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ILNY Feb 13, 2014 4:43 PM


Originally Posted by nyguy (Post 6450133)
i would have been happy with just this... Looks like it slopes to the west.

RIP nice model.

Looks like this tower is destine to stay ugly.

Perklol Feb 13, 2014 4:51 PM

I didn't know it was going to slope without the cantilever. That would have been amazing.. Too bad though as this building lost its luster after a "leaked" design on the other blog.

Edit: Those were old models.

Zapatan Feb 13, 2014 4:51 PM

ugh terrible news... which is the usual kind of news in NYC so no surprise there.

ILNY Feb 13, 2014 5:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zapatan (Post 6450442)
ugh terrible news... which is the usual kind of news in NYC so no surprise there.

NYC is going through supertall boom like no other city on this hemisphere and I would call that a very positive news, at least for skyscrapers fans.

gramsjdg Feb 13, 2014 5:54 PM

How the hell did this building go from 2012's "1550 ft highest occupied floor" and new NYC "signature tower" to this underwhelming-and-totally-outclassed-by-shorter-towers fugly fest?

What a freaking joke.
Guess Barnett had us all fooled. :irked:

Crawford Feb 13, 2014 5:57 PM


Originally Posted by ILNY (Post 6450506)
NYC is going through supertall boom like no other city on this hemisphere and I would call that a very positive news, at least for skyscrapers fans.

No city on earth has as many supertalls being planned.

And I don't think this is bad news, at all. I'm happy everything is moving along, and hopefully we'll see clearer renderings soon.

If the canteliver makes economic sense for Extell, then it's a good thing for skyscraper fans, because if Extell makes money, that means they'll be building more skyscrapers.

And Extell has lots of assemblages in the works. They have 57th between 5th & 6th, they have Fifth between 46th and 47th, they have 8th between 44th and 45th. They're just getting started.

Crawford Feb 13, 2014 5:59 PM


Originally Posted by gramsjdg (Post 6450555)
How the hell did this building go from 2012's "1550 ft highest occupied floor" and new NYC "signature tower" to this underwhelming-and-totally-outclassed-by-shorter-towers fugly fest?

We never had any of this, and we don't have a clear rendering, even now.

Read the thread for the background. We have two possibilities, with two rough renderings, subject to change.

NYguy Feb 13, 2014 6:10 PM


Originally Posted by ILNY (Post 6450506)
NYC is going through supertall boom like no other city on this hemisphere and I would call that a very positive news, at least for skyscrapers fans.




Originally Posted by Eveningsong (Post 6450441)
I didn't know it was going to slope without the cantilever. That would have been amazing..

It reminds me of the early stages of One57.

Submariner Feb 13, 2014 6:17 PM


Originally Posted by JSsocal (Post 6448689)
I wonder if any of this change in stance has to do with the release of the Vornado designs, (where their tower is pushed to the far west of their site), giving 225 a wider view.


Originally Posted by Zapatan (Post 6450442)
ugh terrible news... which is the usual kind of news in NYC so no surprise there.

Yes, it is a shame that the cantilever stands but part of me thinks that at the very least, the tower will get some sort of redesign. Think of some of the other super high end towers going up: Tower Verre, 30 Park Place, 220 CPS, 56 Leonard, 111w 57th, One57, 432 Park...all have unique design characteristics about them that set them apart from their peers. I guess you could call the cantilever 225w's defining feature, but everything else about it is underwhelming. Even the ultra minimalist 432 couldn't be accused of being dull - 225w looks like a child was playing around with the square tool on MS paint.

As for "the usual kind of news" I think there is a lot to look forward to in NYC. A few weeks ago I put together a list of all the 900+ foot towers going up in the city (either under construction, undergoing site prep or with all the necessary financing/tenants/permits secured to start construction) Here is that list:

Buildings over 900 feet currently going up or undergoing site prep:

1WTC: 1776 feet
225w 57th: 1423 feet
432 Park: 1398 feet
111w 57th: 1350 feet
Hudson Yards North: 1227 feet
3WTC: 1080 feet
Tower Verre: 1050 feet
One57: 1005 feet
Equinox Tower: 1000 feet (Is this confirmed?)
4WTC: 977 feet
220 CPS: 950 feet
99 Chruch: 937 feet
The Corset: 910 feet
425 Park Ave: 905 feet
10 Hudson Yards: 895 feet (It's close enough! :D)

Buildings that are proposed that have the potential to break the 900 foot baseline:

Hudson Spire: 1800 feet+ (Possibly - there seems to be huge interest in a 1800 foot+ tower on this site)
2WTC: 1350 feet
3 Hudson Boulevard: 1060 feet (the developer seems particularly bullish on securing tenants this year)
80 South Street: 1018 feet (though not much has been heard from them)
50 Hudson Yards: 1000 feet+
One Vanderbilt: 1000 feet+
31w 57th: 900 feet+ (It will almost certainly be taller than 900 feet given it's location)
Manhattan West: (possibly one or more towers will be 900 feet tall, but nothing official yet)

Other noteworthy towers:

22 Thames: 882 feet
56 Leonard: 821 feet
50 West Street: 783 feet
610 Lexington Ave: 712 feet
250 East 57th: 708 feet (But I don't know if the redesign has changed the height at all)
Baccarat tower: 606 feet
625w 57th (pyramid): 467 feet
90-94 Fulton: 75 stories (proposed)
112-120 Fulton: 59 stories (proposed)
2392 57th: 59 stories (proposed)
55 Hudson Yards: 47 stories (proposed)

(are there any others I am missing?)

So, there are 15 towers 900 feet or taller that are underway or will begin to rise shortly. It's also fair to say that at least a few of the proposed 900 foot+ towers will eventually rise given the incremental improvement in the national economy and the red hot real estate market in NYC. If you recall, the agency who owns the land where the proposed HU Spire would rise said that they never had so many non-disclosure agreements signed in such a short period of time. Those are bold words, and given the appetite for growth combined with a relatively virgin build site free of many of the constraints that make tall towers elsewhere impossible, it would surprise me if there wasn't a firm 1800+ foot proposal here.

Also, the midtown rezoning is set to be finalized by the end of this year. Mayor de Blaiso has been very vocal about the rezoning, in part because he want's to use it as a tool to raise money for causes he champions. I'm sure that will bring about at least a few new large proposals, because God knows the building stock in that part of the city needs to be updated.

Yes, I think it sucks that the 1,423 foot proposal will be built in place of the 1,550 foot proposal and yes, it is a shame to hear about towers like HU North and TV getting height reductions, but think about it like this - the WTC is coming back to life (better than before, IMO), 57th street is transforming from a chintzy tourist trap to one of the most desirable addresses in the world, an entire new city-within-a-city is being built on on the west side, fantastic new, large scale housing projects are popping up all over the city, etc, etc, etc. I wouldn't say things are bad, that's for sure.

NYguy Feb 13, 2014 6:22 PM

^ You really didn't need to post all of that here.

Submariner Feb 13, 2014 6:28 PM


Originally Posted by NYguy (Post 6450617)
^ You really didn't need to post all of that here.

People keep saying that there is nothing but bad news in terms of development - I think that list proves otherwise.

NYguy Feb 13, 2014 6:33 PM


Originally Posted by Submariner (Post 6450633)
People keep saying that there is nothing but bad news in terms of development - I think that list proves otherwise.

I know that, but its really just the trolls who know better.

Having used a heavy hand with the neighboring Arts Students League, Gary Barnett will be on hand at yet another event, this one aptly titled:

Building Next Door

reencharles Feb 13, 2014 7:03 PM

It's a shame that the cantilever was approved, but anyway I'm glad that the city will have another super tall under construction soon.

NYguy Feb 13, 2014 7:26 PM


Originally Posted by reencharles (Post 6450725)
It's a shame that the cantilever was approved, but anyway I'm glad that the city will have another super tall under construction soon.

The Nordstrom opening will be a plus, retail is strong again in Manhattan. This unfortunate tower will just stand over it. It's time for Extell to release some renderings, generate some positive publicity for this dud.

Blaze23 Feb 13, 2014 7:32 PM

Well now that the expected happened, we should be seeing some rendering fairly soon so we can have a final take on this tower, so far it's been one disappointment after another so let's get it over with already and hope for a pleasant surprise.

Perklol Feb 13, 2014 8:26 PM


Originally Posted by NYguy (Post 6450775)
The Nordstrom opening will be a plus, retail is strong again in Manhattan. This unfortunate tower will just stand over it. It's time for Extell to release some renderings, generate some positive publicity for this dud.

I don't think Gary(Extell) will release renderings for a very long time. One57 renderings were accidentally released by some of his staff according to the NY post.

King DenCity Feb 13, 2014 8:34 PM

Too bad. Guess it's time to move on. :( that previous design would've been nice though.

ILNY Feb 13, 2014 9:25 PM

Look at One57 model from 2008, it reminds me 225W (too much clutter at the base). I still have hope that we will see really nice final design for this tower.


Originally Posted by NYguy (Post 6450591)

UTEPman Feb 13, 2014 9:43 PM

The positive: There are plenty of great looking towers going up around CP

The negative: This will be the ugly sore thumb that sticks out since it's the tallest one.

I suppose at it's cantilevered height, It won't be too much taller than the other towers. However, I still think that its blocky design (and the fact that the other towers are really thin) will make a stronger impact than anyone would like. The CP skyline deserves better.

Maybe investors and billionaires will shy away from this monstrosity and lean towards the better designed towers. That would be some nice karma.

NYguy Feb 13, 2014 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Eveningsong (Post 6450904)
I don't think Gary(Extell) will release renderings for a very long time. One57 renderings were accidentally released by some of his staff according to the NY post.

One57 renderings were released after the tower was already under construction, but we hadn't actually seen anything before then. We've seen drawings and renders of this tower, though not as clear as anything official. Let's get some official renderings out, including views from and to the building. Unless there is some drastic redesign going on, they should move on with the release. Vornado has already released some renders for 220 Central Park South, I want to put the whole picture together.

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