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tovangar2 Dec 28, 2012 6:52 PM

Beverly Gardens Park
Oh snap GW, you beat me to it while I was typing :-)

GaylordWilshire Dec 28, 2012 7:18 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5952235)

Harley B Gordon was--and seems to still be--a cosmetics manufacturer, now in Carson. Great building--that market with marquee at left is very interesting. I can hardy stand to post what's on the site now. Well, at least the palms remain.

GaylordWilshire Dec 28, 2012 7:36 PM


Originally Posted by malumot (Post 5951939)
All valid comments, GW, Tovangar, and ER......

Now for the cherry on top:

The very day after I was born.....:(

And a day after HER birthday as well!

Birthdays are milestones. Sometimes they are wonderful. Sometimes not.

I suppose if nothing else we have kept Esther's spirit alive here.


Wow, malumot--I hadn't even noticed that she jumped on her birthday. Makes it even sadder. I looked for an obituary, but found nothing.... R.I.P., Esther.

tovangar2 Dec 28, 2012 8:17 PM

Beverly Gardens Park

Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5952353)
If there is still just one of these signs, it looks to me like it--or an update of it--is in the same spot it was in when the picture was taken. I've read that the current park was created at about that time,
but you'd think there'd be more houses in the background. The ladies' clothes look earlier than the late '20s

The photo e_r posted might be mis-dated. The park opened in 1911 and, judging by the landscaping in the foreground, the view doesn't look like it was taken that many years later. The present sign is a recreation.

But then I found this panorama, also dated 1929, so I dunno:

Santa Monica Blvd and Beverly Drive

Big Tudor house now looks like this (I guess the Borg got it):

P.S. I realize now e-r's pic is a detail of the panorama. The ladies are still there.

This is Beverly Hills in 1929, showing all of Beverly Gardens and plenty of houses north of the park.
The Beverly Wilshire is the big building at center.
gsjansen- flickr (thx gs)

Can you tell us when 1309 Park Way (the big Tudor house) was built?

GaylordWilshire Dec 28, 2012 8:42 PM


A little more on that desecrated house...

DouglasUrantia Dec 28, 2012 9:08 PM

Something went off the rails.......

Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5586877) Hills Historic Preservation

I've seen dates as early as 1907 for the house in the center of this Beverly Hills panorama. Whatever the precise date, it is obviously
one of the first built in BH. We're looking up Beverly Drive from Santa Monica Blvd...the house is at the corner of Beverly and Park
Way. And amazingly, it still stands, atrociously marred by someone who should be put in stocks in the park in front it while it is
being brought back to its original integrity, which lasted at least until 1985: Hills Historic Preservation

Who did this? Gag me with a spoon. a+d Street View

I can understand the need for 'additions' but they should have consulted a qualified architect with some ethics. Those boxy add-ons are certainly diagnosed as infected carbuncles. No thank the Dr.

Earl Boebert Dec 28, 2012 9:08 PM

A new post and an oldie from Larry Harnisch's blog on Einar Petersen:



GaylordWilshire Dec 28, 2012 9:20 PM

Speaking of The Daily Mirror...

Larry Harnisch seems to have found one of the houses made by H. J. Brainerd. I'm not sure how he decided that the house below--at 1158 East 41st St--is one made by the company, but he has more here:


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5951850)

tovangar2 Dec 28, 2012 9:30 PM

Beverly Gardens Park
Beverly Hills Historic Preservation credits the photo e_r posted to CC Pierce and dates it to 1920 (which still seems a bit late).

The "Beverly Hills" sign was already gone by the time of this 1929 photo:

Undated photo of the lilly pond (no sign):

The sign, the lilly pond and the house (pre 1929)
The old sign spelt out "Beverly Hills" in lights. The new sign, alas, does not:

Panorama from Beverly Drive and Santa Monica Blvd, 1932:

1309 Park Way for sale, ca 1920:
cc pierce

All pix Beverly Hills Historic Preservation -fb page

tovangar2 Dec 28, 2012 9:46 PM

1309 Park Way, Beverly Hills

Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5586877)
I've seen dates as early as 1907 for the house... at the corner of Beverly and Park Way. And amazingly, it still stands, atrociously marred by someone who should be put in stocks in the park in front it while it is
being brought back to its original integrity, which lasted at least until 1985 Hills Historic Preservation

I agree with you and DouglasUrantia wholeheartedly, but at least it got one of its three chimneys back. I dislike capped chimneys.

GaylordWilshire Dec 28, 2012 10:11 PM


A slightly different angle on the Park Way house...

This image is from an otherwise good website about the homes of movie stars (see it here). The writer seems strangely to insist that West Adams and Beverly Hills are more
or less the same, despite being miles apart--and insists that Theda Bara lived in the Park Way house. It seem obvious that she has conflated it with 649 West Adams Blvd.
By the way--Kimberly Vinokur Reiss's Beverly Hills Preservation is excellent.

tovangar2 Dec 28, 2012 10:18 PM

1309 Park Way

Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5952606)

A slightly different angle on the Park Way house...

Thx for the photo. It's has an even better view of the original porch supports and balcony. Something nasty and 1950's is going on here:

ProphetM Dec 28, 2012 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5952221)

I would be looking at places where the PE line expanded to 4 tracks, or near a PE yard. I did just a little bit of looking myself but I may be able to do some more later.

FredH Dec 29, 2012 12:10 AM

The L.A. County Assessor shows this as 1305 Park Way - built in 1907
Google Maps

Ya know, when even I can tell that something is in bad taste, you have gone WAY over the line. Geez!

tovangar2 Dec 29, 2012 12:22 AM

B&W vs. Color / "Thens & Nows"

Originally Posted by AlvaroLegido (Post 5952326)
I noticed all through the thread in the "then & nows" that besides looking "noirisher", the buildings and mansions always look bigger, sometimes taller and a lot more imposing in black & white than in colors. In the "nows" they get an obvious lack of majesty. Why ?
Is there among us a photographer who can explain that ?

I dunno really. Most of our "nows" are google street view. One cannot always pick the angle one would like & the color is mostly ho-hum. But also, the "thens" are often taken when the buildings were new and had the crispness that goes along with that. The pointing between the bricks on the building below has lost its definition, as has the bits of trim, and, of course, it is now covered with retrofitting bolts. The blocked-up windows, security bars and razor wire don't help either.

And don't forget scale. What once was imposing can now look shrunken and feeble compared to the larger environment. If nothing else, new streetlamps often ruin scale (plus all the other street furniture junk and signs that seems to have piled up).

This is still a nice building though. Beautiful windows.

A view by a decent photogapher vs. google street view can make all the difference even if both are in color
(this is the Earle Anthony house in BH by Greene & Greene):
gsv ( previously posted by GW)

VS this nice professional shot:

FredH Dec 29, 2012 12:26 AM

A hotel at Central and Ceres (looking south) - 1955

Now - Its a fish fry with parking lot:
Google Street View

GaylordWilshire Dec 29, 2012 12:46 AM

:previous: Sept 28, 1902

I ran across this item when looking into Ceres Avenue a few posts back.

Another of Haley's buildings:

DouglasUrantia Dec 29, 2012 1:17 AM

Richter Scale victim....

Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 5952579)
I agree with you and DouglasUrantia wholeheartedly, but at least it got one of its three chimneys back. I dislike capped chimneys.

I suspect the 'capped' chimney was a victim of some previous earthquake, as we can see it in old photos, standing proud and tall.

DouglasUrantia Dec 29, 2012 1:19 AM

Richter Scale ......

Originally Posted by tovangar2 (Post 5952615)

Thx for the photo. It's has an even better view of the original porch supports and balcony. Something nasty and 1950's is going on here:

I suspect the missing chimney was an old casualty of some past earthquake.

DouglasUrantia Dec 29, 2012 1:41 AM

[QUOTE=GaylordWilshire;5952549]Speaking of The Daily Mirror...

Larry Harnisch seems to have found one of the houses made by H. J. Brainerd. I'm not sure how he decided that the house below--at 1158 East 41st St--is one made by the company, but he has more here:

I suspect the home in the photo is a somewhat modified model of the Starlight by Sears. It appears that Brainerd Co. sold the kits to Sears who then rebranded they did with most all of their products.

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