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Resident Feb 26, 2016 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Easy (Post 7349682)
It sounds like Hellen submitted a plan that was rejected. He is not revising his plan nor resubmitting the old plan so the city has nothing to approve or disapprove. Sounds pretty dead to me.

Well, not a single thing you stated above is actually true (rephrasing, every sentence is false). My post above actually clarified what was said in the downtown news:

"He added that it is unclear if Hellen will come back with a new design later."

Easy Feb 26, 2016 3:46 PM


Originally Posted by Resident (Post 7349703)
Well, not a single thing you stated above is actually true (rephrasing, every sentence is false). My post above actually clarified what was said in the downtown news:

"He added that it is unclear if Hellen will come back with a new design later."

Huh? Reading comprehension? The article quotes an architect involved in this project stating that "Hellen has chosen not to move forward." That means it's dead. The city rejected his plan and he is not moving forward. The bit at the end means that he could change his mind and restart the project if he chooses. Well duh. He can do that whenever he wants. It's his choice. But until he decides that he wants to move forward the project remains at the "chosen to not move forward" stage.

What I initially wrote absolutely captured what was in that article. If you have an issue with misinformation it's with either the architect or the DTNews.

And in fact what you wrote was that Hellen's proposal was not rejected, that it is being "held up" by a single person. You implied that if this person would change his or her mind that the project might proceed as proposed. That's NOT what's in the DTNews article. You just quoted where it states that a redesign would be required to move forward. Which one of you is spreading misinformation?

ConstructDTLA Feb 26, 2016 4:16 PM


Originally Posted by Easy (Post 7349686)
Don't get mad at me or blame SSP. This is in the latest DTNews update update:

Youre right Easy - it's pretty black and white... The article quotes Simon who is a very optimistic guy, if he's saying its not moving forward it really isn't. Until information comes out saying its not cancelled I think we need to accept it as such.

Most of us on here knew it would never come to fruition anyways (along with the Shy & Shomof towers).

Wilcal Feb 26, 2016 6:28 PM

I still think that this is the work of DTLA's three resident "Bullshitter's--Shy, Shomof, and Hellen. It doesn't make sense that the designers wouldn't investigate the standards of those in the oversight board (or those required by the city's historic overlay--if they apply at all to Spring street) before issuing designs (which by the way is a handsome building). Why would the developer waste such an amount of money only to have the plans rejected, and then not make needed modifications? And finally, consider the fact that this so-called commission of "elite, discerning, and architecturally aesthetic specialists approved the "Frankentower (and it's bastard child)." Something really fucked-up is going on, but I don't believe the three "B's"

Easy Feb 26, 2016 8:31 PM


Originally Posted by Wilcal (Post 7350166)
I still think that this is the work of DTLA's three resident "Bullshitter's--Shy, Shomof, and Hellen. It doesn't make sense that the designers wouldn't investigate the standards of those in the oversight board (or those required by the city's historic overlay--if they apply at all to Spring street) before issuing designs (which by the way is a handsome building). Why would the developer waste such an amount of money only to have the plans rejected, and then not make needed modifications? And finally, consider the fact that this so-called commission of "elite, discerning, and architecturally aesthetic specialists approved the "Frankentower (and it's bastard child)." Something really fucked-up is going on, but I don't believe the three "B's"

I also tend to "wait and see" for developers that have never built from ground up. Even if they have the best intentions nothing often gets built. In this case I always felt like Hellen was different than the other two. I tend to think that Hellen and Shy are looking at their legacy and Hellen more than Shy.

Regarding Frankentower I think that's exactly what the city wants. They want the first 10 stories to blend in and don't care as much after that. I guess as cities grow they go through these crazy ideas. I don't think that it will last long in this case.

*Disclaimer - All of the of the preceding is Easy's opinion and should not be construed as fact. IOW take it FWIW i.e. a grain of salt.

ChargerCarl Feb 26, 2016 11:47 PM

Dude it's ok for people to speculate. It's all part of the fun.

I mean, why join a discussion board if you don't want to discuss anything?

BrandonJXN Feb 27, 2016 1:06 AM


timpdx Feb 27, 2016 3:58 AM

Maybe we need a reboot, copy and paste the front page to start a FRESH, Rundown 7.0 thread? :P

NativeOrange Feb 27, 2016 4:09 AM

Has anyone heard of this one yet? I was browsing through the portfolio on LOHA's website and stumbled across this thing called "Urban Hybrid 1"

Their site mentions this is in the Arts District, but doesn't specify exact locations, so at first I thought this might have been an earlier design or re-design of the Camden project on 7th/Alameda (which is also designed by LOHA)

Link to that one:

I gave the firm a call and the rep told me that this was actually a different project located on Palmetto St, in between Colyton and Seaton streets, about a block from Urth Caffe. Other specs include 120 residential units and a 140-key hotel. They also plan to include retail and a restaurant in the 5-story structure. The site lists the status as "ongoing", so I assume this is very preliminary?

More renderings from LOHA's site here:

EDIT: Noticed on the DTLA Rising link that Brigham mentions this project at the end of his article. He said this project was in the "very preliminary stages", but that was over a year and a half ago...Any news that I missed?

caligrad Feb 27, 2016 6:09 AM

^^^ If I remember correctly. It went through a crappy redesign that not may people liked (It got the TCA treatment). I didn't mind either one so I cant remember if the one you posted is the the first or the second designs..... But I THINK the pics you posted are from the first renderings that got changed and "Value engineered" as people were saying back then.

Last I remember hearing anything, I THINK some people in the Arts district weren't happy with the first design and they were even more unsatisfied with the second. But that was just back and forth chatter on the old thread. Not sure what the current status is but it seemed shovel ready at one point.

Resident Feb 27, 2016 7:19 AM


Originally Posted by caligrad (Post 7351035)
^^^ If I remember correctly. It went through a crappy redesign that not may people liked (It got the TCA treatment). I didn't mind either one so I cant remember if the one you posted is the the first or the second designs..... But I THINK the pics you posted are from the first renderings that got changed and "Value engineered" as people were saying back then.

Last I remember hearing anything, I THINK some people in the Arts district weren't happy with the first design and they were even more unsatisfied with the second. But that was just back and forth chatter on the old thread. Not sure what the current status is but it seemed shovel ready at one point.


Resident Feb 27, 2016 7:20 AM


Originally Posted by NativeOrange (Post 7350963)
EDIT: Noticed on the DTLA Rising link that Brigham mentions this project at the end of his article. He said this project was in the "very preliminary stages", but that was over a year and a half ago...Any news that I missed?

Wilcal Feb 27, 2016 9:50 PM

Is it possible to reference the old thread? Toward the end there was a reference by a forummer who mentioned an older publication on city planning. I need to get the title because I found it on Amazon but forgot to bookmark the page.

LA21st Feb 27, 2016 10:35 PM

So the construction across from Whole Foods on 8th and Grand is going to be the 50 story building?

Also, will anything happen with the small surface lot at Hope and 6? There's also a small building across the street.

I'm assuming these are reserved for future office towers?

Easy Feb 27, 2016 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by LA21st (Post 7351534)
So the construction across from Whole Foods on 8th and Grand is going to be the 50 story building?

8th/Grand across from WF is going to be a parking structure with a CVS on the bottom. The 50 story is on Olive.

King Kill 'em Feb 28, 2016 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Wilcal (Post 7351501)
Is it possible to reference the old thread? Toward the end there was a reference by a forummer who mentioned an older publication on city planning. I need to get the title because I found it on Amazon but forgot to bookmark the page.

That was me. It was called The Urban Pattern (Second Edition)

Illithid Dude Feb 28, 2016 1:15 AM

Just deleted a bunch of posts. Guys, when your arguments get to the point where they start using real names and not screen names, that's when you should know that this isn't the right forum (literally) for them. If you guys really do know each other in real life, yell at each other there, not here. I'm gonna start suspending people who don't do this.

And if someone happens to believe something that you don't, or express an opinion that you might not hold, don't berate them for it. Express a counter point eloquently, or don't express it at all. At the end of the day, reality will prove yall correct or otherwise anyway.

Totally Random Example: Maybe DTLADenzian thinks that we are nearing the end of The Cycle. Are we? Who knows! Does him believing this make him a troll, and necessitate everyone on here bagging on him? No! Him believing what he believes has no bearing on actual progress and development downtown. If there is a slowdown coming, then nothing you guys say on this board will stop it, and if construction is just starting to ramp up, nothing DTLADenzian says will change that either.

At the end of the day, we are discussing forces that exist far outside of our control, so let's not take everything so personally and stay respectful, aight?

ConstructDTLA Feb 28, 2016 8:28 PM


Originally Posted by Easy (Post 7351549)
8th/Grand across from WF is going to be a parking structure with a CVS on the bottom. The 50 story is on Olive.

Indeed. & Grand CVS Parking Lot by Hunter, on Flickr S Olive (Onni 50 Story) by Hunter, on Flickr S Olive (Onni 50 Story) by Hunter, on Flickr

Wilcal Feb 28, 2016 9:34 PM

[QUOTE=ConstructDTLA;7352173]Indeed. & Grand CVS Parking Lot by Hunter, on Flickr

Now that all of the rancor has been set aside (at least for a while, anyhow), I'd like an opinion of those on this forum who have seen the facade of the 801 Olive tower now under construction what they think about it. Also, why on earth would would Onni keep that terrible tenement of a building that they own? I see from the plans that the new tower will be built next to it, yet it occupies valuable land. Go figure.

babypie Feb 28, 2016 11:04 PM

glad to see we have developers like the Canadians building classy 50 story towers. my life is now complete. but that horrible thing to the right of it, can't they get rid of it?

BLAST the mother!

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