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eburress Apr 23, 2016 1:13 AM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 7417882)
No secret I don't think that's a good location for a stadium, but setting those feelings aside and looking at just the design I have to say meh. Looks like a garden variety stadium to me, uninspired, un-imagined, under-whelming. And what's with the half-assed attempt to "save" the wonderbread building?? Do they want to build over it or just save the facade (if you look closely it looks like concrete columns go through it). I don't mean to rain on the parade of those who like it, but to me it seems like it was slapped together quickly without any thoughtfulness so they would have an image to go along with the signature gathering that just started

I know what you mean, but like JerellO said, it's probably just a "...conceptual design [intended] to give an idea what it and the area would look and feel like." :)

SDCAL Apr 23, 2016 1:59 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 7417923)
I know what you mean, but like JerellO said, it's probably just a "...conceptual design [intended] to give an idea what it and the area would look and feel like." :)

True. On a separate note, has anyone been by Pacific Gate recently? The building is rising and they have yellow looking glass panels up. Not sure if that will be the glass that encapsulates the building? In renderings I thought it was going to be a clear glass. The yellow looks kind of cool though, would definitely be unique. I took a pic but I guess I need to put it in a photo sharing site to post here ..

JerellO Apr 23, 2016 5:22 AM

So last time i actually walked downtown was in like... 2012.. there were less people walking the streets. I only started walking around downtown again because my school is in little italy and often i have time to explore the city. I noticed that there are wayyyy more people walking the streets, i think all this development really is bringing more people and i notice more tourists, or maybe its just been awhile and im kidding myself lol. What does everyone else think?

mello Apr 23, 2016 7:08 AM

Yes there are a ton more people walking the streets than there used to be, more tourists, more residents and amenities, better economy, cheaper gas so more people are out doing things. More people taking uber and coming downtown not having to deal with parking etc...

About the stadium: I'm ok with the location IF -- awesome stuff is done at Mission Valley to make up for the lost space downtown and adjacent Barrio Logan land just south of Stadium Site is up zoned for super intensive development. The design is a decent start and I'm open to seeing any new ideas on how the parts bordering the streets can be "activated" Maybe Tech office space built in some how, come on guys we can make it all work call it the TechMillenialHausBoltventadium!!!:cheers:

superfishy Apr 23, 2016 2:24 PM

I think the location of the stadium could be beneficial. Development further south, especially on the scale of an NFL stadium, could make Bario Logan a more attractive location for high rise developers. If development continues in that direction, we could be free of the 500 ft limit.

SDfan Apr 25, 2016 8:48 PM

Note on Barrio Logan: development there is restricted to 5-6 stories. That's not going to change with a stadium.

mello Apr 25, 2016 9:15 PM

^^^^ What is exactly considered "Barrio Logan" I'm looking at satellite view of google maps right now, there is a HUGE empty lot bordering National and 16th St. It has been fenced off forever I have always wondered what it's status is. Also along Commercial St adjacent to the lot I just mentioned is another large triangular lot very underutilized some pipe fitting company. Commercial/17th smaller lot but still could fit a tower Rescue recovering and towing??? Come on...

Then along Newton between 16th and Sigsbee very long block more LA style you have two junk yards just sitting there. I would say everything North of Sigsbee isn't truely "Barrio Logan" I think this is the area people are saying could basically be co opted as part of the "East Village" and built up with highrises. There is no community character to be affected it is just shitty underutilized land. I suggest that you guys actually take some time and look at Google maps to see what I'm referring to.

Personally I think the true "Barrio Logan" as a community starts South of Beardsley St. It becomes more residential with churches and such. Everything North of it is pretty much crap and has no reason to not be fully utilized with 20 to 40 floor structures.

Note: Commercial and 14th street yet another empty lot next to Father Joes I know it's where all the homeless and street urchins hang out just saying there is quite a bit of land left to be developed even if a Convadium is built.

SDCAL Apr 25, 2016 11:36 PM


This is a REALLY interesting read for anyone interested in DT SD development. It talks about the North Embarcadero and the influence of Cory Briggs and Steve Cushman (who I never really heard of before). Reading this, it's really depressing to see how two people seemingly halted so much potential

The Flying Dutchman Apr 26, 2016 6:54 PM

Notice of Application for 7th and Island hotel (Canopy by Hilton)

20 stories
240 ft.
324 keys

Found an old article about it here:

Rendering from 2014:

The Flying Dutchman Apr 26, 2016 6:58 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 7420370)

This is a REALLY interesting read for anyone interested in DT SD development. It talks about the North Embarcadero and the influence of Cory Briggs and Steve Cushman (who I never really heard of before). Reading this, it's really depressing to see how two people seemingly halted so much potential

I was totally going to post this. This article from KPBS is some of the best reporting I've seen in San Diego, and as an Aztec, it does me proud. (KPBS is an SDSU production)

Anyway, it's really sad how money and politics gets in the way of things. Sometimes I wonder what could have been accomplished if Bill Fulton had remained in San Diego and the CCRedevAgency wasn't abolished by Gov. Brown. What little time it did exist, basically turned San Diego's downtown around.

SDCAL Apr 26, 2016 7:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Flying Dutchman (Post 7421380)
I was totally going to post this. This article from KPBS is some of the best reporting I've seen in San Diego, and as an Aztec, it does me proud. (KPBS is an SDSU production)

Anyway, it's really sad how money and politics gets in the way of things. Sometimes I wonder what could have been accomplished if Bill Fulton had remained in San Diego and the CCRedevAgency wasn't abolished by Gov. Brown. What little time it did exist, basically turned San Diego's downtown around.

Completely agree about the reporting. I remember so much back and forth over Lane Field and the Embarcadero over the past decade - reading about plans, delays, etc. - but never really understanding the whole background behind what was being done. This article really gives insight into the players and conflicting visions going on behind the scenes. Our waterfront could be so much better if a comprehensive plan had ensued that brought a large green space all along the North and South Embarcadero. Imagine that with the new Bosa towers as the backdrop. Talk about a missed opportunity. Hopefully the North Embarcadero can still be done as planned

As far as the Canopy Hilton, that is right next to the proposed Ritz site. Do you think they could commence construction on both simultaneously? Or, which will break ground 1st? Personally I'd much rather see the Ritz development get underway than that Hilton ;)

The Flying Dutchman Apr 26, 2016 8:25 PM

The Ritz project seems to be much further along so you might just get your wish.

sandiego_urban Apr 27, 2016 5:59 AM

Not sure if this was posted earlier in the thread or not. Anyone have any more info on Bosa's proposed tower for the current Paladion site? Architects website say it's going to be a 42 story tower.

I really like this design :tup:

sandiego_urban Apr 27, 2016 6:13 AM

Would it kill Sunroad to build one 22 story office tower downtown instead of 2 11 story buildings in Kearny Mesa?

sandiego_urban Apr 27, 2016 6:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Flying Dutchman (Post 7421372)
Notice of Application for 7th and Island hotel (Canopy by Hilton)

20 stories
240 ft.
324 keys

Found an old article about it here:

Rendering from 2014:

Not a bad looking building

JerellO Apr 27, 2016 7:37 AM


Originally Posted by sandiego_urban (Post 7422120)

Not sure if this was posted earlier in the thread or not. Anyone have any more info on Bosa's proposed tower for the current Paladion site? Architects website say it's going to be a 42 story tower.

I really like this design :tup:

Wow that's sexy.

SDCAL Apr 27, 2016 3:01 PM

^ I agree about the design of that tower, very nice love the curves. If they would re-vamp Horton Plaza and turn it inside out to have store facades at street level, it would go very nicely with this being proposed across the street. Could really activate that street on the west side of hp.

Streamliner Apr 27, 2016 4:55 PM

Wow, now that's how you make balconies look good! Reminds me of Aqua in Chicago

Too bad it won't have much of a skyline impact, it will be largely hidden by Meridian Place from western views, and the Hyatts/Children's Museum tower from Coronado views. This kind of design would be great for the waterfront.

sandiego_urban Apr 28, 2016 3:45 AM


Originally Posted by Streamliner (Post 7422531)
Wow, now that's how you make balconies look good! Reminds me of Aqua in Chicago

Too bad it won't have much of a skyline impact, it will be largely hidden by Meridian Place from western views, and the Hyatts/Children's Museum tower from Coronado views. This kind of design would be great for the waterfront.

Totally agree about its resemblance to Aqua in Chicago and that's a good thing.

Also agree about its impact on the skyline. As much as I like the look of Pacific Gate, I'd rather see this design in its place. The Ballpark Village tower and the Pinnacle twins are other sites where this design would work.

On another note, the new courthouse tower looks better than I thought it would. Very solid and timeless.

IMBY Apr 28, 2016 7:42 AM


Originally Posted by sandiego_urban (Post 7422123)

Would it kill Sunroad to build one 22 story office tower downtown instead of 2 11 story buildings in Kearny Mesa?

It's no mystery why this site was chosen over a downtown location, as these decisions rest with the Executives, who may live within a short drive of this site and their golf course. And who cares of if the lowest paid employee, with no car, has to somehow get to work everyday!

Just like Con Agra moving their Hdqtrs from Omaha to downtown Chicago. Could be, the executive fell in love with someone on a business trip there, and?

"I'm not moving to Omaha! If you want to marry me, then move your company here!"

If any city had the likes of the late Mayor Daley of Chicago, a good number of our major cities would resemble downtown Chicago. He simply wouldn't allow it, a company to vacate the Loop and move to the burbs.

Sears threatened to move in the early 70's. Mayor Daley: What can we do to keep you here?

"I'll need 2 contingent square blocks in the downtown area, and you'll close off a street for us?"

Mayor Daley: "You've got it!"

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