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Jaws Oct 6, 2020 4:48 PM


Originally Posted by christopherj (Post 9064220)
Strathcona County only has one if active cases are over 'x' amount (I don't recall what it is). So day to day they do not.

It's 25 cases and was just triggered today.

CanadianCentaur Nov 20, 2020 6:21 PM

How long does one have to wait for test results after being swabbed for signs of the COVID-19 virus?

Does one have to wait in line to get testing done, even if the time and date is reserved in advance (required, actually!)? Of course, keep in mind that testing here in Alberta is currently available to those who have symptoms or recently so.

TheGreatestX Nov 20, 2020 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by CanadianCentaur (Post 9112301)
How long does one have to wait for test results after being swabbed for signs of the COVID-19 virus?

Does one have to wait in line to get testing done, even if the time and date is reserved in advance (required, actually!)? Of course, keep in mind that testing here in Alberta is currently available to those who have symptoms or recently so.

I went last Saturday as a close contact (no symptoms). Booked through AHS, given a 10:30 am slot at MacEwan's south campus but still stood in line for about 30 minutes. When I left, the line was out the door.

Received results by text at 3:30 am on Monday, so a little under 48 hours.

Landlocked Nov 23, 2020 8:22 PM


Originally Posted by CanadianCentaur (Post 9112301)
How long does one have to wait for test results after being swabbed for signs of the COVID-19 virus?

Does one have to wait in line to get testing done, even if the time and date is reserved in advance (required, actually!)? Of course, keep in mind that testing here in Alberta is currently available to those who have symptoms or recently so.

Used to be that you'd be alerted between 24 & 48 hours. I think there's a website you can use now where you can get results on your own.

Coldrsx Nov 25, 2020 12:05 AM

Here we go in AB - 3 weeks:

-Social gatherings - no indoor permitted, outdoor is 10
-Attendance wedding/funeral 10
-Peace Officers will deliver fines
-Places of worship - 1/3 of fire code with masking
-Effective Friday - temp closing in-person services - venues, conference centres
-All level of sport - exemptions possible
-Retail remain open, 25% of occupancy
-In-Person pubs, rest CAN continue - 1 household
-Appointment only - hair, wellness, hotels

Coldrsx Nov 25, 2020 12:52 AM

City of Edmonton responds to new provincial COVID-19 measures
November 24, 2020

The City of Edmonton appreciates the new measures announced by the province today. The situation we face with COVID-19 is serious. The virus is spreading faster in Edmonton and more widely than at any other point in the pandemic.

“I’ve long stressed that a regional approach is key to helping slow the spread of COVID-19 which is why I’m relieved to see the province announce these new measures today that I hope will help flatten the curve across our region,” said Mayor Don Iveson. “I empathize with Edmontonians who will, because of these additional restrictions, be required to make even more adjustments at a time when everyone’s lives have already been significantly disrupted. This will be difficult, but it is critical that we do our part to keep our families and communities safe. I thank Edmontonians in advance for adhering to these new public health measures — your efforts will make a significant difference in helping to stop the spread.”

The City is evaluating the Province’s new restrictions to determine exactly how they will affect our programs and services. The City will follow all of the Province’s new measures to ensure we do everything we can to protect Edmontonians from COVID-19.

Wash your hands, wear a face covering or mask, do not attend or hold gatherings and keep as physically distant as possible from those outside your household.

For more information:
Please check for more information on the new restrictions.

Updated information on City programs and services will be available on as soon as possible.

Media contact:
Kris Berezanski
Senior Communications Advisor
Communications and Engagement

kcantor Nov 25, 2020 5:18 AM

We apparently can't do today what we should because of "Charter Rights" but if the strange mixture of half measures aren't any more successful in three weeks in doing what the half measures have been unsuccessful at to date he will "have to" consider the lock-down that should have started today. Are there plans to repeal the Charter in the next three weeks that I'm unaware of that allow something in three weeks that aren't allowed today? The announced half measures stretch out past the middle of January whereas the lock-down that's really needed could start to be lifted in three weeks. Making province wide health decisions - or more accurately not making them - because of some strange set of apocryphal stories in food courts from immigrants from "socialist Venezuela" and from rural Alberta isn't appropriate public health policy, it's rationalization for government by misguided dogma.

And for anyone that thinks that because no one is happy this is a reasonable consensus, this isn't a bowl of porridge, it's a pandemic. And instead of a full measure that could be over in 2 - 3 weeks with more stringent measures, we will have another whole series of half measures spread out between now and the middle of January that won't be any more effective than the half measures that brought us to this point. Charter rights of jurisprudence? Bull Sh!t. No one has a charter right to yell fire in a crowded theatre and no one has a right to jeapardize the lives of their fellow citizens by engaging in behaviour that does exactly that. Citizens in every other province have the same "charter rights" as citizens in Alberta. "Even the WHO isn't recommending lock-downs as the first avenue" according to Kenney. Except that it isn't the first avenue for Alberta is it? We have had a whole series of avenues that have not been effective and have brought us to where we are - why would anyone think that more of the same will be any more productive. Why wait the three weeks or more at which time Kenney said he is going to consider a full lock-down if things don't get better. Does he somehow think those charter rights he's so protective of will somehow be different in three weeks? If they won't matter in three weeks they shouldn't be an excuse not to do what should be done now.

Rocket252 Nov 25, 2020 12:27 PM

Kenny’s comments about the charter are a bit of a head scratcher and were not needed in his presentation but I can see why he did it.
Will the Alberta governments latest restrictions work? Probably not.
Your seeing different approaches from different governments with different political ideologies in Canada and around the world trying to control the spread but the rates of infection are are still rising. And that is because of the fact individuals continue to engage in hi risk behaviour that is accelerating the spread of this virus which gets passed on to the most medically susceptible of our population. How do you change the mindset of people without resorting to further restrictions? It may not be possible.

s211 Nov 25, 2020 3:32 PM


Originally Posted by kcantor (Post 9116310)
We apparently can't do today what we should because of "Charter Rights" but if the strange mixture of half measures aren't any more successful in three weeks in doing what the half measures have been unsuccessful at to date he will "have to" consider the lock-down that should have started today. Are there plans to repeal the Charter in the next three weeks that I'm unaware of that allow something in three weeks that aren't allowed today? The announced half measures stretch out past the middle of January whereas the lock-down that's really needed could start to be lifted in three weeks. Making province wide health decisions - or more accurately not making them - because of some strange set of apocryphal stories in food courts from immigrants from "socialist Venezuela" and from rural Alberta isn't appropriate public health policy, it's rationalization for government by misguided dogma.

And for anyone that thinks that because no one is happy this is a reasonable consensus, this isn't a bowl of porridge, it's a pandemic. And instead of a full measure that could be over in 2 - 3 weeks with more stringent measures, we will have another whole series of half measures spread out between now and the middle of January that won't be any more effective than the half measures that brought us to this point. Charter rights of jurisprudence? Bull Sh!t. No one has a charter right to yell fire in a crowded theatre and no one has a right to jeapardize the lives of their fellow citizens by engaging in behaviour that does exactly that. Citizens in every other province have the same "charter rights" as citizens in Alberta. "Even the WHO isn't recommending lock-downs as the first avenue" according to Kenney. Except that it isn't the first avenue for Alberta is it? We have had a whole series of avenues that have not been effective and have brought us to where we are - why would anyone think that more of the same will be any more productive. Why wait the three weeks or more at which time Kenney said he is going to consider a full lock-down if things don't get better. Does he somehow think those charter rights he's so protective of will somehow be different in three weeks? If they won't matter in three weeks they shouldn't be an excuse not to do what should be done now.

There's always the notwithstanding clause. :cheers:

Coldrsx Nov 25, 2020 4:48 PM

Posted by Blackdog204 in the Canada section

Jason Kenney’s ‘balanced approach’ is a fast-track to failure

What we saw Tuesday was inaction posing as action, a quasi-libertarian Premier bending over backward to do nothing while pretending otherwise.

But Mr. Kenney’s true nature was revealed when he began prattling on about how he has resisted a lockdown because it would be an “unprecedented violation of constitutional rights.” He once again heralded the importance of “personal responsibility” while, at the same time, announcing rules that clearly suggest people don’t have to be very responsible.

Acting forcefully to protect citizens from the ravages of a global pandemic is not a violation of their rights. Quite the opposite.

Just hours before Mr. Kenney spoke, Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil announced the closing of all restaurants, fitness and recreational facilities, libraries, museums, casinos and more for at least two weeks.

Why? Because the province had a “surge” of 37 cases. Thirty-seven. Business owners actually demanded the lockdown, saying severe rules are the only way to retain consumer confidence.

Alberta recorded 1,115 coronavirus cases on Tuesday, along with 16 deaths. And that was the lowest rate in a while, because testing is way down. In recent days, Alberta has had more cases than Ontario, which has more than three times the population.

The testing system is overwhelmed. The contact tracing system has collapsed. Hospital beds, and all-important intensive care beds in particular, are filling up fast. There are dozens of outbreaks in hospitals and care homes and schools.

Alberta’s pandemic response was great for many months – the Premier was right to underline that fact. But the harsh reality today is that public health and hospitals alike are dangerously close to losing control of the situation.

Mr. Kenney said it himself: “If we don’t slow the ER and ICU admissions, it will threaten our health system.”

But then, in the next breath, he was back to talking about how it’s essential to keep businesses open.

Who knows what the public will make of this Jekyll and Hyde discourse? The between-the-line message seems to be: It’s business as usual.

Yes, the pandemic is a blow to the economy; yes, it’s taking a toll on our mental health; yes, there is a lot of collateral damage.

But if there’s one thing we have learned – or should have learned – is that all that will continue, along with the harm of COVID-19, unless you go all-in to slow the spread of the virus.

Mr. Kenney said the “balanced approach” he has chosen will ensure that the spread of the coronavirus is interrupted while allowing businesses to remain open. But you can’t have it both ways.

The evidence from around the world is crystal clear: This approach is a fast-track to failure. Not only will the virus continue to spread, but the economy won’t flourish because people will still be scared.

Quebec has been in lockdown for more than two months – with rules that are way more strict that what Alberta is imposing – and it’s barely able to keep its COVID-19 numbers static, never mind lower them.

Does anyone seriously believe Alberta will be able to do better by essentially doing nothing?

Albertans should brace themselves because they’re in for a world of hurt in the coming weeks.


Harrison Nov 25, 2020 5:49 PM

Everyone that voted in these fools should be ashamed of themselves.

s4.audios Nov 25, 2020 7:36 PM

Quite honestly the most pathetic speech I've heard from Kenney. His efforts to sympathize with Albertans were out of hand and felt so fake.

And yah these new restrictions will do nothing to help the spread of the virus, all the while prolonging our economic burdens.

Hard 3 week lockdown the earlier the better. If it does nothing to the numbers then it's evident that the spread is completely out of control and a whole new approach needs to be thought out.

Coldrsx Nov 25, 2020 11:09 PM

He seemed awkward and sluggish.

kcantor Nov 29, 2020 5:23 PM

Just thought I would be hopeful this morning and share what newspaper headlines look like when science and medicine alone determine how to respond to a pandemic. Anyone want to wager whose economy recovers stronger and faster?

Landlocked Nov 30, 2020 3:32 PM


Originally Posted by kcantor (Post 9119866)
Just thought I would be hopeful this morning and share what newspaper headlines look like when science and medicine alone determine how to respond to a pandemic. Anyone want to wager whose economy recovers stronger and faster?

There is a war on science and logic in North America, and the other side is too ignorant to understand what they are losing through winning.

Coldrsx Dec 8, 2020 5:50 PM

Sounds like the Mayor/Council are prepared to increase restrictions above and beyond potential new Provincial ones.

Expect more details today.

christopherj Dec 8, 2020 5:57 PM

They may not have to anyways. Kenney is speaking this afternoon at 4, sounds like the province will put some additional measures in place.

Coldrsx Dec 8, 2020 10:54 PM

Hearing Dec 15th for the next iteration, but Dec 11 or 12 for the COE...

Coldrsx Dec 8, 2020 11:38 PM

Alberta - Now
-Masks - all indoor places
-No outdoor gatherings

Dec 13 for 4 weeks

-15% for retail/malls
-Places of worship 15%
-Rest/bar/takeout - pickup only
-entertainment/casino/museums - closed
-indoor rec closed
-personal and wellness - closed
-hotels open, but anything within closed
-all AB employees now MUST/Legally work from home

Rocket252 Dec 9, 2020 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Coldrsx (Post 9128072)
Sounds like the Mayor/Council are prepared to increase restrictions above and beyond potential new Provincial ones.

Expect more details today.

Sounds like Iverson is moving up the weight category and wants to take on Kenny

New Provincial Liberal Leader perhaps?

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