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GaylordWilshire Feb 17, 2014 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by MichaelRyerson (Post 6455848)
The lost foundations of 431 South Grand Avenue, ca.1910

A man test driving the Lansden Electric truck on Grand Avenue in Los Angeles. The electric truck is interesting enough in its own right but here he's passing the abandoned foundation work at 431 S. Grand Avenue which, by this time, had been at this spot for nearly twenty years drawing the ire of the neighbors. Not to worry, the Sherwood is about to go up on this site and these apparently lovely stonework foundations will be reduced to dust. Also of note, still more paving bricks. Peeking up in the background the top of the Engstrum.

Southern California Edison Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Archive
LA Times, Sept 15, 1912

I looked for information on what the abandoned foundation might have been the beginnings of, to no avail. The Sherwood name apparently came later to its replacement.... I came across a number of partial views of the Sherwood's façade, all of which seem to reveal that what appears to have been a mansardish top floor, and other details, weren't realized in the finished building. Full-frontal photos of the building are elusive. Anyone?

MichaelRyerson Feb 17, 2014 11:02 PM

Not full frontal but still...
Edison Building, 5th and Grand, 1931

The Edison Building, brand spanking new. The Engstrum on the left, the Sherwood Apartments next door on the right and farther up the hill the Zelda.

Southern California Edison Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Library
Sherwood Hotel and Apartments, 431 S. Grand Avenue

As full frontal as you're going to get. Interestingly, the low wall on the street next door goes back to the abandoned foundations of 1900. Same wall.

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Tourmaline Feb 17, 2014 11:10 PM

Both from "History of Los Angeles County California with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Residences, Fine Blocks and Manufactories, Oakland: Thompson & West, 1880." Ebay

Circa 1880 - Remi Nadeau's residence. (Where the Biltmore proudly sits. Who knew the area was hilly and zanja-free! :no:)

The Hooper House - (Is that a weather vane, a windmill or a ferris wheel?)

1894 - Sunday visit to Chinatown. Turn your hymnals to page 7.

Tourmaline Feb 17, 2014 11:20 PM

US Courthouse and Post Office.

GaylordWilshire Feb 17, 2014 11:25 PM


Tourmaline Feb 17, 2014 11:35 PM

When moving cost peanuts?

Bekins use of pack animals, other than horses, mules and camels.$_57.JPG$_57.JPG

How elephants spend their spare time, when not pulling a Bekins' wagon? Visit Micky Dolenz on the Circus Boy set or stepping foot in the Selig Zoo (family discount)?

Much discussed Selig Zoo. Time for a head count?

Tourmaline Feb 17, 2014 11:56 PM

Kelley Kar Company. (Yes, the same Kelley Blue Book )

1225 Figueroa (and Pico - Staples Center)

Approximately 12 years earlier?

Tourmaline Feb 18, 2014 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5189585)
Another image of the Rexall on the SE corner of Beverly Blvd. and LA Cienega.
unknown/possibly ebay

below: Here is the main entrance to the building.
I can't remember if these were Rexall executive offices.......or perhaps medical practices (Cedars-Sinai Hospital is a block west).

below: The entrance to the Rexall Drug Store was at the rounded nw corner of the bldg.


After the sun has set. Let the noir begin?!~~60_3.JPG!~~60_3.JPG!~~60_57.JPG!~~60_57.JPG

rick m Feb 18, 2014 1:06 AM


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 6455756)
I checked through the thread but I didn't find any closer photos of the Zelda, on the SW corner of 4th and Grand, or the Granada, two doors to the south.

First, two pre-Zelda photos of 4th and Grand from March 1890. It looks to me like the same people wearing the same clothes are in both photos, although the angle of the roof on that little building (house?) certainly looks different. The first photo looks south, and the other sort of northwest:
Huntington Digital Library --

Across the street is the top of the Brunson Mansion at the NW corner of 4th and Grand:
Huntington Digital Library --

The Brunson Mansion, c. 1880-96:
USC Digital Library --

Here's the 1921 Baist map of the area (the Engstrum was originally the Westonia?). There appears to be a 12-foot-wide alley, or at least right-of-way, between Grand and Hope, north of 5th for most of the block:
HistoricMapWorks --

Here is a 1930 view of the roughly the same area as the Baist map. The Edison building is being built on the right edge of the photo; we see the side and rear of the Granada and the Zelda to the left of the steel framework. Just above the framework on the SE corner of 4th and Grand is the L. J. Rose Mansion. The Rubaiyat on Hope Street is a bit unusual with its many large windows and shutters. Note the garage on Hope (3rd building up from the corner); it looks a little low, although I guess there's an entrance there but maybe the alley in back was used also:
USC Digital Library --

That garage was replaced by the Edison Annex, seen here in April 1931:
Huntington Digital Library --

And now, without further ado, here's Zelda!
Huntington Digital Library --

The Granada (both Zelda and Granada photos taken April 19, 1912):
Huntington Digital Library --

gsjansen posted a different photo of the Brunson, a photo of the Rose, and photos of other mansions nearby, here:

Too awesome- and listed under "miscellaneous "! Zelda Lachat lived in the lil Victorian cottage adjacent as shown here along 4th St.- USC only has 3 or 4 demolition prep images of this apt bldg- Luxury on 4th.. House downslope was in the Summers family at 407 S. Grand until 4th was ripped apart in "55

ethereal_reality Feb 18, 2014 1:18 AM

Flyingwedge Feb 18, 2014 2:07 AM

Hershey Arms, again
I found a 1912 photo of the Hershey Arms (2600 Wilshire Blvd.) that we haven't seen here before:
Huntington Digital Library --

Previous Hershey Arms posts:

ethereal_reality Feb 18, 2014 2:23 AM

posted earlier by Flyingwedge.

I am surprised the rather large building between the Fremont Hotel and the Trenton is labeled 'Health Department'.
I thought this was the Olive Street School.

Chuckaluck Feb 18, 2014 2:46 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 6456561)

Turreted buildings, both commercial and residential, seem to have been ubiquitous though the '30s. Derivative of French Norman architecture or vestige of outpost sentry towers or grain silos for dyed-in-the-wool MidWesterners ? ;)

Bellevue Terrace Hotel

LA Safe Deposit and Trust Co

Broadway and Seventh

New Burbank Block Post Office

Unk location and date

Bunker Hill holdout on Fremont Ave

Streetcar Observation Tower



1930 Heinsbergen Bldg.

March '29 - Gertie Messinger (left), and Mrs. Della Peterson 'sitting' on a large framed painting of . . . a silo.

Carl Laemmle's camouflaged Water Tower -

ethereal_reality Feb 18, 2014 2:46 AM

:previous: turretmageddon! Chuckaluck

Do you think we can figure out the address with these slim clues?

"Nattie Sunroot"...wasn't she my third grade teacher? ;)

I spy a black cat.


alanlutz Feb 18, 2014 7:51 AM

I have heard from one person so we are go @ 1:30 PM.

Originally Posted by alanlutz (Post 6447971)
We are nearly at 1000 pages!!! In honor of that and all the fantastic work that has gone into this NLA Forum, I propose a meetup in L.A. for any who can make it. I plan to be downtown on Feb 23 and I know the LA Central Library is now open 1-5 on Sundays. Anyone know the digital archivist there and maybe we can plan something fun with viewing some sources or just chat and share. There is a small restaurant with a back room that also might be a great place for a meetup. I do realize that many of the greatest fans of this site are spread all over the U.S. (World) but if any are local, it might be quite the treat to match some faces with monikers. So as to save the chatter on this forum for discussing the photos de jour, email me if you're interested. If this is too short notice maybe suggest another date. but also please feel free to respond here if appropriate. Alan

I did finally get one reply from Rick M to meet up at LA Central Library Sunday Feb 23. We're planning to meet at 1:30 at the top of the main escalators. Please send reply to above email if any others would like to join in. Congrats E_R to the great forum you have built and continued to monitor.

Flyingwedge Feb 18, 2014 8:19 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6454275)
I found these two interesting, but somewhat confusing construction postcards a while back.


detail/Margaret Illington?

I googled a bit and found out there is a Brownstein Building at 722 S. Los Angeles Street built 1911 and a Louis Stores Building next door
at 724 S. Los Angeles Street built 1912. (both were designed by Arthur Angel)

Are these the buildings in the postcards, or did Brownstein-Louis Co. have a factory down in Vernon or some other locale?

I think Brownstein-Louis just had 716-22 S. Los Angeles. This portion of the 1914 Baist Map (west is at the top) shows the block bounded by 8th and 7th Streets on the left and right, and Los Angeles and Maple on the top and bottom, with Santee dead-ending just north of 8th. You can see the same relationship of the two B-L buildings -- parcels D and K -- shown in the postcard above:
HistoricMapworks: --
1913 LA City Directory @

As for Margaret Illington, Kindling was apparently one of her last good roles. August 1911 may have been fairly early in the play's run.

Kindling reviewed:

She was first married to theater producer Daniel Frohman, one of whose friends may have written this in February 1909:

In November 1909, a week after she finally divorced Frohman, she married her second husband, who seems to have gotten his big break in show business by marrying her: the man "presenting" her in the poster, Edward J. Bowes . . . aka Major Bowes, of Amateur Hour fame.

I am pleased that Major Bowes was well before my time, but I do have a very faint memory of his replacement, Ted Mack.

More on Margaret Illington:

CityBoyDoug Feb 18, 2014 2:14 PM

Calling all actors....

Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6456896)

This is a fascinating scene. We see a group of people standing outside the arched entrance by the street. Can we assume that these are wannabe actors, hoping for work in a movie?:cool:;)

HossC Feb 18, 2014 3:27 PM


Originally Posted by Chuckaluck (Post 6456896)

A different angle.
California State Library

Here's a wider view of the same house (to the right of the Hotel Knickerbocker) taken from my favorite USC Cityscape photo. It dates from around 15 to 20 years before the pictures above.
Detail of picture at USC Digital Library

A closer look.

The site is now under the Harbor Freeway.

ethereal_reality Feb 18, 2014 4:34 PM


Originally Posted by alanlutz (Post 6457198)
I did finally get one reply from Rick M to meet up at LA Central Library Sunday Feb 23. We're planning to meet at 1:30 at the top of the main escalators. Please send reply to above email if any others would like to join in. Congrats E_R to the great forum you have built and continued to monitor.

Thanks for the congratulations Alan. 1,000 pages! It's hard to believe isn't it?
What an extraordinary trip it's been for everyone.

I'd certainly meet up with you and RickM on the 23rd, but as you know I'm located quite some distance away.
(in Indiana of all did that happen?)


ethereal_reality Feb 18, 2014 6:00 PM


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 6457210)
I think Brownstein-Louis just had 716-22 S. Los Angeles. This portion of the 1914 Baist Map (west is at the top) shows the block bounded by 8th and 7th Streets on the left and right, and Los Angeles and Maple on the top and bottom, with Santee dead-ending just north of 8th. You can see the same relationship of the two B-L buildings -- parcels D and K -- shown in the postcard above:
HistoricMapworks: --

Flyingwedge, so in the 1911 postcard (below) we're looking south from 7th Street.

Now that I have my directions correct I think I've figured it out. Thanks FW.

I see that a swimming pool has been placed on the roof of the one time overall factory.

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