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MichaelRyerson May 6, 2012 1:15 AM


Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5691016)
Still looking for car wash with Pig N Whistle in the background. One fascinating design "El Patio Auto" includes a turntable. Circa '29

Old school ca. '25. $1 open and $1.50 closed?

Arnold's Auto Laundry. Undated. 1141 East Anaheim, Long Beach.

I believe the 'open' and 'closed' refer to the body types, i.e. $1.00 for roadsters and phaetons, $1.50 for coupe's and sedans.

austlar1 May 6, 2012 3:48 AM


Originally Posted by Moxie (Post 5690841)
You've got me convinced to get it too. Question, though, can you really just wander through the game without playing? Won't someone shoot you sooner or later and spoil the fun??

And I'd like to second your thanks to the guys who've been driving this thread. I've been learning tons of interesting and valuable information every day when I visit, so I really, really appreciate it. :)

Just want to jump in with an LA Noir (the game) observation. It is very realistic, but a lot of it (or most of it) does not seem to be based on actual buildings or streetscapes. I guess that would have been almost impossible to recreate. I once lived in a craftsman bungalow on S. Ardmore between 3rd and Beverly. The first thing I tried to do while exploring LA Noir was to drive past my old home in my hijacked auto. Turns out that the street in the game is not at all like my recollection of S. Ardmore. Seems like once you get out of downtown or away from Hollywood Blvd, the environment is mostly imagined. Don't get me wrong, I could spend hours prowling about this imagined LA because it is so beautifully rendered, but I find myself wondering what is based on reality and what is imagined.

fhammon May 6, 2012 11:45 AM

As simpatico to this thread as LA Noire seems, I hope you all realize this is really a twisted game. (twisted humor)

"How to Annoy You Partner" Youtube:

BifRayRock May 6, 2012 3:22 PM


Originally Posted by MichaelRyerson (Post 5691458)
I believe the 'open' and 'closed' refer to the body types, i.e. $1.00 for roadsters and phaetons, $1.50 for coupe's and sedans.

I assumed as much; although contemporaneously, the banner is subject to a little interpretation. (Windows, businesses, eyes and more can all be open or closed.);) Besides, isn't there really only one question when taking your car to this particular establishment: "How wet would you prefer your interior, morning drizzle or unexpected monsoon?" There may be another reason to favor this establishment. Anyone make out the billboard for a "Bathing suit parade in Venice - with Female Judges?"

Regarding the LA Noir-game, I have only observed the stills posted here and a few shorts posted elsewhere on the net. It is visually stunning and clearly the stuff that dreams are made of. But does it capture the ethos of long traffic lines, vermin infestation (per above posts) and cars not made of rubber or polystyrene? :)

FWIW, here is a benign look at LA (light traffic and sunshine), that seems almost noir-less. It does cover many of the areas discussed in this forum, including downtown and Hollywood. Some of it may be from the mid-'50s, but end clips are '59 or later.

kanhawk May 6, 2012 4:51 PM

Storm drains along the Long Beach Pike-1929
1929-Storm Drains at the Long Beach Pike by ozfan22, on Flickr

kanhawk May 6, 2012 4:55 PM

Some old high schools. I know some of these have been covered before at different angles.

Dorsey High- 1939
3537 Farmdale Avenue
1939-Dorsey High School by ozfan22, on Flickr

Loyola High- 1957
1901 Venice Blvd
1957-Loyola High School by ozfan22, on Flickr

Jefferson High- 1939
1319 E 41st Street
1939-Jefferson High School by ozfan22, on Flickr

Hollywood High-1939
1521 N Highland Ave.
1939-Hollywood High School by ozfan22, on Flickr

ethereal_reality May 6, 2012 6:21 PM

:previous: Great views of the high schools.
I love Thomas Jefferson High's art deco architecture. I didn't know Hollywood High had that Sumerian looking frieze above the main entrance and that circular stand alone column. Does anyone have a close-up of either of these two unorthodox (for a school) features?

ethereal_reality May 6, 2012 6:26 PM


Originally Posted by fhammon (Post 5691699)
As simpatico to this thread as LA Noire seems, I hope you all realize this is really a twisted game. (twisted humor)

:previous: LOL, I didn't know you could 'wreck' havoc like that!

ethereal_reality May 6, 2012 6:49 PM

A view down Hollywood Boulevard showing a portion of the Iris Theater marquee (we discussed the Iris earlier in the week).

kznyc2k May 6, 2012 7:18 PM


Originally Posted by Moxie (Post 5690841)
You've got me convinced to get it too. Question, though, can you really just wander through the game without playing? Won't someone shoot you sooner or later and spoil the fun??

Good question considering it's made by the same people as all the Grand Theft Auto games. But unlike GTA, in this one you're a cop, which means it is your duty to uphold the law.....going on the offensive running over pedestrians and the like is strongly discouraged, and you can only use your gun when the game lets you (which is maybe 3% of the time). On the flipside, nobody will ever randomly come at're a cop, after all.


Originally Posted by alanlutz (Post 5691258)
OMG. Thanks to all you guys and this great forum I've been reading for the past two months, I went out last night to Fry's and bought my first ever PC Video Game, L.A. Noire. Now I have to beef up my RAM and Video card since I am not usually a gamer. It LOOKS great, though.


Originally Posted by alanlutz (Post 5691431)
Me too. Loving the game too. Can anyone advise me on how to get the great screen shots from the game? I thought I tried Print Screen but didn't work since it's in its own full-screen resolution.

Awesome -- expect many, many hours of cruising and solving cases ahead! Sorry but I don't know how to get direct screenshots; I've just been using my camera and pointing it at my TV.


Originally Posted by austlar1 (Post 5691567)
Just want to jump in with an LA Noir (the game) observation. It is very realistic, but a lot of it (or most of it) does not seem to be based on actual buildings or streetscapes. I guess that would have been almost impossible to recreate. I once lived in a craftsman bungalow on S. Ardmore between 3rd and Beverly. The first thing I tried to do while exploring LA Noir was to drive past my old home in my hijacked auto. Turns out that the street in the game is not at all like my recollection of S. Ardmore. Seems like once you get out of downtown or away from Hollywood Blvd, the environment is mostly imagined. Don't get me wrong, I could spend hours prowling about this imagined LA because it is so beautifully rendered, but I find myself wondering what is based on reality and what is imagined.

I agree with everything you say -- outside of the core areas, there's lots of interpreting and imagining going on.

Another observation: I find it interesting that they went for realism of the street grid over realism of the region, and by that I mean they accurately reproduced every street between Hollywood and Downtown, and that's all they did -- no beaches, no hills, no Valley, no South Central......the very first time I drove around and realized this I got pretty heated, no joke. I can only imagine these areas will be rendered in LA Noire 2 -- assuming there'll be one!

kznyc2k May 6, 2012 7:29 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5691274)
I am really liking the color noir shots.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Looking up Hope Street from the Library's tower:

MacArthur Park:

Inside the Egyptian Theatre:

The stained glass ceiling in the Hall of Records' rotunda:

And a couple more black and whites:

MichaelRyerson May 6, 2012 7:35 PM


Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5691778)
I assumed as much; although contemporaneously, the banner is subject to a little interpretation. (Windows, businesses, eyes and more can all be open or closed.);) Besides, isn't there really only one question when taking your car to this particular establishment: "How wet would you prefer your interior, morning drizzle or unexpected monsoon?" There may be another reason to favor this establishment. Anyone make out the billboard for a "Bathing suit parade in Venice - with Female Judges?"

Regarding the LA Noir-game, I have only observed the stills posted here and a few shorts posted elsewhere on the net. It is visually stunning and clearly the stuff that dreams are made of. But does it capture the ethos of long traffic lines, vermin infestation (per above posts) and cars not made of rubber or polystyrene? :)

FWIW, here is a benign look at LA (light traffic and sunshine), that seems almost noir-less. It does cover many of the areas discussed in this forum, including downtown and Hollywood. Some of it may be from the mid-'50s, but end clips are '59 or later.

Duh. Sorry. I'm a little dense sometimes. As to the wet interiors, I'm guessing this particular car wash was not yet equipped with overhead sprinklers and was still using a handheld garden hose. Not as efficient perhaps but more controllable.

BifRayRock May 6, 2012 8:55 PM


Originally Posted by MichaelRyerson (Post 5691926)
Duh. Sorry. I'm a little dense sometimes. As to the wet interiors, I'm guessing this particular car wash was not yet equipped with overhead sprinklers and was still using a handheld garden hose. Not as efficient perhaps but more controllable.

Please, no sorry necessary at all! I'll wager I can beat you hands down at cranial density.

I had someone peering over my shoulder who suggested (lightheartedly) that maybe the proprietor's advertising refers to a price increase after-hours? But the longer I look at the picture I am not even sure where the washing takes place, the dirt lot in the foreground, behind the stool, where high tech involves the use of two pails? ( I think I just talked myself into making the longer trip to Arnold's Auto Laundry in Anaheim.) :yes:

For what its worth, according to the reference source LAPL, the subject parking lot/car wash was located at Western and 11th Street, ca. '25. Expect there was a Goodyear tire store nearby, but of course that could have been just a building broadside (upper right hand corner).

Thank you and others for their kind indulgence when reading my comments.

Mark L May 6, 2012 9:49 PM

documentary on movies depicting Los Angeles

not sure if this has been mentioned.
12-parter on youtube. from '03. good stuff
(altho the unemphatic voiceover can make you sleepy)

alanlutz May 7, 2012 2:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mark L (Post 5692017)

not sure if this has been mentioned.
12-parter on youtube. from '03. good stuff
(altho the unemphatic voiceover can make you sleepy)

Thanks for that great tip on Youtube, Mark. Of course I did fall asleep listening to this guy, sort of, but the movies and scenes he covers of L.A. Noir are great. I'm still watching.Now on episode 6 of 12 or however many there are.

fhammon May 7, 2012 3:31 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5691893)
:previous: LOL, I didn't know you could 'wreck' havoc like that! want to buy it now?
Truthfully, It will never even come close to competing with this tread. IMO
Not it''s intention, I'm sure.
This thread rules. Somebody should notify the Library of Congress.
I'm serious and grateful.

MichaelRyerson May 7, 2012 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5680641)
Welcome to the thread BifRayRock!
I've really enjoyed your posts these last two days (actually I was out of town so I just now finished viewing them in one fell swoop). You posted some truly amazing photographs and many interesting facts. Thank you for sharing them.

Back at you!

You folks have done a tremendous job. Only wish there was a simple means of categorizing some of these pics and discussions for easy reference.

One observation which others may have made, is the virtual absence of graffiti? It must have occurred. Fraternities and kids and mischief makers didn't disappear during the depths of the depression. Or were people generally more respectful, despite well known hardships. Were the negatives destroyed, or was paint/spray paint in short supply?

One can only imagine what would happen to a canvas like this today:,s:47,i:283

Nice to see Robert Ryan, Barbara bel Geddes and James Mason brimming with youth but always great to see the underappreciated Richard Erdman even when he's mugging for the camera.

Engineeral May 7, 2012 2:20 PM

More music for the thread
Alan Parsons Project - noir video - Don't Answer Me:

Randy Newman: I Love L.A.:

Chuckaluck May 7, 2012 6:17 PM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5461146)
And let's not forget Howard Hughes crashing into Beverly Hills in 1946: Imports

Full story here:

Is it ever really the FULL story? The XF-11 struck 803 N Linden and 805 N. Linden (home of Rosemary DeCamp) - - down the street from Mr. Siegel's pad at 810 N Linden.


Can it be that no one has covered "7000 Romaine Street?" http://federicodecalifornia.files.wo.../picture-3.png

And down the street at 6900 Romaine? Auricon cameras.

Not far from Lillian way and Eleanor Avenue? Metro Studios, Chaplin and Keaton locations?

http://silentlocations.files.wordpre...aton-down1.jpg http://silentlocations.files.wordpre...aton-down1.jpg

But I digress.

BifRayRock May 7, 2012 6:58 PM


Originally Posted by BifRayRock (Post 5680721)
Nice to see Robert Ryan, Barbara bel Geddes and James Mason brimming with youth but always great to see the underappreciated Richard Erdman even when he's mugging for the camera.

Maybe Mr. Erdman was pondering the value of a Silicone Polish Job?

Muller Bros. Car Wash, Hollywood '51
Three million washes (but who's counting?) Sure, feel free to put a chain on my bumper?

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