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philip Dec 3, 2006 9:24 PM

By the way, the Chinese name of "Wynn" translates to something like "Eternal Prosperity".

Lecom Dec 3, 2006 10:56 PM

^That's the Macau one, right? Are there any renders of Encore?

LMich Dec 4, 2006 1:25 AM

No, Wynn didn't release a rendering of his first one, and I doubt he'll be releasing any renderings of phase II, either.

vegasrain84 Dec 4, 2006 2:13 AM

Does anyone have any information on the status of Stanhi? I noticed the rendering on the front forum page shows a much different rendering than the original rendering. It looks as though the new rendering is only 45 or 50 stories high.. That is much less than the 65 stories originally reported.. I assume that Cherry will be able to build Stanhi, since they got both Newport and Soho off the ground, but thats just conjecture on my part..

Don Pacho Dec 4, 2006 3:13 AM

Hilton Grand Vacations Club

Turnberry Place

World Market Center


mdiederi Dec 4, 2006 5:28 AM

Frank Gehry exhibit at the Las Vegas Art Musuem, December 13-March 25

The show will consist mostly of his models and designs for the Lou Ruvo Brain Institute (formerly known as the Lou Ruvo Alzheimer's Institute), which will be built on the corner across the street from the World Market Center and the Clark County Government Building.

The museum is located in the same building as the West Sahara Library. They are closed right now while setting up the show, but I stopped by on Saturday and saw one of the models.

The opening preview for the exhibit is December 12th, and free to museum members.

I hope this show will be in conjunction with the groundbreaking.

Patrick Dec 4, 2006 5:30 AM

Did the model collapse itself? :)

mdiederi Dec 4, 2006 5:44 AM

Yeah, it deconstructed itself. :haha: Looks more like it melted.

How are they going to make a building out of that? Or are those grate things just some sort of suspended facade?

WonderlandPark Dec 4, 2006 6:04 AM

^^^ This is your brain on drugs.

philip Dec 4, 2006 7:55 PM
UGLY, and I won't stop saying it until he stop building those hideous garbage. I would rather trade 10 Gehry buildings for one Norman Foster building.

It looks like a giant loitered the ground.
If he builts a building next to my house, I would sue him for asthetic pollution. There is a difference between creativity and beauty, and he certainly cant't create something that's beautiful.

philip Dec 4, 2006 8:13 PM

Architect unveils 'comforting' Alzheimer's Institute design

Metal lattice described as metaphor for disease

Feb 12 , 2006 Review Journal :

Let the armchair architects begin their critiques.

Architect Frank Gehry presented his much-anticipated design for the Lou Ruvo Alzheimer's Institute on Saturday, revealing plans for a building officials hope will become a Las Vegas landmark and spur downtown's growth.The front of the institute, which will be the main entrance and heart of the treatment and research center, will be made of what look like large blocks of glass and stone stacked on one another. In addition to the research and treatment facilities, the institute will have offices for nonprofit organizations dedicated to studying Alzheimer's, Huntington's and other neurological diseases.

The back of the building, which will house a cafe, public space, and a museum dedicated to the brain, has a more striking design: a lattice of curving metal, framing glass panels.

"It's not only a metaphor of a brain, it's a metaphor of the disease
we're trying to solve."

The design was unveiled at a news conference in the MGM Grand Conference Center.Gehry said it wasn't his intention to have the $60 million building look like a brain, though he agreed it does. Instead, the rolling lattice was meant to look like a blanket over a garden, reminiscent of the folds of a mother's arms where a baby is first placed after birth. He said it's an image used by artists for centuries.

"Metaphorically, it is a very comforting image," the 76-year-old architect said.

Not everyone agreed.

"It's a building I would love to go to, but I don't have dementia," said Janet White, a professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Architecture. White has studied and designed facilities for Alzheimer's patients. After seeing images of the design, she worried that the building's rolling metal and irregularly placed blocks could be disorienting. "It's a beautiful composition. It will make for a very exciting building, but not for this purpose," White said.

She did praise the contrast between the solid blocks at the front of the building and the silver lattice at the back.

Gehry, known for his bold, nonlinear designs, said the design will work well for those who use the facility. "People will drive up on the (front) side that will be calming," he said. "It will not scare off Alzheimer's patients."

While the interior has yet to be designed, Gehry said it would be practical and that doctors have consulted on the layout. The inside "won't be any more confusing than this room," he said.The 55,000-square-foot building will be the first on the city's Union Park property, 61 acres west of downtown that officials have dreamed would spur downtown's resurgence. A performing arts center -- the design of which is still a mystery -- will also be built on the site. The city is also considering condominiums, a casino and hotel, a baseball stadium and a new City Hall for the land. Some of Gehry's designs have become synonymous with the cities where they're located, so-called "postcard buildings" that become iconic representations of a place.

Gehry's thoughts on that possibility for the Alzheimer's clinicá "You can't predict it. So don't even go there," he said.

White said while architects and critics will applaud the building, it might be hard for the public to embrace it as a symbol of Las Vegas. "The design is so complex it's hard to see how it's reduced to an icon," she said. "An icon, by its very nature, is a simple but strong graphic statement."Ground will be broken on the building in August, with its opening scheduled for 2008, said Lynette Boggs McDonald, a county commissioner and president of Keep Memory Alive, the foundation behind the institute. Saturday evening, officials held their annual fundraiser for Keep Memory Alive, the foundation for the Lou Ruvo Alzheimer's Institute. Boggs McDonald said they hoped to raise between $6 million and $10 million.


Great, now we have a brain disease magnified 1 million times and crawling on top of a building, and he calls this calming !?!
How is this going to make patients feel comfortable if it makes them feel disoriented with all the sharp and twisted edges?? I would develop a brain tumor just by looking at this building. Gehry is not designing for the need of the users, and he doesn't even care if the buildings provide function or how it makes people feel. He is designing buildings for this own ego by making buildings that are so ugly you simply can't miss it. A disgrace to the architects community.

Comforting? No. Unless his brain is infected with the disease and can't process the image.

philip Dec 4, 2006 8:14 PM

double post.

mdiederi Dec 4, 2006 8:52 PM

Here's the site where the Gehry models came from and there's more info about the institute.

Here's the interior design. Looks like it's mostly the cafe and public area under the cheese grater lattice facade.

BrandonJXN Dec 4, 2006 8:53 PM

Waa waa waa.

Relax. It's time for people to build 'ugly buildings.'

illmatic774 Dec 5, 2006 1:30 AM

Seriously, this is an ALZHEIMERS INSTITUTE, NOT AN EXOTIC ART MUSEUM! Who was the crackhead that allowed Gehry to design it?

As long as I never come in contact with it, I guess I can bear.

vegasrain84 Dec 5, 2006 2:07 AM

I first said it back when they revealed the model in the Spring.. THIS IS A BAD IDEA! This is an Alzheimers Institute not the latest trend in radical design for some Art Museum.. This facility will be a research center with real patients suffering from various brain disorders, and the radical twisting shapes can be confusing to Alzheimers patients.. I would like to know what the doctors and experts on Alzheimers and other brain disorders think of this design.. Try convincing an Alzheimers patient to go into that thing!!

I have to say that of all of Gehry's designs this is by far his worst proposal I've seen.. I have to agree with Phillip, this looks like someone just took some aluminum foil they took off the top of last nights leftovers and tossed it in a pile and called it architecture.. Its not revolutionary, its CRAP!

Don Pacho Dec 5, 2006 2:27 AM

More Trump

More Sky


ScottG Dec 5, 2006 3:15 AM

sure frank ghery is "radical" but what would you like more a dumb box building? at least there is actual"architecture" coming to vegas. no more generic buildings. vegas has had too many of those.

drobar Dec 5, 2006 6:04 AM

[it's a metaphor of the disease?
The building is the disease. It's ugly, plain and simple.

clark Dec 5, 2006 6:40 AM

Tallest Building in Western Hemisphere to be on Strip?
From From here:


New Strip development is really going vertical

The new owner of the dormant Wet 'n Wild land has a tall order in mind for the Strip property -- a 1,888-foot-tall hotel tower.

Texas-based developer Christopher Milam wants to build a 142-story obelisk as the centerpiece of a hotel-resort-casino project, according to plans presented to the Clark County Planning Commission late last month. "It makes sense in Las Vegas," Milam explained. "A 4,000-room hotel on the Las Vegas Strip is just fine whereas, in most non-gaming markets, a 400-room hotel would be plenty large."

The structure would be the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere and the tallest hotel tower in the world. The 1,149-foot-high Stratosphere Casino Hotel & Tower, less than a mile north on Las Vegas Boulevard, is currently the tallest building west of the Mississippi River.

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