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Onn Sep 25, 2012 2:27 AM

It looks pretty much the exact same to me. I don't know why people are freaking out, its still a 1,000+ tower for San Francisco. That's a feat in itself. The design's not half bad either, I highly doubt Pelli will disappoint too much.

vandelay Sep 25, 2012 2:32 AM

Pelli seems to use a photocopier for his architectural design.

homebucket Sep 25, 2012 3:02 AM


Originally Posted by tech12 (Post 5843354)
I'd have to disagree. What penises have you seen in your life that look like that? :sly:

A giant, metallic, light-up dick, with four huge slits running down the top? Is this the dick of a giant robot after having an accident with a giant garbage disposal? It doesn't remind me of any other possible dicks.

It vaguely resembles a dick in the same way that almost any other skyscraper vaguely resembles one, if that's what you're trying to see. And if that's supposed to look so much like a dick, than you might as well say everything that's long and skinny looks like a dick.

While I agree that it doesn't necessarily look like a penis, it's vague resemblance to one is made more clear with the addition of this slit. It has 4 slits, yes, but from most non-aerial angles, it will have the appearance of ONE slit, thus resembling the external urethral orifice (slit) of a penis. Very disappointing considering the other options, namely the SOM proposal, that we had for this tower.

northbay Sep 25, 2012 3:40 AM

It vaguely resembles one yes, but as brought up before, all skyscrapers do, and this is The City, so who cares?

The design is great. The slits actually make it more unique in my opinion. The old design looked generic.

tech12 Sep 25, 2012 3:42 AM


Originally Posted by homebucket (Post 5843513)
While I agree that it doesn't necessarily look like a penis, it's vague resemblance to one is made more clear with the addition of this slit. It has 4 slits, yes, but from most non-aerial angles, it will have the appearance of ONE slit, thus resembling the external urethral orifice (slit) of a penis. Very disappointing considering the other options, namely the SOM proposal, that we had for this tower.

Yeah, I'm still not seeing it, beyond the typical "skyscraper = giant phallus" viewpoint that you hear from time to time in regards to pretty much any skyscraper. "OMG giant dick!" just is not my first reaction when looking at any renders of this tower, old or new, and it's generally not my reaction when viewing a skyscraper from the ground either. If that's how you want to see it, that's great, but I assure you that plenty of other people simply see a skyscraper, and one that doesn't look half bad, at that.

Onn Sep 25, 2012 5:14 AM


Originally Posted by vandelay (Post 5843471)
Pelli seems to use a photocopier for his architectural design.

But you know your getting quality with him at least. That's something to be thankful over.

The Jerk Sep 25, 2012 5:20 AM


Originally Posted by vandelay (Post 5843471)
Pelli seems to use a photocopier for his architectural design.

He's building a complex of three ascending towers, don't you see?! The shortest in Jersey City and tallest in HK have been built- now it's time for the middle tower in SF!


easy as pie Sep 25, 2012 5:22 AM

no offense to anyone, but the 'giant penis' theory is idiotic. if anything, this looks like a giant semi-futuristic torch, a light and glass structure. we in san francisco often have to suffer these moronic "a high rise is a man compensating" tropes all the time, and i'll tell you, if we had even 20% more high rises going up a year, that is, an extra 200 units coming to market every year, it would do more to save the low rise lifestyle that these clowns want to lock in.

but the facts are that in their greed and stupidity, the slight home-owning minority had defeated several thousand units of housing over the years, voting in flamboyantly anti-development, unique-in-the-nation regulations and creating an artificial land shortage that had made this medium-sized city (880,000 people) one of the most expensive in the anglophone world. literally, these oldsters and their addled-brained allies, so selfish and ignorant, have priced entire demographic cohorts out of the market. south of market and the southern waterfront are pretty much the last stand for affordability activists (until we redevelop the western addition) - we need to siphon new arrivals off into high rises in these areas or price pressures will only continue to force non-owners and lower-than-50k-per-annum types out of the city.

literally, every time i hear one of these well-ensconced 2000/yeah property tax types slithering about the evils of development, i have to wander into another room and chant my mantra.
/end rant

tall/awkward Sep 25, 2012 8:58 AM

It's so hard to judge a building at this stage. When Transamerica was first proposed, a lot of people hated it, and I'm guessing many of those same people now embrace it as a symbol of their city. The Eiffel Tower was hated, too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is the next Eiffel Tower, but it's not going to be the disaster some people fear it will be.

I too was apprehensive when it won the competition, thinking I'd seen more interesting designs doodled on the stalls of men's rooms, but it's grown on me over time. And I don't think it's too phallic...though part of me wants to see Good Vibrations move their flagship store there...

bluntcard Oct 5, 2012 6:29 AM


I've just joined after lurking for over three years on the San Francisco new projects and Construction forum. I recently discovered this thread and I feel I need to give my perspective on the issue of this future icon of San Francisco.

Let me first say that I love the city of San Francisco. I want it to thrive and build upwards. When the design at its full height was first selected, I thought it was perfect for the cityscape. It represented a modern San Francisco with a nod to the past by looking just a little like the Pyramid building. But when it was shortened, in my opinion, the elegance was lost.

It looks odd to me, now. It isn't quite finished being designed. I'm not a hater. I'm not puerile or an idiot for thinking it looks more like a penis than most buildings. I just want an awesome centerpiece for my favorite city. This is almost there.

TallBob Oct 5, 2012 6:44 AM

Very similar to the "Wolf Point" proposal in Chicago!

northbay Oct 5, 2012 12:17 PM

Welcome Bluntcard.

I think we all wish it was still taller! Oh well.

sentinel Oct 5, 2012 2:08 PM


Originally Posted by TallBob (Post 5856348)
Very similar to the "Wolf Point" proposal in Chicago!

It's the same architect, Pelli Clarke Pelli. Although I have to say, the Transbay tower is much nicer, but I think that's because it's further along in the development process whereas Wolf Point still has a long way to go to get to that point.

1977 Oct 9, 2012 5:12 AM

Some more info and new renderings of the tweaked design:


While the design for San Francisco’s Transbay Tower to rise on the south side of Mission Street between 1st and Fremont Streets has shrunken from 1,200 to 1,070 feet, the proposed 61-story tower will still cast new shadows across San Francisco, shadows which can be problematic and fodder for litigation.

The proposed tower will yield 1.37 million square feet of office space; 10,600 square feet of retail; 39,370 square feet of off-street subterranean parking; and over 28,300 square feet of public open space, including a 24,000 square foot plaza at the corner of 1st and Fremont Streets featuring a funicular connecting the plaza with the 5.4 acre City Park above the Transit Center.

More info.

migol24 Oct 9, 2012 5:16 AM

It doesn't look like a giant penis to me... but if it had two round objects at the bottom then you'd be on to something.

Onn Oct 9, 2012 5:30 AM

Bottom looks great, cladding looks great...The top however has been cheapified. To me it looks like someone took the crown off, realized how afwul the tower looked without it, than tried to put a new one on (at a quarter of the budget.) :haha:

bluntcard Oct 9, 2012 5:31 AM

This rendering looks MUCH better.
That looks awesome.

Zapatan Oct 9, 2012 3:16 PM

the building looks way better now

Dale Oct 9, 2012 4:08 PM


Originally Posted by migol24 (Post 5860033)
It doesn't look like a giant penis to me... but if it had two round objects at the bottom then you'd be on to something.

I was just going to say, if your penis looks like that ... seek immediate medical help.

lz131313 Oct 9, 2012 11:25 PM

there needs to be a public observation floor ! its a must for the regions tallest building ! It would be nice if the lobby was more open and inviting like the SOM proposal that was a piece of art !

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