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KevinFromTexas Jun 24, 2011 6:02 PM

AUSTIN | Fairmont Hotel | 595 FEET SPIRE/456 FT ROOF | 37 FLRS | Complete
1,035 rooms
115,000 square feet of banquet and meeting space

Second developer said to be working on downtown convention hotel plan

By Shonda Novak

Updated: 10:16 p.m. Thursday, June 23, 2011
Published: 9:39 p.m. Thursday, June 23, 2011

Austin developers Perry Lorenz and Robert Knight say they have a prospective developer who wants to build a second convention hotel on land they own at the northeast corner of Red River and Cesar Chavez streets east of the Austin Convention Center.

The hotel would have more than 1,000 rooms and require no city subsidies, Lorenz said Thursday.

Lorenz said he had met recently with most Austin City Council members about the new project — a potential rival to a proposed 1,003-room high-rise Marriott Marquis hotel on Congress Avenue.

City Council Member Bill Spelman said the emergence of a second potential project led the council on Thursday to postpone until next week a vote on $4.3 million in fee waivers for White Lodging Services Inc., which would develop the Marriott.

KevinFromTexas Jun 24, 2011 6:03 PM

San Diego firm plans convention hotel in Austin

By Shonda Novak | Friday, June 24, 2011, 11:53 AM

A San Diego firm that develops and manages high-profile hotel and convention center properties plans to build a 1,035-room hotel in the Waller Creek area just east of the Austin Convention Center.

The hotel would be built on land that is now a parking lot at the northeast corner of Red River and Cesar Chavez streets. It is owned by local developers Perry Lorenz and Robert Knight.

Manchester Texas Financial Group would develop the hotel. Its parent, San Diego-based Manchester Financial Group, contributed the land for the San Diego Convention Center and built the Manchester Grand Hyatt and the Marriott Hotel and Marina in San Diego, which have a combined 3,000 rooms.

Gensler, an international architecture firm that has worked with brands including Ritz-Carlton, Starwood and Hilton, will design the project. Gensler has an Austin office in the new W hotel project downtown.

KevinFromTexas Jun 24, 2011 6:04 PM

For a lack of a better way of doing it, I used the company's name for the project's name. Once they pick a hotel brand we can change the name.

Austinite101 Jun 25, 2011 4:16 AM

Hey I just read an article saying that the developers are planning for a 50-story hotel...

Austinite101 Jun 25, 2011 4:24 AM


BevoLJ Jun 25, 2011 4:50 AM

KevinFromTexas Jun 25, 2011 5:25 AM


San Diego developer plans 50-story hotel east of Austin Convention Center

By Shonda Novak

Updated: 11:26 p.m. Friday, June 24, 2011
Published: 10:36 p.m. Friday, June 24, 2011
This rendering shows the downtown hotel planned by Manchester Financial Group. It would include 115,000 square feet of meeting and exhibit space, plus two restaurants and retail space.

A San Diego hotel developer plans to build a $350 million hotel with more than 50 stories and 1,035 rooms east of the Austin Convention Center. The hotel would be built on land now used for parking at the northeast corner of Red River and Cesar Chavez streets, near Waller Creek.

Manchester Texas Financial Group could find itself in competition with White Lodging Services Corp., which plans a 1,003-room Marriott Marquis hotel on Congress Avenue between Second and Third streets.

Douglas Manchester, founder and chairman of Manchester Financial Group, said Friday that the project has been going "at a pretty fast speed" and that he anticipates starting construction in the next 12 months. The project would take at least 18 to 24 months to build, he said. He said Manchester Financial can put the required equity into the project and attract the loans to complete it.

KevinFromTexas Jun 25, 2011 5:28 AM

I count 51 floors.

Austinite101 Jun 25, 2011 5:29 AM

I like the design. It would go well with a certain 830 ft. tower near by...... :rolleyes:

Austinite101 Jun 25, 2011 5:38 AM

Is there any chance that the developers of both hotels cooperate?

Spaceman Jun 25, 2011 4:25 PM


Originally Posted by Austinite101 (Post 5328151)
I like the design. It would go well with a certain 830 ft. tower near by...... :rolleyes:

Who Tom Stacy???? I doubt it

austin242 Jun 26, 2011 2:48 AM

Ok forget the marriott marquis just sayin.:tup:

verybadgnome Jun 27, 2011 7:09 PM

So this project is in the Waller Creek floodplain, correct? So the only reason it is happening is b/c of the taxpayer-funded floodplain abatement projects that are going forward, right? If so I don't think the project deserves any fee waivers at all; or at least they should be paying for their share of the necessary infrastructure improvements.

Austinite101 Jun 27, 2011 8:48 PM

Well I'm pretty sure that the city isn't doing those improvements SOLELY because of the hotel. The developers are just taking advantage of an area that is sure to be as beautiful as it is valuable with all these improvements.

verybadgnome Jun 27, 2011 9:13 PM


Originally Posted by Austinite101 (Post 5330297)
Well I'm pretty sure that the city isn't doing those improvements SOLELY because of the hotel. The developers are just taking advantage of an area that is sure to be as beautiful as it is valuable with all these improvements.

No they are trying to develop that whole part of DT that is undevelopable without this project. Being a good corporate citizen means chipping in your fair share OR building a hotel to serve the F1/SxSW contingent that isn't in the floodplain. The city should have implemented a TIF scheme instead since this is not a minor project.

wwmiv Jun 27, 2011 9:23 PM


Originally Posted by verybadgnome (Post 5330342)
No they are trying to develop that whole part of DT that is undevelopable without this project. Being a good corporate citizen means chipping in your fair share OR building a hotel to serve the F1/SxSW contingent that isn't in the floodplain. The city should have implemented a TIF scheme instead since this is not a minor project.

Guess what? The improvements to Waller Creek on that block will more than be paid for by the property and hotel taxes that this new development will bring.

SecretAgentMan Jun 27, 2011 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by verybadgnome (Post 5330143)
So this project is in the Waller Creek floodplain, correct? So the only reason it is happening is b/c of the taxpayer-funded floodplain abatement projects that are going forward, right? If so I don't think the project deserves any fee waivers at all; or at least they should be paying for their share of the necessary infrastructure improvements.

Only about 1/3 of the site is in the 100 year floodplain, but 100% of the site is in the TIF zone that is paying for the pipe.

verybadgnome Jun 27, 2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by SecretAgentMan (Post 5330511)
Only about 1/3 of the site is in the 100 year floodplain, but 100% of the site is in the TIF zone that is paying for the pipe.

That is good to hear. The projected project cost is now $127.5M (yikes!) from what I could find.

DougRockstead Jun 29, 2011 4:29 PM

Is the project the same project that was listed as the "constellation/ Red River" project on the City of Austin Emerging Projects poster? (#39 on the list)

wwmiv Jun 29, 2011 4:59 PM


Originally Posted by DougRockstead (Post 5332496)
Is the project the same project that was listed as the "constellation/ Red River" project on the City of Austin Emerging Projects poster? (#39 on the list)

No. That was by an Australian developer. This hotel is from a San Diego firm. Also, that emerging projects file is way outdated. Here's a newer one:

DougRockstead Jun 30, 2011 3:21 PM

Let me re-phrase that.. is this project on the same parcel as land as the old constellation/red river proposal?


Originally Posted by wwmiv (Post 5332539)
No. That was by an Australian developer. This hotel is from a San Diego firm. Also, that emerging projects file is way outdated. Here's a newer one:

KevinFromTexas Jun 30, 2011 6:42 PM

^I think so. It seems like there's been several large projects that were slated for that area that never went through for various reasons. Remember the Vignette project? It would have had three or four towers that were around 300-350 feet tall. I think now that the Waller Creek flood control project is actually happening it's sparking some new development. I'm wondering what will happen to the 21C project. That would would stand caddy corner to this one. That building is supposed to be around 550 feet tall with 49 floors.

LoneStarMike Jul 1, 2011 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by KevinFromTexas (Post 5333811)
I'm wondering what will happen to the 21C project. That would would stand caddy corner to this one. That building is supposed to be around 550 feet tall with 49 floors.

And what about the Hotel Van Zandt? I keep hoping they'll go back to the original taller design with condos on top rather than the shorter hotel-only version.

wwmiv Jul 1, 2011 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by LoneStarMike (Post 5334165)
And what about the Hotel Van Zandt? I keep hoping they'll go back to the original taller design with condos on top rather than the shorter hotel-only version.

My three favorite buildings were the Van Zandt (old version), 7Rio, and 21C. I, like you, am still hoping that the Van Zandt will go back to the original design.

DougRockstead Jul 1, 2011 1:55 PM

I have to agree. I loved the original design of the 7Rio, and the 21c, and would love to see those built. I would also like to see the larger version of the Van Zandt built. Add those to what's already on the slate and that would make for one impressive skyline.


Originally Posted by wwmiv (Post 5334169)
My three favorite buildings were the Van Zandt (old version), 7Rio, and 21C. I, like you, am still hoping that the Van Zandt will go back to the original design.

Spaceman Jul 1, 2011 2:42 PM

Has the Van Zandt set a construction start date?

BevoLJ Jul 1, 2011 3:52 PM

I thought the 21C spot was going to be used for that new apartment building?

wwmiv Jul 1, 2011 6:20 PM


Originally Posted by BevoLJ (Post 5334711)
I thought the 21C spot was going to be used for that new apartment building?

No. The new apartment building was a few blocks west.

BevoLJ Jul 1, 2011 6:56 PM

Ah I was thinking of this 20 story apartment building here

I just noticed that in that article by DAB he mentioned they moved 21C closer to the creek. Where did they move it to? Which spot? I was for some reason under the impression 21C died and this was someone else taking its spot.

KevinFromTexas Jul 1, 2011 8:37 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarMike (Post 5334165)
And what about the Hotel Van Zandt? I keep hoping they'll go back to the original taller design with condos on top rather than the shorter hotel-only version.

Yeah, that's another one. It'll be a few blocks away immediately north of The Shore. It's funny how that area had no skyscrapers 10 years ago and is now suddenly going to be the place where some of our tallest ones are.

And yes, I wish they'd go back to the original design. It would have been one of our best buildings imo.


Originally Posted by BevoLJ
I thought the 21C spot was going to be used for that new apartment building?

The 21C developers moved their project from 3rd & Brazos to the site caddy corner to the new convention center hotel. The old 21C site (3rd and Brazos) is now planned for an 18-story apartment tower.


The original 21C design and location (580 feet tall with 44 floors).

The new design and location. 49-story tower, probably somewhere around 550 feet tall. And a 2nd 17-18 story tower that is probably around 250 to 300 feet tall.

The original Hotel Van Zandt design. It was 340 feet and 31 floors.

Orientation to The Shore.

New Hotel Van Zandt design with 16 floors. It's probably only around 200 feet tall maybe less.

wwmiv Jul 4, 2011 1:19 AM

Well... We can kiss this hotel goodbye: The developer was one of the largest supporters of Prop 8 in California. The moment that that news breaks in Austin, the political outcry that will happen will effectively stop the project in its tracks.

KevinFromTexas Jul 4, 2011 2:04 AM

I doubt it. Money talks. It's why Texas oil men do business with Middle Eastern oil men.

wwmiv Jul 4, 2011 2:46 AM


Originally Posted by KevinFromTexas (Post 5336423)
I doubt it. Money talks. It's why Texas oil men do business with Middle Eastern oil men.

Money talks... elsewhere in Texas. Austin's City Council has been known to freak out over the politics of developments. We just had a huge example in the F1 track: they wanted it to be green. They're going to want something from this guy as well.

SecretAgentMan Jul 4, 2011 5:01 PM


Originally Posted by wwmiv (Post 5336464)
Money talks... elsewhere in Texas. Austin's City Council has been known to freak out over the politics of developments. We just had a huge example in the F1 track: they wanted it to be green. They're going to want something from this guy as well.

It is potentially an issue if they seek fee waivers like the Marriott. The City has an ordinance that requires companies doing business with the City to sign an affidavit stating they do not discriminate on any grounds, including sexual orientation. However, if they do not seek fee waivers, there is not much the City can or would do.

The ATX Jul 4, 2011 5:45 PM


Originally Posted by wwmiv (Post 5336393)
Well... We can kiss this hotel goodbye: The developer was one of the largest supporters of Prop 8 in California. The moment that that news breaks in Austin, the political outcry that will happen will effectively stop the project in its tracks.

You just broke the news!:)

Austinite101 Jul 4, 2011 6:05 PM

I remember reading this last week when I decided to research more about Manchester. I figured this might pose problems.

LoneStarMike Jul 4, 2011 6:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hill Country (Post 5336913)
You just broke the news!:)

This was mentioned 10 days ago (June 24) by "Hellozies" who left this comment in the Austin American Statesman article titled

San Diego developer plans 50-story hotel east of Austin Convention Center


Doug Manchester, the owner of Manchester Group hotels, is a bigot who donated to keep same-sex marriage away from California. Austin has made a name for itself as a town of love and acceptance. I hope and pray that the SXSW attendees spread the word of his bigtory -- and, more importantly, financing of bigotry - and don't stay there and give him the money to spend on denying classes of citizens their civil rights. It would be a bad move for Austin to support this guy. There must be someone who isn't financing hate campaigns who could build a hotel?

BevoLJ Jul 4, 2011 7:08 PM

I went and looked up some of the stories on this guy. I don't know if any of them are true or how much truth there are to them, but he did fund that prop 8, and if even half of the stories about how he treated his wife are true then this is not the kinda guy we need around Austin. There are way to many loons like him all over Texas who try to screw with our fine city, we don't need him joining the party.

The ATX Jul 4, 2011 7:14 PM

I really don't think we need to worry about him moving here. He can build his hotel and the city can collect taxes from him and all of the hotel guests. His political views and character don't interest me.

Jdawgboy Jul 4, 2011 8:40 PM

Get White Lodging to take over the building design LOL. I will be quite happy with them if they had a tower like this. If we don't want that guys business somebody els should take over. Either way I WANT THAT TOWER BUILT YESTERDAY!!!:whip:

Spaceman Jul 4, 2011 8:56 PM

I'll believe this when I see ground being broken....A year from now people will still be posting potential designs on this board. In any other city a building will be halfway built before it makes the local news...Builders do this: Don't ask the city for anything, just build the damn things you want...Once it's started they can lay their no-growth bodies in front of the heavy equipment in a futile NIMBY protest...These freaks are all talk and no bite!!

Dale Jul 4, 2011 9:04 PM

I'd want this tower built if the developer was Hitler's grandson!

KevinFromTexas Jul 5, 2011 1:14 AM


Originally Posted by LoneStarMike (Post 5336962)
This was mentioned 10 days ago (June 24) by "Hellozies" who left this comment in the Austin American Statesman article titled

San Diego developer plans 50-story hotel east of Austin Convention Center

See, now banning these guys' business would be way worse than what Council did on the Arizona legislation. This would hurt the economy here, as well as in San Diego. Definitely against what he's fighting for, though.

the Genral Jul 5, 2011 2:15 AM

I'm confused. If you are anti same sex marriage in a state that does not allow same sex marriage, then you may not be able to build in Austin?? I hope it doesn't come down to this.

photoLith Jul 5, 2011 4:02 AM

So what if the developer was a prop 8 supporter? Its not like if he builds the hotel here its going to make everyone hate gays or something. Freakin build the damn thing!

migol24 Jul 5, 2011 5:35 AM

Yeah, I'm with you guys on this. And since my analogy was a hit last time, I'll use another one. I liken this to going to eat at a restaurant despite the fact that I disagree with the cooks views on reality, or lack thereof.

Ok, maybe not as good as last time, but you get the point. It's probably cause I'm not drunk right now.

The ATX Jul 5, 2011 6:00 AM


Originally Posted by migol24 (Post 5337516)
Yeah, I'm with you guys on this. And since my analogy was a hit last time, I'll use another one. I liken this to going to eat at a restaurant despite the fact that I disagree with the cooks views on reality, or lack thereof.

Ok, maybe not as good as last time, but you get the point. It's probably cause I'm not drunk right now.

That was still OK. I'm paying for food not political advice when I eat.

BevoLJ Jul 5, 2011 9:15 AM


Originally Posted by migol24 (Post 5337516)
Yeah, I'm with you guys on this. And since my analogy was a hit last time, I'll use another one. I liken this to going to eat at a restaurant despite the fact that I disagree with the cooks views on reality, or lack thereof.

Ok, maybe not as good as last time, but you get the point. It's probably cause I'm not drunk right now.

:D That was still pretty good. Most all cooks I know are also some of the oddest people I know.

MichaelB Jul 6, 2011 1:38 AM

Very troubling. I would not invite this man or his money to contribute to the bigotry already dominate in this state. This is not OK.

Spaceman Jul 6, 2011 2:13 PM

Build this hotel and delay the White Lodging project until a consistant proven demand is shown..A good alternative would be the smaller boutique hotel at 412 Congress or the Van Zandt..Never give the customers everything they want...It's better to have one hotel 90% full than two hotels 45% full. i know that one could argue the both hotels would be making money in their bars and restaurants but this is not always the case..The emenities in half empty hotels tend to not do well when occupancy is low...It's a vibe or energy issue. Constrain the market, keep prices high...Economics 101...

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