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mello Sep 20, 2014 7:54 AM

Bush and SDCAL excellent news. This needs to be 500 feet and a Four Seasons Mixed use tower would be awesome. Downtown Miami has a tower with Four Seasons, Condos, and Office.

Question for you all, when we get a high quality (hopefully iconic) 500 footer at 7th and Market will Petco Park surpass PNC Park in Pittsburgh for the best skyline view from an MLB Ballpark? Think about it you will have the Sempra building front and Center then right behind it BOOM a 500 footer so close to center field with The Mark standing right next to it. Then you will have BallPark Village looming just over the first base side of the ballpark.

The only thing that will suck is the view to Symphony towers and the row of office towers along B and C street will get blocked by 7th and Market so you won't have the cool depth perception of looking out in the city that Petco has now.

spoonman Sep 20, 2014 5:57 PM


Originally Posted by bushman61988 (Post 6737214)
I spoke to one of the developers a few months ago from Douglas Wilson Companies and if I remember correctly they were proposing either one or two towers but one of at least 500 feet. I remember asking why they wouldn't just push the limit to go higher and he said that the height limit has a little bit to do with it, but also from a market perspective, buildings get more expensive the higher you go anyway. He said this is going to be a prominent building, but I would love to see the renderings.

Wow. One or two major towers at 7th & Market would take that entire area up a few more notches. There is little height in the immediate Gaslamp area due to the 12 story restrictions, but this project (just on block outside the restricted area) will change all of that.

Northparkwizard Sep 20, 2014 8:04 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 6737235)

Question for you all, when we get a high quality (hopefully iconic) 500 footer at 7th and Market will Petco Park surpass PNC Park in Pittsburgh for the best skyline view from an MLB Ballpark? Think about it you will have the Sempra building front and Center then right behind it BOOM a 500 footer so close to center field with The Mark standing right next to it. Then you will have BallPark Village looming just over the first base side of the ballpark.

I don't think so, PNC has that great yellow bridge, a river, and the downtown Pittsburgh skyline. If you like views it's sorta un-fuck-with-able. Also 9 of those buildings on display in Pittsburgh are over 500'. I also think that Dodgers Stadium has a great view of the San Gabriel Mountains on one side and DTLA on the other. PETCO is awesome but there's a reason it's nickname is, "Condo Canyon." If it faced the San Diego bay a little more I wouldn't argue but I don't think you can have home plate facing west due to the sunset.

mello Sep 20, 2014 9:48 PM

Spoonman you are right it is funny how 6th, 7th, and 8th Ave's going North from Market towards Broadway really don't have any tall towers. Those are such prime blocks but they have a lot of low rise and stuff and nothing tall what so ever.

NorthParkWiz: The thing with PNC park though is that the skyline is across the river. The unique thing with PETCO is its the only ballpark where you literally feel like you are surrounded by buildings. a 500 footer at 7th and Market will be so close to center field that it will give an amazing visual. Also look at all the other buildings right there with views in to Ballpark. It will have the Omni on one side and BallPark Village on the other.

Then don't forget right behind the Ballpark JMI is planning that giant hotel which will surely be 500 feet. So no other city can claim an effect like Petco. Pittsburgh is great but you feel like you are looking at the city not IN the city.

spoonman Sep 20, 2014 9:57 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 6737708)
Spoonman you are right it is funny how 6th, 7th, and 8th Ave's going North from Market towards Broadway really don't have any tall towers. Those are such prime blocks but they have a lot of low rise and stuff and nothing tall what so ever.

This is b/c the Gaslamp (the area from 4th to 6th between Broadway and Harbor) have a height restriction of 12 floors to preserve the historic feel.

Downtown is sort of a circle of towers around the Gaslamp. Major infill projects just outside the restricted area, like Sempra and 7th & Market, will change this.

spoonman Sep 20, 2014 9:59 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 6737708)

NorthParkWiz: The thing with PNC park though is that the skyline is across the river. The unique thing with PETCO is its the only ballpark where you literally feel like you are surrounded by buildings. a 500 footer at 7th and Market will be so close to center field that it will give an amazing visual. Also look at all the other buildings right there with views in to Ballpark. It will have the Omni on one side and BallPark Village on the other.

I somewhat agree. They are kind of apples and oranges. Being in the think of it VS a distant skyline view.

mello Sep 20, 2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 6737715)
This is b/c the Gaslamp (the area from 4th to 6th between Broadway and Harbor) have a height restriction of 12 floors to preserve the historic feel.

Downtown is sort of a circle of towers around the Gaslamp. Major infill projects just outside the restricted area, like Sempra and 7th & Market, will change this.

I'm not talking about the Gaslamp Spoon. I'm taking talking about 7th and E,F,G etc. Those blocks aren't under any height limit. So 6th avenue has a height limit too? What if a developer wants to on the Eastern half of a block on 6th Avenue fronting 7th is that OK? I'm a little confused as to where the height limit actually stops.

spoonman Sep 20, 2014 11:41 PM

I believe it is literally the area between 4th and 6th. So a building on the east side of 6th can be taller than a building on the west side of the street.

Here is the link to the regulations. It appears the height max is 60-75' from Broadway down to Island, and 125' from Island south to Harbor.

bushman61988 Sep 21, 2014 3:50 AM


Originally Posted by Northparkwizard (Post 6737628)

I couldn't agree more, nothing beats those PNC park views... the river, the bridge, the varied and unique skyline. AT&T Park has great bayviews, but I would say that the PETCO Park skyline view is #2 for skyline views and it would be much better w/ the 7th & Market and Sempra Bldg complete.

SDfan Sep 21, 2014 4:00 AM

I don't know if any of you are on twitter but I found this person linked to a streetsofsandiego tweet:

This person is either joking or a complete joke. Too freaking funny (or sad).

aerogt3 Sep 24, 2014 8:05 AM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 6737912)
I don't know if any of you are on twitter but I found this person linked to a streetsofsandiego tweet:

This person is either joking or a complete joke. Too freaking funny (or sad).

This seems like too much effort for a parody:


Northparkwizard Sep 24, 2014 8:42 PM

Lower East Village getting a indoor skydiving facility?

dtell04 Sep 24, 2014 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 6737912)
I don't know if any of you are on twitter but I found this person linked to a streetsofsandiego tweet:

This person is either joking or a complete joke. Too freaking funny (or sad).

Raise The Balloon is a Grassroots Organization formed for the purpose of raising our community’s awareness of planned future development and the City and County of San Diego’s desires to urbanize our neighborhoods.
-quote from their website

Translation: San Diego is growing, people want to live and work here, those people need a place to live, and WE DON'T LIKE IT.

There's plenty of room in not so desirable places......

eburress Sep 25, 2014 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by dtell04 (Post 6742107)
Raise The Balloon is a Grassroots Organization formed for the purpose of raising our community’s awareness of planned future development and the City and County of San Diego’s desires to urbanize our neighborhoods.
-quote from their website

Translation: San Diego is growing, people want to live and work here, those people need a place to live, and WE DON'T LIKE IT.

There's plenty of room in not so desirable places......

This is without a doubt the thing I dislike about San Diego. These people are the worst and the city is spineless. Grow a pair, San Diego.

aerogt3 Sep 25, 2014 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 6742313)
This is without a doubt the thing I dislike about San Diego. These people are the worst and the city is spineless. Grow a pair, San Diego.

The real problem is that young people don't vote. The property owners in Bayview vote, and the people who would move into the proposed condos don't. It's hard to blame the city, when they are essentially following their mandate.

San Francisco and other cities have the same problems. Most of SF is zoned for floor area ratio of 4 or 5, despite enormous demand for more housing. Why? Because people who own those homes vote, and they're not going to vote for an increase in the housing supply that keeps their home prices stable (vs. increasing absurdly.)

This is why, IMO, cities should not meddle in zoning except where safety is concerned.

eburress Sep 25, 2014 3:13 PM


Originally Posted by aerogt3 (Post 6742712)
The real problem is that young people don't vote. The property owners in Bayview vote, and the people who would move into the proposed condos don't. It's hard to blame the city, when they are essentially following their mandate.

San Francisco and other cities have the same problems. Most of SF is zoned for floor area ratio of 4 or 5, despite enormous demand for more housing. Why? Because people who own those homes vote, and they're not going to vote for an increase in the housing supply that keeps their home prices stable (vs. increasing absurdly.)

This is why, IMO, cities should not meddle in zoning except where safety is concerned.

You could be right about who/who isn't voting. Although my main issue is the mentality of so many of the people in SD, the problem with the "city" is that they cater to the people's short sighted, self-centered interests. This cowardly city gives the people what they want and not what they need.

Leo the Dog Sep 25, 2014 7:47 PM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 6742313)
This is without a doubt the thing I dislike about San Diego. These people are the worst and the city is spineless. Grow a pair, San Diego.

This exists in just about every single city. It could be much worse here.

Aero, property owners pay the most in taxes, whereas, young/renters do not. Property owners votes are taken more seriously by local politicians. They also tend to make donations, whereas transients do not because they're here one day, gone tomorrow.

nezbn22 Sep 25, 2014 8:22 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 6743458)
This exists in just about every single city. It could be much worse here.

Aero, property owners pay the most in taxes, whereas, young/renters do not. Property owners votes are taken more seriously by local politicians. They also tend to make donations, whereas transients do not because they're here one day, gone tomorrow.

Haha...while technically true, labeling renters with a word (transients) that's synonymous with the homeless might be a little strong. I see your point, though, and I don't disagree with it. But I'm sure there are some renters out there who would love to own property and stay here forever but just can't afford it.

SDCAL Sep 25, 2014 11:47 PM

Guys come on, the twitter feed SDFan posted is clearly a parody and pretty funny at that.

Yeah the "RAISE the balloon" group is real, but the twitter account (RISE the balloon) is an obvious parody of that group.

Look at the differences in logos from "" and the twitter account of "Maggie Edwards' RISE the balloon". (


SDfan Sep 26, 2014 12:05 AM



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