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Lipani Jan 13, 2017 2:34 AM

Agreed. A 30,000-40,000 seat stadium would be ideal for SDSU's football team. Plus they wouldn't demand as many amenities as an NFL team would. It'll be interesting to see what proposals come out of this. Planning and developing 166 acres in the middle of a major city is going to be a huge challenge.

HurricaneHugo Jan 13, 2017 3:52 AM

Screw the NFL and Dean spanus

SDCAL Jan 13, 2017 4:04 AM


Originally Posted by SLO (Post 7675792)
First Shamu, now this. The stature of the city dropped a notch or two...

I don't think losing an animal circus that marine biologists considered physically and mentally detrimental to the orcas and one of the most poorly performing NFL teams in the league is dropping a notch or two in stature. To the contrary, I look at this as an opportunity for SD to reinvent ourselves and do something bold for once to set us apart. City leaders and residents can either sit and complain like a bunch of old cranks, or we can all come together and use this as an opportunity to make our city more dynamic. My hope is we do the latter!

Nerv Jan 13, 2017 5:53 AM

It is interesting that the media as a whole has sided more with the city of San Diego side vs the Chargers/Spanos.

I'm including the media up in LA too as well as some of the comments the NFL has made from various sources.

In the end the city probably should have done a bit more over the past decade but really the failure lands at the footsteps of the Spanos family for the most part. It's why they are currently being painted more as the villain in this story.

The city of San Diego wanted them, the NFL really didn't want the Chargers in LA, and LA doesn't want them (they want he Raiders). What does the Spanos family do? The same thing they've done for years with this team (which is why it's been a loser so long) make the dumbest choice possible.

So the difference in getting a stadium deal done here was around 100-175 million and the NFL would probably have helped (given time) to bridge that gap but Spanos decided to jump ship at the cost of maybe 650 million extra to move so they can play in a city that has made it clear they don't want them?

The city of San Diego can survive just fine without an NFL team (like LA did for 20+ years) but the Chargers are headed for a nightmare.

Just sayin'...

HurricaneHugo Jan 13, 2017 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 7676542)
... City leaders and residents can either sit and complain like a bunch of old cranks, or we can all come together and use this as an opportunity to make our city more dynamic. My hope is we do the latter!

You know you're talking about SD right?

Leo the Dog Jan 13, 2017 4:44 PM

An NFL stadium in DT never made sense. I'd love to see the Chargers fail to get a stadium in LA or see a falling out between the Rams/Chargers and see the Chargers tuck their tails between their legs and ask for SD's permission to please come back to MV and work on a new stadium deal. The FAA has ruined plans for NFL stadiums in the recent past (only need to look at Tempe). They could do the same in Inglewood.

Even LAX and the FAA Can Beat the L.A. Rams
The struggling football team’s new home is rising under some of the most complex airspace in the world, pitting developers against regulators.

San Diego should now have the green light to focus on and expand the CC.

I'd love to see MLS in SD, or down the road - the NBA in the East Village, tear down the Sports Arena, redevelop the entire Midway district. This is SD, so it probably would never happen of course.

SLO Jan 13, 2017 6:12 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 7676542)
I don't think losing an animal circus that marine biologists considered physically and mentally detrimental to the orcas and one of the most poorly performing NFL teams in the league is dropping a notch or two in stature. To the contrary, I look at this as an opportunity for SD to reinvent ourselves and do something bold for once to set us apart. City leaders and residents can either sit and complain like a bunch of old cranks, or we can all come together and use this as an opportunity to make our city more dynamic. My hope is we do the latter!

Like it or hate it those are two major amenities with long history with the city that vanished overnight. Sea World will have to reinvent itself and losing a major league sports franchise is never a positive.

joemamma Jan 13, 2017 6:20 PM

IDEA building cams

joemamma Jan 13, 2017 6:21 PM


Originally Posted by joemamma (Post 7677113)

Anyone know what companies have signed on to lease here?

spoonman Jan 13, 2017 7:50 PM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 7676007)
I'm looking forward to a decade of wrangling over the Q. The UT has an article quoting Briggs saying he'll sue if they propose high-rises in the valley.

Mission Valley is already full of high rises...WTF.

eburress Jan 13, 2017 8:00 PM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 7676007)
I'm looking forward to a decade of wrangling over the Q. The UT has an article quoting Briggs saying he'll sue if they propose high-rises in the valley.

A population with so many people like Briggs is why San Diego will never be more than it presently will only be less. Folks can rationalize all this however they like, but the reality is the speed of its present, downward trajectory is only increasing.

LDVArch Jan 13, 2017 8:59 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 7676961)
The FAA has ruined plans for NFL stadiums in the recent past (only need to look at Tempe). They could do the same in Inglewood.

The FAA approved the stadium project today.

ChargerCarl Jan 13, 2017 8:59 PM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 7677244)
A population with so many people like Briggs is why San Diego will never be more than it presently will only be less. Folks can rationalize all this however they like, but the reality is the speed of its present, downward trajectory is only increasing.

It's the same everywhere in California. In every locality the NIMBYs have completely taken over. The only way we're ever going to build a significant amount of new housing is if the state forces us.

mello Jan 13, 2017 9:18 PM

Interesting how Mark Davis has not officially filed for relocation to Vegas yet. Word is the Mayor of SD and County Supervisor are talking to him. Think about it he only owns 51% of the Raiders, maybe someone in the group of minority owners is in construction or is a developer and they can give them the deal to develop the SDSU expansion at the Mission Valley Site. There is 166 acres to work with there vs. just a stadium in Vegas and being under the thumb of Billionaire Sheldon Adelson who is putting up tons of money to get it built. I still think there is a chance the Raiders move to SD.

hughfb3 Jan 13, 2017 9:27 PM

Los Angeles is a great example to all cities. Never were we going to put public money in on the NFL stadium, so we lost 2 teams in the 90's. Now; 20+ years later, we are getting the most expensive stadium ever built and it's all private money. The NFL will come knocking sooner or later on San Diego's door. Remember this lesson!!!! San Diego is one of the greatest cities in America!! The NFL needs you more than you need it!

There is nothing more that the city should have done. The NFL is a private enterprise! If they can't seem to operate within their own stipulations of what they want in their business and stadiums without public funds, then obviously their business model is FLAWED. With the money Dean is putting into just the relocation fee of $650 million plus the $300 million the NFL would have given him to stay, he could have financed a nearly BILLION DOLLAR STADIUM. If that's not enough to build a building with the land being donated by the city... Then something is wrong with the bloated cost of a stadium. Not many people in LA want the Chargers... Myself included, not with this energy of greed attached

SDFC Jan 13, 2017 9:39 PM


Originally Posted by SLO (Post 7677104)
Like it or hate it those are two major amenities with long history with the city that vanished overnight. Sea World will have to reinvent itself and losing a major league sports franchise is never a positive.

On the contrary. I think San Diego is on the forefront of a NFL stadium extortion revolt. I could not be more proud of my city and I think it is a VERY GOOD thing. The NFL and Spanos are the real losers here. And if there is no least we are not going into debt for a new stadium that they only demand be replaced in 20 years.

As for SeaWorld, eh. We will live, and so will SeaWorld.

hughfb3 Jan 13, 2017 9:43 PM


Originally Posted by SDFC (Post 7677378)
On the contrary. I think San Diego is on the forefront of a NFL stadium extortion revolt. I could not be more proud of my city and I think it is a VERY GOOD thing. The NFL and Spanos are the real losers here. And if there is no least we are not going into debt for a new stadium that they only demand be replaced in 20 years.

As for SeaWorld, eh. We will live, and so will SeaWorld.

+1!!! Yes.

ChargerCarl Jan 13, 2017 9:56 PM


Originally Posted by hughfb3 (Post 7677362)
Los Angeles is a great example to all cities. Never were we going to put public money in on the NFL stadium, so we lost 2 teams in the 90's. Now; 20+ years later, we are getting the most expensive stadium ever built and it's all private money. The NFL will come knocking sooner or later on San Diego's door. Remember this lesson!!!! San Diego is one of the greatest cities in America!! The NFL needs you more than you need it!

There is nothing more that the city should have done. The NFL is a private enterprise! If they can't seem to operate within their own stipulations of what they want in their business and stadiums without public funds, then obviously their business model is FLAWED. With the money Dean is putting into just the relocation fee of $650 million plus the $300 million the NFL would have given him to stay, he could have financed a nearly BILLION DOLLAR STADIUM. If that's not enough to build a building with the land being donated by the city... Then something is wrong with the bloated cost of a stadium. Not many people in LA want the Chargers... Myself included, not with this energy of greed attached

I agree. The best way to get an NFL team is to be a large enough market for teams to fall over themselves to relocate to you. San Diego is one of the most desirable places in the US to live in, there is simply no shortage of demand to live and work there. With the right political will it could be a major city with the rest of them.

LosAngelesSportsFan Jan 13, 2017 10:17 PM

Agreed with all the above. No need for SD to whore itself to those greedy bastards. The NFL will come back in the future because its such a great superbowl city and is a large market. California has set the pace in regards to not paying any public money towards stadiums / arenas for years and its worked out just fine. We have some of the most up to date and desired stadiums in the world.

ucsbgaucho Jan 13, 2017 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by LosAngelesSportsFan (Post 7677424)
Agreed with all the above. No need for SD to whore itself to those greedy bastards. The NFL will come back in the future because its such a great superbowl city and is a large market. California has set the pace in regards to not paying any public money towards stadiums / arenas for years and its worked out just fine. We have some of the most up to date and desired stadiums in the world.

Just keep an eye on Jacksonville. If the Raiders finalize things in Vegas, the San Diego Jaguars could be a thing in the not-too-distant future. Rich owner who really doesn't like Jville, NFL doesn't like Jville, it's a tiny market with little support. San Antonio wants a team, but Jerry Jones won't let another team come in to Texas. The NFL highly encouraged Spanos to keep the Chargers in SD, they might more highly value SD as a super bowl city than Jville, even with the new stadium in LA.

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