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HossC Jan 29, 2014 5:55 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6427350)
-what are the buildings in the distance? -one is obviously a church...but the building to it's right?

We're looking across the ball park so, according to the 1910 Baist map, the buildings are St. Vincent College and the Church of St. Vincent De Paul at Grand and Washington.


Loyola High School of Los Angeles is the region's oldest educational institution, pre-dating the University of California system and the Los Angeles public schools. The school was founded in 1865 as St. Vincent's College at the behest of Archdiocese of Los Angeles Bishop Thaddeus Amat, a member of the Vincentian order. In 1919, the Vincentians agreed to transfer management of the school to the Jesuits. After several transitions, the school moved in 1927 to its current location on Venice Boulevard. Irish philanthropist Thomas P. Higgins provided the land for the school. - Wikipedia
Here's St. Vincent's College, circa 1908.

Add a little color.

I'll finish with a picture of some priests on the steps of St. Vincent's College in 1911. The caption says "More than fifty priests are shown, along with a man at foreground center that appears to be a bishop."
USC Digital Library

Godzilla Jan 29, 2014 5:55 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6035014)
Another popular coffee in the Los Angeles area and beyond was...

Ben-Hur coffee stand on Wilshire.

8601 Wilshire. NW Corner of Stanley and Wilshire. Now a high rise.

Curious how long it lasted. The '48 Aerial indicates some sort of drive-in restaurant. By '56 the Winzit Investment Co. was at the address. Not to be confused with Delores', approx 1 block east, (Wilshire and Ledoux) which clearly lasted until the '70s early '80s.

Godzilla Jan 29, 2014 6:11 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6428064)
Here's a really fun photograph. 1930s?

-this car isn't as impressive. ;)

close-up of the street sign.

Pretty cool place huh.

Interesting archwork in the distance. Near the current El Coyote. Not to be confused with the former El Coyote on 105 La Brea. And the McDonnells at Beverly and La Brea.

Notice large structure in distance. Sure looks like Highland Ave storage (below). Covered here many times.

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 6:25 PM


I thought you'd go there to buy chickens, not sell them.

Thanks for the information on Chutes Park's neighbor St. Vincents College HossC. -much appreciated.

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 6:42 PM

This is rather small, but it's still a very cool view.

I loved that annotated photograph of the Dolores Drive Inn Godzilla. Did you notice how far away the office and restrooms were?

Martin Pal Jan 29, 2014 7:02 PM

Thanks for the replies, guys!

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 7:07 PM

old cd of mine

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 7:14 PM

note the Star of David

Martin Pal Jan 29, 2014 7:47 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6428064)
side note: There is still a Triple XXX here in Lafayette IN

That building would be great at Halloween!

Martin Pal Jan 29, 2014 7:55 PM

Coffee Dan's

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6423053)
I looked [...] in both the 1942 and 1956 city directories.
(1943 thru 1955 are missing at most of you know).

I have previously posted about COFFEE DAN'S locations and some of the discrepancies about their
whereabouts on Vine Street and Hollywood Blvd. -- people who had reminisced about them on other sites
often posted conflicting information about them.

I had looked a few things up in the city directories, but never posted about it--I was hoping to find another
photo or two of the places, but since I haven't as yet: There were no Coffee Dan's listed as early as 1942,
By 1956 there's several listed. Not only are there the ones we knew about on Vine St. and Hollywood Blvd.,
it appears there was a second one on the north side of Hollywood Blvd. at or near Cahuenga Blvd. at 6405.

1511 North Vine St. HO4-2290
6405 Hollywood Blvd. HO4-8449
6776 Hollywood Blvd. HO4-0667

Then there's the Wilshire Blvd. one that has been said to be built in 1948:

9561 Wilshire Blvd. BEV. HILLS CR5-1061

There's the two locations downtown that have been mentioned:

406 W. 8th St. TU-6784
452 S. Broadway MU-4808

There was another listed that I hadn't heard about before:
(I believe Hoover Blvd. is somewhere around USC?)

3408 Hoover Blvd. RI8-9425

And listed as "offices" (Coffee Dan's, Inc.) was this location:

7972 Beverly Blvd. WE3-9291

By March of 1960 these were the only ones left:
6405 Hollywood Blvd. HO4-8449
6776 Hollywood Blvd. HO4-0667
3408 Hoover Blvd. RI8-9425
7972 Beverly Blvd. WE3-9291

A little over a year later (October '61) all of these places were gone.

Which doesn't explain the following post with a photograph listed as 1966:


Originally Posted by HossC (Post 6322053)
Here's a larger version of that 1960 picture:

And here's one from 1966:
Both photos from Torrence
NB. I grayscaled both and adjusted their contrast slightly.

Unless I was doing something wrong, I didn't see the Van Nuys location listed anywhere.
(6576 Van Nuys Blvd., on the east side of Van Nuys Blvd. between Victory and Vanowen.)

Someone posted one of these youtube videos before...HossC I think. I believe it was the nighttime one, but I couldn't find the link right now.

This video shows COFFEE DAN'S at 6776 Hollywood Blvd., near Highland, at night in 1961.
It'll be on the left of the screen when they get to Highland Ave. You can see the neon sign arrows
moving. Remember by October of '61 the directory does not have any Coffee Dan's listed.

This video was taken during the day and is dated early 1950's.
When the camera gets to Highland, coming from the oppsosite direction as the above video,
before they turn North on Highland, on the right hand side you can see Coffee Dan's and the
same neon lights at the intersection during the day.

By the way, with all the posts about Boron a few days ago, I noticed in the 1960 photo of
Coffee Dan's above, on the left you can see a partial Richfield billboard advertising Boron.
Looks like it's "new and improved."

Godzilla Jan 29, 2014 7:55 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6428228)

Location currently occupied by Albertsons Wedding Chapel. In house catering? :rolleyes:

"Where friendships are renewed." (How about started?)

Those Who Squirm! Jan 29, 2014 8:19 PM

That giant percolator-shaped Ben-Hur coffee stand is amazing! I knew L.A. has always been known for this sort of thing, but such a tribute to caffeine I have never seen.

"No, I'm not a java junkie, I only drink one pot a day..."


Originally Posted by Godzilla (Post 6428102)
8601 Wilshire. NW Corner of Stanley and Wilshire. Now a high rise.

Curious how long it lasted. The '48 Aerial indicates some sort of drive-in restaurant. By '56 the Winzit Investment Co. was at the address. Not to be confused with Delores', approx 1 block east, (Wilshire and Ledoux) which clearly lasted until the '70s early '80s.

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 9:16 PM

The Montecito


Originally Posted by Flyingwedge (Post 6425322)

Designed by Marcus P. Miller, it's on the National Register of Historic Places. August 1931:
USC Digital Library --

The Montecito can be seen in this fine 1930s view. (a little to the right of center)

I tried to locate this vantage point, but I didn't have much luck.

Lwize Jan 29, 2014 9:33 PM

I just received the new Criterion Blu-Ray edition of the 1963 comedy classic It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Included in the package is a filming location map and legend covering Southern California. Enjoy! :)
(images scanned and hosted by me)

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 9:55 PM

:previous: That's a really fun map Lwize. Thanks for scanning (and posting) it for us.
Your next assignment is to find each of these locations and post a photograph. :)

I've never watched It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World from beginning to end.
A quarter of the way into it my brain just wants to explode.

ethereal_reality Jan 29, 2014 10:07 PM

As most of you know I can't resist a roof-top sign, this one has a giant watch.

Imperial Market 600 S. Vermont (no date)
old cd of mine/

JeffDiego Jan 29, 2014 10:34 PM

There are some strange people out there

Originally Posted by Those Who Squirm (Post 6427537)
I wonder if it's a cultural thing. You may be lucky you get to see the house at all. In some countries people are (in my opinion) fanatically sensitive about privacy, so those countries never get covered by by Google Street View, or if they do it's only on the most minimal basis. I know of at least one country which banned GSV after only a few central districts in big cities had been photographed, (but they still get to look at our houses and our streets). It's not my place to judge, but I can't understand what's so invasive about seeing what a block of houses looks like, when I have zero idea about who lives there, and wouldn't care a whit if I did.

Bing Streetside is fairer with respect to the country I mentioned. There's no coverage at all inside the country--but they aren't allowed to use it on other countries, either. So there! That'll teach 'em.

Several years ago, a couple of pals and I were driving around an historical enclave off West Adams and came across an atmospheric old "Southern Gothic" mansion in disrepair; peeling paint, sagging shutters etc. I got out of the car to snap a couple of photos, and as soon as I raised the camera, an angry woman's voice yelled out from behind a dark-screened window, "Don't be takin' no pictures, get off my property!" I replied that I was on the sidewalk, not on her property, and just wanted a photo to make a drawing from. She wasn't having it! I took one picture, and she yells "Okay, I'm comin' out!

I got back in the car and we drove off a couple of blocks to look at more houses. Suddenly she comes screeching up the street in her car and boxes us in, angrily shouting accusations, "How dare you!" etc. I profusely apologized to get her to calm down (privately thinking "this woman is insane.") She too demanded to know, "How would I feel if someone came to my neighborhood and took a picture of my house??!!" and I too thought I would be just fine and dandy if someone wanted a photo of my house. No problem. The logic of thinking that photographing a building or house is an "invasion of privacy" escapes me.
She eventually calmed down and left, but it was scary for a few moments there. We all had a good laugh after she she drove away, but I later castigated myself for "defiantly" snapping that picture, because she could've had a vicious dog or a gun. I had antagonized a walking time bomb who was looking for a target for her rage. She also may have had something to hide...a drug operation, or whatever. I've wondered what that house looks like now...and just may return to photograph it again, from a moving car!

Godzilla Jan 29, 2014 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6428144)

I thought you'd go there to buy chickens, not sell them.

Strange subject matter advertising chickens.

Training aircraft used to eradicate them? Or, maybe aircorp pilots enjoy eating them. Maybe, if the bizarre objects under each aircraft were labeled "gravy" and they were headed toward Roscoe's, I might understand. ;)

1929 - 250 N. Virgil - The Roundhouse Cafe - Conveniently close to Bimini Baths. ;

Chicken Boy appearing on Broadway

1994 Arco Plaza

Carl's drive-in

Carpenter's Sunset and Vine '38

Unk - Chef Jackson's chicken pie take out.


1947 - Charlie and Joe's Chicken Shack

1940 - Pat Murphy's (One of Ansel Adams' proudest captures?)

MartinTurnbull Jan 29, 2014 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by LesT21 (Post 6424131)
Was really fascinated by this book, so put what I felt was a good bid on it. Got blown out of the water, winner paid $177 for it. Oh well, would have been neat to have.

Yeah, I put a couple of bids in too. I've been researching and writing about the Garden of Allah for 8 years now and don't have anything tangible to wrap my paws around. So I was quite excited when this surfaced...and was quite downhearted when I saw how much it went for. At least the seller gave up some decent photos!

Flyingwedge Jan 29, 2014 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 6427350)
The photographs on this site are amazing HossC.
I am going to post them here for the casual NLA viewers that most often skip the links.

The chronology is confusing to me. It's difficult to reconcile the single chute/theater photographs with these later images,
-added rides, a drained lagoon etc.

Is this really the same amusement park?


As you suspected, er, not all of those photos were of the same park. The first five were Chutes Park in LA, but not the last three.

The first two photos above are of Chutes Park in San Francisco (see photos at Calisphere, for example: The last photo is ID'd at LAPL as a 1930s Schultheis shot of Pacific Ocean Park ( LAPL has another image of the ride when it cost 25 cents and is ID'd as Ocean Park Pier 1957:

And here's a complete, but smaller, version of the photo you posted earlier (
California State Library --

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