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JACKinBeantown Dec 13, 2010 3:45 PM

Anyone know the details of the white tower crane going up just east of the subway/bridge (next to the red crane at the bottom)?

pico44 Dec 13, 2010 8:08 PM

Looks like they might be installing 2 tower cranes

uakoops Dec 13, 2010 10:08 PM

Those are not tower cranes, they are shoring towers to support the East Truss which will hold up the subway box. They will eventually be removed once the supercolumns and truss are complete.

NYguy Dec 14, 2010 3:07 PM


Originally Posted by jamesinclair (Post 5090915)
Does the current design also include rooftop access?

I think seeing the holes from above is better than at level

The pavilion itself is meant to be more of a focal point for the museum than the memorial.

From an earlier version, a look at how it works...

Current view

BostonBuild Dec 14, 2010 3:54 PM


Originally Posted by jamesinclair (Post 5090915)
Does the current design also include rooftop access?

I think seeing the holes from above is better than at level

Probably not, but in the rendering NYguy posted, it seems like there may be a viewing area on the third floor of the pavilion, and if not, the observatory on the 102nd Floor of 1WTC will provide a great view from above!

fimiak Dec 14, 2010 4:06 PM

There are going to be some gnarly icicles on this site in the next few months. All sorts of cool images to be had next big snowstorm.

Obey Dec 14, 2010 10:04 PM

So the museum will be fully cladded by the next 9/11 but not opened?

Zensteeldude Dec 14, 2010 10:15 PM

:previous: Yes. The goal is to have the plaza level and pavilion finished visually by 9-11-11. They might actually have the pavilion interior finished by then but I doubt they will be able to open it all up to the public until spring 2012.

NYguy Dec 15, 2010 3:03 AM


JSsocal Dec 15, 2010 4:38 AM

^^^Nice capture, right as they're removing one of the giant lobby columns of 130 Liberty.

NYguy Dec 16, 2010 4:19 AM

Closer shot


NYguy Dec 17, 2010 4:06 PM

NOVEMBER 16, 2010

westmc9th Dec 30, 2010 4:28 PM

Long overdue 3rd quarter report.

Things to look forward to in the 1st quarter for the memorial and hub

1st Quarter 2011

National September 11 Memorial & Museum

• Museum Design Complete (by NS11MM) Representing the final remaining design element, NS11MM will issue the final design documents necessary to construct the interior portion of the Museum. This design includes all elements necessary to begin construction of the Museum exhibits.

Museum Construction Begins
While core and shell work has already begun on the Museum, interior fit-out work will begin in the first quarter of 2011. This work will include the initial framing of interior partitions and MEP systems necessary to construct all rooms and exhibit areas.

• Substantial Completion of South Fountain
In the 1st quarter, workers will complete the installation of the final pieces of stone and metal weir, and begin preparations for the start-up and testing of the South Fountain in preparation for 9/11/11.

• Complete Installation of Two Sides of the Bronze Nameplates in the North Fountain
Installation of the Bronze Nameplates and their supporting structures will begin in early 2011. These plates, which will record the names of the victim’s of 9/11/01 and 2/26/93, will be etched and backlit from within the parapet housing. A glycol system will also be installed to keep temperature of the metal regulated at all times. The Port Authority has been coordinating with the 9/11 Memorial Foundation, who is closely overseeing this project.

• Installation of the Large Major Museum Artifacts in the Museum Area
This milestone represents the installation of large artifacts recovered after 9/11, including a FDNY Fire Engine, a NYPD Police Car and a taxicab. These artifacts follow the “Last Column” and “Vesey Street Staircase” (also known as the “Survivor’s Staircase”) which have already been placed within the Museum’s walls. Given their size, all of these artifacts must be placed before the Memorial Plaza is permanently closed given that they are too large to fit in the Museum’s freight elevators. The Memorial Foundation may wait until the 2nd Quarter to place some of these artifacts.

Begin Installation of Pavilion Curtain Wall
The glass and metal cladding, representing the “skin” of the Pavilion structure, will begin to be installed during this period. Once complete, it will allow interior finish work to begin in the Pavilion.

• Substantially Complete Fit-Out of East Spot Network
Providing power to the South Fountain, this element represents the last major electrical piece necessary to begin final testing of the South Fountain in advance of 9/11/11.

WTC Transportation Hub:

• Complete Metal Deck to D35 for PATH Hall Roof
Subsequent to the PATH Hall steel installation currently on going, the installation of the metal deck will be the precursor to placing concrete in that area. The concrete will serve a dual purpose, as it will be the roof of the PATH Hall and the floor of the Memorial Plaza.

• Complete Installation of Super Columns
The Massive Super Columns provide the main support for the steel girders that span the MTA’s #1 Subway Line in the underpass area. Once in place, the girder installation can continue ultimately ending in the transfer of the load of the subway box from the temporary minipiles to the permanent structure in the area.

• Pour Roof Slab for 9A Underpass 12
Located in the western portion of the site, the 9A underpass provides continuous pedestrian access from the Wintergarden of the World Financial Center to the World Trade Center Site under Route 9A (the Westside Highway). Once the roof installation is complete, the finish work can commence in the pedestrian walk way.

• Substantially Complete D15 Wall south of the PATH Hall Spanning almost the entire length of the World Trade Center Site, this critical wall running north-south provides structural support for the PATH Hall mezzanine and infrastructure for the construction of Greenwich Street.

• Begin Platform A Construction
PATH’s Platform A will be the first permanent platform for the new WTC Transportation Hub. As work continues, the temporary PATH station will be phased out as new, permanent platforms are built.

NYguy Dec 30, 2010 7:54 PM


Don098 Dec 30, 2010 11:59 PM

This is looking great! Wonderful progress and tons to look forward to...when are they going to begin work on Calatrava's transit hub (not Path work but the primary building between WTC2 and 3)?

CoolCzech Dec 31, 2010 4:19 PM


Originally Posted by NYguy (Post 5108956)

The new WTC is shaping up to be an absolute masterpiece. It's almost a shame that the memorial waterfalls have to take up so much of the park space the towers surround. I think it would have been better to keep the entire space a wooded park, perhaps with simple square lawns to mark the position of the old towers, in the tradition of Bryant Park - it would have been one of the truly great spaces of NYC. Why didn't they just save the hundreds of millions wasted on the waterfalls, and settled for naming the newest of of the world's greatest urban parks "Memorial Park" or something?

gardensoul Dec 31, 2010 5:20 PM

re: The Waterfalls
I respectfully disagree. I think the waterfalls are a brilliant way to commemorate the lives lost on 9/11 - poignant, powerful and evocative. They will be both a source of solace and a challenge to remember without bitterness.

CoolCzech Dec 31, 2010 6:06 PM


Originally Posted by gardensoul (Post 5110070)
I respectfully disagree. I think the waterfalls are a brilliant way to commemorate the lives lost on 9/11 - poignant, powerful and evocative. They will be both a source of solace and a challenge to remember without bitterness.

A decade on now, and we've got teenagers that cannot even remember 9/11, and think of it as ancient history not much different than Pearl Harbor. That's the way of history. How much emotion do all the Civil Memorials scattered throughout New England evoke today?

Think how much less meaning waterfalls in front of tall towers will have to young people a couple of more decades from now.

Charlie Potts Dec 31, 2010 6:41 PM

The new WTC is shaping up to be an absolute masterpiece. It's almost a shame that the memorial waterfalls have to take up so much of the park space the towers surround. I think it would have been better to keep the entire space a wooded park, perhaps with simple square lawns to mark the position of the old towers, in the tradition of Bryant Park - it would have been one of the truly great spaces of NYC. Why didn't they just save the hundreds of millions wasted on the waterfalls, and settled for naming the newest of of the world's greatest urban parks "Memorial Park" or something?

I'm glad someone else said this. The pools are starting to look like a gigantic overreaction to 9/11. Yes, it was horrible, but the memorial feels maudlin and self-pitying. Many other countries have memorialized far worse tragedies in more modest fashion.

gardensoul Dec 31, 2010 6:42 PM

waterfalls continued
You have some valid points, but again, I have to disagree. I believe that this memorial will inspire remembrance... something our culture needs (and that you have noticed too.) This is a very different kind of monument than a statue on hte courthouse lawn.

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