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suburbia Apr 13, 2019 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Corndogger (Post 8539536)
Suburbia just earned himself $0.25. He gets a quarter for every vote he garners for the NDP.

Yeah I work on the cheap. In contrast, UCP candidate Peter Singh offered $75 to $100 for each person who signed up for that party. It ended up costing him a lot of money in total, so later he decided just to sign up all his company's customers using their credit card numbers he had on file.

United Conservative Party investigating bribery allegations in Calgary-East

The letter includes a list of over 100 people claiming they were offered or received gifts from Singh’s campaign, along with accusations people were signed up for UCP party memberships without their consent. Global News has also obtained sworn affidavits from people claiming they were offered $75 to $100 to vote for Singh.

“Two of the candidates specifically got some information from some of the members who had indicated that not only did they not have a membership and had not signed up for it, but knew exactly how they’d been signed up, and it wasn’t with their approval,” former Calgary-East UCP nomination candidate Andre Chabot said.

TheGreatestX Apr 13, 2019 11:58 PM

Apparently Lethbridge is more progressive than Calgary. Proud of Edmonton though.

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 12:03 AM

Critics say RCMP investigations will hurt UCP candidate’s chances

CTV News again tried to make contact with Peter Singh but his office stated that he was unavailable for comment until April 17.

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by TheGreatestX (Post 8539600)
Apparently Lethbridge is more progressive than Calgary. Proud of Edmonton though.

UCP still has a huge lead overall. For the NDP to have a chance, half of Calgary need to not vote for the Unite the alt-Right. There is "no way" that will happen;)

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 12:37 AM

Report by economist Hugh Mackenzie concludes UCP economic plan will result in the LOSS of ~85,000 jobs

dmuzika Apr 14, 2019 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8538850)
Location of UCP candidate unknown after RCMP execute search warrant on his business and are seen leaving with a computer and briefcase.

There were questions behind Singh's nomination back in December, 2018. Judging by the election signs on the ground, it will be between the NDP (Cesar Cala) & Alberta Party (Gar Gar).

dmuzika Apr 14, 2019 12:43 AM

Vivian Krause: Rachel Notley, the Rockefellers and Alberta's landlocked oil

Rockefeller-supported groups are helping defeat the UCP, the only party in the Alberta election committed to breaking the U.S. monopoly on Alberta’s overseas oil exports


suburbia Apr 14, 2019 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by dmuzika (Post 8539627)
Vivian Krause: Rachel Notley, the Rockefellers and Alberta's landlocked oil


Published by PostMedia, owned by American Republican interests that have been instructing their news outlets to support the Unite the alt-Right

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 1:11 AM

Star UCP candidate Peter Singh MIA for his area's all candidates forum. Corndogger - would love your speculation as to why he is choosing not to be seen in public!

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 1:13 AM

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 1:21 AM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8538668)
From the Twitter conversation against the #ABvotePublicHealth Hashtag, the candidate forum on the theme of health, hosted by the University of Calgary, was extremely thoughtful, engaging, and policy focused. It was hosted at the central library, and the University's request was not for a specific candidate, but any candidate that could speak on the theme of public health. Once again, the UCP did not show up.

Below are a collection of Tweets raising questions about the empty fourth seat.

You can search the Hashtag for a broader view of the discussion on the theme. Very interesting conversations - highly recommend doing the search.

Apparently this was trending in a big way, as it should be.

Leaving everything aside, I'm still amazing how people think UCP candidates are going to show up after the election, when they don't even show up now. Sad.

Wigs Apr 14, 2019 1:25 AM

Jeezus, the political divide between Edmonton and Calgary is stark.

Calgary appears to be Kenney country :yuck:
good luck Alberta! you'll be one step backward if you elect the UCP

dmuzika Apr 14, 2019 1:36 AM


Originally Posted by suburbia (Post 8539643)

He later admitted he's an NDP/Alberta Party supporter who only joined the UCP to vote against Kenney.

Tysonbrown Apr 14, 2019 2:47 AM

Jason Kenney can't turn off the taps to BC oil. Emergency vehicles, aircraft, mass transit. LOLOL Go ahead and try. The pipeline will never be built because British Columbians will be waiting.

dmuzika Apr 14, 2019 3:05 AM

Back in Calgary East, at least one lighter, good news story.

Calgary landlord apologizes after ripping down Alberta Party candidate’s election sign.


After a video posted Thursday showed a Calgary landlord named Steve ripping down an election sign on his lawn, Steve apologized to Gar Gar, the Alberta Party candidate for Calgary-East, over an hour-long coffee.

During that discussion, Gar said the conversation quickly turned to how they could work together to improve the community.

"We are here to build a community, not to break it down," Gar said. "I think it’s about meeting in the middle. I think it’s not about judgement."

Doug Apr 14, 2019 3:10 AM


Originally Posted by Wigs (Post 8539650)
Jeezus, the political divide between Edmonton and Calgary is stark.

Calgary appears to be Kenney country :yuck:
good luck Alberta! you'll be one step backward if you elect the UCP

The divide has existed as long as Alberta has existed. Calgary has comparatively few public sector jobs so it has little to gain from big spending government and as a business cluster, much to loose from high taxes, government deficits and onerous regulation.

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 4:27 AM


Originally Posted by Tysonbrown (Post 8539683)
Jason Kenney can't turn off the taps to BC oil. Emergency vehicles, aircraft, mass transit. LOLOL Go ahead and try. The pipeline will never be built because British Columbians will be waiting.

Half of his proposed actions are not going to result in anything. In fact, if he starts his battles with BC and Quebec, Scheer will stop him, because how can Scheer get votes nationally when his bum-buddy is giving the finger to the 2nd and 3rd largest provinces in the country.

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 4:28 AM

Latest poll shows a virtual dead heat

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 4:29 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 8539690)
The divide has existed as long as Alberta has existed. Calgary has comparatively few public sector jobs so it has little to gain from big spending government and as a business cluster, much to loose from high taxes, government deficits and onerous regulation.

We've highlighted before that Calgary is an anomaly nationally. It is the only city across the country with a million or more people that is this far right. Every other centre in the country is more akin to Edmonton.

suburbia Apr 14, 2019 6:03 AM


When first announced, Kenney claimed the corporate tax cuts would boost Alberta’s economy by $12.7 billion and increase provincial revenues by $3 billion for a net $1.2 billion in 2023. That was magical thinking.

The UCP revised the platform to forecast more moderate growth, projecting the tax cuts would lead to $700 million in revenues, for a net revenue loss of over $1 billion annually in 2023.

After taking into account the negative economic impacts of Kenney’s planned cuts to government spending, Alberta’s economy would instead shrink as a result of the UCP fiscal plan, and government revenues would decline further than they expected. Economist Hugh Mackenzie estimates that the net impact of the UCP plan would be to reduce Alberta’s GDP by 2.5 per cent over four years. These estimates are more consistent with figures published by Finance Canada and by Statistics Canada.

Canada’s combined average federal-provincial corporate tax rate was cut from 42.9 per cent in 1998 to 26.8 per cent in 2018 -- a drop of 38 per cent over 20 years. This was supposed to boost business investment. Instead the rate of business investment has declined almost in lock-step with the lower tax rate, but even faster, by 45 per cent over the 20-year period.

Instead of investing, corporations have put the proceeds from these tax cuts and their higher profits into excess corporate surpluses, or “dead money” as former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney called them. As households have gone into ever higher debt, Canadian corporations have built up surpluses that now amount to over $500 billion, equivalent to over $15,000 per Canadian.

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office estimates that 75 per cent of corporate tax cut benefits go to capital owners and shareholders with 25 per cent going to labour. The U.S. Treasury assumes the share going to capital is higher, at 82 per cent, while other experts estimate that substantially all the benefits of corporate tax cuts go to the owners of capital with nothing going to labour.

Of the twelve most profitable corporations based in Alberta, ten are substantially owned by foreign shareholders. Among them are Suncor, Cenovus, Husky Energy and Imperial Oil.

Accordingly, a large share of the benefits of these corporate tax cuts would flow out of the province to foreign owners and shareholders, and do nothing to benefit the people of Alberta.
The experience we’ve had with corporate tax cuts in recent years and broadly accepted evidence about their impacts by U.S. and Canadian government agencies demonstrates that the large corporate tax cuts Kenney is promising would have very small positive economic impacts, if any at all.

Instead, a large share of these billions in tax cuts would flow out of Alberta to the foreign owners of the province’s large resource companies, at the great expense of ordinary Albertans.

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