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SDfan Mar 4, 2014 1:15 AM

Anyone know anything about this?


Mixed-use Condo Project Planned on Bankers Hill Land Acquired for $5.3 Million

supertallchaser Mar 4, 2014 2:04 AM

i wish San Diego would take off its height restriction :/

tyleraf Mar 4, 2014 3:40 AM

I agree. I hope one day that we will get a supertall. Also, it's great that Bankers Hill will be getting some new condos. Hopefully it is a sign of more to come.

spoonman Mar 4, 2014 4:27 AM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 6477527)
Anyone know anything about this?

This was to be part of a two tower project. It was to contain a 13 story and 15 story tower. The tower in your post above is the 13 story tower, which looks to have been scaled down to 8. (I'm concluding that based only on the rendering) That said, it is still proposed to have the same number of units (45).

The second tower (15 floors, which is supposed to go in the St Paul's block) may still be developed. I do not know. According to St Paul's and other websites, there are to be 110 units total for the 2 towers. The 8/13 story tower is supposed to contain 45, which would allow for 65 in the 15 story tower. Given the limited space, I can't see them going much lower than 12 floors on the 2nd tower and still be able to squeeze in 65 units.

dales5050 Mar 4, 2014 5:27 PM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 6476371)
Hmmm...even though there are way fewer people living in DTLA. ok troll. LA Live is all you have and it is a manufactured environment.

My 2 cents on the issue.

DT San Diego is much much farther along than DT LA at the moment. More people. More things to do. More everything.

That said, I think DT LA is positioned better over the next 25-50 years to become a true Urban core. LA is much much farther along in regards to mass transit and I don't think San Diego will ever catch up. It's not locked like DT on all 4 sides. I also think LA has more historic buildings than San far.

Going to be interesting to watch both cities grow.

Nerv Mar 5, 2014 2:43 AM

Sorry to anyone who took my "organic" remark as some sort of pissing contest between city downtowns.

My family was in Los Angeles before San Diego. I have family in Los Angeles, OC, San Francisco and everywhere in between so there's no hating on my part to sister cities.

I lived in New York as well and been to all 50 of our states in the US and in many parts of Europe.

So when I say organic I'm talking about a natural home grown feel that you pick up on when you visit. Very urban, very natural. I don't know how else to put it into words. East coast in my opinion is much more rich in it than the west coast. New York or Boston or Philly or Chicago or whatever to me have a way more a natural organic feel in their downtowns. It's like a urban stew that's spent the last 100 years cooking.

I lived in Los Angeles and go there enough that even though there are some really great "organic" urban places in the city, LA Live just ain't one of them for me. It would be the same as me taking someone from out of town to Seaport Village in San Diego. I'm certainly not hating on it but I wouldn't really call it a organic kind of section of downtown.

Cities in creating really great spots should mostly just make efforts to get them started but let them grow out on their own. To much city control leads to the fake, tourist vibe for visitors. Cities should only step in when they are needed.

To me the jury is still out on downtown San Diego since it is still pretty young and has a lot of growth and maturity left to go in it.

My point is I'd rather San Diego try and mirror some of the better east coast downtowns or even use parts of San Francisco as good examples.

Love or hate (which I don't) downtown LA is anyone's choice but it's very fair to say that New York or San Francisco are far more famous downtowns than LA will ever have. If you're going to copy, copy from the best.

tyleraf Mar 5, 2014 6:49 AM

Good news for Lane Field! I can't wait to see this finally rise alongside the new courthouse and Pch and Broadway.

Nerv Mar 5, 2014 3:14 PM


Originally Posted by tyleraf (Post 6479512)
Good news for Lane Field! I can't wait to see this finally rise alongside the new courthouse and Pch and Broadway.

Wow. I saw this on 10 news and didn't even know it was the same project.

So it went from a 24 story project in that UT article to a tiny 4 story project we see a rendering of on the 10 news story and they are still fighting it? Lol

Let's just tear down the state and plant flowers everywhere....:D

Oops! After seeing who it was who opposes the project (unite here, a local union of hotel workers,etc.) I see they probably have their own interests which have nothing to do with being anti development or saving our bay front...

Dale Mar 5, 2014 3:58 PM


Originally Posted by tyleraf (Post 6479512)
Good news for Lane Field! I can't wait to see this finally rise alongside the new courthouse and Pch and Broadway.

Good God! When I first visited SD in 1989 there were active plans for Lane Field then.

Guess what else was a hot topic in 1989 ? You guessed it, building a new airport.

Crackertastik Mar 5, 2014 4:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dale (Post 6479819)
Good God! When I first visited SD in 1989 there were active plans for Lane Field then.

Guess what else was a hot topic in 1989 ? You guessed it, building a new airport.

Anyone know the status of the Navy Broadway Complex? Manchester still has rights? Was there litigation involved? I think the development of that site and the 2nd phase of Lane Field are two very important milestones for San Diego. Completing the rehab of the waterfront both built, and open space.

An update from someone in the know would be great. Thanks!

LosAngelesDreamin Mar 5, 2014 5:01 PM


Originally Posted by tyleraf (Post 6479512)
Good news for Lane Field! I can't wait to see this finally rise alongside the new courthouse and Pch and Broadway.

I dont think thats lane field. Lane field is proposed to be off broadway in front of the cruise ship terminal. This hotel project on harbor island isn't IN downtown at all.

Sorry that was supposed to be towards nerv

Nerv Mar 5, 2014 7:03 PM

Yeah, my bad. It was TWO different hotels that got the green flag. Harbor island and lane field.

It's still a joke over the fighting on a 4 story project though.

Adding to tyleraf's remark then great news something is finally going on lane field. I actually remember the Padres looking at it at one time for Petco's location (to small). Hopefully a better rendering comes to light than the one posted since it's kind of hard to get a feel for it right now.

TimCity2000 Mar 5, 2014 10:42 PM

just came back from a weekend in your fair city.

wow! completely blown away. had a great time (despite the rain). enjoyed seeing all the construction / renovation going on around town.

LA/OCman Mar 6, 2014 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 6476371)
Hmmm...even though there are way fewer people living in DTLA. ok troll. LA Live is all you have and it is a manufactured environment.

Having lived in LA and SD, I think you are wrong on your numbers. LA has more residents Downtown. The center of Downtown LA is approaching 55,000 and will hit over 61,000 in a couple of years. Downtown SD has 35,000.

The big difference is the number of people who work in Downtown LA…numbers around 400,000 plus vs. SD (75,000). I looked at buying in Downtown SD but I wanted a historic building for a loft (Mills Act benefits) and San Diego has very few of those so I bought in LA. Both Downtowns are doing amazing things. Since they are connected by rail, we should root for both to be very successful.

Bertrice Mar 6, 2014 12:13 AM

Some pics of the waterpark and nevp. as well as little italy
Palm trees going in

Bertrice Mar 6, 2014 12:16 AM

And the former China Camp
LI parking garage
Kettner exchange?

tyleraf Mar 6, 2014 12:21 AM

Thanks for the update Bertrice! The Embarcadero is finally starting to come together. I can't wait to make it down there to see it myself.

Erip Mar 6, 2014 4:20 AM

Aw, these photos aren't loading on my end? Anyone else have this issue or just me?

tyleraf Mar 6, 2014 6:05 AM

Yea they seem to be missing now.

Nerv Mar 6, 2014 8:38 AM


Originally Posted by LA/OCman (Post 6480593)
Having lived in LA and SD, I think you are wrong on your numbers. LA has more residents Downtown. The center of Downtown LA is approaching 55,000 and will hit over 61,000 in a couple of years. Downtown SD has 35,000.

The big difference is the number of people who work in Downtown LA…numbers around 400,000 plus vs. SD (75,000). I looked at buying in Downtown SD but I wanted a historic building for a loft (Mills Act benefits) and San Diego has very few of those so I bought in LA. Both Downtowns are doing amazing things. Since they are connected by rail, we should root for both to be very successful.

I'm not sure about 2013 numbers since I haven't seen them released yet but the 2012 numbers had downtown Los Angeles just over 52,000 and downtown San Diego past 38,000. That link you provided is accurate but not exact with its "over 35,000" residents. So it was a bit closer in 2012 with a roughly 14,000 gap. I believe San Francisco is the city in California between the three (SD,LA,SF) that is moving faster with its population increases for now. Both San Diego and Los Angeles need to get closer to the 100,000 mark to get a noticeable population for a downtown. Neither city impresses me with numbers of people in its downtown district outside of narrow parts or during certain events.

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