking than we might have thought," Starmer said.
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Although there is no statistically valid margin of error in the survey, the results paint a picture of Manitobans being predisposed to value entrepreneurialism. They hold entrepreneurs and small business owners in higher regard than doctors and university professors. More than 30 per cent of respondents said they were very interested in starting their own business.

Bill Smith, executive director of the Manitoba Research Institute, a think-tank recently created by the Manitoba chambers, said there are some important messages in the survey.

"It seems to tell us that people are saying that the days of asking what government can do for business are over," Smith said. "I think people are saying that there is a role for business people to take some leadership. It's not just about asking government to lower taxes."

David Guberman, owner of Telexperts, a Winnipeg telecommunications equipment company, said he thinks Winnipeggers do hold entrepreneurs in high regard.

"This is a small town and business people have to earn every penny they make," he said. "Most business people I know have fairly up-beat attitudes because we have to earn every penny we make and we can't afford to burn bridges."

Shelley Werner is the co-owner of Smart Furniture For Business inc. a five-year-old business furniture company. She has been self-employed for close to 20 years.

"I think many people in Winnipeg actually know someone who owns their own business," she said. "In this community, unlike in larger cities like Toronto for instance, there is a sense that owning your own business is something that is accessible to just about anyone. You look all around and there are all sorts of homegrown businesses."

Starmer said the strength of the results mean the chamber will work hard at figuring out ways to unlock that pent-up demand.
"There is a lot of enthusiasm out there," he said. "We have to figure out what is inhibiting people from starting new businesses."

Making Manitoba a 'have' province

More than 1,000 Manitobans participated in an online survey conducted by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce gauging attitudes and the level of commitment people have in building a more competitive and prosperous province. The results showed that Manitobans are even more predisposed to become risk-taking entrepreneurs than people who filled out similar surveys in the U.S. and Ontario.

One of the survey questions was: If you won $2 million in the lottery, which one of the following would you most likely do with the money? Here's what percentange of Manitoba respondents said they would do, compared with Ontarians:

newflyer Apr 14, 2007 2:32 PM


:D :tup: :D

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